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    Welcome Parents 告家长书 Welcome everyone to class S216. You are the newest family member of Rise immersion subject English school. We hope that your children can gain knowledge and happiness here. In order to promote the teaching, guarantee the quality of teaching, and help children to cultivate good living and learning habits, please read the following guidelines and lets pay more attention to our childrens progress together. 亲爱的家长们: 欢迎大家成为瑞思学科英语S216 家庭的一员!希望您的孩子能在这里收获知识与快乐。为了促 进教学,保证教学质量, 同时让瑞思的小朋友从小养成良好的生活和学习习惯,请您认真阅读以下指 引,并和我们一起为小朋友的进步一起努力。 Arrival time Please arrive at the center at least 10 minutes before the class, so that kids can get ready for class. 到达中心请您于上课前 10 分钟到达中心,以便小朋友为上课做好准备。 Good habits 1. Please prepare cups, so as not to waste the paper cups. 2. Please prepare stationery and take it to the classroom 3. Children should wear the uniform and the students card. 4. To preserve the learning environment of the children, school absents are not allowed without prior permission, please strictly observe the class schedule. 1. 小朋友上课时请备好水杯,以免浪费。 2. 小朋友准备好文具,每次按时带到课堂上。 良好习惯3. 小朋友必须身着校服,佩戴学员牌进入中心。 4. 为保证学习,中心不接受无故请假及缺席,请小朋友严格遵守上课时间,保证上课 规律性。 Security 1. Please don t bring a toy to class. 2. Please don t bring a pet to class. 3. Parents need to send the children to the teaching area. 4. Please, we need for all parents to not enter the teaching area; the reason is for keeping a safe and quiet studying environment. 安全 1. 请小朋友不要将玩具带入课堂。 2. 请小朋友不要将宠物带入课堂。 3. 请小朋友不要将食物带入课堂。 4. 请家长将小朋友送至教学区外,请勿进入教学区,保证教学区内安静并安全的学习 环境 Health 1. If your child is sick, please do not bring the child to class. The Child needs to get better before returning to class. Our center will provide a make-up service for any missed lessons. 2. If your child needs to take medicine during the class, please prepare a list of drug dosage and the method of taking the medicine. The teachers will not accept the verbal instructions. 3. The center will not provide non-prescription medicine to any child. 健康 1. 患病的小朋友请勿坚持上课,安心休息,中心会提供免费的补课服务。 2. 如需在上课时间内吃药的小朋友,请家长提前准备好药品并写好清单,清单上注明 药物剂量及吃药方式,不接受口头嘱咐。 3. 中心不会为小朋友购买食用药物及自行喂药。 Making up a missed lesson 1. If your child has missed class due to illness or something that couldnt be avoided, please ask for leave from the teacher at least 1day before class. For any missed lesson without prior permission will not be offered for free make-up. 2. Each absent will be recorded in the childs personal file. 3. The center does not allow tutoring (i.e., teaching one child the missed lesson); instead each child will be assigned to the next class to make-up the missed lessons. All missed lesson must be made up. 4. If the child misses more than 12 hours of continuous instruction, the child will be transferred into the next class to continue. The child will not be allowed to continue with their original class. 补课规则 1. 如小朋友因病或有事不能来上课,请家长至少提前一天给中心前台请假,对于没有 请假的小朋友,中心将不提供免费补课。 2. 对于迟到或早退的小朋友,我们将不提供补课,同时我们会将迟到及早退的行为记 入小朋友的个人档案。 3. 中心不允许一对一(即老师单独补课)补课形式,每名缺课的小朋友会安排到下一 个班级去补所缺的课程,我们必须还原真实课堂,补课也不容轻视。 4. 一个阶段连续请假时间不得超过12 课时, 否则小朋友将不能继续跟着原来所在班级 继续学习,而调入下一个班。 Class Time (Ask your childs teacher for the class schedule) 上课时间周五 18:30-20:20 周日 8:30-12:20 School Rules 1. Our center will replace each teacher once a year, on average, each teacher is assigned to other grades and classes. 2. Children promoted to the next stage of learning will be combined with other classes to form one class. Our center will inform the parents of 3-5 months in advance, before forming the new class. 教务细则1. 各中心会有规律的更换授课老师,平均为一年一次更换授课老师,不同的年级会有 不同年级组的老师进行授课。 2. 小朋友升入下一阶段的学习, 会进行合并班级, 会提前 3-5 个月告知家长合班方案, 供家长提前选择适合的新班。 Other 1. In order to ensure a healthy teaching area, food is not allowed into the teaching area. 2. It is suggested that parents use the time their child is in class to do other activities. Your child will be well taken care and safe. If the teacher needs your assistance they will call you on your cell phone. 3. (Fill in your teachers name, telephone, mail and front desk phone number.) 其他1 为了保证教学区域的卫生,食物不允许带到教学区域。 2 由于家长不能进教学区, 建议家长安排好接送小朋友的时间,小朋友上课的时间可 安排其他的活动 ,如果老师需要家长的帮助会及时致电给家长; 4. 带班老师: Language Arts( 语文): 胡晶晶June 13419627200 june.hurisewh.net Math&Science( 数学&科学): 聂娜Anna 15827205622 anna.nierisewh.net Rise Immersion Subject English, Wuhan 瑞思学科英语武汉中心


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