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    新版外研版7年级下册课时作业 Module 8 Story Time Unit 1.doc

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    新版外研版7年级下册课时作业 Module 8 Story Time Unit 1.doc

    Module 8 Story Time Unit 1(20分钟50分). 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词(10分)1. I got off the bus and ran_(朝方向)my parents. 2. Im so hungry and I want to eat two_(碗)of rice for lunch. 3. I n_ a basket with many fruits under the tree. 4. He looked a_ but didnt see anyone. 5. The boy d_ to finish the homework after school. . 单项填空(10分)1. My watch was _ last week. A. loseB. losingC. lostD. to lose2. Tom was very_. He would like something to eat. A. tiredB. hungryC. littleD. alone3. Last week, students in Class 3_to the museum. A. decide to goB. decided to goC. decide goD. decided go4. We noticed our new teacher _ into the dining hall. A. walksB. walkingC. to walkD. walked5. When will you finish _ your homework? A. to doB. to doingC. doD. doing. 完成句子(10分)1. 从前, 一位老人住在这座房子里。_ _ _ _, an old man lived in this house. 2. 我经常晚饭后和妈妈去散步。I often _ _ _ _with my mother after supper. 3. 有人在敲门。Someone is _ _ the door. 4. 地上有一本书。请把它拾起来。There is a book on the ground. Please _ _ _. 5. 请稍等一下。我很快就到。Please _ _ _. Ill come soon. . 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话。A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didnt. C. What about your sister? D. Where did you go? E. Hows your weekend? A: 1  B: Thats great. A: 2  B: I went to the forest. A: Did you pick some flowers? B: 3 Because there were no flowers in the forest. A: Did you see a small house? B: Yes, I did. And the owner(主人)invited me to enter the house and play there. A: Did you have a good time? B: 4 I enjoyed myself very much. A: 5  B: She stayed at home. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _. 阅读理解(10分)Once upon a time, there was a little boy called Francis. He had five brothers and one sister. Francis lived a poor life. His brothers all left home to work and only he and his sister were still at home. His parents could not afford(支付得起)to send the two children to school, so they let Francis stay at home. Francis wanted to learn to read and write. Sometimes he ran to school secretly. He saw his sister was among the pupils. He envied(羡慕的)her. Francis had an idea. Francis and his sister looked like each other. So why not dress up as a girl in order to go to the classes? So Francis went to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and his sister went to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 1. There were _ children in Francis family. A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight2. Why did Francis stay at home when he was old enough to go to school? A. Because he was a naughty boy. B. Because he did not like school. C. Because his family was poor. D. Because he didnt have any friends. 3. The underlined word “pupils” means _ in Chinese. A. 工人B. 老师C. 学生D. 农民4. If Francis went to school on Monday, his sister would go on_. A. WednesdayB. TuesdayC. FridayD. Saturday5. From the passage we know_. A. Francis sister did not want to learn to writeB. Francis sister was two years older than himC. Francis dressed up as a girl in order to go to schoolD. Francis didnt want to go to school答案解析. 答案: 1. towards2. bowls3. noticed4. around 5. decided. 答案: 15. CBBBD. 答案: 1. Once upon a time2. go for a walk3. knocking on4. pick it up5. wait a moment. 答案: 15. EDBAC. 答案: 15. CCCBC - 5 -


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