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    Chapter 6 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer同步练习一选择题 1. -Ben looks so sad! -He _in the school_his haircut.A. was made fun of , because B. was made fun of , because of C. made fun of , because D. made fun of , because of .2. -I am going shopping . Would you like to _me , Maria? -Yes, I d love to . A. come along B. come down with C. come down D. come along with3. -Where are the other boys? - They all _to the playground _me. A. have gone, except B. have been, besides C. have gone, besides D. have been, except4. -Who is your uncle? -The man _is smiling is my uncle.A. who B. which C. whom D. whose5. -Did Mr.Li leave Shenzhen _Saturday morning? -Yes. He will be back_two weeks.A. on , after B. on, in C. in , after D. in, in 6. -You really have nothing to say about the robbery, _? -Yes, I am feeling guilty.A. have you B. havent you C. do you D. dont you7 -Do you think Mark Twains stories are _? -Yeah. Most of us are _in his stories.A. interesting , interested B. interested, interestingC. interesting , interesting D. interested, interesting.8 .Take care of the boy and the dog _ are crossing the street. A. which B. who C. that D. whom9 .I am the only one _ can do it right.A. which B. who C. that D. whom10. He was reading a book _he had bought from London.A. what B. who C. which D. when11. I _him to work hard and to try for the exam. He looked confident again.A. encouraged B. made C. let D. forced.12. After he had finished _the text, he went on _the housework. A. reading, doing B. to read, doing C. to read, to do D. reading , to do13.Our classroom is five metres _ and four metres _. A. wide, length B. width, long C. height, length D. long, wide14. The students all came into the lab_some books _their handsA. with, in B. with, on C. have, by D. have, with.15. The poor man begged _money, but some children made fun _him.A. to, on B. of, for C. for, of D. for , at 二解释下列句子。(20分)1. Every child in the family got a gift. Only the youngest child didnt get one. 2. No one can do the job except him. 3. Many boys passed by all day. 4.When he was writing the letter, he had worry on his face. 5He usually plays tricks on the little kids. 6. Whats the height of the wall? 7. The length of the fence is 30 yards. 8. All the children played happily in the park, but Tom didnt. 9. Polly was very pleased. And she gave Tom a large cake. 10. Whenever the singer comes along, his fans are joyful.参考答案一选择题( 15分)1-5 BDAAB 6-10 DACCC 11-15 ADDAC二 解释句子( 20分)1.Every child in the family got a gift except the youngest one.2. He is the only one that can do the job.3.Many boys went past all day.4.He was writing the letter with worry on his face5.He usualy makes fun of the little kids.6.How high it the wall?7.The fence is 30 yards long.8.All the children played happily in the park except Tom.9.Polly was so pleased that she gave Tom a large cake.10.Whenever the singer appears, his fans are full of joy


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