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    用心 爱心 专心1 The Third Period The General Idea of This Period Learn the text in detail, master some of the language points. Teaching Aims 1. Learn and master the following words and expressions: With +-ingnot.completely popular fall asleep 2. Master the following sentence patterns: prefer.(to/rather than +-ing This is one class you do not fall asleep in. Teaching Important Points 1. comprehension reading 2. language points Teaching Difficult Point How to use the keywords, sentence patterns correctly. Teaching Methods Individual and pair work to make every student take an active part in class. Teaching Aids 1. a tape recorder 2. a notebook computer Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Li. T: Sit down, please. In this period, we are going to read the passage and study the language points. Well, Step 2 Revision Read and finish off all the exercises. Read through the words in the box while the Ss follow (on Page 13).Make sure they understand them and all Ss complete the sentence individually. (Call back the answers from the class. Check the answers with the whole class.) admit appreciate avoid hate joke respect scientific summary 1. The young man _that he stole the money. 2. I love reading good_ . 3. Thank you so much. I really_ your help. 4. It s a very interesting_ experiment. 5. I_ being late for school. 6. Write a_ of this text. Use about 100 words. 7. I try to _boring people. 8. I _you because you work hard and are a good person. 9. That_ was very amusing. 1.admitted 2.literature 3.appreciate(d) 4.scientific 5.hate 6.summary 9.joke Step 3 Practice Complete the sentences with these adjectives. 用心 爱心 专心2 amusing boring intelligent nervous organized patient popular serious shy strict 1. Mister Wood is a very_ teacher. He never gets angry, even when his students 2. Our history teacher is a very _man. He s nice but he never smiles. 3. Jane is always very_ before an exam and she cant eat anything. 4. Mister Wood is a very _man. He knows the answer to any question. 5. All the students like Mister Wood. He is a very_ teacher. 6. My English teacher is very _.He always makes us laugh in the lesson. 7. To be a good teacher, you need to be_ .This is because there are a lot of things to do each day. 8. Our mathematics teacher is very _.He gets angry if we dont do our homework or if we speak in class. 9. There are a few_ students in my class. They never say anything or try to answer any of the questions. 10. I m not really interested in chemistryI find it _. Get the students to fill in the blanks and help them to finish the exercises. After a few minutes, check the answers with the whole class. The answers are: 1.patient 2.serious 3.nervous5.popular 6.amusing 8.strict9.shy 10.boring Step 4 Language Points 1.so.that. e.g. He ran so quickly that we couldnt keep up with him. Bob is so tall a man that he can almost reach the ceiling. There was so little water left that only small children and patients were given some. 2. working with her 3. avoid +-ingappreciate +-ing enjoy +-inghate +-ing admit +-ingmind +-ing这些动词常用v.-ing 4. faster students/learners 5. do not dare to say I dare say e. g. I dare say that hell come. I dare to say我敢说 ( 肯定 ) 用心 爱心 专心3 e. g. I dare to say that hell come. 6.as a result vi. result from 起因、由来,句子主语是“果”,from result in 导致、结果,句子主语是“因”,in e.g. Hard work results in success. Success results from hard work. 7. do well in e. g. Lucy does well in physics. 8.be popular (with/among) somebody e. g. She is very popular with her pupils. Step 5 Summary and Homework T: Well, in this class, we ll have a careful reading of the text and some of the Ss and I have explained the key language points to us all. I do hope youll understand the passage better. Try to recite some of the paragraphs if not the whole text. This is your homework. Thank you! Goodbye! Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Module 2 My New Teachers The Third Period 1. so.that. e. g. He ran so quickly that we couldnt keep up with him. Bob is so tall a man that he can almost reach the ceiling. There was so little water left that only small children and patients were given some. 2.working with her 3.avoid +-ingappreciate +-ing-ing Hate +-ingadmit +-ing-ing 4.faster students/learners 5.do not dare to say I dare say e. g. I dare say that hell come.可能他会来。 I dare to say我敢说 ( e. g. I dare to say that hell come. 6.as a result vi. result from 起因、由来 ,句子主语是“果”, from 用心 爱心 专心4 result in 导致、结果,句子主语是“因”,in e.g. Hard work results in success. Success results from hard work. 7.do well in 8.be popular (with) somebody e. g. She is very popular with her pupils. Step 7 Activity and Inquiry Write the answers to the following questions. Use the words provided and add other words where necessary. Discuss, and then check the answers. (1) I d rather stay at home andto revise. (2) I d prefer to do work on grammar. (3) I d prefer to study at home. (4) I d rather play tennis than badminton. (5) I d prefer to work with Zhou Kai. (6) I d rather discuss twentieth-century literature than nineteenth-century literature.


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