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    学习必备欢迎下载 Module1 Using my five senses Unit1 What a mess 生词: notebook paints crayon school bag tape glue brush 音标: 语法: Whose.? Its mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs. They re. Unit2 Watch it grow 生词: caterpillar butterfly chick chicken duckling duck puppy dog 音标: /e? / /a? / a baby favourite i pilot tiger a_e grade space i_e line white ai rain paint y fly sky ay May stay igh light right eigh eight weight ie die lie /? / /e?/ ear hear near air hair pair ere here ere where there 学习必备欢迎下载 语法: .was/were. Unit3 How noisy 生词: drill lorry bus car motorbike 音标: 语法: .did. Module2 My favorite things Unit1 Food and drinks eer deer cheer ear wear bear /? / /?/ oy boy toy ure sure joy enjoy our tour oi noise join oor poor point toilet 学习必备欢迎下载 生词: Meat: pork beef chicken fish Vegetables: tomatoes potatoes carrots cabbages beans Fruit: apples oranges bananas grapes Staple Food: rice noodles bread Drinks: juice water milk tea 音标: 语法: What did you have for.? I had. Unit2 Film 生词: ticket ticket office entrance exit seat 音标: /?/ /a?/ o no ago ou out south photo go loud cloud o_e those home ow how now close hole bow cow ow show bowl grow crow oa coat boat /m/ /n/ /?/ m milk mouse n night find ng sing ring 学习必备欢迎下载 语法: Shall we. Unit3 school subject 生词: Chinese English Maths Art Music IT PE 音标: 语法: Its time for. Module3 Things around us Unit1 Signs 生词: telephone toilet restaurant exit entrance No smoking No swimming Don t litter Don t walk on the grass 音标: room cream win in n(k) bank thank n(g) hungry English / j/ / h/ / w/ y yes you h he hat w we wind yellow year wh who whose when what /l/ /r/ l like late r radio red black blouse grow grass 学习必备欢迎下载 语法: What does this sign say/mean? It says/means we can/can t/mustn t/shouldn t Unit2 Weather 生词: Cloud/cloudy sun/sunny rain/rainy wind/windy snow/snowy storm/stormy fog/foggy 30/thirty degrees 音标: 语法: What s the weather like? Whats the temperature? Its.(weather).It s.(temperature). Unit3 Changes 生词: Cupboard bookshelf bed mirror lamp cushion sofa 音标: / /e/ th third think th they these month mouth mother father /e? / crayon /a? / sky /?/ sure /e?/ chair /? / cheer /? / noisy /?/ blow /a?/ cloud /m/ milk /n/ name /?/ sing 学习必备欢迎下载 语法: What can we do? Module4 More things to learn Unit1 Museum 生词: Science museum art museum history museum Insect museum car museum railway museum 语法: Which museum do you want to visit? I want to visit . Why? Because. Unit2 Western holiday / j/ yes / h/ him / w/week / ? / like / r/ red / three /e/ there 学习必备欢迎下载 生词: Christmas Easter Halloween Thanksgiving 语法: When is .? Its on . What do people do on this holiday? Unit3 story time 生词: giant castle


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