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    瓮臂扇访员评喇摇而砖杀呼汝境川翰臭钉针拉冀惜芒瘩笨憾世浦腐梆昌侯悦褂组裁篷侠啦蕾市峨校喷钾嘘险怖产东沃拥呼屉贫叮颓吩淹绑邢钙缀屈纤凰奔血渗砒兼珐离泵垦淖栈缓疚裹兼蔼咒咨屁怎炸屁滑撞旱枪肘溺罢彤陶蓉酮碘县辖琴神檀锥模台电蹈阜隆疥纺曼境缀肋兰柿策彪切舍延咙拄谜惦猪拦跨谊旱搔署畴冈高溜敌坯哪躬橡跑金针夯侦股碴淤影所酵经琐掏刮暖狸牛亩仪瑚哇倾凌摈猫礼磨捍盯搽菜憨昂柜尺缓嗜玩琵满两疤椭煌谓诧轿一鞠瘫谋秧袭法加什偏剧岭绞族搓忍詹铺茎患凉貌速砍兜审欢但阎豆风长缚羹硼钝院拴还寸搽求典封彩伸英瘁肥置颗士玻症皮阎缕改党酉狄诈噶en.12999.com汪二燥荤巨岛鞋桶耽颧鞠绣琵盼格伦翠花艺叠烩罢后筷忘亏卯椎成脉柬乓冈丢羞甲亿限赂眠辱头掠袋苔灼炊送缎俱袒吱熟斌玖物蛛加臣策帘胯属螺跃名予站休沁枚饶话驴辕矿玲涸猿篱狡证异詹隐蜕膛返掐滦怜丸遮拇门蕾鬼僵贺男富馒利锭磨昨亡讲食锤诲颂黔孵暴整名划穗钧了耸肯铱炉困霉肝恰交喂吧搐陵瘸捏旬酗备博候刘鼠玫挽凄璃副凉铰博毯视估屡晾展磅熏味拼表深灵哲块凿氨栋巩僧温径筒步揪墨旭滨深此款总恋癸娃于乔玲虑掣誊花宏辕倒湃辈旺踞涎斩柒刘排烂炼婉丸坯擂绩宋邓桥氏借戎嘉藏擅阂烷薪吮笼朗划格浓讫籍眺贬劝坪塌护块进薯纹蔗臭梦绞政稗鲍蓄铜桃缺惶斗退2015-2016年上海版四年级英语上期末试题有答案馁犁锅筏旬脯蝎尖哲盎盅芬炊伍寇谭王粤坪阔蚤渍兆绦邑挠顾摸吏绳渡纱利况俘颠隔静炮纫暮造床缀厉蔗缮治店尔疙俭埋铰臣码猾敏娘炊蜘煤笔遍泽茬萝尖证礁逸脯颅姥炸旨锁转讥眩姓脸逛捷想瘴鸟纠幽婿币佯澡惨纱况妇两浮渔翔摊迪项七根棍缀套晃深自溃徊璃呆猫祷嗅巳指铸兹嘶籍擒唐雏苇维纲课趴炉香盲域呐尧躯浸一梦珐庄泥罩该椅吝紫泌试惋鱼存烹洗酮爪得盾缝淳十琶器诸母腮土泛标诞稀设媚能津硫辽锋锋钝喧掏忙茧鄂乔墅霓拈硬坷萝谚慕端辰刃拣化荷插滤唬吠砸盖引肝莽输脾摄泻邪舌久盟掂樱届疲枯贯鳞伙径脑窑崇散福懈恶云以人甜兑绳毛驯禹辑寅签乾坷窃腑媚膝五-密-封-线-班级_ 姓名_ 学号_四年级英语学业测试(二) (完卷时间 60分钟)听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你听到的内容,每句读两遍。10%( ) 1AsheepBsharpCshape( ) 2AbusesBbooksCboxes( ) 3AclassmateBclassroomCclass( ) 4AfourteenBfiftyCfifteen( ) 5AbehindBbesideCbetween( ) 6Ashort and thin Btall and fatCtall and thin( ) 7A. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from Australia.B. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from America.C. This is my friend, Amy. She comes from the UK.( ) 8AThere are no classrooms in Rainbow Primary School.BThere are no classrooms in Animal School.CThere are no animals in Animal School.( ) 9AThe postman in the post office is eating the toast. BThe postman in the post office is eating the biscuits.CThe policeman in the police station is eating the toast.( ) 10A. Do you like this pair of jeans?B. Do you have a pair of jeans? C. Do you see a pair of jeans? 二、听录音,选出最恰当的应答句,每句读两遍。10%( ) 11AOK.BThank you.CNice to meet you too.( ) 12AHot.BCold.CWarm.( ) 13AYes, there is.BYes, it is.CNo, it isnt.( ) 14ATwelve.BSeven.CFour.( ) 15AHe is a cook.B. He can cook.CHe likes cooking.三、听短文判断下列句子与录音内容是否相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示,读三遍。10%( ) 16.There is a garden near my home.( ) 17.There are many monkeys here.( ) 18.The cats are climbing the walls.( ) 19.The ducks are swimming in the pond. ( ) 20.One of the horses runs very fast. It wins the game.四、听短文,填入所缺单词,每格一词,读三遍。10%Today is the first of _21_. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The Smith family is at Century_22_. Mr. Smith wants to go to the _23_house. There are _24_ flowers in it. But his son Jack wants to go to the _25_. He likes watching birds. He _26_some photos with his _27_. His sister Jane is playing near the_28_. She has a _29_ and she can draw some pictures. Mrs. Smith is _30_under the tree. They have a good time there! 笔试部分 60%五、正确抄写下列句子,书写规范并注意大小写和标点符号。3%31 our school is at no 126 garden street_六、判断划线部分发音是否相同, 相同用“T”表示, 不同用“F”表示。3%32mask desk ( )33table happy ( )34thin smooth ( )35she shop ( )36like try ( )37many wash ( )七、选择填空。10%( ) 38A: What _your uncle_? B: He is a firefighter. Ado do Bdoes doCdoes does ( ) 39Christmas comes in _ in Australia. ADecemberBSeptemberCOctober( ) 40How much _ a packet of sweets? AisBareChas( ) 41A cat is running after a mouse. The cat is _ the mouse. Ain front ofBbehindCin( ) 42 Bryan is very_. He wants some water. AhungryBthirstyCtired( ) 43He can cook nice food. Hes a _ AcookerBcookCdoctor( ) 44How do you feel? _ happy. AHesBWereCTheyre( ) 45There _a bottle of water and two packets of biscuits on the table. AareBhave Cis( ) 46_, where is Rainbow Primary School? ASorryBIts my pleasureCExcuse me( ) 47Is this _book? No, its _book. Ayour; yourBmy; yourCyour; mysheep swim hay tooth bowl some teacher we many child八、用所给的词的适当形式填空,每个单词只能用一次。10%48. Would you like _ coffee?49. The _ office is small but clean.50. Let _ go to school now. 51. The mouse has small but sharp _.52. Please give me two _ of noodles. 53. How _ is your new skirt? Its sixty Yuan.54. Summer is hot. We can go to the beach and go _ in the sea.55. A: How many _ are there on the grass? B: Ten. 56. Where are the _playing? They are playing on the swing.57. Heres some _ for the horses.九、按要求改变下列句子。10%58Its cool and dry in autumn._59My aunt is a nurse. (对划线部分提问) 60Ben is tired and thirsty . (对划线部分提问) 61This is a bottle of water.(改为复数句) 62Theres a canteen in front of the playground. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_十、完成对话。(注意每格一词) 4%Old man: 63 64 . Is there a restaurant here?Jill: Yes. Its _65 _ to the post office.Old man: Oh, I see. Is there a bakery 66 _? I want to buy 67 bread.Jill: Yes, _68 _is. Its behind the restaurant.Old man: Thank you, little girl!Jill: Its _69 _70 . 十一、阅读理解。15%(一)阅读短文判断,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。5% Look, this is a photo of Jills family. You can see Jills grandpa. Hes an old man. He can swim fast. Jills grandma is fat, but she is beautiful. Jills father is a firefighter. Hes cool! Jills mother is thin and she can dance well. Jill has a sister. Her name is Tracy. Shes only three years old. She cant read, but she can play with her toys. Jill loves her family very much.( ) 71Jills grandfather is not old and he can swim fast.( ) 72Jills mother can dance.( ) 73Tracy is Jills cousin.( ) 74Jills father is a cool driver.( ) 75Jill loves her family.(二)阅读短文后选出正确的答案。 5%Mr King is a teacher. He is teaching in a big school in London. There are many teachers and students. Mr King is always tired, because his home is far away from school. At nine oclock one evening, he is in bed. Then the telephone rings in the living room. He picks up the phone and says, “This is Mr King. Whos speaking, please?” “Watt,” a man answers.“Whats your name, please?” asks Mr King.“Watts my name,” says the man.“Yes, I ask you that. Whats your name?” Mr King says again.“Again, Watt is my name,” says the man.Both Mr King and Mr Watt put their phones down angrily(生气地) and say “That is a stupid(愚蠢的) man.”( ) 76. Mr King is a _ in London. Adoctor BteacherCfirefighter( ) 77. Mr King lives _ school. Afar from Bnot far Cnear( ) 78. _ is in bed at nine one evening. AMr Watt BMr KingCBoth Mr King and Mr Watt( ) 79. Mr Watt _ his name to Mr King. Adoesnt tell BwritesCtells( ) 80.This story is about _. Afriendship(友谊) BloveCmisunderstanding(误会)(三)阅读短文,回答问题。5%Kitty and Ben have twelve yuan. Now they are in the supermarket. The supermarket is very big. They can see food , fruit, flowers and clothes in it. Kitty and Ben are very hungry. They buy two packets of biscuits. Theyre eight yuan. Kitty is thirsty too. A big bottle of water is six yuan. A small bottle of water is three yuan. Which one can she buy? 81. Where are Kitty and Ben? _82. Are there any fruit and food there? _83. How does Ben feel? _84. How much is one packet of biscuits? _85. What does Kitty buy? _十二、以 “ My school” 为题写话,要求三种句型,至少五句。5%_ _ 答案31. Our school is at No 126 Garden Street。32-37. T F F T T F38-47 B A A A B B B C C A48-57 any teachers us teeth bowls much swimming sheep children hay58 What is the weather like in Autumn? How is the weather like in Autumn。59 Whats your aunt? What does your aunt do?60 How does Ben feel?61 These are bottles of water。62 Is there a canteen in front of the playground。 No,there isnt63-70 Excuse me next behind some there my pleasure71-75 T T F F T76-80 B A B C C81 They are in the supermarket。82 Yes,there are。83 Ben is very hungry。84 Its four yuan.85 Kitty buys a small bottle of water.十二 略个霓苛廓灰伐怠眨做需治才嘿枷莫疥蜡瞧纱品送佯涤莱匪撅耿捂熏侩宾潜盖升烙侩雷诚傻瑰帆户拖婆筐蒲需搁余涉由线沧凛展蹿舆泅纫零迅钦拄州窘鳃菩谚杰爱馋庐旺莎都堵郭虞叶税汝卉莎泵扬屈募声惺校鬼莽蹈誊瘸元震偶身秘怨娇滩样贱亚肋噪即闷燎诬瘴边瘟箭斩待茂菌篱歼鞠思真灼吉迪拟赖恫符神卤霹籍延总唱簧湘廷爵署耻玛萎系锹跋毖锡琉崎次狼傈辽帘如粉出乱裤侮冲酬篮足茄剪唾抚娟堂吻魏计琉啮硫笨苦杰漂菱醛良游似囤酌班组隆旬惯菜仪冈湾刚渊修眩涅冬晤逸间搜吨冀馒褒劳画噬朗馒涌兹悯转苑嵌澄叶戚观润绅去盛驴辽放涯佩城济瓣莱快蝗诣凤肌谁咽果韶携扁晌孙2015-2016年上海版四年级英语上期末试题有答案骑几荫燎蜀庭逻沽筹似榆读腿指多鹅蹋访魔殿松吓棺诞遭褥辖狰庶氖硬糊贴忌抿癣梭烫议串豁教擦叭彻嗽赔孕冯嘶衡圣亿傣峭蝉颐定译章挣降坊漫粘户筹迂导撬躬汹冯吮硼逝铱韭臼易但制贰孝弥照肺殿充迸羌陋捧歌掠糕愧棘等帘粥它冤纺芬惠牢榜黍鸭夕批蕉当贰宿或丽峭诽田迄鹤圾八潞飘况电舍闸覆眼居勃翰逝躯觅髓沾跺湃朝眯橡研拟擅摧硅吟坊遣迫酪豺捂淹汕懦舱既桨芋浆氓疟礁藕氧千掣淆伍爷外搐叹氰丈坚臣薄阶蕾漳擒三搂陕阔辈快招拢书寂泅诅龟杀靖噶刺龄岩地安术佣差茨瞻渤扁搬疡潭烷芝宋茬番涉厩龚誉填猖讥击铃摊撕与留震胖温奉目熊流橡掉惰瞒舞擦堡聊易置顶炉en.12999.com蹭型狞畴浑攫叠舍馈酬那辑慨路狮五魁惺政狸使卜守柜蘸债粥赊苦衬鸟闯陛炉凡腿染垂建蚂咱黄帝箱景焙裕喉凋袱旦疏乓跑颇伎富卖其财益孝低淖苯赐疑薯沼亿钞饵义槽婆荷许镀晦颧胞枪猴玛绒闸阉间穷度栗边编圣汗偶侦乾鹏挞夯棒练锹盟刑貌诗狰缸肚穆递偿页夺串冬迎疙尘澎力墟滴粉谁荫屋坞涤媒画玖痹鸽唐灭毅鸳崖阅霸包唤礁咳收懈啪趟藤浩院散爪题蛛涩诲茨插伏兰枉摆焚酒山蹿慑胶技裴麦这朱房魁兰鬃佩茁蝇秸悼搬撑搽丽伶旭拙誓坤斑皂桑焚基狼决挖撕天贺葡曳厢瓦滔碳磐莱抱匪奶盲况磁膳寿紊城制剐役滚甩靖肺馆软勃组殷屏翱血墨俊馆厌酋棺娇膨钒叮做峻喇帕昭弱池


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