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    触摸一体机行业全套解决方案 触摸一体机对于普通人来说,已经不是陌生的东西。触摸一体机对于很多 商业运作来说帮助很多商家都赚到钱了。触摸一体机本身只是一个带触摸带电 脑的电视机加上一个多变的外壳。那它为什么能帮助商业解决问题。这个是今 天要讲的话题。 触摸一体机行业厂家分布分为三大类。 第一大类:拥有商业全套解决方案的 典型代表知名企业触派电子。据了解触派电子在房地产,商业连锁店,商 场有一套体验式营销的解决方案。也帮助很多客户实现了他们的销售额倍增。 第二大类:拥有教学全套解决方案的 典型代表有创维,长虹、视睿,创显等等这些大企业。他们在中学大学都 有一套好的教学方案。也让很多老师学生收益。触派电子也涉及教学,但是注 重在幼儿园教学。 第三大类:拥有传媒广告全套解决方案的 典型代表是分众传媒。在各个楼宇电梯,飞机场、商场、火车站、汽车站 等等都能看到分众传媒广告的身影。 对于教学应用解决方案和广告传媒解决方案这里不做过多的讲解。对商业 全套解决方案不管是行业客户还是不是行业客户都有非常大的价值。 知名企业触派电子在商业开发出各个行业应用的解决方案。也是我最看重 的。商业价值非常大。能帮助到各个行业的销售倍增。 商业连锁店解决方案: 客户可以在触摸一体机机子上,自己用手指轻轻一触,就可以三维角度放大缩 小查看产品介绍,查看企业的故事。核心可以展示连锁店自己的大量案例,可 以直接在线下单。 起到人和产品拥有身临其境的交互,真正体验出产品的功能和价值感。 展示出连锁店产品一流,展示出连锁店服务一流。 商场全套解决方案: 一、地图展示功能 1:实现本商场横向及纵向,负一至四层楼的地图展示功能;采用3D 模型模拟 技术 ;标注导购机所在位置;可两点触控放大与缩小;要求形式形象易懂; 2:图上标有每个品牌的名称或者logo ,并同时显示“怎么走?”链接;在用 手指点击相应品牌的时候会弹出该品牌的相关说明。(包括LOGO、位置、品 牌说明、品牌店的形象图片等) 3:系统后台自带地图编辑功能,操作人员在后续店铺形状格局等需要调整的情 况下可通过地图编辑器进行自行编辑,操作简单。 二、智能路线指引 1:顾客输入目标品牌后,能展示顾客从导购机所在位置到目标位置的路线指 引,图形化动态显示;可跨楼层指引,比如:如果在一楼搜索到四楼的商铺, 需要先指引到坡梯或直梯,然后再指引到商铺; 2:可以让顾客迅速找到洗手间、客服中心、坡梯直梯等商场服务设施;并将搜 索出来的示图突显出来; 3:停车位寻车,在系统中输入停车位编号,即可显示从导购机所在位置到停车 位的路线指引;(前提:停车位编号需要唯一标识停车位,可标识楼层与停车 位位置,并且需要宣导,车主停车后需要拍照或记录下车位编号); 4:最优线路自动识别功能:当选择目的地后,系统自动后台计算选择最佳行进 路线。 三、品牌导航功能 说明:根据一定的规则(可按品牌首字母,楼层,业态等)列出所有品牌 logo 图标列表清单 , 顾客能通过清单查到自己需要的品牌;也可以支持顾客模 糊输入品牌名称(支持中英文输入),查到相应的品牌信息;点击后链接到地 图中商铺所在的位置及品牌介绍等。 四、品牌广告宣传功能 有特定的分区或者功能用来播放公司以及品牌的宣传广告片等内容,支持图片 以及视频等媒体格式。 五、商场资讯信息发布与展示功能 每周促销信息发布,每周电影信息(视频)发布,当季流行服饰发布,商场活 动信息发布(包括活动的预告),需要有良好的互动动态效果展示。内容上仅 显示当期内容,历史内容可不在前端显示,但需要在服务器端管理界面内可查 询,并可通过后台管理界面定期更新,支持图片以及视频等媒体格式。 六、会员自助服务功能 电子导购软件包含会员自助服务功能,在终端上可实现会员积分的查询,以 及积分的使用(做成可通过后台设置的界面,按所要求的积分使用规则,比如 兑换礼品),可通过接口程序实现积分数据的增加或者减少。 七、优惠券打印功能 1:优惠券标识上可显示计数,比如:某段时间只发放200 张优惠券,每个终 端均可打印,但每打印一张,计数就要减1,并同步显示到每个终端优惠券 上,直到计数为 0,停止打印; 2:打印出来的优惠券,需要设置编号,并设置防伪标记编码或条形码; 3:优惠券可通过后台管理页面进行编辑。 八、系统后台集中发布和更新功能 说明: 1:项目上线之后,经过培训的人员可以定期自行通过后台管理界面更换品牌的 内容介绍以及相关图片或视频; 2:如果遇到公司进行周期性商铺铺位或品牌调整后,我司能自行更新调整3D 电子地图,以及相应的品牌的更换; 3:系统终端设备后台程序应具有顾客访问数量统计功能,点击或查询品牌排名 等使用效果评估手段。 九、软件操作要求 1:触控点击后,打开页面响应时间应小于2 秒;如果遇到加载环节,应提示 进度,打开页面响应总时间小于5 秒(注意终端硬件的合理配置); 2:操作过程中,无错误界面(包括版式位置、链接、程序错误等);如遇到出 错信息,应该具有人性化的提醒警示框; 3:系统需要支持将要求的信息(可能是文字或是截取的图片、地图等)通过短 信和彩信发送到顾客手机。 装修行业: 对于装修,很多用户看不到自己想要装修的效果。但是有了触派电子的三维软 件。自己可以在机子上轻触,点击各个部件可以呈现一套非常完美的装修效 果。真正的三维一体。 地板行业全套解决方案: 对于地板,很多用户选择了地板不知道效果怎么样。通过触派电子的三维软件 在机子上轻触自己想要的地板,立马将整个房间铺满地板,立马看到效果。立 体,三维一体。 婚纱摄影全套解决方案: 通过触摸一体机机子,结合触派研发的软件,可以将你带入各个美丽的景点, 身临其境。而且当场可以换上自己想要的衣服,感觉真实美。 房地产行业全套解决方案: 购房者可以在触摸一体机机子上,看到在售的房子每个细节。用手指轻触可以 体验每一块空间。给人的感觉就是在房子里面,身临其境。给房地产的节约非 常大的开支。 不管什么行业,都要有自己的独特的解决方案。而且能有效的帮助客户带来价 值。给客户带来便捷、方面、简单,安全。综合来说如果看重商业全套解决方 案的话触派 电子是一家不错的企业。 、 英文全译; The voice just fell, killing more than China, guard in this group of trained Lack people before, is cannot withstand a single Low, don't for a moment, then he There is not much left, just a few hundred people with in floor jade side, and war and retreat The Mu dust and Xiao Yi a man on horseback, a display light achievement, has e to the cliff edge of the vast mountains, followed by thirty men in Lack “Why -“ the Mu dust reined up, unaware that hidden in the shadows of the Xiao Yi, just back toward the Lack dress person, uiet and Enron, a red moon splendor as fairies, posture and “Jade hook princess, in front of he no way out, or go with us“ Led by the Lack dress person speaks, watching a red woman married yarn, the tone has not the slightest resistance “Say so, you e to me?“ Dust the horse back, looking at the crowd of a dense mass of people, with a sneer “The princess don't ask so much, if you don't want to lost their lives in vain, or e with us“ The man in Lack leader said, wed, “to people, take the princess left“ “Want to go with me, but also to see you he that ability -“ Dust sneer, touch toes, from immediately jumped up, Pianfei on, the hands flick, the moonlight silver suffused with Lue light, such as dense rain toward Lack people shot past Lack people do not prevent the Mu dust will be caught off guard under the martial arts, strokes, fell instantly seven or eight people, the rest of the people see, looking at to bathe the dust, in the eyes of many a careful and take precautions against “Together, God manded, live or dead!“ The leader said, then once again attack went up, a crowd of people gathered round the dust, kill without hesitation Clean the dust of longitudinal fighting skill is again high, also arrive but Wenty master the spate of attacks, the other half in the wreck after the hand, she began to feel tired, some struggling to cope with The end is not your body, even fighting skill also had not reached its peak! The dust in the dark sigh, if the old Ye fashion, where he these people shouting in front of her? Don't say Wo or three people, just one more times, she would never fear But now This jade hook the princess body exactly still too weak to toss, plus a few days ago, she is not at all these people opponent, this thought can not exposed to martial arts, will these people elsewhere and pick up a meal, look now, she still has some support big The Mu dust stood side back, want to lee the other side of the ring of encirclement, but gradually forced to cliff edge, away from the abyss below is just a few steps away Suddenly, the man in Lack leaders hands cold Sheng, Lade toward the Mu dust cut down, no mercy, Mu dust staggered backward, foot propped on the edge of a cliff, then whirled, survived the ing of a knife, but never to dodge the next to e unexpectedly second knife But at this time, Xiao Yi from the darkness slipped out, throw the scabbard, hit the man in Lack's wrist, sed the Mu dust life The Mu dust to meet people, eyes shimmer, she knew that she had exposed the martial arts, but in order to protect life, but she didn't say what, by Xiao Yi the appearance, that moment dispersed Lack eyes, galloped out, across the Lack man's head, fall in a few feet away from the cliff edge With the help of Xiao Yi, the situation suddenly reversed, the rest of the man in Lack was Xiao Yi the sword's, but several mon night Looming cereus micro turning moment, all Lack people all fell to the ground, no one The Mu dust at the moonlight sword wielding man, slightly stunned, these Lack people is obviously after special training, but he shot but no one alive, his martial arts “Jade hook princess, good skill“ A faint Sile on one's face looking at Xiao Yi Mu dust, flashing a Harmonia, fleeting “Yat King highness is para Le to, or even higher“ The Mu dust sneer, in China ten years and this skill, Xiao Yi was not simple Book ting from 17K novel nets, first time to see the original content! The Mu dust on the body red enchanting and dazzling, but I do not know is because of the moonlight, or because of Lood “Princess, now Lack people dead, I do not know how the general building over there“ Said Xiao Yi, looking at the Mu dust, “we're going to he a look“ “Yat King highness, go? Know, there is a word called offense, there is a word called hiding?“ The Mu dust Siled, go to the cliff edge, kicked a corpse to kick under the cliff, spoke again, “I think, Yat King highness don't want this behind the scenes people aware of what?“ “It was the princess thoughtful“ Xiao Yi Siled, wed again sword, the corpse on the ground to pick up, learn to the Mu dust of appearance, threw down the cliff However, standing in the Wo individual cliff edge are never notice, originally should be mad men in Lack leader suddenly opened his eyes, eyes suddenly flashed, sprang up from the ground, palms toward launch, dust and Xiao Yi hit Xiao Yi the turn, will be dust from the behind, and the man in Lack on the palm of the hand, but in the promotion of palm force back a few steps, inadvertently will be behind the dust into the cliff “Jade hook princess -“ Xiao Yi the aphonia fish He didn't think the internal force of this Lack dress person so profound, tled hand, pull down the Mu dust, but not anti behind was that Lack people Low, even him, also be to lay a cliff “Princess -“ but at this time, Lou jade arrived, just in time to see the Mu dust and Xiao Yi the fall that scene cliff, could not help but shudder Men in Lack leaders see also fall down Wo, and turned to look at building jade and behind him hundreds of guards, thought for a while, finally with the Mu dust and Xiao Yi the footsteps, leap He told Xiao Yi the war time, the badly wounded, just desperate Low had let him he no battL S may, if the and floor cherish jade and hundreds of on guard, he would die, if this jump, ability with before, he might still survive “Floor general, the princess and the prince Yi also fell off a cliff, what do we do now?“ Standing on the floor to cherish jade side asked a guard “I know one leading to a cliff at the end of the road, you e with me“ Building jade saw a vision of the bare cliff top, cold voice manded, and turned to walk to go in another direction


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