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    2020学年人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2 English around the_world 单词冲关及答案.doc

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    2020学年人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2 English around the_world 单词冲关及答案.doc

    2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 2English_around_the_world1The more people you know, the less time you have to see them.2Your spoken Chinese is so good that some of my friends think that you were a native Chinese speaker.3What makes the building most wonderful is that the materials of the building can be recycled when it needs rebuilding or redesigning.4As far as I'm concerned,these traditional festivals should be remembered for ever not only by our generation but also by our children.5In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.1你认识的人越多,你见他们的时间就越少。2你的汉语口语非常好以至于我的朋友认为你是一位土生土长的中国人。3让这个建筑奇特的是当需要重建或再设计时,建筑材料可以回收利用。4我认为,这些传统的节日不仅我们这一代要记住而且我们的孩子也要记住。5在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活得时间更长成为可能。.高频单词必记 一、考纲词汇识记1repeat vt.& vi. 重做;重复;复述n. 重复;反复2native adj. 本国的;本地的n. 本地人;本国人3total n. 总数;合计adj. 总的;全部的;整个的4situation n. 情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置5international adj. 国际的;世界的6exchange vt.& n. 交换;交流;兑换7service n. 服务;服务性工作8signal n. 信号9publish vt. 发表;出版;公布10president n. 总统;校长;行长;会长11replace vt. 替换12broad adj.宽的broaden vt.使变宽;扩展13majority n多数;大半minority(反义词) n少数14equal adj.相等的;胜任的 vt.等于;比得上equality n平等equally adv.平等地;同样地来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K15compare vt.比较comparison n比较,对照二、高频词汇活用(一)一言辨异16As is known to us,the telephone is a good means of _. That is to say,we can _ with others by telephone.(communicate)答案:communication;communicate(二)用pronounce及其派生词的适当形式填空17(1)She was _ dead on arrival at the hospital.(2)We all thought that Mary's _ was the best.答案:(1)pronounced(2)pronunciation.重点短语必背 1make_oneself_at_home别客气2in_total 总共3except_for 除了之外4(have)a_good_knowledge_of 精通,熟悉5stay_up 不睡;熬夜6come_about 发生7end_up_with 以告终8bring_in 引进,引来来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K9a_great_many 许许多多;极多10communicate_with 与交流11more_or_less 或多或少12have_(no)_difficulty/trouble_in_doing_sth. 做某事有(没有)困难.经典句型必会 1What is it that Joe can't find in the bathroom?乔在浴室中找不到的东西是什么?解读:What is it that .是强调句型的特殊疑问句形式。仿写:你能告诉我到底是什么事使他那么伤心吗?Can you tell me _ made him so upset?答案:what it was that2With so many people communicating in English every day,it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.有这么多的人每天用英语交流,精通英语将会变得越来越重要。解读:“with宾语v.­ing”常在句中作状语,表示伴随情况或方式。仿写:这么多人看着她,她感到非常紧张。She felt very nervous _.答案:with so many people looking at her3For a long time the language in America stayed the same,while the language in England changed.很长一段时间美国语言没变化,然而英国语言有了变化。解读:while表示转折,意为“然而”。来源:学科网仿写:我们知道,通常女人们在家里做所有家务,而男人们则外出工作。We know usually women stay at home and do all the housework _ men go out to work.答案:while4However,most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.然而,绝大部分时间,这两个国家的人们彼此听懂对方的语言没有困难。解读:have difficulty (in) doing 做有困难。来源:学_科_网仿写:你永远想象不到我理解他说的话有多难。You can never imagine what difficulty I had _.答案:understanding what he said1majority n大多数,大半教材P10原句There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English.有42个以上的国家中的大多数人说英语。The majority are/is in favour of the plan at the meeting.在会议上大多数人赞成这项计划。a/the majority of 大多数的,大半的carry/gain the majority 赢得多数票in the majority 拥有多数;占多数by/with a majority 以多数We live in a country where women are in_the_majority.我们居住的国家,妇女占大多数。Li Ming was chosen as our director by/with a majority.李明以多数票当选为我们的主任。提醒the majority单独使用作主语时,谓语动词用单复数均可;the/a majority ofn.作主语时,谓语动词常根据名词来确定其数的形式。The majority of students find_it_quite_hard to learn German.大多数学生认为学德语很难。2equal adj.相等的,胜任的 vt.比得上,胜任 n(地位等)同等的人或事物教材P10原句An equal number of people learn English as a second language.有同等数量的人把英语作为第二语言学习。Boys and girls are equal,and thus they should be treated fairly.男孩、女孩是平等的,因此应公平地对待他们。(1)be equal to 等于,与相同;胜任be equal to (doing) sth. 胜任做某事(2)equal pay for equal work 同工同酬without equal 无人可比,无敌(3)equal sb. in sth. 在方面与某人匹敌He does not seem (to be) equal to meeting our demands.That's to say,he won't be_equal_to_doing the work.他似乎不太合乎我们的要求,也就是说,他不能胜任那项工作。Women demand equal pay for equal work.妇女们要求同工同酬。I equal the man in strength but not in intelligence.我和那个人力气相当,但智力有异。3exchange vt.& n交换;交流;兑换教材P11原句the activity of buying,selling or exchanging goods or services买卖、交换商品或服务的活动We'll have an opportunity to exchange our experience in learning English at the meeting.在会上,我们将有机会交流英语学习经验。(1)exchange sth.with sb.与某人交换/交流某物exchange A for B 把A换成Bexchange gifts/ideas/views 交换礼物/意见/观点(2)have/make an exchange of 交换in exchange for 交换If the course fails to provide complete satisfaction to you, you can easily exchange_it_for any other course that we offer. (2012·北京高考阅读A)如果你选学的课程不能让你完全满意,你可以随便换学我们所提供的任何其他课程。I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager.我与经理握了手,相互交谈了几句。He gave me some stamps in_exchange_for three old coins.他给我一些邮票,换三枚古币。4compare vt. 比较,对照;比喻,比作 vi.相比,匹敌教材P14原句Write a short passage in which you compare American and British English or dialects in Chinese. 写一篇短文,比较一下美国英语和英国英语的异同或汉语中的方言。(1)compare notes 交换意见compare .to . 与比较,把比作compare .with . 把与比较(2)compared to/with 和比较起来(在句中作状语)(3)comparison n 比较,对照;比喻;比较关系by comparison 比较起来;用比较方法in comparison with 和比较起来We met after the exam to compare notes on how well we had done.考试后我们聚在一起,谈了各自的考试情况。We often compare_children_to flowers of our country.我们常常把孩子比作祖国的花朵。Don't compare yourself with the models and actors in the media.不要拿自己与媒体上的模特和演员相比。Compared_to/with our small apartment,our uncle's house seemed like a palace.和我们的小公寓比起来,叔叔的房子就像宫殿一样。My shoes are small in comparison with my sister's.我的鞋子比我姐姐的要小。(2012·新课标全国卷)Film has a much shorter history, especially when _ such art forms as music and painting.Ahaving compared toBcomparing toCcompare to Dcompared to解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:电影的历史相当短,尤其是与像音乐和绘画这类艺术形式相比较时。主语film是compare这个动作的受动者,所以用过去分词表被动。答案:D5replace vt.替换,代替,取代;放回,置于原处教材P14原句Replace difficult words with simple ones.用简单词汇替换难的。He replaced the receiver and hurried out of the room.他放下电话听筒,急忙走出了房间。Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. 课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。take the place of replace 取代,代替in place of 取代,代替(介词短语)instead of 代替,而不是(介词短语)He is not fit for the job.We've hired a new one in_place_of him.他不适合这项工作,我们另雇了个人代替他。.单词拼写1He told us that his dream is to become a teacher with a _(广博的) knowledge of many subjects.答案:broad2He _(复述) several times that he was busy.答案:repeated3With the help of _(国际的) exchange programme,more and more teenagers go abroad for studies.答案:international4For the _(大多数) of Chinese people in big cities,boys and girls should receive the same education.答案:majority5He is good at playing basketball;no one in his class can _(比得上) him.答案:equal6With the development of _(通讯),the cell phone is very common in China.答案:communication7We _(交换) our opinions about the event at the meeting.答案:exchanged8“Haier” is a good brand in China because of its excellent quality and _(服务)答案:service.单项填空1(2013·榆林模拟)To our surprise, _ to the rich, even though many people devote all their lives to work, they can't afford to own a house. Acompared BcomparingCcompares Dbeing compared解析:句意:使我吃惊的是,与富人相比,尽管很多人干一辈子工作,他们也买不起一幢房子。compared to是固定短语,“与相比较”,在句中作状语。答案:A2(2013·成都七中一模)What would you give me in _ for my iPad?My MP5. Do you agree?Areward BturnCpreparation Dexchange解析:考查名词词义。句意:“你愿意拿什么换我的iPad?”“我的MP5。你同意吗? ”in exchange for“与交换”。答案:D3(2013·河南师大附中一模)Don't worry about the present situation in the world; _ of people prefer peace to war.AMost Ba great manyCthe majority Dthe number解析:考查短语搭配。句意:不要担心目前世界的局势;大部分人向往和平反对战争。“大部分人”可以表达成:the majority of people; most of the people; a number of people; a great many people等。答案:C4Many in the credit industry expect that credit cards will eventually _ paper money for almost every purchase.Aexchange BdecreaseCtrade Dreplace解析:句意:金融企业的许多人预计信通卡最终会取代纸币,几乎用于每次购买商品。replace“代替”。exchange“交换”;decrease“减少”;trade“做生意”。答案:D5Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be _ respected.Aespecially BequallyCnaturally Dnormally解析:考查副词辨析。句意:无论是官员还是公共汽车司机,都应该平等的被尊敬。equally“平等地,公平地”;especially“尤其地”;naturally“自然地”;normally“正常地”答案:B


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