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    【演讲稿】我的演讲稿my best friend.docx

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    【演讲稿】我的演讲稿my best friend.docx

    第 1 页 我的演讲稿 my best friend1 特征码 vvrKQjoujFytinfGuuAg I have four best friends. It has been 7 years for us since we built our friendship during the junior school. Although we are separated now, i believe we'll never forget. the precious time we spend in the junior ahd senior school together, and we will be best friends forever. “we are certainly best friends forever “fantasy said to me. She is one of my best friends who has a beatiful face, white skin , big bright eye and long curly black hair. we have to admit that she ia one of the most excellent girl among us, not only in the studies but also in the personalities. I think she is the girl between the superachiever and cool-steady. Because she is not totally belonging to cool-steady ,besides modest, 第 2 页 cooperative, patient and sociable, she is also independent and very ambitious. Do you believe that ,it's ture. For instants, she can get along well with all kinds of people even those who can always make you crazy . she can quickly adapt hersellf to the new enviroment and if she can do something on her own,she won't trouble others. What's more she always consider about others'feeling.I think that's her valuable quality, because in now days, more and more peolple are just concernd with themselves. She has a variety of interests. She is good at playing paino and has passed level-eight.She also like singing dancing and doing sports sometimes, I often wonder that I'm such an ordinanry girl , how can i obtian such an excellent friend. Looking back to the time we spent together ,she has helped me with my studies, encouraged me when i felt upset .And she always stood by my side and helped me to overe the obstacles. We made joks and laughed all the time .May be the most important reason why we could bee close friends is that: we like each other, we appeal to each 第 3 页 other .I think she is so excllent girl meanwhile she think me is a lovely girl. we are familiar to each other, except some of her good qualities which i don't own .we a are both houmous and like to tell funny stories. we like the same kinds of moives and food. We wear the same style clothes and we also have same view about the things and we understand each other. In a word. It is the most the lucky thing in my life to have such a good friend. I'll try my best to keep our friendship forever. 这是我的口语段考,我选择的 IC是“我的朋友”虽然写得很用 心了,但是还是有很多不足的地方。比如.太啰嗦了,没什么实 质性的细节描写,都是泛泛而谈,表达的不够地道(这是本人 的毛病) ,词汇量不够,不会灵活短运用语。 。 。 。 第 4 页


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