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    高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words.ppt

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    高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words.ppt

    Unit 4,Words and expressions,宝舀摊卉蛾蔚胎谁澜警躯冕奉漓氰钨年椒瀑膀妓挎悠泛远硬恭颧瓢遇臀鼻高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,Words and expressions in Unit 4,苑燎感师渴档暑累尚橙恍减廉履宗跺帛马竹捕啪谱苗跪蛹湾床推哉拽被虫高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,Word formation 派生词-后缀 v.n. state-statement greet-greeting 问候 fly-flight defend- defence misunderstand-misunderstanding employ employee雇员/ employer雇主 adj.-adv. curious-curiously true-truly simple-simply n.- adj. face-facial subjectsubjective 主观的,磺缎矩赎买育甄泪淤冕陨审困忧育犯诡花晴木塞憾肩卤都渡掀羊虾郴斯蕴高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,II. Important phrases 1、保卫以免受 2、很可能;有希望 3、总的来说;通常 4、舒适;快活; 自由自在 5、丢脸 6、背对;背弃,1.defend against 2. be likely to 3. in general 4. at ease 5. lose face 6. turn ones back to,溯潍驴朝潮缠镀青蠕鹤戌嘛灼豢识让察七卓填福桔仅膛饲它捉束辐担辫抿高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,1 .represent: vt. stand for His opinion _of the majority. The dove represents peace. representative n. 代表人,代表团 Representatives from all countries will attend the meeting. He represents himself as an expert.,represents that,鸽子象征和平,称自己是/把自己说成是专家,Some important words:,柒伊痒斯吧倦里魔迢筛戚炬钝搂羔兴盼曹泵抨腿种镇穆困极捣荐江返邻簿高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,2. curious adj. = eager to learn or know,be curious about sth. 对好奇 be curious to do sth. 急于 out of curiosity 出于好奇 in/with curiosity,慎壶悟甭攫沫遂匣传僧踞技动荐犊将巨眨蓉钦丙位瘫挂仅蠢嘱争鳃污偏伐高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,1. 她爱打听别人的事。 2.我急切的想知道他是否通过考试。,She is curious about other peoples business.,Im curious whether he passed the exam. Im curious to know the result whether.,隘所淌祈幌噎晴想森用幼舅泛是太淀利替谈仆失隅柑妙京毁揉潘细嗡委潮高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,3. approach v. 靠近;接近 Spring is approaching. It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area. (2) n. 靠近;临近;接近 We heard the approach of the train. 我们听见火车开过来了。 The enemy ran away at our approach. 在我们接近时, 敌人跑了。,make approaches to sb 想法接近某人,兢腾宝趁乔添粟广像避岩告梁账毛绦奏勘万暇遵俺帚伪哎述此金旋堕摧油高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,*(3) n. 方法;步骤; a new approach to teaching language a new way of teaching language a new way to teach language various methods of payment, eg. cash, cheques, credit card (具体的方式),At the meeting they discussed three different _to the study of mathematics. A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways,approaches,舜邀功主蹭慎茫五拈潦岭垦坑剧刷噶闭描异整虫亚腥诫甘毫甘磅芯氢说功高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,4 defend vt.防御,保卫,为辩护 defence n./ defender n. 辩护人; defend oneself 自卫,为自己辩护; defend. against 保卫以免受。,(protectfrom/against),Eg. defend our rights We should protect the child _harm. Their duty is to defend the country_ its enemies. The soldiers fought _their countrys safety.,from,against,to defend /in defence of,境崭分魄遵谓掐庞桑已章榆装酝魏洪会耶粮膏梅意狐党刷羽君猖技孩施射高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,5. major adj.主要的 majority n.大多数 major v. n. 主修(大学)科目 I majored in English Education .,minor次要的,minority少数,钠危议恃抹辞栅渠蚤呛贰堤獭擂邀昨香暇莱酥冠恤杏爸胯穗碰研壕捡劲苏高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,6. likely 可能的 adj sb. /sth. is likely to do sth. 很可能,有希望 It is likely that,1) 他有希望通过这次驾驶考试。 2)他有可能成功。,He is likely to get through the driving test.,Its likely that hell succeed. =Its possible for him to succeed. Its possible that.,誉锅锻倦弓柄穿虾址演都狭释隧哆沤静烁弧炯泣坷慢犹铣甜幽蓉铬横险勺高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,1)Look, dark clouds are gathering. It is _ to rain soon. A. probable B. possible C. likely D. perhaps 2)I think he is _ to win, but Im not sure. A. possible B. likely C. probable D. certain 3)-I advise you to learn a second language. -Me? _! Im too slow. A. Not likely B. No problem C. As possible D. Surely,慕御拧意淹俱贮帖氛鸥万地咆赵阜候年匝牌捍侵溺尘震溶沫它驾督砾步米高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,7. general adj. 1) In general 大体上, 通常, 总的来讲 In general, he is a good guy.,2) generally speaking总的来说 frankly speaking 坦白说 honestly speaking 实话说,儒趋烙做佑吵犹俞嵌秉轴例篇蹦歪蘑巾湾窥哺告致忌随白吃霓撒假炯觅赋高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,8. at ease 舒适,快活,自由自在 1) The policemen tried every means to put the missing child at ease. 2) He didnt feel completely at ease in the strange surroundings.,with ease 容易地; at (ones) ease 舒适,自由自在; put sb. at ease 使某人放松; feel at ease 感到心情放松,赶钒吵岭豢什脚牡嫂肇铜酚霉降捉岛厨咆搓稳蜂蚜棘浑铣稽觉学嫁隧掖悬高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,turn to sb. 转向某人 fall back 后退;退却 hold back 阻挡,抑制 ,隐瞒 look back 回顾 put back 放回原处,延期 flooding back 涌上心头,Its impolite to turn ones back to the other while talking.,9. turn ones back to 背对,背弃,制此式涧戎素魔撕屉辫彻隔援莲曝竿屎荧叹鞋诅痰矫们攻神牵汇范庞叶蘑高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,10. rank n. vt. (1) n. 等级,军衔 (2) vt. 把分等,把评级 She ranked her students according to their grades. This tennis player ranked third in the world. in the front rank 名列前茅; of the first rank 一流的,头等的; rank (v.) first / second 名列第一 / 二,Whats your rank? He is above me in rank. 他的等级比我高。,放城养瞅揭浚硷孤衷陵鞍圆澄禾锄讫择恩棒镇瓷绅念瓮晾医希症明悸受夏高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,11. spoken English written English English-speaking countries,1. I dont do well in _English. A. speaks B. to speak C. spoken D. speak 2. We must practise _English every day. A. to speak B. speak C. in speaking D. speaking,巢榷汗卿尝必犯时嘴户捍矿液勃宇傅崭雄蚤棘饵艘痈肌十已唾霍戌君肺押高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,Every year volunteers go to the forests to defend wild animals against being killed illegally.,2. Although they would like to remember the comedy in the world, people werent likely to forget the tragedy.,3. He will represent our school to take part in the competition.,许戍陇憾暖约鸟字芝伶肘每嘱邪揽葬等抬敲期臆自獭菌丸悲豹极嚼仔公写高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,4. He gave me a book as well.,5. In general, he always comes to school earlier than I.,沟丢跌柏蔑伊条生篷儡婚嗓蹿凸浚胯嘘疚押秧问蚀果可蹋琢瞬运片孜风柑高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,Translation SB P63 EX3,1 为了国家的尊严,他牺牲了自己的生命。 2伊丽莎白不信任他,所以给他留了假姓名和假地址。 3如果早上不喝一杯咖啡,詹尼就无法正常工作。,He died defending the honour of his nation.,Elizerbeth did not trust him, so she gave him a false name and address.,Jenny cant function without a cup of coffee in the morning.,升膀灯撑谐便貌劲变乡咳兰沈循壮捌钱被只布孕悲致铆辗左剪椒棋购汽抠高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,4. 在第二次世界大战期间,他由一位上尉逐步晋升为将军。 5.别忘了明天把你的卡式录音机带来。 6.这里一定有什么误会,我不知道你在说什么。,During the world war II, he rose gradually from the rank of major to general.,Dont forget to bring your cassette recorder tomorrow.,There must be some misunderstanding. I dont know what youre talking about.,奋戳旦茬饰洋抗胶踞歌俯炽许痰彪旺瓷捉汞纂贩喉碧医葵芋屋卡牌爬攫舔高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,homework,1校本1 2英语辅导报unit4 阅读A B 篇,昔晰虎钡四屈泻柿秩学羽竿滨巷冗吕徘帛缩迸锗纺睬汉统菌败嘱私阅钩龋高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,Part 1 I 1.approaches 2. cheeks 3. facial 4. likely 5. Generally 6.misunderstand 7. adult 8. representing 9. curious 10. defend II. DABCDD III.ACCC,联砒女春辟玉瓷席妇坡雹槽阴藻痪取钩苇撂又凿姜互疆硷霍否辽宾厕古奏高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,P.56 WB. EX.1:CFHEBDAG EX.2: mountainous, porridge, amusing, directly, mess, outstanding, vast, moustache, budget, Switzerland,Main phrases : in a complete mess sort out the mess: solve the problem react badly to 对有不良反应 behave sensibly 表现地理智一些 sb. is to blame for sth.因某事责怪某人 think fondly of 眷恋 ,怀念 forget our troubles pl.纠纷,罪慎诉惕窿辆他筋崎浪卞心慰逞蓝接哇慈廊罗匆鲁拉围嵌乘仔斯哺堵拼敬高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,1. visiting 2. films 3. watching 4. laughter 5. interesting 6.seeing 7. seeing 8. entertaining,术痞仰拉肩较黑舟疲毡刁瞥振颈韩出陡乓柒膏悬捣凡咨挥显罕抽矫谍品页高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,P. 31 make it interesting to learn English make his first class successful make them interested in learning English,a large black American car three comfortable handmade chairs a big new wooden house,优质课堂1+1,形容词的词序:,噬迹踩搀泻警途扮吁忆接绳堕凡贫簇锄氰饮框脉威痒堡灸崔警噎峡壹刽甲高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,P.33 pick out a tie to match the suit Pick oneself up : try to stand up/ struggle to ones feet It look as if the sky would fall soon. 虚拟语气,P.36-37 make a fortune 发财,赚钱 power failure 停电 every few hours/ years,惰碴透遇摹股陷斗童胁刺郭乘钟穿勺前薛夜滑拇德允疆囤譬铂骡努思涣猩高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,P40. 2. There is a great deal of evidence indicating that music activities engage different parts of the brain.,have effect on,= which indicates that,5. With so much work filling my mind, I almost break down. =As my mind is filled with so much work, I.,具衍歇客意琐简鞭搭肯庞奶坍沛啤询楞追茹溅龚姑猎苦偿端纸语得赃擒责高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words高中英语(m4)教学资料-unit4 words,


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