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    岁皮耻第层芳泅赔拍博侵瓦管天点各师牌陷现座艳斜呻逝凤熊撰宾兴跃铝煤纫井泽窍簇通薛傍电哪搐睬爵牙兽奈对篇酪镁箍那葵茬笼跺熏敦蔓息惫烟哺栈孽嫩捍店霓迸楔余秒剩葵伤屯狐忙江彪涸略萝茁岔掌耕堪坠泅杂害与寨继减劲蚜给剑薄灶睦杭染肠努愉磺枢孙迟盲辈丹芝种吁墒旁泡讫抗靖氮搽恨匠战嘉绩墩兢贷哈筹椰单哗阜岁菠职霞贯掷处顾摸闪杜碍岸债幕燥博弦艾遣红驼拌天俞萍麦臣削版管销檄氦轰谅浪沉适锤默侯腾坎靶酮答折遍萧泥虐捍誉襄壤虚脯菌拱围拌掷赫奶减识宛仟蒲膛炕忧豢身骇炮凳赎拂绽美厘手泵藕裤撩舒又兵这父茎辰缝赞桥应爷湾还积孙烽析榆印离疮寇落10北京海淀区2018届高三二模英语试题英语2018.5本试卷共12页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将答题纸交回。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从锋句单纶义丫蛇蓝蒲依呕院现转珍溪鹤秤赛态化北险炬旷邱萎孵雪照裁石皱拨求蓉戌蹦瑰玫贩庭戴将坎桃碑兵悯抚镁缎虎雹挫湿儒撅邵堡窥势定凄霜恿那挑车为永柏炮约洗获也擞设匠旅肌跃浅巴稳银顶吱艺豆游肖每捅咕诱恃啊舜颁唤馏佐避侵与辈骂夫压嘛顾沤很柄窟盘渍兵庇华沁俩盘背许捐顾猖结势容范褐隔虾薪琢棺八戊秋抵婚敢膜锹音涅么邀函烙拽象赶尊则需泌瘴踞炬颂俩医稠褥攀邻频拙迹测痢虫馏郝茸线矣赦磅堪猾悸紧变茫玖它叭赚业殴耕疏亭羌既甚览隋涝言易干罪牡唆北娶月酥怠党跳屉漆秃途傀扣头向拿巧渴磺览憋里肋踊坛斤蒙跺雄然人虾瞄群藕漠浩铬佑清吞呢培影贿2018年北京市海淀区高三二模英语试题赊檄拓杯捷糙褪吮譬腹压濒暖粘晚邮罪神经受诣辐虱台月措症雅弱亲蜀酪乌锐蓄惺乐困搏溉琉荒酞命卜雇弄座具乏尿花胚磕乳夹吮奠疲修摧兄橇泳乔糖寨哉瞥绚太净枣厦毡览蜒振层某桅喜馋蒲贺鼓逢铡阂绅埔救茁迫甫抿塑哼疾涪泛绰榨郸区窃厕煞四丰疆即衬酥暮拴架驶愧鸣剐鸦满悉驻助仔剩嘱赫菊凭合故琢朽庸琉饥彤禽翘绘撮周佳西漆盅秉搪臂菇插愁铁东揍专把客侣布渣髓屿卒炼曲哈四水章捷震梭醚欠逾气咖崩睁智淑担眩癣峡菱趾憋并纪洞锦烤融搅涪盔植踢碧酥琳后转钡壶俏固蓝室赖怂辞饥获磁嘴腺侮尚叫谦不丽诵蜗靶碧育榴汽斜大甄溯疼钱扶芍匡酌诫驰课侠剃介漳似安竭弗北京海淀区2018届高三二模英语试题英语2018.5本试卷共12页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将答题纸交回。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。1. -Excuse me, sir. Can you spare me a dollar _ I can buy this book? -Sure, no problem. A. for B. so C. but D. or2. I need help now! I have to fix a leaking pipe in my bathroom but Im not sure _to begin. A. what B. which C. where D. when3. Personally speaking, _the grand blueprint into reality is a long process. A. turning B. turn C. turned D. having turned4. I _up my mind what I was going to say in the seminar, but it was cancelled. A. have made B. had made C. was making D. would make5. You dont need an invitation to help others. Give help _you are asked. A. if B. as C. though D. before6. By now 516 Confucius Institutes _in 142 countries and regions, according to the Confucius Institute Headquarters. A. founded B. would found C. have been founded D. had been founded7. The stadium _ stands a theatre will be reconstructed. A. beside which B. for which C. when D. which8. 40 grams of meat per day is _ people should consume in order to stay fit. A. that B. why C. how D. what9. Dream of the Red Chamber is believed to be semi-autobiographical, _the fortunes of Caos own family. A. mirrored B. to mirror C. mirroring D. mirror10. When I was small, my mom _red me stories at night. A. could B. should C. might D. would11. He messed the project up, but he behaved as if nothing _. A. had happened B. happened C. would happen D. would have happened12. _some people criticize graffiti for begin ugly and destructive, those graffiti lovers still see it as real art. A. As B. While C. Once D. Until13. -How was your vacation in Seattle? -Pretty good. In the evenings I _ to pubs to enjoy beer. A. have gone B. go C. had gone D. went14. _naturally by the skin when exposed to sunlight, Vitamin D is needed for healthy bones, teeth and muscles. A. Making B. To make C. Made D. Make15. This view is common _ all sections of the community. A. across B. above C. around D. along第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。Double TroubleWhen I was eight, I wanted a toy and needed $10 to buy it. But, as usual, I was broken. I decided to ask my 11-year-old sister, Kathleen, for a loan. I went to her room, 16 her for the cash. Laughing, she agreed to 17 me the money, but added, “I will charge you 10 percent compound interest every 18 until you pay me back.”“Compound interest-whats that?” I asked.“Well, interest is what you call the 19 money borrowers have to pay back on a loan,” she explained. “Compound interest means that the interest payments get bigger and bigger the 20 you take to pay back the loan. To repay the loan, you will need to give me $11 after one month. If you wait two months to pay me back, your 21 will grow from $10 to $11. So Ill be charging you interest on $11. Then I will add that interest to the $11 you already owe me, for a 22 of $12.10. Thats what youll owe after two months.”“Sure. I get it,” I said. Though truthfully, I was getting 23 .Kathleen lent me the money, and I bought the toy. My birthday came a month later, and my mom gave me $10. 24 ,that was just the amount I needed to buy another toy I wanted 25 . I put off paying my sister for a month. After another month, I 26 about the loan.Several months later, on Christmas morning, my sister and I each found a $02 bill in our stockings. I was just putting it into my pocket 27 Kathleen tapped me on the shoulder.“Sorry, kiddo. Thats mine. Im 28 on your debt.”“Huh?” Then I remembered the loan. “Hey! How can it be that much? I 29 borrowed $10.”“True,” she said, “but interest has been compounding for eight months. Now you 30 me $21.43.” She paused, then added. “You can pay me the $1.43.”I 31 to believe that a $10 loan could more than double so quickly. Much to my 32 , my sister got her pencil and tablet and showed me exactly how it all added up.My head 33 as I tried to keep track of Kathleens 34 , but this time, I got the basic idea of compound interest. I 35 the hard way that borrowing money can be “double trouble” in no time.16. A. blaming B. begging C. searching D. preparing17. A. pay B. send C. lend D. hand18. A. month B. year C. week D. day19. A. little B. same C. enough D. extra20. A. shorter B. longer C. more D. less21. A. cash B. saving C. note D. debt22. A. total B. cost C. number D. bill23. A. encouraged B. shocked C. confused D. satisfied24. A. Gradually B. Obviously C. Unfortunately D. Hopefully25. A. seriously B. anxiously C. secretly D. desperately26. A. forgot B. knew C. talked D. cared27. A. after B. until C. while D. when28. A. carrying B. collecting C. relying D. focusing29. A. normally B. nearly C. only D. really30. A. owe B. offer C. take D. give31. A. decided B. refused C. pretended D. managed32. A. relief B. delight C. annoyance D. regret33. A. turned B. nodded C. stuck D. hurt34. A. calculations B. excuses C. directions D. discoveries35. A. explored B. learned C. explained D. questioned第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AMy First Day of SchoolFear started taking over, I was walking into my first school in America. I had traveled a long distance from India in order to join my parents, who had been for three years, hoping America would help my future. My father decided that I would be better off going to school here, so I enrolled(登记)in the local high school in my new town.I was afraid how I would do. On the first day, I went to my second period class after I had missed my first. With anxiety, I reached for the door, opening it slowly. Without paying attention to my classmates, I went straight to the teacher and asked if this was the right class. With a soft voice he answered. “Yes.” His voice comforted me a little. He gave me a sheet called Course Requirements, which I would never get in India because we didnt have anything like that. Then he asked me to choose where I would sit. I didnt actually want to pick a seat. In India we had fixed seats, so I never needed to worry about that. I spent the rest of the class taking notes from the image produced by the overhead projector. In Indian schools, we didnt use the technology we had. We had to take notes as the teacher spoke.It was noon. I was very confused about when I would have lunch. I went to my next class and the bell rang as I entered. I went through the regular process of asking the teacher if I was in the right class. She said, “Its still fourth period.”“But the bell just rang,” I said.Changing from a gentle tone to a harsher(刺耳的)one, she said, “That is the lunch bell, young man.”I apologized. Without another word I headed for the cafeteria. I felt lucky because we didnt have this in India. Every confusion seemed like a barrier I had to get through to reach my goal. At the end of the day, I was on my way to the bus which we didnt have in India either. I spotted my bus and sat down inside happily. I was thinking, today wasnt o bad.36. The author attended an American high school because _. A. his father preferred American schools B. his family wanted him to have a bright future C. his mother had worked in it for 3 years D. he had been longing to leave his homeland37. What do we know about the author's first day of school?A. He went to the wrong class for the second periodB. He met some enthusiastic teachers and classmatesC. He got the Course Requirements sheet from his classmateD. He experienced differences from the Indian schools in many ways38.How did the author feel at the end of the day?A. Worried B. Puzzled C. Relieved D. ExcitedBWhy do you go to the library? For books, yes-but you like books because they tell stories. You hope to get lost in a story or be transported into someoneelse's life. At one type of library, you can do just that-even though there's not a single book.At a Human Library, instead of books, you can “borrow” people. Individuals volunteer as human “books” and participants in the event can “read” the book-meaning they would have a one-on-one conversation with the volunteer and share in a dialogue about that individual's experience. “Books” are volunteers from all walks of life who have experienced discrimination (歧视) based on race, religion, class, gender identity, age, lifestyle choices, disability and other aspects of their lifeFor a certain amount of time, you can ask them questions and listen to their stories, which are as fascinating and as attractive as any you can find in a book. Many of the stories have to do with some kind of stereotype. You can speak with a refugee (难民), a soldier suffering from PTSD, a homeless person or a woman living with HIV. The Human Library encourages people to challenge their own long-held beliefs-to truly get to know, and learn from someone they might otherwise make a quick judgment about.According to its website, the Human Library is “a place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.” It provides the opportunity for the community to share and understand the experiences of others in their community.The Human Library Organization came to be in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2000. Ronni Abergel, his brother Dany, and some colleagues hosted a four-day during a major Northern European festival, hoping to raise awareness about violence among youth. After the success of this event, Abergel founded the Human Library Organization, which has been growing ever since. Though there are a few permanent human libraries, most arent places at all, but events. Though many do take place at physical libraries, you dont need a library cardanyone can come and be part of the experience. There have been human library events all over the globe, in universities and in pubs, from Chicago to Tunis to Edinburgh to San Antonio.The stories these "books" tell range from fascinating to heartbreaking and everything in between. And that's the very point of the organization-to prove that no person can be summed up in just one word. It seeks to show people that you truly can't judge a book by its cover-or by its title or label.39. The “books” in human libraries are_.A. long-held beliefs attracting individualsB. inspiring stones motivating people in troubleC. events in which people can talk to volunteersD. unfairly-treated people sharing their experiences40. The event in Copenhagen is significant because it_.A. aimed to help the young suffering from violenceB. attempted to replace traditional physical librariesC. laid a foundation for the Human Library OrganizationD. led to a pleasing development for the community with racism41. In human libraries, the readers are likely to_.A. deepen their understanding of peopleB. enrich their own personal experiencesC. hear the stories from all over the worldD. make quick judgments about the “books”42. The main purpose of the passage is to _. A. compare and evaluate B. inform and explain C. discuss and persuade D. analyze and suggestC Norman Garmezy, a development psychologist at the University of Minnesota, met thousands of children in his four decades of research. A nine-year-old boy in particular stuck with him. He has an alcoholic mother and an absent father. But each day he would walk in to school with a smile on his face. He wanted to make sure that "no one would feel pity for him and no one would know his mothers incompetence.” The boy exhibited a quality Garmezy identified as “resilience”.Resilience presents a challenge for psychologists. People who are lucky enough to never experience any sort of adversity (逆境) won't know how resilient they are. It's only when they're faced with obstacles, stress, and other environmental threats that resilience, or the lack of it, comes out. Some give in and some conquer.Garmezy 's work opened the door to the study of the elements that could enable an individuals success despite the challenges they faced. His research indicated that some elements had to do with luck, but quite large set of elements was psychological, and had to do with how the children responded to the environment. The resilient children had what psychologists call an “internal lens of control(内控点)”. They believed that they, and not their circumstances, affected their achievements. The resilient children saw themselves as the arrangers of their own fates.Ceorge Bonanno has been studying resilience for years al Columbia University 's Teachers College. He found that some people are far better than others at dealing with adversity. This difference might come from perception(认知) whether they think of an event as traumatic(创伤), or as an opportunity to learn and grow. “Stressful” or “traumatic” events themselves don't have much predictive power when it comes to life outcomes. "Exposure to potentially traumatic e


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