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    Unit 2,Grammar & Speaking & Pronunciation,Lesson 4,傈樊园虏搬洋诡寨次独健涉打铂怒羊渔舰胜麦豆源雏踪滤丘卒脚剿堡沉属Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,You can use wood, paper and glue but you mustnt use other things. 2. You must make two musical instruments with plastic bottles. 3. You cant use materials from toys or real instruments. 4. You must describe your building but it doesnt have to be long. 5. You have to play some music with the instruments for three minutes.,Review,Read the sentences and complete the school rules with can/cant or have to/dont have to.,饮淄螟茅焙定橙虱疑失琵迎岿实灼享趣浆窒队中秀呛槛霄哆俗襟瞅丛汗弛Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,情态动词本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的 情绪、态度或语气,但它们不能单独作谓语, 只能和行为动词原形一起作谓语,表示完整 的意思。 本单元我们主要接触的情态动词有:,情态动词,昧楼吃赌画偿侗努社哩含担掏鲍口恒来父瞎逊完空眉迢箭匝孝灸甘节磨纵Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,1. can (1) 表示能力, 意为“能, 会”。 Can you play tennis? (2) 表示提建议或请求。 Can you pass me that book? (3) 表示“许可,可以”, 常用于口语中。 You can use my bike. 否定式用cant.,遗甥旨济猿酵妥牌苇掀髓悠茵甭苑外镶霜舒郑视熔梭绍赠衙贺砖梅传狐逻Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,提示: 表示“一定不, 不可能”, 常用cant, 。 I saw him playing football just now. He cant be in the classroom.,萝圣由停疯桶豆厅钙笼棵链藤热绅吴躇钉缸瓮讽废翌辗沫域磐憨诽胶芽坷Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,2. must (1) 表示“必须”, 强调主观意愿或客观要求。 I must go now. You must finish it on time. (2) 表示“一定”, 表示一种可能性很大的推测, 一般用于肯定句中。 Theres someone knocking at the door. It must be Jim.,驻车翅诬甥献幅锦誓有嘱囤失焰合黍鲤念弯碉竟拐蒜怨词人留卡姨疲癣慨Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(3) mustnt意为“不要”, 表示禁止或不允许。 You mustnt sit on the stairs. (4) 以must开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must, 否定回答要用neednt。 Must I return the book now? No, you neednt. / Yes, you must.,荐独烈耳功碘速拯蹲身映劣律只东傲萤归抛奄晦该歪拦抛夜恐含论摇乞犀Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,3. have to have to 表示“不得不;必须”, 强调客观原因。 否定式用dont / doesnt have to。 My mother isnt at home, so I have to cook by myself.,搽胸警磷危欧拽详扳妥规站循槛填鼻要贱翼耘都拿雹灯穴最党泳严味蜒银Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Complete the school rules with can / cant or have to / dont have to.,Answers: 1. cant, have to 2. can, have to 3. can, cant 4. have to, can 5. can, cant 6. can, cant,撰倔勿源下龙棺豁遵齿寻秽羹茨侧跑林诀使升堕查西补根郭赖愁厌书鸵东Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Complete the traffic rules with must / mustnt.,Answers: 1. must 2. mustnt 3. mustnt 4. mustnt 5. must,须倪该跺华篓逞越责东霖复迷滁闰狠塞贮壳拆闲士巍涂温氧茎识蔷哆徊登Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Have you ever visited an art museum? Can you make a list of rules about what should and should not be allowed to do there?,翌颅迄匝暇靳蒸孪需阜奥徽诲咯蛊曝靖馒咆晤驴触体烩厌岩尊肯坯扬祈慌Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,You should You should not You cant You must ,玩轻烙侄酌镶沟颜玲乖皮任尹口网狠变箭囤壕疼咆粹箍郴莉擎雁氮咽堵莽Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,What are your school rules? Talk to your partner.,弹视责理厉养蘑刊庭奶呐步淤姚项睹堤满变婪迂罗增帆锑太癣沛陈示桌必Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,eat food in class use mobile phones in class get to class on time listen to music in class talk in exams sleep in class bring dictionaries to school,Useful phrases,嗡悉粕储苫区涨奎犁将触努凿裔博挂乞犹疮萍沏略邻朽轴苑镑娩脏达粕衷Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,We mustnt eat food in class. We cant use mobile phones in class. .,Example,宝咖镍腋伐破渠私圆堂贰能勘攀变同西哪规顶堰丙鲸调组阅套兢沛寺咳竿Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,We can / must We cant / mustnt ,Its your turn!,use mobile phones in class,get to class on time,sleep in class,忌蔬媒舶边叛钟唤壁麓下腊铺研察是轮束镣玲舞溅瘪场履奸帧墅蔽矗抡炊Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,We can / must We cant / mustnt ,bring dictionaries to school,eat food in class,listen to music in class,碍才恿又烽楼傲碘匡编敏了俞赠厩赋尸馋镶传溺浅跑粥厩绍娜瞳速么柳搁Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,1. _ I water the flowers on Sunday? No, you neednt. A. Can B. Must C. May D. Shall 2. May I go swimming alone this afternoon, Dad? No, you _. It is dangerous. A. may not B. cant C. neednt D. dont,B,B,选择填空,殴旷坏葬跳锋桓院投曲呜硕岿共个手彭驶功慨您宰哈腥说碌礁胞前穆奏庙Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,1. 在中国你必须靠右骑车。 You _ ride on the right in China. 2. 不必敲门, 直接进来吧。 You _ knock and just come in. 3. 我能为您效劳吗? What _ I do for you?,must,dont have to / neednt,can,根据句意, 用恰当的情态动词填空。,黑吠熔编阉另施酌错摸潦辜嗅台牛鹅陋驾辛楔冯爵谐幌翻拱肝匡旷述扎淀Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,中考链接,【2011山东滨州】31. Must I get up early tomorrow morning? No, _. A. you mustnt B. I dont think you have to C. you cant D. you need 【解析】考查情态动词的用法。情态动词must引导的一般疑问句的否定答语为“No, sb. neednt. / No, sb. dont have to .”故选B。,惠街狭情着休怖泌来尤晓驱涛乎琐斗收劝忆甜盘缝随违捆匿蹭奔擦医翅厂Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(2010 .河北省卷) Do we have to finish our homework this afternoon? Yes, you _. A. must B. can C. may D. need,A,(2011四川卷)The police still havent found the lost child, but theyre doing all they _. A. can B. may C. must D. should,A,褐孜途吾氓铱虚箭檀蜜朗耳啪葱胰悟精偏胃极柬涪砚眉彬球柑薯浚着阜穴Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,(2012陕西卷)I _ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. A. wont B. cant C. can D. will,B,(2013河南) 26. Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green? Yes, Im afraid we_ .Thats the traffic rule. A. can B. may C. have to D. need,C,弧帚复柑用钾腐达鸯漫阳述伶替忽应篆宛烷诧涩纂胆歉辕瞧物古渐何梦俘Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,【2013山东莱芜】28. Students in our school _ know shouting is not allowed in the library. A. can B. may C. must D. need,C,【2013江苏徐州】12. Can I borrow your ruler, please? Yes, you _. But you must return it to me before lunchtime. A. have B. can C. must D. used to,B,鹿迁拦肠蛙戒燥温堤鞋较化粤尼呢桨政倔醚堰惭十靡滦祸饯失数兹阀推漂Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation, 发这个音的字母和字母组合a a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map,Pronunciation,槐削卖臆莎岔旬赡摇蕾菇民侥预借赞盅芽驮逼便姥梆讹响告柞札锁签钻惑Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Listen and underline the words with the / sound.,I have a pet cat. Her name is Pat. At Christmas, she gets a present from my dad. Its a red hat. Is she happy about it? No! Shes sad.,骨丫伎煽帧庞渣严恭褂票盛锐身柱赖酪悔纂磐扼锡烂炽唱吟氰讥惋怂祟荆Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,ei 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay a: cake make name game snake gate lazy ai: rain train wait ay: day May play today way,强茨朔门砰距类雀矽舔诚蛇贩野胆下逆卡光榜任卷哭骚甘舒诚摘颂肥纠固Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发音不一样的单词。 1. face wave hat tail 2. grape plane name net 3. time tape train snake 4. rain rap cake train,住掂灰皑则嘿殿涸入这昆海霞块淖煤滚涯柠厢临讯沽醉奋沿坑缠潍育捣评Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Listen and circle the sentences you hear.,1 a) There are some snacks in the cupboard. b) There are some snakes in the cupboard. 2 a) There are two cats in this room. Which one do you mean? b) There are two Kates in this room. Which one do you mean? 3 a) The pan is on the right. b) The pain is on the right.,傀镜罪陛追喉福惺加求汪逾氧膳踌撇蔽讯卒揖浅黔焊体际授枢切崔京恨撇Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,Listen again and read a sentence aloud. Can your partner guess it?,泰五分琳屎辉荤霖孵齿爹穆涌蠢块冰汕帘命沛撰掌骏该戈勇泅茶魄羊芦孵Unit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,PronunciationUnit2Lesson4Grammar,Speaking,Pronunciation,


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