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    Starter Units 13 过关测试 限时: 60 分钟满分: 100 分 题号五六七八总分 得分 一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍(注意字母的大小写)(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1_ H _ 2_ K _ 3_ Q _ 4_ V _ 5_ x _ 6_ g _ 7_ j _ 8_ m _ 9_ r _ 10_ s _ 二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 11下列哪组字母的小写都占下两格?_ AGPY BAUZ CFQV DFJK 12下列字母中含有与H 相同音素的是_。 AJ B L CQ DR 13Good morning, Frank! _! AI'm not good, Alice BHello, Frank CBye, Alice DGood morning, Alice 14下午遇到老师,应该怎么样打招呼?_ AHow old are you? BGood morning! CGood afternoon! DGood night! 15I _ Bob.What _ this in English? Aam; am Bis; is Cam; is Dare; are 16I have _ orange._ orange is yellow. Aa; The Ban; The Cthe; An Dan; An 17What color is the key? _. AIt's a key BIt's a yellow CIt's yellow DIt's a black 18当对方帮了你的忙后,你应该说“ _ ”。 AOK. BI am OK. CHow are you? DThanks! 19How are you? _ AFine, thanks. BHow are you? CHow do you do? DNice to meet you. 20Spell it, please._. AM-a-p BM-A-P Cm-a-P DM-A-p 21What's that _ English ? Aon BOK Cin Dto 22Lucy and Lily_ students. Aare Bis Cam D be 23How do you do? _ AHow do you do? BHow are you? CI'm OK. DI'm fine. 24_ do you spell “ ruler”? RULER. AWhat BHow CWhy DWhen 25Is this your cup ?_. AYes, this is BNo, it isn't CYes, it's DNo, this isn't 三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) _ 26 morning, boys and girls! I _27 Lucy.I am _28 English girl.I study( 学 习 )in China now.I have _ 29 friends here.They are all very nice.My _ 30 are good, too. I like _ 31and my room is purple, too.A purple bear( 熊)is on my _ 32.I often talk with it on the bed.My clothes are purple, too. What's _ 33 over there( 那边 )?It's my _34.What _35 is it? Can you guess(猜)? 26A.Good B Nice CThis DHello 27A.is Bam Care Dbe 28A.a Ban C/ Dthe 29A.many B much Clot of Da lots of 30A.friends Bteachers Cteacher Dfriend 31A.purple Bbrown Cblack Dpink 32A.table Bbed Cdesk Dchair 33A.this Bthat Cit Dthose 34A.jackets Bbike Ccups D books 35A.that Bcolor Ccolorful Dthis 四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) A Good morning.I'm Dale.This is a jacket.It's a nice jacket.What color is it? It's red and white.And what's this in English? It's a pen.It is a black pen.This is a quilt.It's yellow. 36I'm _. AEric BCindy CDale DFrank 37The jacket is _. Ared B white Cred and black Dred and white 38The quilt is _. Ayellow B white Cred Dgreen 39The pen is _. Anice Bblack Cwhite Dgreen 40文章中提到几种颜色?_种。 A2 B3 C4 D1 B Hi! I am Grace.Look! This is my schoolbag.It's black and red.My pens, my ruler and my books are in it.My pens are blue.My ruler is yellow and white.My books are purple and brown.Look! What's this? It's a map.It's red, blue, yellow and green. 41My schoolbag is_. Ared and yellow Bpurple and brown Cblack and red Dblack and white 42What's in the schoolbag? ABooks. BPens and a ruler. COranges and keys. DBooks, pens and a ruler. 43The ruler is _. Awhite Bblue and white Cyellow and white Dblack 44I have _pens. Ablue Byellow Cred and green Dbrown 45_are purple and brown. ARulers BBooks CPens DMaps 五、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词 )(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 46 这是什么? 它是一件夹克衫。 _ this? It's a _. 47埃里克,你爸爸身体好吗? How _ your father , Eric? 48请你用英语拼写它。 _ it in English, _. 49 你的被子是什么颜色? 紫色。 _ _is your _ ? It's _. 50这辆自行车是黑色的。 _ _ is _. 六、根据图片或提示完成对话(一空一词 )(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) A:Hello, Eric.What's this in English? B:Hello, Frank._ 51 a UFO. A:What_ 52 is it? B: It's_ 53(绿色的 ) A:What's that_ 54 English, Eric? B: It's a_ 55. A:_ 56 it, please. B: _ 57. A:Thanks. B:Oh, the ruler is_ 58. A:Yes,_ 59brown. B: _ 60 color is your( 你的 )ruler? A: My ruler is green. 七、将下列单词组成句子(注意首字母的写法及标点符号)(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 61your, how, are, teachers _? 62is, in, what, English, that _? 63am, thanks, I, fine _. 64they, colors, are, what _? 65jacket, the, is, black _. 八、根据以下提示用英语写一段对话(15 分) 假如你是 Frank, 早上你遇见了Bob, 你们互相问好, 然后你问 Bob 手上拿的东西(地 图)用英文怎么说,以及如何拼写。他告诉了你,你感谢他。 Frank:(66)_ _ Bob: (67)_ _ Frank:(68)_ _ Bob: (69)_ _ Frank:(70)_ _ Bob: (71)_ _ Frank:(72)_ _ Starter Units 13 过关测试 一、 1.G;I 2.J;L 3.P;R 4.U;W 5.w; y 6f;h 7.i;k 8.l;n 9.q;s 10.r;t 二、 1115 AADCC 1620 BCDAB 2125 CAABB 三、 2630 ABBAB 3135 ABBBB 四、 A 3640 CDABC B 4145 CDCAB 五、 46.What's; jacket 47.is 48.Spell;please 49What color ;quilt ;purple 50The bike;black 六、 51.It's 52.color 53.green54.in 55.ruler 56Spell 57.RULER 58brown 59.it's 60.What 七、 61.How are your teachers 62What is that in English 63I am fine, thanks 64What colors are they 65The jacket is black 八、 66.Good morning, Bob! 67Good morning, Frank! 68What's this in English? 69It's a map. 70Spell it, please! 71MAP. 72.Thanks.


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