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    初中英语人教版九年级下U10 单元测评.doc

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    初中英语人教版九年级下U10 单元测评.doc

    Unit 10单元测试题(共100分)一. 单项选择(每小题2分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(    )1. Everybody should make _ effort to reduce pollution and create a clean environment.A. a   B. an    C. the   D. 不填(    )2. You can have any of the cakes _ this one because it is for your mother. A. among   B. except   C. on  D. without(    )3. Father's Day is coming. Could you please give me some _ for Father's Day activities?  Sure. You may have a family picnic or a family camping trip. A. introductions       B. competitions   C. resolutions         D. suggestions(    )4. One of the boys kept talking in class, which made Mrs. Jackson very _. A. lonely     B. mad  C. weak   D. sleepy(    )5. Mandy finished all the work on time. Now she feels _ and happy. A. worried   B. shocked    C. relaxed   D. interested(    )6. Studying English grammar is the key to speaking correctly. I'm afraid I disagree. _ is more important to practice listening.  A. This  B. One    C. It      D. That(    )7. The guests praised Mario and his younger brother because they _ well at the party.  A. behaved     B. argued    C. added     D. replied (    )8. The Long March 7 made its successful inaugural flight (首飞). Zhang Yang told me the news _ he saw it on the Internet. A. so that     B. even though   C. as soon as     D. ever since(    )9. Cathy used to _ much for dinner, but in order to keep fit, recently she has got used to _ less. A. eating; eat  B. eat; eating C. eat; eat   D. eating; eating (    )10. Ruby, _ the steps when you wear shoes with high heels. Thanks, I will. A. minding   B. to mind C. mind     D. to minding 二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。I'm Henry, from America. This is my first time in Japan. One day some new colleagues (同事) invited me to    . At first, I was quite happy and learned to use chopsticks with them, but later     started.That day, I had a    . I felt uncomfortable with my nose, so I turned away from the table and blew (擤) my nose. My colleagues looked at me      . They explained to me that in Japan, people don't blow their noses in public especially at table.When I was trying to stick my     in my bowl of rice, one of my colleagues said, “Don't do that. Just leave them on the table.” Later, I found that leaving your chopsticks in your rice means death      Japanese culture!The next time I needed to blow my nose, I left the table and went to the toilet.     I returned, it was nearly time to leave. I noticed there were some small bowls with water in them on the table. It smelt good and I started     it before it got cold. Then I saw some of my colleagues cover their mouths. They were trying not to     . “What's the matter?” I asked the colleague next to me. “It's for washing      fingers,” he said. For a moment, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.(    )1. A. find out    B. hang out    C. check out    D. eat out (    )2. A. problems     B. performances  C. predictions   D. projects (    )3. A. job        B. cold  C. journey     D. class  (    )4. A. excitedly   B. politely    C. proudly     D. strangely(    )5. A. knife      B. fork    C. spoon     D. chopsticks(    )6. A. for       B. in     C. with       D. to(    )7. A. When       B. So      C. Unless     D. Because (    )8. A. pouring     B. cooking    C. mixing      D. drinking (    )9. A. regret     B. doubt  C. laugh       D. leave (    )10. A. their      B. your       C. his     D. her 三. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Rick. Zhou Ming invited us to have dinner with his family.B: Really? I'd love to go. (1)_A: Sure. In China people put all the dishes on the table and they share the food.B: That's interesting. I know they usually use chopsticks. Do they use spoons?A: Yes. (2)_B: Anything else about the table manners?A: Er . Sometimes the Chinese will use their own chopsticks to put food in your bowl to show their kindness. Don't refuse it.B: (3)_A: Just say “Thank you” and leave the food there.B: (4)_A: Put them on the table or on your bowl. (5)_ It's impolite.B: I got it. Thank you.A. By the way, never stick them in your rice.B. But if I don't like eating it, what should I do?C. Can I start eating first if there are older people at the table?D. But they only use them for soup or when the food is difficult to pick up.E. Where should I put the chopsticks when I finish eating?F. Children are not allowed to speak.G. Could you please tell me some Chinese table manners?四. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A When I first went to Britain, a lot of things seemed strange to me. For example, people drove on the left side of the road and many people carried an umbrella all the time. There were also many other things that I found really     .The first thing I noticed was how polite British people were. When I got on the bus, the driver would greet me; when people got off the bus, they would say “Thank you” to the driver; when I went into a shop, I would be greeted by a smiling salesman who would say, “Can I help you?”The family I stayed with were very nice, but their house was full of oddities (怪现象). Firstly, there were carpets (地毯) everywhere, even in the bathroom. Also, the bathroom was full of surprises. The first time I tried to wash my hands I burned myself. The cold and hot water came out of different taps (水龙头)! Then, when I tried to dry my hair I couldn't find a socket (插座) for my hairdryer. Maybe that wasn't such a big surprise. More surprising was the fact that British people didn't take their shoes off when they went into a house can you imagine?I guess that for British people all of these things are normal. It's only when you visit a foreign country that you realize that what you think is normal is not. Normality depends on where you are.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(    )1. The best word for “    ” is “_”.A. successful             B. traditional  C. exciting           D. surprising(    )2. How many examples are given to show that British people are polite?A. 1.       B. 2.          C. 3.           D. 4.(    )3. What happened when the writer first tried to wash his hands in his host family?A. He burned his hands.B. He couldn't find the tap.C. There wasn't any water in the tap.D. There was only cold water in the tap.(    )4. What does the writer think it is normal to do when entering a house?A. To take your hat off.B. To wash your hands. C. To take your shoes off.D. To leave your umbrella out.(    )5. How does the writer develop the passage?A. By telling a short story.B. By providing some examples.C. By showing different opinions.D. By comparing research results.B One of the hottest places on the earth is Death Valley. It's a desert valley in North America. The animals in Death Valley don't use technology to keep cool. They have special abilities that help them live there.The kangaroo rat is one animal that lives in Death Valley. During the day in Death Valley, it gets hotter than 100°F. The kangaroo rat rests all day in a hole in the ground. It covers the hole with grass to keep out the heat. The kangaroo rat comes out at night when it is cooler. This little rat is also very good at conserving (节约) water. It gets all the water it needs from the food it eats. Some kangaroo rats never take a drink of water in their whole lives!The sun makes the desert sand very hot. Animals, like snakes, get too hot if they lie on the hot sand too long. One snake, called the sidewinder, can solve this problem. When it travels, the sidewinder bends (使弯曲) its body into a “W” shape. Then it uses the bottom (底部的) parts of the “W” like legs and walks sideways (向一侧). That way it touches only a little of the sand at a time, so the hot sand doesn't burn the snake. This strange way of moving is how the sidewinder got its name.A lot of water in the desert is too salty for most animals to drink. All water has some salt in it. As the desert heat dries up pools of water, the salt is left behind. The remaining water in these pools can be much saltier than the ocean. One kind of fish, the desert pupfish, can live in these salty pools because it can drink the salt water.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(    )6. Why does the kangaroo rat cover its hole with grass?A. To make it safe to live in.B. To make it look beautiful.C. To keep it cool.D. To keep it dry.(    )7. The kangaroo rat gets all the water it needs from _.A. rain                 B. rivers       C. its food              D. tree leaves(    )8. The sidewinder is named after _.A. a place                B. a person   C. the food it eats       D. its way of moving(    )9. The desert pupfish can _.A. live in salt waterB. use water wiselyC. live without drinking waterD. turn dirty water into clean water(    )10. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. How animals live in Death Valley.    B. How Death Valley got its name.C. The weather in Death Valley.         D. A trip to Death Valley.C Reporter: Steven, we've been talking about Costa Rica and how beautiful it is and how important it is to protect it. (11)_Steven: I think about this question every day. In my school I organized a concert to celebrate Earth Hour, which calls on people to turn off the lights for one hour and enjoy reading or some other activities that don't require electricity.Reporter: What a great idea! (12)_Steven: More than two hundred people from everywhere in the town. We also attracted (吸引) people from other towns. It's very nice that all of them wanted to make a change to the world and help protect our planet.Reporter: That sounds amazing. (13)_Steven: You're completely right. In order to make the idea of Earth Hour actually work, we did lots of work. We tried to attract as many people as possible through advertisement (广告宣传). (14)_ We also told them that energy and electricity are not only ours; we must save them for future generations (子孙后代)!Reporter: That sounds wonderful. I hope that all people will know the dangers of wasting energy.Steven: I actually used candles to light the concert. Also because of this, people learned that by turning off one hour of light they can actually live. (15)_根据材料内容,从AF六个句子中选择五个还原到文中空白处,使材料完整、通顺,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。A. I guess lots of work must have been done before the concert.B. What's your plan for the next Earth Hour?C. What do you do in your life to protect the environment?D. They can actually live without the Internet or turning on the lights.E. So how many people went to the concert?F. We told them about the dangers of wasting energy.1. _    2. _    3. _    4. _ 5. _五. 词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. The bus wasn't crowded. There were many e        seats on it.    2. Robert didn't talk much, but he g     everyone with a big smile.3. Have you talked to Mr. Black about your plan? I think it's well w    a try.4. Life is very beautiful and precious, so we should admire and v     it.5. Studies show that the pollution of the groundwater in the n       cities is more serious than that in the south.  六. 完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1. 主人欢乐的微笑使每位客人都产生一种宾至如归的感觉。The host's cheerful smile _ every guest _ _ _. 2. 你简直都想不到这个女孩法语讲得有多好。_ _ _ how well the girl can speak French.3. 卢克下班回来时顺便到他的朋友家里坐了坐。Luke _ _ his friend's house when he came back from work.4. 李蕾在英国时格外努力地学习英语。                  Li Lei _ _ _ _ _ to learn English when she was in England.5. 鲍勃本应该在学习,但令我们惊讶的是,他在上网。Bob _ _ _ _ studying, but to our surprise, he was surfing the Internet.七. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。fight, they, for, healthy, if, fan, depend on, lonely, what, causeOne night, lots of people were running through the streets, shouting and throwing rocks. It was all about a soccer game. They were soccer (1)_ and they were angry that their team had lost an important game. They went completely out of control.It's common (2)_ fans to get crazy. So many cities choose to put more police officers on the streets after big games. (3)_ makes fans so crazy?Some experts believe it goes back to a long-ago time when humans lived in tribes (部落). These tribes (4)_ each other for food, land and power (权力). You supported your tribe's warriors (武士) because your life (5)_ them.Today's “warriors” are athletes (运动员). Cheering for (6)_ can bring out the same life-or-death feelings. That can be exciting and fun. It also (7)_ problems if the strong feelings last (持续) hours or days after a game has ended.On the other hand, some people say that being a sports fan can make you a happier and (8)_ person. Research shows that if you have a strong connection to a team, you might make strong connections with people. Many fans feel a sense of belonging to a group. They are less (9)_ and have more enjoyable social lives.(10)_ your favorite teams make you a bit crazy sometimes, it's only because you love them. And that's good if you can remember that it's only a game.八. 书面表达(15分)假如你叫李华,三个月以后要去英国参加为期半年的交换生学习项目。请你给英国的笔友Leo发一封电子邮件,就英国社交礼仪方面的问题(衣着、接受邀请、赠送礼物)向他请教,请他给你一些建议。要求:词数90左右。电子邮件的格式、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:正装  formal clothesDear Leo,I am writing to ask for some information about British customs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I will be very grateful (感激的) if you can give me any advice. I'm looking forward to your reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua参考答案一. 1-5 BBDBC  6-10 CACBC    二. 1-5 DABDD   6-10 BADCB三. 1-5 GDBEA四. 1-5 DCACB  6-10 CCDAA  11-15 CEAFD五. 1. empty  2. greeted  3. worth  4. value  5. northern六. 1. made; feel at home  2. You wouldn't believe  3. dropped by 4. went out of her way  5. was supposed to be七. 1. fans   2. for   3. What     4. fought   5. depended on  6. them   7. causes   8. healthier/more healthy  9. lonely   10. If八. One possible version:Dear Leo,I am writing to ask for some information about British customs.I will go to Britain and attend a student exchange program, which will last for half a year. How


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