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    Module 2 Fantasy Literature (主题语境 : 人与自我一一文学欣赏) I . 课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Pfacticcmakespcrfect. 话题必记单词 1. bl ink K眨眼睛 2. square曰d,.正方形的n.正方形,广场,平方 3. barely.光秃秃的 4. burden/?.负担,重负v.负担 5. overcome v.克月艮 6. thus日因此,所以 阅读识记单词 1.format n.(节目、计划等 的)构成,安排 2. anecdote刀. 趣闻,轶事 3. swift白d/.快的,迅速的 4. stubborn adj.顽强的, 坚持的 5. attain v.达到,得到 6. status n.身份,地位 构织连脉词族 1. behave v.表现,举动一behaviour/?.行为 2. definitelyd匕确定地,一沱地一definite自dZ确定的f definition. 定义 3. hesitate K犹豫,迟疑 -?hesitation/?.犹豫 4. doubt/?. 难预 测 的 hopeful有希望的 ; 有前 途 的 painful痛苦的;令人不 快的 peaceful和平的 ; 平静 的 powerful强大的;强有力 的 “出现” “消失”家族 appear vi.出现;显得; 登 场 dieout灭绝; 消失 disappear M消失;失踪 f ade vi.褪色; 凋谢 ; 逐渐 消失 showup露面,出现 ?turnup出现;发生 语境活用 1. O thers are doubtful about the prospect of a good harvest, while I don,t have any doubt. (doubt) 2. The more you possess,the more you worry about losing your possessions, (possess) 3.Definitely , our teacher wi 11 give us a definite answer about the definition of what is cal 1ed “heroism” . (definite) II ?课标短语从表血理解到深层延伸从拓展屮抓其规律Observationi sthebestteacher. 1. holdout伸岀; 坚持 2. onend竖着地 , 连续地 3. turnaway 走开 4. beassociatedwith 与 . . 有联系; 与 联系在一起 5. appealtosb对某人有吸引力;引起 某人的兴趣 6. roach out 伸出 7. fix on注视,凝视 8. (be) restricted to 限于 III.重点句型从教材屮探求高考脉动从仿写屮熟练运用 Noth ing i s i mposs i b1e foraw i11 ingheart? 领悟教材语境 1. W ill was stupefied with exhaustion, and he mighthavegone on to the north, or he mighthavelaid his head on the grass under one of those trees and slept. 威尔累得脑子都木了,他本可以继续向北 走, 也有可能在某棵树下头枕草地昏昏睡 去 . (教材Page 16) 要点提炼may/might have done表示对 过 去可能发生的事情的推测,表示“可能已 经”。 2. Then she leapt backwards, backarchedandfuronend, ta ilheldoutstiffly. 然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立, 尾巴僵直地伸着。(教材Page 16)要点 提炼“名词 +过去分词”构成独立主格结 构。 3. She has thus attained the status of being thefirstwritertobecome a bi 11 ion ai re. 因此,她获得了第一位成为亿万富翁的作 家的荣誉。(教材Page 23)要点提炼 “序数词 +动词不定式”做定语。 高考写作情景 我的老师可能已经查明了真相。 Myteachermay/mi ghthavefoundoutthetruth 由于眼镜摔坏了,她看不见黑板上的字。 Herglassesbroken, shecouldn,tseethewor dsontheblackboard. 在考试屮,她总是第一个交试卷的学生。 Sheisalwaysthefirststudenttoturninpape rsinexams. 语境活用 1. She was too exhausted to holdout any more. 2.In children s minds, summers areassociatedwith picnics. 3.The police appealto people to drive slowly during the rush hours. IV.语篇旧材新用探究根源Ki 1 Itwobirdswithonestone. 话题与语篇填空 Will was standing alone in the quiet street at night, 1? exhausted(exhaust), when he saw a cat. 2? Putting(put) down his shopping bag, Wil 1 held out his hand. 3. The cat came up to rub her head against his knuckles,but then turned away and padded across the road and towards the bushes;there she stopped.Will saw her behave 4. curiously (curi ous).She reached out a paw to pat something in the air and then she leapt backwards with her back arched and fur on end,ta订held out stiffly. Finally 5. shestepped forward and vanishcd. Will crossed the road,keeping his eyes on the spot 6. where the cat had been investigating. Finally, he found it was a patch in the air that the cat disappeared into. It looked as if someone 7. hadcut(cut) a patch out of the air, about two metres from the edge of the road. 8. Wondering (wonder)what it was on the other side of the patch,he scrambled through the hole. There he found 9. amazing(amaze) scenery which fascinated Will so much 10. that he decided not to return to his own world and began to look around for the cat. 话题与短文改错 J. K .Rowling, the gifted creator of Harry Potter, came up 启the idea for Harry Potter whi1e she was on wcttrs a delayed train. She down her a ?ST ideas on the back of “ envelope.She then went to teach English in Portugal, where she cont inucd to add flesh the bones of the first Harry Potter tibea story. It was only in 1997 she completed the first Harry Potter story. Though her style has been a target for some criticism, bu t it appeals to readers of al 1 ' and creates a special literary bond between parents and children. It is dsteaUH that they are responsible for a renewed in Mere reading. to the pleasure of the school chi 1dren, Harry Potter has become part of the school curriculum.


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