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    高考提能练(四十七) Module 5The Conquest of the Universe.阅读理解A2019·南宁市摸底联考It used to be one of the world's most splendid train stations, sitting on the French­Spanish border but then it fell into disrepair. Now, writes Chris Bockman, the building is showing new signs of life.The train station was built in iron and glass, complete with a hospital, a restaurant and living quarters for customs officers from both France and Spain. At the time it was nicknamed the “Titanic of the Mountains”But after the day the station was opened in 1928 by the French president and the Spanish king, flaws quickly became obvious. The rail gauges (轨距) were different, so passengers still had to change trains. It made transporting goods too slow. In the early 1930s, as few as 50 passengers a day were using the station. And then things got worse. During the Spanish Civil War, the tunnels on the Spanish side were sealed off to prevent Republican rebels (反叛者) from bringing weapons in. Later, the French lost interest in the line. When a train derailed on the French side in 1970, that signaled that France abandoned the line.The grand building itself went to rot. The tracks rusted, the ceilings fell in with the severe winter weather and vandalism (故意破坏财物的行为) did the rest.But a few years ago the local government in Aragon decided to buy the place and restore it, claiming it was a major part of Spanish history. The French government has agreed to reopen the line on its side too. If all goes to plan, the “Titanic of the Mountains” could be back in business within five years before the end of 2022. It is reported that the massive wooden ticket counters at the station have already been restored.体裁:说明文题材:历史变迁主题:法国和西班牙边境的火车站【语篇解读】本文讲述了法国和西班牙边境的一座火车站的历史变迁。【难句分析】But a few years ago the local government in Aragon decided to buy the place and restore it, claiming it was a major part of Spanish history.分析:这是一个复杂的简单句。buy the place与restore it是并列的不定式短语,作decided的宾语;claiming it was a major part of Spanish history是现在分词作伴随状语,claiming后是一个宾语从句。译文:但是几年前,阿拉贡的当地政府决定买下这个地方并且恢复它,声称它是西班牙历史的重要一部分。1The following factors contributed to the shutdown of the train station EXCEPT _.Aits poor appearanceBdifferent gaugesCthe Spanish Civil WarDslow transporting speed答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“The rail gauges (轨距) were different, so passengers still had to change trains”可知,轨距不同是造成火车站关闭的原因之一;根据第三段中的“During the Spanish Civil War, the tunnels on the Spanish side were sealed off to prevent Republican rebels (反叛者) from bringing weapons in”可知,西班牙内战是造成火车站关闭的原因之一;根据第三段中的“It made transporting goods too slow”可知,运输速度慢是造成火车站关闭的原因之一。综上知选项A不是造成火车站关闭的原因,所以选A。2When the train station reopens, it may celebrate its _ anniversary.A52nd B72ndC94th D89th答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“But after the day the station was opened in 1928”和第五段中的“If all goes to plan, the Titanic of the Mountains could be back in business within five years before the end of 2022”可以计算出:2022192894(年),当其恢复使用时可以庆祝其94周年纪念日,所以选C。3What will probably happen to the train station?AIt will be repaired.BIt will be turned into a museum.CIt will be knocked down.DIt will be sold to the French government.答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据第五段首句“But a few years ago the local government in Aragon decided to buy the place and restore it”可知,几年前阿拉贡的当地政府要购买并且恢复该火车站。restore意为“使恢复,修复”,所以选A。4What is the best title for the text?AThe Design of a Train StationBThe War Between France and SpainCThe History of a Train StationDThe “Titanic of the Mountains” Coming Back答案与解析:D考查主旨大意。根据全文尤其是第一段中的“the building is showing new signs of life”和第五段中的“If all goes to plan, the Titanic of the Mountains could be back”可知,选项D能够概括全文,所以选D。B2019·太原模拟US film director Spike Lee had been awarded the 20th annual Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize for his brilliance and unwavering (坚定的) courage in using film to challenge traditional thinking.The film­maker behind hits such as Malcolm X and Inside Man would receive approximately $300,000. “I hadn't even heard of it,” Lee said, of the prize. “It was a phone call that came completely out_of_the_blue. It was one of the best phone calls I've ever had,” the 56­year­old man added.The late actress Lillian Gish, who died in 1993, required that the prize be given every year to a man or a woman who has made an outstanding contribution to the beauty of the world and to mankind's enjoyment and understanding of life.Previous recipients include some famous people from different fields Frank Gehry, Bob Dylan, Arthur Miller and Robert Redford. Chosen from a shortlist of 30 people in the arts, Lee would be presented with the honour on 30 October, 2013 at New York's Museum of Modern Art.“Would you believe, two of the most important films that impacted me while I was studying at NYU starred Miss Lillian Gish?” Lee said in a statement, citing The Birth of a Nation and The Night of the Hunter. “Isn't it funny sometimes how life works?”Lee made his debut (首次表演) with She's Gotta Have It in 1986, closely followed by the groundbreaking Do the Right Thing in 1989, which landed Academy Award nominations for Best Original Screenplay, Best Film and Best Director. In 2013, he raised $1.25 million on the fan funding website Kickstarter towards his next movie project. Lee's latest film, BlacKkKlansman, starring John David and Adam Driver, is due to be released in the US Washington on August 10, 2018.体裁:说明文题材:电影报道主题:Spike Lee和Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize【语篇解读】本文是一篇电影报道,介绍了美国电影导演Spike Lee和Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize的相关信息。【熟词生义】hit常用义:v.打,击,击中本句义:n.风行一时的事物【难句分析】The late actress Lillian Gish, who died in 1993, required that the prize be given every year to a man or a woman who has made an outstanding contribution to the beauty of the world and to mankind's enjoyment and understanding of life.分析:这是一个复合句。句子的主语为The late actress Lillian Gish,谓语为required, that引导的宾语从句作required的宾语,其前面有一个who引导的非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Lillian Gish,后面宾语从句中含有先行词为a man or a woman的定语从句,其引导词who在从句中充当主语;短语make a contribution to.“给做出贡献”。译文:已故的女演员丽莲·吉许于1993年去世,她要求每年颁发这个奖给那些为世界之美、为人类享受和理解生活做出杰出贡献的男性或女性。5What do the underlined words “out of the blue” mean?APartly. BSuddenly.CNormally. DBriefly.答案与解析:B考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“I hadn't even heard of it”可推知,这是一个突如其来的电话。suddenly意为“突如其来地”,符合题意,故选B项。干扰项分析:A项意为“部分地”,C项意为“平常地”,D项意为“简要地”,均不符合语境。6The Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize was established in the name of _.ALillian Gish BSpike LeeCFrank Gehry DRobert Redford答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据第一段“US film director Spike Lee had been awarded the 20th annual Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize for his brilliance and unwavering (坚定的) courage in using film to challenge traditional thinking.”和第三段“The late actress Lillian Gish, who died in 1993, required that the prize be given every year to a man or a woman who has made an outstanding contribution to the beauty of the world and to mankind's enjoyment and understanding of life”可推知,Dorothy and Lillian Gish Prize是以Lillian Gish的名义设立的,故选A项。7What happened to Lee when he was studying at NYU?AHe was a fan of Lillian Gish.BHe got familiar with Lillian Gish.CHe showed a talent for film­making.DHe was influenced by Lillian Gish's films.答案与解析:D考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“Would you believe, two of the most important films that impacted me while I was studying at NYU starred Miss Lillian Gish?”可知Lee在纽约大学学习的时候受到了Lillian Gish主演的两部电影的影响,故选D项。8What can we infer from the last paragraph?ALee's first film is well thought of.BLee is regarded as a productive director.CDo the Right Thing was a great success.DKickstarter is short of money for Lee's next film.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据文章最后一段中的“closely followed by the groundbreaking Do the Right Thing in 1989, which landed Academy Award nominations for Best Original Screenplay, Best Film and Best Director”可推知,Do the Right Thing是一部成功的电影,故选C项。.七选五2019·贵阳市适应性考试How do students manage to complete a huge number of assignments and still find the time to have fun? Time management! _1_. Here are some effective time management tips that can be used outside of college too.Give yourself a treat. _2_. For example, if you have a task for an hour, promise yourself to have coffee and biscuits if you manage to do that in time. It is a nice motivation to be productive.Learn something new all the time. Many people who graduate from college think that they've learned all the secrets of the universe and have nothing more to study. _3_. Read books, learn new skills and languages. It'll all make you smarter and more productive.Have fun! Working non­stop is always a bad idea. Human bodies and minds need to have a rest to be productive. If you regularly have fun and rest, you should be energetic and productive. _4_._5_. Students most often have different kinds of classes during a day. It helps them balance different subjects, change the way of thinking and simply not to get bored with sticking to one thing for too long. It is also useful to balance tasks at work. Thus, you will do them faster because your brain won't get burdened by one­type tasks.ABalance your tasksBComplete your tasksCStudents should learn to use their time rightDThey think they have already learned a lotEHowever, you still need to give some work to your brainFThus, you will do your work faster and save a lot of timeGYou can give yourself some small treats for finishing small tasks体裁:说明文题材:生活技能主题:时间管理的窍门【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要论述了如何进行时间管理,以提高自己的工作和学习效率。【高频词回顾】manage to do sth.设法做成某事assignment n(学生的)作业;(分派的)工作motivation n动机;动力;积极性productive adj.多产的,富有成效的;生产性的1答案与解析:C根据空前的“How do students manage to complete a huge number of assignments and still find the time to have fun? Time management!”可知,学生可以通过时间管理设法完成大量的作业,并且仍然有时间玩。据此可知,学生应当学会正确地运用时间,故C项正确。2答案与解析:G根据空处下句“For example, if you have a task for an hour, promise yourself to have coffee and biscuits if you manage to do that in time”可知,如果你有一个小时的任务,而且如果你能及时完成,那就许诺自己喝咖啡、吃饼干。又结合该段首句“Give yourself a treat”可以判断,G项“完成小任务后,你可以给自己一些小奖励”符合语境,故G项正确。3答案与解析:E根据上句“Many people who graduate from college think that they've learned all the secrets of the universe and have nothing more to study”可知,许多从大学毕业的人认为他们已经掌握了宇宙的所有秘密,没有更多的东西可以学习。根据空后的“Read books, learn new skills and languages. It'll all make you smarter and more productive”可知,阅读书籍、学习新的技能和语言会让你更聪明和更有效率。据此可知,空处前后之间为转折关系,故E项“然而,你仍然需要给你的大脑安排一些工作”符合语境,故E项正确。4答案与解析:F根据上句“If you regularly have fun and rest, you should be energetic and productive”可知,如果你定期地娱乐和休息,你应该精力充沛并富有成效。据此可知,你将更快地完成工作并节省大量的时间,故F项正确。5答案与解析:A根据空处所在位置可知,空处为该段的主题句。根据该段内容尤其是“It is also useful to balance tasks at work”可知,平衡工作中的任务也是有用的,据此可知,该段主要论述了平衡任务的重要性,故A项正确。.短文改错2018·全国卷It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just begin. Everyone was silent, wait to see who would be called upon to read his and her paragraph aloud. Some of us were confident and eager take part in the class activity; others were nervous and anxious. I had done myself homework, but I was shy. I was afraid that to speak in front of a larger group of people. At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, “The classroom is a place for learning and that include learning from textbooks, and mistake as well.” Immediate, I raised my hand.答案:It was Monday morning, and the writing class had just . Everyone was silent, to see who would be called upon to read his her paragraph aloud. Some of us were confident and eager take part in the class activity; others were nervous and anxious. I had done homework, but I was shy. I was afraid to speak in front of a group of people. At that moment, I remembered that my father once said, “The classroom is a place for learning and that learning from textbooks, and as well.” , I raised my hand.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,描写了作者在写作课上的心理活动。作者虽然完成了作业,但还是害羞,不敢在很多人面前读文章。作者突然想起父亲曾经说过的话,受到了鼓舞,于是举起了手。begin改为begun。考查时态。由语境可知,此处是过去完成时,要用“had过去分词”结构。begin的过去分词为begun。wait改为waiting。考查非谓语动词。此处表示伴随,且与Everyone为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词。and改为or。考查连词。his与her之间为选择关系,而非并列关系,故用or。eager后加to。考查固定搭配。be eager to do sth.渴望做某事,为固定搭配。myself改为my/the。考查限定词。do one's/the homework为固定搭配,意为“做家庭作业”。去掉afraid后的that。考查连词。be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事。larger改为large。考查形容词。由语境可知,前后没有比较的意味,故用原级。include改为includes。考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,that引导定语从句,修饰place,关系代词替代place在从句中作主语,从句谓语动词的数要与先行词保持一致。mistake改为mistakes。考查名词的数。句意:从书本和错误中学习。mistake是可数名词,此处所指的“错误”不止一个,应用复数形式。Immediate改为Immediately。考查副词。放于句首,作句子状语,要用副词。


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