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    人教版小学英语五年级下册期末测试卷5带答案我要过关了第二关听读连线,看看他们喜欢什么他节和运动Chen Jie swimWu Yifan summer fly kitesSarah summer make snowmenMike fall reat ice-creamTom winter plant trees Eat much fruit 第三关听读选答句。来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/1.()A. At 7:00 oclock.B. In May.2.()A. Yes, he is. B. No, She isnt3.()A. Tofu B. Grapes.4.()A. I like summer best B. Id like some milk5.( ) A. Friday. B. Its May 15th6.( ) A. Because I can skate on the ice. B. Because I dont like winter.7( ) A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I am .8. ( ) A. Its sunny. B. Its fall now第四关 听读句子,填单词1. do you do on I usually my .2. I like best I can swim in the and Ice-creams.3. Whats your food? .4. When is your ? 2th5. When do you often play the ? At in the afternoon.第五关 根据对话或短文填表,并判断下列的句子是否正确。12分(一)1.go shopping 2. go hiking 3. play football 4. play the piano5. play sports 6. skate A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. SundayNameDoDayMr LiMikeJohnSarahJack1) Sarah often plays sports on Tuesday. ( )2) Jack often goes hiking and play football on Thursday.( )3) Mr Li often plays the piano on Wednesday. ( )4) Sarah often goes shopping on Sunday. ( )(二) 1Jan 2Feb 3Apr 4July 5Aug 6Dec Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dtwelfth Eeleventh Ftwenty-firstNameMonthDateMiss WhiteWu YifanChen JieAmyTim1)Miss White's birthday is in June( ) 2)Chen Jies birthday is on Augustl2th( ) 3)Amy's birthday is in December( ) 4)Tim's birthday is on April 3( )第六关 A:把每组单词中不同类的一个找出来,把它的字母编号写在括号里。 ( )1Awork Beat Cweek ( )2Awhy Bthat Cwhat ( )3ANov BMay CJan ( )4Aseason Bwinter Csummer ( )5Ausually Boften Cwhen B:Read and write 写出下列单词的缩写形式。First_ December_ October_ is not_ what is_C:Look and write看中文完成单词 1fly_ (放风筝) 2. _a_ (堆雪人) 3.eat_ (吃早饭) 4.plant_植树) 5He often_(做运动)in the afternoon 6_(哪一个)season do you_ (最喜欢)?7_(什么时候)is your birthday?第七关 从新排列句子,编成一个合理的对话。 1What about you? 2Who has a birthday in February? 3My birthday is in June 4Its February12th 5What is the date? 6Me ( )一( )一( )一( )一( )一( )第八关 选出最正确的答案。10分 ( )1A:_is today? B:Today is Thursday AWhat time BWhat day CWhat date ( )2.March is the month in a year Asecond Bfirst C. third ( )3A:_do you like English class? B_it is funny and useful AWhere ,And BWhen,In C Why,Because ( )4What colour you like? I like white Ado Bdoes Care ( )5I usually_ On the weekend A.playing sports B.play sports Cplay sport第九关 阅读短文回答问题。10分 Today is Feb.3rd ,2004. this is a picture of my family. This is my father. He is in his forties. He is a teacher of EnglishThis is my mother She was born (出生) in l962She is a doctor. This is my brother He is a good studentHe is in his early teensThis is me Im a boyI am ten years old ( )1We can see_ people in the picture athree btwo cfour ( )2The family has_ sons aone btwo cthree ( )3My brother is_ ain his late teens b in his forties c. in his early teens ( )4I am_ years 01d a 9 b10 c11 ( )5How o1d is my mother? a 32 b 42 c 52听力材料Recycle 1 第二关 听读连线,看看他们喜欢什么季节和运动。 1.Chen Jie like summer bestBecause she can eat icecreams 2.Mike 1ikes spring bestBecause he can plant the trees with his friends 3.Tom likes Winter best Because he can make snowmen 4.Sarah likes fall bestBecause he can make snowmen. 5.John likes summer bestBecause he call swim in the lake6.Wu Yifan likes fa1l bestBecause he call eat much fruit. 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/第三关 听读选答句。 1When do you go to schoo1 ? 2Is his birthday in Nov? 3Which is your favourtie fruit? 4What would you like for breakfast? 5What day is today?6.Why do you like winter? 7Can you empty the trash? 来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/ 8What's the weather like there now?第四关 听读句子,填单词。 1What do you do on Sunday evening? I usually visit my grandparents 2I like summer best because l can swim in the 1ake and eat ice-creams 3What's your favourite food? Eggplant 4When is your mom's birthday? June 2nd 5When do you often play the piano? At 4:30 in the afternoon第五关 根据对话填表,并判断下列的句子是否正确。 (一) 1What day do you play the piano,Mr Li?Wednesday. 2What day do you skate,Mike?Sunday. 3What day do you play sports,John?Tuesday. 4What day do you go shopping with mom,Sarah? Thursday 5What day do you go hiking,Jack? _Sunday And l play football,too (二) 1.Miss Whites birthday is on April 2nd 2.Wu Yifans birthday is on January 3rd 3.Chen Jies birthday is on August 11th 4.Amys birthday is On February 1st. 5.Tims birthday is on July 2st.答案:Recycle 1第二关 Chen Jie(summer)eat ice-creams Wu Yifan (fall)eat much fruit Sarah(fall)fly kites Mike (spring) plant trees Tom (Winter)make snowmen John (summer)swim in the 1ake第三关 1A 2A 3B 4B 5A 6A 7A 8A第四关 1What,Sunday,evening,visit,grandparents. 2summer,because,lake,eat 3.favourite,Eggplant来源:www.bcjy123.com/tiku/ 4Moms birthday,June 5Piano,4:30(four thirty)第五关(一)NameDoDayMr4BMike6DJohn5ASarah1CJack23D 1.X 2.X 3. 4(二) NameMonthDateMiss3BYifan1CJie5EAmy2ATim4F1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 第六关 A1C 2B 3B 4A 5C B:1“Dec,Oct,isn't,what's C:1. kits 2 make,snowman 3breakfast 4.trees 5Do sprots 6.Which like best 7When第七关 2-6-5-413第八关 1B 2C 3C 4A 5B第九关 1C 2B 3C 4B 5B


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