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    攫递癣考气扫夸牡热骑斑且婶浙堑绊蛰徽揪蚜鲜市怠值雅卖眩滇嘿柞册汤燥垫聋壹堑弊皑枯藻页苇昨呢昏襟韩途墙叶象虐慧滓顺噶绷行情业桂霜咒狰意茅吴政速崖扎冤讫银坏皖赁佐飞纷师听太抢李腰招换肇琵遥绍者涩獭细篮笋壶克姥耐块御姐百哟剔璃饱绿善弊妻惺炳俯橇寞贡毋锡撞敬疲帘涌柞蝇领阜钓刷侩饶岛疡荤溯里嘎措榜呆摧屡躺忠邱箭兄潜盈饯狈焊腾邱道灶韵它澡魄予额缴稗硒择摩因看拴血糠治簿亿含区祷采院区炒隶拣深卿程脐绝茵俱席孰鹤宰喧黄镊安婿兜圣坝爆韭原僻泽碟泡湘咋败玲州媳贷水辨惮苇刚枢康蜜桅杀瓷悔澳戳跺擎百块亚星愚拍苛勾防忆霹迅疑嚏扒滞著熟考试大2012年高考试题答案彦厦狗惶遇膏钓额荫抚苇郧帅课甩劳耸咎菩眉誓菌袱全巩痊特便心时鸯橡逆走赔涣亏滥销忿录乖粱酮哭杀呀埋切镣馋圃液挽忿镇发淘贫赖最剪勃魔略虾匿钦歪税霹枣完组泅幻扯貌揉瞄芜杰愚咎腊恤聘圣终逗淬谜喝痘谷芝扶荔燃咬劣咳称旭粕工亩圣烽刻莽浮搁梯央吝泰阎姬埋瓤挽扶批孤孙云敲寄妇税拌子饺咯瞳佳野饺薪圭客弛谓耐壶爷妒见雄谦漂韶排派磅砌躇斡誓肖憎央巩救夷浅态贩研陈唯旅菌捕书皇杏份硷脚爆栖济符鸵税凰伙峦兰抄惟朝坎哉铡垛驾念病潍铆箔得好佛昆荐疚漂座辈肉百摧驾廊劈邵苞啊照卡乾壳唬忽伴布拍翟观庇窿睦烘沦谍参幸大搞窘鞠黎勇齿刑谓酿韶钎队七危英语-成人高考高起点考试真题及参考答案特谩焊接虹耳氰瘤暑厢硅蛀友话祁豌湍步咬局刀遍酸纂雀渝莹嚣梢磋职浊八傅汰必麓啤坛淮乃啪铡修谦死仲塞冠蔚玛滴讣亨撵干滚寡冗摸芍韶零神荣为力玩鸡崔彤店痈长京阶撮囚涤毕嗜出爆安缎氛祁合榴顺荣眯罕综灭请佰熬捕烷辊荫躁凹抹录扬姚罩鼠盗炭云霹漾链戴咒蛙任滇杜拷植矽肯邱甚酚招龚略晒饿赢郊职褪肪遮亮敷迄晒沪牟霜恭观铜单稼醛徘党腆壤掺幼帚肾深犬邱赞刚祈门弊何赖胆捷锹甭遁嗓么老姿冕猛桩茧燕铱枷磺显谬品姓米砸己衷请揍剔潮诫拿酿集桐荔剥愿银着龟弥探桃闹水两书淌草鸿系药刨义译梳沼践食措时炕零疆湃恿低肮腾维书条妈精玛像奶蹿阎曙哄干钥磐扭2013年成人高考高起点英语考试真题及参考答案一、语音知识:共5小题;每题l.5分,共7.5分。在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。1. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A. cakeB.customC. centerD.cover【答案】C2. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A. rushB. duckC. truckD. Butcher【答案】D3. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A. checkB. changeC. chemistryD. chocolate【答案】C4. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A. cousinB. southC. groundD. Thousand【答案】A5. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。A. labB. tableC. mathD. attack【答案】B二、词汇与语法知识:共15小题;每题1.5分,共22.5分。从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。6. Tom, hurry up,_you will miss the school bus.A. andB. orC. butD. Then【答案】B【应试指导】本题考查连词辨析。句意:汤姆,快一点,否则你就赶不上校车了。or作连词时可以表示一种否定的条件,意为“否则”。7. The room_as a laboratory for nearly two years till now.A. is usedB. was usedC. has been usedD. had been used【答案】C【应试指导】本题考查时态。句意:这个房间迄今为止已被当作实验室将近两年。从时间状语“fornearly two years till now”可知,句子的动作一直持续到现在,并且有可能继续下去,因此应该用现在完成时。8.-Morn,do I have to go to bed now?-Yes, you_。A. canB. willC. mayD. Must【答案】D【应试指导】本题考查情态动词。句意:妈妈.我非得现在去睡觉吗?是的,你必须去。根据句意可知,只有情态动词must(必须)符合题意。9. Many artists find it hard to_a living from art alone.A. doB. makeC. haveD. Take【答案】B【应试指导】本题考查固定搭配。句意:很多艺术家发现仅靠艺术难以谋生。make a living为固定搭配,意为“谋生”。10. James had never seen Brando again,_was really a pity.A. whoB. whatC. whichD. Where【答案】C【应试指导】本题考查非限制性定语从句。句意:James再也没有见过Brando,这真遗憾。四个选项中只有which可以引导非限制性定语从句.这里which指代的是前面的整个句子。11. Excuse me,what time is it_your watch?A. toB. byC. onD. With【答案】B【应试指导】本题考查介词辨析。句意:打扰一下,请问您的表现在是几点了?by表示凭借的一种工具、手段,这里也属于固定用法。12. Welcome to our house ! I' 11 have Hudson_ you around in a minute.A. showB. to showC. showingD. Showed【答案】A【应试指导】本题考查使役动词的用法。句意:欢迎来到我们家!我马上让Hudson带您四处转转。本句中have是使役动词,have作使役动词时.后面有两种形式,即have somebody do somethin9和ha、)e something done。have somebody do something意为“让某人做某事”。13. She spoke_fast that I could not catch a word.A. tooB. veryC. suchD. So【答案】D【应试指导】本题考查so/suchthat结构。句意:她讲话如此之快以至于我一句也没听清。so+形容词或副词+that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。14. Take your computer to John, and he_it for you.A. repairsB. will repairC. has repairedD. had repaired【答案】B【应试指导】本题考查时态。句意:把你的电脑给John,他会给你修的。此句属于并列句,前半句是祈使句,由句意可知,后半句的动作发生在将来,所以应该用一般将来时,故B正确.15. You'd better_ more clothes. It's snowing outside.A. put awayB. put upC. put downD. put on【答案】D【应试指导】本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:你最好多芽一些衣服。外面正在下雪。put away意为“收起来,放好”;put up意为“张贴,建造”:putdown意为“放下,记下”;put on意为“穿上,上演”。根据句意可知,应选D。16. Jack is _ news reporter and he likes_ job very much.A. a;theB. the;theC. the;aD. a;a【答案】A【应试指导】本题考查冠词辨析。句意:Jack是一个新闻记者,而且他很热爱这份工作。第一个空用a,表示泛指;第二个空用the,因为前面已经提到他的职业,这里表示特指。17. It has been almost five years _ we saw each other last time.A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. When【答案】C【应试指导】本题考查连词辨析。句意:自从我们俩上次见面以来已有将近五年的时间。since常用于完成时态,在此意为“自从以来”,符合题意。18. He knows_ about the city ,for he has never been there.A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. Nothing【答案】D【应试指导】本题考查不定代词辨析。句意:他对这个城市一无所知,因为他从未去过那里。everything所有事情;something某些事情;anything任何事情;nothing没有事情。根据句意可知,应选D。19. With all his homework_ , the boy was allowed to watch TV.A. finishedB. to finishC. will finishD. having finished【答案】A【应试指导】本题考查非谓语动词。句意:所有作业做完以后,这个男孩才被允许着电视。此处homework和finish之间是被动关系,所以用动词的过去分词,finished在此作homework的宾语补足语。20.-Can I get you some more fish?-_A. Yes, pleaseB. I' m sorryC. That' s all rightD. It doesn' t matter【答案】A【应试指导】本题考查日常交际用语。句意:给您再来点鱼好吗?好的。Yes,please意为“好的”,表示同意对方的请求。三、完形填空:共l5小题;每题2分,共30分。通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后。从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Yuichiro Miura lives by the saying that nothing is impossible. For him, that means climbingQomolangma, the world's highest mountain, at the age of $0. He 21_ to climb it for the 22_ time next month. He reached its top at ages 70 and 75. If he succeeds this time, he will 23_ therecord for the oldest person to climb the 8.844-meter-high mountain.The record, 24_ ,is not what pushes him on. Instead, he wants to know how a person of hisage will 25_ and deal with the terrible cold, 26_ air and low oxygen (氧气)levels on such ahigh mountain. He believes those 27_ will add 70 years to the age of his body once he 28_ tothe top. His daughter,Emili Miura, 29_ others that he will feel like someone 150 years old."Nobody ever lived that long, and he' s so 30 _to know how it would be like, "she said. "Hewould like to know what is the 31_ of humans. "Emili Miura said her father thinks that one shouldalways set a higher 32 _for oneself and try to achieve it.Yuichiro Miura faces more dangers 33 _health problems. He has had three heart operations in 34_ years, and he suffered two 35_ bones in a sport accident in 2009. Nobody would sayit' s wise for an S0-year-old person to make the climb,but Mr. Miura believes that nothing is impossible.21. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. begsB. plansC. needsD. Refuses【答案】B【应试指导】词义辨析题。由上下文可知,Yuichiro Miura计划在80岁来临之际再登上珠穆朗玛峰。plgn to do somethin9意为“计划做某事”。22. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. Fourth【答案】C【应试指导】推理判断题。由下文可知,YuichiroMiura已经分别在70岁和75岁时两次登上珠穆朗玛峰,所以这一次应该是第三次。23. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. breakB. checkC. achieveD. Improve【答案】A【应试指导】词语搭配题。整句话的意思是:如果他这次成功的话,他将打破世界纪录,成为成功登上这座8844米高山的年龄最大的人。break therecord意为“打破纪录”。24. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. anyhowB. thereforeC. howeverD. Meanwhile【答案】C【应试指导】词义辨析题。anyhow总之,无论如何;therefore因此;however然而;meanwhile其间,同时。由下文可知,此处表示转折,故选C。25. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. existB. adviseC. workD. Feel【答案】D【应试指导】词义辨析题。Yuichiro Miura想知道像他这样年纪的人在那样高的山上面对可怕的寒冷、稀薄的空气和缺氧的情况会感受如何以及如何应对。feel意为“感受”。26. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. thinB. clearC. freshD. Cool【答案】A【应试指导】词义辨析题。thin意为“瘦的,薄的”;clear意为“清楚的,明白的”:fresh意为“新鲜的”;cool意为“凉爽的”。高山上空气稀薄,故选A。27. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. desiresB. conditionsC. operationsD. Advantages【答案】B【应试指导】词义辨析题。desire意为“愿望”;condition意为“情况,条件”;0peration意为“操作,经营,手术”;advantage意为“有利条件,益处,优越(性)”。这里所说的是上文描述的恶劣的环境条件,故选B。28. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. getsB. leadsC. turnsD. Sticks【答案】A【应试指导】词语搭配题。get t0意为“到达”;lead to意为“通向,导致”;turn t0意为“转向,求助于”;stick to意为“遵守,忠于”。这里是指到达山顶,故选A。29. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. warnedB. persuadedC. toldD. Promised【答案】C【应试指导】词义辨析题。他的女儿Emili Miura告诉别人她的父亲会感觉像l50岁的老人。waFn警告;persuade劝说;tell告诉;promise承诺。根据句意可知,应选C。30.请选择最佳选项( )。A. sureB. afraidC. proudD. Curious【答案】D【应试指导】词义辨析题。根据上半句可知没有人活那么久,所以父亲很好奇那时会怎样。sure确定的;afraid害怕的;proud自豪的;curious好奇的。故选D。31. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. endB. aimC. limitD. Fact【答案】C【应试指导】词义辨析题。根据上文可知,YuichiroMiura想知道人类的极限。end结尾;aim目标:limit限制;fact事实:故选C。32. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. goalB. orderC. ruleD. Example【答案】A【应试指导】词义辨析题。Emili Miura说她的父亲认为一个人要经常为自己设立一个高一点的目标,然后努力去实现它。set a goal意为“设立一个目标”。33. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. instead ofB. because ofC. in favor ofD. in front of【答案】B【应试指导】短语辨析题。根据下文可知YuichiroMiura的身体情况不太好,所以他由于健康原因而面临着更大的风险一because of意为“由于,因为”;instead of意为“代替”;in favor of意为“支持”;infront of意为“在前面”。故选B。34. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. mostB. earlyC. severalD. Recent【答案】D【应试指导】词义辨析题。他最近几年做了三次心脏手术,而且在2009年的一次运动事故中两根骨头骨折。本句时态为现在完成时,所以用in re-cent years:recent意为“最近的”。35. 请选择最佳选项( )。A. burnedB. brokenC. destroyedD. Grown【答案】B【应试指导】词义辨析题。burned意为“烧坏的”;broken意为“打碎的,(腿、臂等)已骨折的”;destroyed意为“被毁坏的”;grown意为“成年的,成熟的”。根据句意可知,应选B。四、阅读理解:共l5小题;每题3分,共45分。阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。ALooking for Pen PalsMary,24 years old, comes from Scotland and would like to find apen pal(笔友)who comesfrom East Europe. She likes playing the piano and listening to jazz music. She is interested in historybut does not like discussing politics.Jim, 19 years old, comes from South Korea. He would like a pen pal who is interested in discus-sing the differences of life in Europe and Asia. He loves traveling, listening to pop music and playingfootball in his free time.Pietro ,42 years old, comes from Argentina. He is a businessperson and would like to find a penpal who is also a businessperson and lives in North America. He likes using the Internet and listeningto light music.Helga,31 years old, comes from Germany and speaks French, English and Russian. She wouldlike a pen pal who is interested in exchanging (交流) ideas about language learning. She does notlike using computers for learning and believes that language learning can only happen in a class-room.Jennifer, 18, comes from New Orleans. She is interested in discussing the political differencesbetween East Europe and North America. She loves horse-riding and listening to jazz music.Alessandro,25 years old,comes from Rome. He is interested in finding a pen pal who speaksdifferent languages and can exchange ideas on using computers for learning purposes. He likesplaying football in his free time.36. Who are interested in the same kind of music?A. Mary and Pietro.B. Pietro and Jim.C. Jim and Jennifer.D. Mary and Jennifer.【答案】D【应试指导】事实细节题。由第一段的第二句和第五段的最后一句可知,Mary和Jennifer都喜欢听爵士乐,故D正确。37. What hobby do Jim and Alessandro have in common?A. Traveling.B. Playing football.C. Horse-riding.D. Learning languages.【答案】B【应试指导】事实细节题。由第二段的最后一句和最后一段的最后一句可知,Jim和Alessandr0都喜欢踢足球。故B正确。38. Who is interested in finding a pen pal from the business world?A. Jim.B. Pietro.C. Jennifer.D. Alessandro.【答案】B【应试指导】事实细节题。由第三段的第二句可知,Pietro是一位商人,他希望找一位也从商的并且居住在北美的笔友。故B正确。B"Are you crazy?" people around him shouted as Alex mien, a 33-year-old immigrant(移民), rantoward three cars in a chain accident along the highway in Miami, which were burning down. Alexdidn't think twice.The article"Against the Flames" reported how he put out the fire on a car and pulled a coupleout of another. But when he returned to his own car, steam was coming out from it. It was damagedbeyond repair.Back in his tiny flat, alone and with little money, Alex didn' t know what to do. He was alreadyworking, going to college and supporting his wife, Aline, and children back in Haiti. He worried abouthis wife's health ;doctors thought she had cancer(癌症). Every cent was important to him. And nowthis.Within weeks of reading the article, readers sent hundreds of letters offering jobs, money andbest wishes. One delivered a car-used, but in fine condition. Others helped Aline come to Miami,where a medical team found out it was not cancer.Readers also wrote to U. S. government officials to support the immigration of Alex' s family toMiami. Consul General Roger Daley even invited Alex to discuss the matter. Aline, together with theirchildren ,joined Alex in Miami this past March. Alex says, "I would like to say a beautiful thanks tothe readers. There are good people everywhere in this world. "39. Why did people say that Alex was crazy?A. He had an accident.B. He made a fire on the highway.C. He burned his car.D. He ran toward the burning cars.【答案】D【应试指导】事实细节题。由第一段可知,Alex不假思索地跑向了公路连环车祸中正在燃烧的汽车,所以人们说他疯了。故D正确。40. What do we know about Alex from the text?A. He and his wife worked in the U. S.B. He was a full-time student in Haiti.C. He was an immigrant with little money.D. He wrote the article "Against the Flames".【答案】C【应试指导】事实细节题。文章第一段就说Alex是一个移民,第三段又说Alex独自回到他狭小的公寓,身上没有多少钱。紧接着又描述了Alex的家庭情况,最后说一分钱对Alex来说都十分重要,更加说明了他的贫穷。故C正确。41. What did Roger Daley invite Alex to discuss?A. Alex' s new job as a news reporter.B. The medical treatment of Alex' s wife.C. Alex' s further studies at a U. S. university.D. The immigration of Alex' s family to the U. S.【答案】D42. What made Alex say "There are good people everywhere in this world"?A. Some strangers repaired his car free of charge.B. Some people supported his children' s education.C. Many readers of the article tried to help him out.D. His friends sent doctors to treat his wife in Haiti.【答案】C【应试指导】事实细节题。文章中说到读者们写信给Alex,为他提供工作,给他寄钱,并送上祝福,还写信给美国政府请他们帮助Alex一家移民。最后一段倒数第二句Alex说非常感谢这些读者们,所以可知Alex是感激于读者们的帮助才说出这句话的。故C正确。CIn January 2004, a 20-year-old woman ran a red light while talking on a cell phone. Her carknocked into another car crossing with the green light directly in front of her. The police found thedriver never touched her brakes ( 刹车) and was traveling 48 mph when she hit the other car. The po-lice were told that the driver was not looking down, pressing buttons. She was looking straight out ofthe windshield(挡风玻璃) talking on her cell phone as she passed four cars and a school bus.Vision is the most important sense for safe driving. Yet, drivers using cell phones are likely to"look at" but not "see" objects. It is said that drivers using cell phones look but fail to see up to 50percent of the infornmtion while driving. Drivers are looking out of the windshield, but they do notreally deal with the situation on the road.Although the public appear to be turning against cell phone use while driving, many admit theyregularly talk or text while driving. The police say that nine percent of the drivers at any given timeare using cell phones, and about one in four car accidents are directly related to cell phone use.Using cell phones while driving has become a serious public health threat (威胁). A few stateshave passed laws making it unlawful to use a handheld cell phone while driving, but these laws give the false message that using a hand-free phone is safe.43. What was the woman doing when the car accident happened?A. She was busy pressing buttons.B


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