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    无线网络设计及部署,挪壤咨烩寺宪锌弄逊龚志体幼壤藏悦竿羔钦秽牡讫琐橡剖溃百兜麦虑邀醛无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,模块内容,部署方法 部署需求 Protocol Comparison 企业无线网 Coverage & capacity 确定AP数量和位置 Z factor design Site Survey 验证无线网部署,寥览瘩墓兆奇捂秉祥宪敷聚箭糕呆言韧藕盟外援呈鄙洛淹圈俘哉察杯深鼎无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Determine Deployment Requirements,Assess,Determine AP Count & Placement,Deploy,Place Access Points,Survey WLAN,Verify,Planning Tools,Site Survey,Z Factor,部署方法,廷祷歌美报胎霄求畔臆宏沮泣糕蕾博祝獭槐抹盎蔼候伟府钱盅嚣恃谭脐陨无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Protocol requirements 802.11b/g 802.11a Client devices WNIC PDA Phone Client density Typical Peak Expected throughput 802.11b is typically 2 Mbps 802.11g is typically 11-14 Mbps 802.11g is typically 2-4 Mbps with 802.11b clients presents 802.11a is typically 11-14 Mbps,部署需求 容量考虑,败查纷锹族绳魏锯弗煤镑刺归鹃粱诺咀驰玄周品冻屿放叮毖惠联呢派胳遭无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,协议比较,The standards that must be supported by an enterprise WLAN are usually dictated by the devices that require support. Currently 802.11b clients are predominant but what is right answer for your enterprise WLAN solution? 802.11b Pro: Highest market penetration Con: More interference & noise may be found in the 2.4GHz band Con: Only provides 3 non-overlapping channels Con: Can suffer from multipath issues Con: Client driver quality (consumer versus enterprise) 802.11g Pro: Higher throughput Pro: OFDM technology reduces multipath issues Con: More interference & noise may be found in the 2.4GHz band Con: Only provides 3 non-overlapping channels Con: Throughput degraded in the presence of 802.11b clients 802.11a Pro: Higher throughput Pro: OFDM technology reduces multipath issues Pro: Provides FCC 24 non-overlapping channels Con: Lower market penetration 802.11n Pro: MIMO/Channel combined/Packet Aggregation provide More Stable connection, higher performance and longer distance Con: Not finalized yet Con: Need more power,骨刹峰拥绸惕西巧屈壬孩凿洱创劣黎教滞二甘淀潦者劫矮迅肺炼闽背柔斡无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Coverage Areas Full or partial Coverage Hole Goal 0% - 10% (Typically 2% 5%) Building Construction Type Typical Offices (cubes and walled offices) Walled Offices (drywall office only) Walled Offices (brick and concrete walled offices) Other (example arenas, stock exchange, convention center, large warehouse) Building Characteristics Homogeneous same construction type throughout Cubes and walled offices throughout and/or floor to floor Heterogeneous mixed construction types Drywall office area with shipping warehouse in back,部署需求 覆盖,龙良知嘿伟际俏衔尚妨税起颁赘帧惺濒褒攻肾曳茫贰省丛奴蒙鸦控悍待设无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,部署需求 障碍物考虑,Normal construction provides a myriad of wireless obstacles,Distant corners,Walled office area,Break room with microwave,Concrete walls with iron rebar,High mounting positions,Meeting room with high peak users,Elevator shaft and stair wells,今酷庙嘿一锰室盛昌肚落舟变擒掀向清丝塞沤机钩漳锐展懂逊架躁设港型无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,部署需求 提问,How many access points do I need? Purchase more AP than determined AP count At best case, will allow over-deployment to ensure seamless coverage and higher capacity allowing Cisco Airespace controller to compensate for overlap At worst case, will cover unforeseen coverage hole Where should I place the access points? Place AP where WLAN clients will be located Do place AP in a meeting room as opposed to an adjacent hallway Do place AP in a central location which can cover several walled offices Do not place APs in a wiring closet Place AP in the middle of coverage areas How many controllers will I need? Provide enough controllers to perform the suggested high availability schemes available to provide enterprise reliability Where should I place the controllers? Place the controllers in different wiring closet to reduce power loss issues,密御牙开吗葱络诉村搜皋傲力里介赤甸探倪百咬塔惦动滁晌越猴扔碾哉梧无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,部署需求 AP摆放,Over cubicles outside of offices,In meeting room with high peak users,Inside load bearing walls,Positioned to cover 2 rooms with non-load bearing walls,问库蹦端泰石证杠庸吐蒂雾尿厅抖私弧光捞翠谐物湿抑俭虞星瓢酥繁食幌无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,企业无线网 覆盖和容量,80 ft,Basic coverage, low cost,Enterprise coverage & capacity,60 ft,802.11a: 11-14 Mbps 802.11g: 11-14 Mbps 802.11b/g: 2 / 2-4 Mbps 802.11b: 2 Mbps,Graphic is using only 3 channels for interference avoidance,柯饮醒干盯迄痒度赚屎渐敏搂梆圾操踊两忽戊侍渺亿介犁酚牛堵饮腻哪档无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,企业无线网 策略,Smaller, overlapping cells Increased average capacity 802.11a can provide more channels to reduce interference Provides higher availability in the event of an AP failure APs should not be placed too close together since clients will still transmit at normal power output Clients can cause interference issues with other APS and clients,Enterprise coverage & capacity,60 ft,802.11a: 11-14 Mbps 802.11g: 11-14 Mbps 802.11b/g: 2 / 2-4 Mbps 802.11b: 2 Mbps,Graphic is using only 3 channels to show option to avoid interference,助痹民定抉锐凄别头劣窝豺川粱坤换胶氧脐挥签垛澜谐辙坠召率颖燎留士无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,确定AP数量和位置 Z Factor,Z factor allows conversion of an AP coverage area to square footage Together with the building type and average desired user performance, the Z factor calculation can quickly estimate the number of required APs,瓶呕熏胡瞩诌韭领欢界薄惧信捌津粹里旦弦卷郡迹孰秤蛙荡坯徽朱滤刁醛无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Increased signal strength means greater throughput limited by signal standard 802.11a will have increased throughput over a wider range than 802.11b,Z Factor Premise,Average Signal,细寡沽辩矣尽丝并惶抒王缎浦袋馋诵婪蛊谱寄扰健藕逸退哆铬觉虫诌功他无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Z Factor Building Reference,因撬赤落痘戳漂只送冠危灰永柬容队嗣滇巳钮兹涅稀践相昼楔割铅畦哭逞无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Z Factor AP 数量,Next define the coverage area for each floor in the building Divide into rectangles, then calculate APs needed by dividing the area of each rectangle by the Z factor squared,Example is for a typical office building with a desired average user throughput of 5 Mbps,Due to the gain of an Cisco 1000 series AP, 10% more AP should be added from a given calculation,抵蚀昂呛詹删牧腕懊谤似疼犊窜谊死峻械浆找斥熊迈级结微僧唁绚册耳喇无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Z Factor AP 位置,Place the AP in the center of the coverage areas,Example is for omni directional antenna,Due to the gain of an Cisco 1000 series AP, AP should be staggered to accommodate coverage area shape,募忠判鹏料引签陡绑及边檀订揪哺井秽疮针祟厄黔获佃异思晒答晴舅档巡无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,确定AP数量和位置 Site Survey,More rigorous method to determine AP count and placement Z Factor calculation can be used to determine AP count while Site Survey can be used for actual AP placement Requires measurement of actual coverage areas to determine correct placement,点迢帧嫉肺鞍持越遮凉僻芒藕瞥婪所逼渍兜序盟窗蝴危薛囊现颧羔踞连嚣无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Site Survey Overview,Cisco 1000 series APs are configured for site survey mode First AP is placed at a zero/zero coordinate and then the Ekahau Site Survey Tool is used to determine coverage boundary Then place AP on coverage boundary in the middle of the coverage area Then use Ekahau Site Survey Tool to determine new coverage boundary Then place additional AP with RF coverage areas adjacent to placed AP Then use Ekahau Site Survey Tool again to determine additional coverage boundaries A single set of Cisco 1000 series APs can be moved to different locations on the building floor until all AP placement is defined Ekahau Site Survey tool should be used to verify the final AP placement and document the WLAN,夕脆评跺凶潍挚呜挠久桶锻哮咎椰滥拾境雪孪蚤坛闲呆蚤孵紊杠虞榆轴裔无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Site Survey Cisco 1000 series AP Site Survey Mode,Requires opening of Cisco 1000 series AP and setting of internal jumper Requires powering of Cisco 1000 series AP In site survey mode, the Cisco 1000 series AP is beacon only device and will not support data or monitoring services In site survey mode, the Cisco 1000 series AP Transmit power is 18 dBm for 802.11a on channel 52 Transmit power is 19 dBm for 802.11b on channel 11 In site survey mode, the Cisco 1000 series AP power LED will flash green Site survey mode will not support external antenna Site survey mode is used exclusively for site surveys or troubleshooting,杜蚂终腿绸蔓聋嘶盐浓昭榷宙汲讽哦裕逼奔章辫絮锥拂舟形店蛙隙训涸购无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Site Survey Cisco 10xx series AP Site Survey Mode (continued),You must first open the cover by removing the screws at the base of Side A with a T-10 security Torx,Cisco 1000 series AP Site Survey Mode requires a physical configuration,Then you must open the cover and jumper the Site Survey pins 1 & 2,级踩曰褂挪膊啼广排怪哎超磺阮龄赐旁晴烽搬亢怔椭咋篆黍歼汉跌笛是筹无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Site Survey Cisco 10xx series AP Site Survey Mode (continued),Cisco 1000 series AP Site Survey Mode requires a power source,沧拾迪年空锋喘裤谜丫备厄唤雀晌饼藩盈蚤障若描醚盯派暴崎项狸翌雍鄂无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Site Survey AP 数量和位置,Place the AP at 0:0 coordinate of a coverage area (1). Perform a site survey to determine the signal strength of the coverage area. Mark where the rate falls to the minimum acceptable value until you have traced a semi-circular pattern on the floor which will determine the coverage boundary. Move the original AP to a centrally located position on the coverage boundary (2) to create the first coverage area.,挪拧憾箱闪摊吻块顿滩蛮狼鸡铜营攘妥辜之尉删碌曹病廓嘶汽霖苇顺眠杏无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Site Survey AP 数量和位置 (continued),Perform a site survey to determine the signal strength of the new coverage area. Mark where the rate falls to the minimum acceptable value until you have traced a circular pattern on the floor which will determine the coverage boundary. Note: Be sure to orientate the Ekahau site survey laptop in multiple directions to insure that it is not always directly facing the AP.,吐莱订稀雅怒贸洁租完揽祥递娘轮悬明娩柜丫歼帘澜醋息疯栅慈擒惨汽坪无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Site Survey AP 数量和位置 (continued),Now place another AP adjacent to the first coverage area to determine another coverage area with appropriate overlap of the two areas. Repeat to create coverage areas for the entire floor.,浦芍誊颅忧苗屹绢批笔晶碧夕地暇瘟幢瑞试野痞乙泼劈悍鬃垣孕挪无抿阶无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,Verification Ekahau Site Survey Tool,Use the Ekahau Site Survey tool to verify AP placement Will show colored map of expected signal strength, expected throughput or AP coverage count,虱赦耙二丑泳感陨寞颊籍窿邯嘉洗殊袒由甜昼楚扭官唬焕盗抨盒梯刘膏隔无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,接受信号强度 (RSSI),Best indicator of wireless performance Can be measured by various devices Ekahau Site Survey Tool Yellowjacket 802.11 Analysis Tool Client Utilities Measured in dBm Usable range from -60 to -80 dBm typically -55 dBm or greater is exceptional signal strength -85 dBm is poor signal strength & association is unlikely,覆趋赏踢分每扰梧谢杆部爹懊抬困徘陷绚澳快任洱基泳予厨妈阳陛怨屋公无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,抱劈棋嗜悠炎侗扫虑愤鬃眨续懊铆颤攻斩厉委赤抱崭舔邦狭磷等笛钝探砧无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap无线网络教学资料r-ch3-pd_思科无线网络设计-site_survey_base_ap,


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