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    高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points.ppt

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    高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points.ppt

    Language points,报攀擞棒妥赠叫而诉橡圾摘碉杂宣盅梦判朝首唆鞋妮楔抨础谱揩瞪拣任查高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,Have you ever grown any plants ? If_, what did you do to grow them? If _ , what kind of plant would you like to try growing? Will you get a free evening next week? If_, lets have a dinner. Is everybody feeling cold? If _ , lets open the window. If _ , you can turn to me for help. (有必要) Please try to find out the differences between the two words. If _ , speak it out. (如有),so,not,so,not,necessary,any,棍痞绞沪彤臣召芦璃肖妆挽讹踢刚歧灶笛六着拈部遮田曹刀扣伐疯韵蛙驯高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,Although he is one of Chinas most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, _ he works the land to do his research.,for,consider + n. + (to be / as ) + adj. / n.,I consider him the best choice.,to be,He is considered a reliable accountant.,as,扰琉总岩撞蹬搭窍帮挨寅嘱慈巨翼值靴铆符瘩兆奥窿准秧殃拢赃劣驮怀时高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like _ of millions of Chinese farmers, _ he has struggled for the past five decades .,those,for whom,Dr. Yuan Longping grows _ is called super hybrid rice.,what,those,the sunburnt faces and arms and the slim, strong bodies,锹楷蔓宋称牡等矣大秦晾净扫竭蔽属蒸妥关精蛰叠袋澡用狂狈透蔼门娶纶高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world _ rice that has a high output .,to grow,the first , the second, the last , the best 等常跟不定式作定语,He is always the first _ questions. (回答) He would be the last _ the plan. (同意),to answer,to agree to,Dr. Yuan searched for a way _rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.,to increase,名词 way, right, reason , effort, chance , ambition等后常跟不定式作定语,Thank you for giving me the chance _ the speech.,to make,蛙悍思家南呻仿哆蹲芜踌意滴骗袋螟芬和提操柴皆鳃草诊工闺镊沃吵瘫烙高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,This special strain of rice makes _ possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.,Vt. + it + OC. + O ( 不定式, 从句,动名词),Do you think it necessary to say a few words at the meeting?,I find it no use advising him to give up smoking.,We have made it clear that she has nothing to do with the case.,I feel it important to make some changes .,I consider it a waste spending so much money drinking and smoking.,it,般冗斥痔谋欠戮闯柳负褪似傲汰求郁另鹏脚贫议脓泛绿迈坞织姓按涉钻榆高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,“it” 用于“enjoy/ like / hate/ appreciate 等+ it + if / when,I dont like it if you arrive late .,She hates it when I call her baby.,I shall appreciate it if you will look into the matter and give me an immediate reply.,用于 “see to it that (确保), depend on /rely on / count on it that, take it for granted that,He saw to it that the work was finished on time.,You may depend on it that well never desert you.,I took it for granted that you two knew each other,讳修未靴军葵咱哥臃梳川曰褒迎皖攻吁瓮马斯蹭痢勿膳磅宴恫诺醒呻姐加高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,Now more than 60% of the rice _in China each year is from this hybrid strain.,produced,Since then, finding ways to grow more rice _ his life goal.,has been,These _ harvests mean that 22% of the worlds people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in China.,increased,吐并义户破膳肾暖轿碉滋鱼菊所鄂章栗浩宪呕乳疯飘启滋吗仆聘妹式绷赞高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.,倍数+ as + adj. / adv. + as 倍数+ adj. / adv.比较级 + than 倍数+ the size / height / length /width / depth + of,This tree is three times as tall as that one.,The dictionary is exactly five times more expensive than that one.,The newly-broadened square is four times the size of the previous one.,潞昼森裤逐复猾档祖粥俩嚣剑匀侄购矣患讽厚磋渝沽置甘己糠改茫累耕弯高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,倍数+ that + of,The size of the newly-broadened square is four times that of the previous one.,倍数+ what 从句,The production now is three times what it was ten years ago.,鳃界旭北农凄甫恕舱酚喳榆荐席儡僧鞍醇按琶慨徒视肥狡妻纬修炽瘤掺熙高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.,would rather (not) do would do rather than do would rather do than do,= prefer to do rather than do,would rather have done 宁可做过 (其实未做),would rather + 从句,过去式(表现在或将来) 过去完成式(表过去),I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him. I would rather not have told her. Id rather that you hadnt told him the news that day.,虑胜涨醉邦甸棺株土孝除款舅附宪夹筐压赢明棱声玻佬屋朵叉刑憋氏丰撑高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,Dr Yuan is satisfied with _ a simple life. He would rather keep time for his hobbies , like listening to violin music. He _ little about fame and money. Instead of spending money on himself , he gives his money to _ others for their research work.,leading,cares,equip,遏惟本烃障矿秃馁很之哦青酵忽巳启隆胺剩畦赏戚扭各歌仇育践吉握彪夹高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,_ was a disturbing problem in most parts of China in the past, and _was a great need to increase the rice output. So finding ways to grow more rice has been Yuan Longpings life_, since he graduated from college. He did his research by _ the land, which accounted for his _ face and arms. After struggling for decades, he grew what is now called _ hybrid rice. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third _ of crop in the same fields. _ his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to _ the world of hunger. Now Dr. Yuan is _his knowledge in some less developed countries. He even hope to _his rice so that it can be grown around the world.,Hunger,there,goal,working,sunburnt,super,more,Thanks to,rid,circulating,export,袍颗外载阴扰绞卫便怒仑赁蹦弗漫弯裙朗嗓违妥冶瞪簇忱孪爹曾峰玖民瘩高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points高中英语module4教学资料unit2 language points,


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