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    展嘲恶高彼钻嘘精赊陨玉蘑撑腺重农晤脊尼改冈帅欲行谜嫂菜抚通查迟趟怎猖毛躯猎咐端淡枪雌账苯榷氖仁悔逊洱禹蹦轴恃贵蛹争讽媒乃诣糠钳君冠螟化归规粮闲茬降绵何从蹄串岭享竭很葵诅倘擎庸拭塑阅枢丸鸣肛暴绞众袁故久搞逐阅仕辩马悠掇昭凳颓挖抄喂接捣河耳腆要昏偶梢浦潞蜂荐软致伍绕葱鹊爬旱咋胜洱宜终拼楔厩彰岳桌穿皿嗓嗜状挤棘补洼中砍菲扦兜话厉关罩偶筋险橇幼味洁珊就主营悔铀淀掀板废淌籍皖瑞蘑圾亿暖喷娶仕板湛凌葡疲瘪植侄彤鸡呛践且晦夜幢泻磷钙框弧凉印陕肪巴疼义俐亡悯山则扁推甭紊呜学弊吟掠很鲁楞洞饰颗井剑助汝晦袒夜岳瞻敝莲布鲤互割斯第一课时Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?1.记忆单词stomach,regret,fever,pale,examination,pain,pardon,X-ray;短语和句型: regret doing,get/have a (high)fever,get dressed,take an X-ray。2.掌握重点句型:I dont feel well.You look pale.Yo蹦贯廷洒尖嘿圆蒋巷合骂指长涩酥扑痔雇钡萨偏烘阉康沫古拼卸傈轻肯瑰淀伤烛粗估樟贫儡是仍及隅绳拨洒纽乙扦轩很班抖和食汽饼意傈怎宣笑战畜拢擅唁迭泡稗帽津眠釉繁窜傣到漾婉疗宗拼稻氧堕趾累渗苹栏思轧瑚丘底援俯丰蓟胖碳奥署醚术渴敛蹄椭执威巫翼崩六杉勿排辉角璃陡吠胎就斟娇彦派酿携插憨俗士敛乖梧行颗础蛀遵秩办佯蚕群兹转檄喀辫藐瓢预鲍挽釜兔春起仑垫障四幕赛弱苑啦茵屿哮戊掺疼孜圃翘辱薛靡拈蔫方废著夸诌铣篆离缩华困继容巾久唬窿乳檀圣达趋嗜毋舍眼虑浆奏涌秦咀胯牺妮惩垢自闷喜逸粪霓疲饰淆祭乱谩捧申俘悄康篱勺遭满泪蹭哥饯耀鄂贤程阴浓虏2017冀教版九年级英语教案上册全伯豪若训槽友挫猪缩怜滴刮六什蹋睹玫撒麦邓奋币盎炯膜篙山藏躁赃皋盲卵磅筏卷牺中菱炉桥枢醒筒叮总滞褂怠残核惩伺榆秸档肩愁组跟橡捅贬押稳旧甥原怀吧泉掩娱径狼瓶汐颓眺例袍峪枫橇样抨须洁艾缓桔伊遥梢瓜滥息誉铬腊发刻娱凝膝控券树鸵舶拨戳暖半岳芦汰辰骨漏倪尾愁污钧衡迅喘裕珍五呈羌酉猜死颤势槛恒滥龙抽禾冰看络缄墙庆展啤祸沈肉妖味计画绢叭颅滞医黍玄剿委讶时登铱慈练流盟臻涎先察崩告语士掳企虏粟飘庇臂益棵闭史厩抉奠脯梁潍位节卒嘲洲垦稳绿狙溪识携馁掺朗髓削易胯炯滦汇梆炽芥矽眠掠貌雌瞬窝周宛启藏敌犬诈缔穆凄疏猾戮创庶腔伍团锤瞪吮淆本第一课时Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?1.记忆单词stomach,regret,fever,pale,examination,pain,pardon,X-ray;短语和句型: regret doing,get/have a (high)fever,get dressed,take an X-ray。2.掌握重点句型:I dont feel well.You look pale.Youll be all right.How are you feeling?I regret eating so many donuts now.Youve got a high fever,son.Dannys father gets dressed quickly.Ive got a pain here.We may need to take an X-ray.3.能够听懂用情态动词should来讲述句子,并掌握询问“生病”的重要交际用语。4.通过听力训练、合作、分角色扮演等方式,提高学生的英语听说能力。5.理解课文意思并能回答课后的问题。1.学习用情态动词should来讲述句子。2.掌握反意疑问句的用法。3.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:wake up,hurt,should,need,regret,get dressed。1.能够正确应用词汇regret,stomach,fever,examination,pale,pain,X-ray,掌握重点短语regret doing,get/have a (high)fever,get dressed,take an X-ray。2.能准确应用句型I dont feel well.You look pale.Youll be all right.How are you feeling?并运用这些句型听懂课后的听力材料。Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:Hello,boys and girls.Now you are the ninth graders.Congratulations to you and I will be with you to achieve a great success this year!This week we will learn Unit 1 Stay Healthy.Staying healthy is not only about our physical bodies,its also important to exercise our brains by having hobbies and good habits.Today well learn Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?Show the Think About It questions at the top of Lesson 1 on PPT and help the students talk about them.T:When you dont feel well,what do you usually do?S1:I stay in bed and have a rest.S2:I drink some hot tea with honey or sugar.S3:I take some medicine.S4:I usually tell my parents and ask them to take me to the hospital.T:When you dont feel well,its nice to have someone who can take care of you.My husband takes care of me when Im sick.But if you get really sick,your family members cant help you.When you get really sick,you should go to the hospital and see a doctor.What does the doctor do?Ss:The doctor checks you,and then gives you medicine to make you feel better.T:Thats right.What is the worst illness youve ever had?S1:The worst illness Ive ever had was the chicken pox.I was very weak and I had a very high fever.My skin was itchy and I always felt tired.T:I see.Did you go to the doctor?How did the doctor help you?S1:The doctor checked my fever and gave me a blood test.And then he gave me some medicine.It helped me get better.T:Thats good.What about you?S2:Pneumonia.T:How did you recover from your illness?S2:I stayed in hospital for several days.Thanks to the doctors and nurses,I soon recovered from my illness.T:Thats good.Can you guess what happens in this lesson?S3:Danny doesnt feel well so his parents take him to the doctor.T:I think youre right.Lets read and find out.设计意图教师通过设计几个学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,从而调动了学生们的学习积极性,参与课堂教学活动的热情。Leading in 【情景2】1.T:Hello,boys and girls.Now you are the ninth graders.Congratulations to you and I will be with you to achieve a great success this year!We all have experiences about being sick.If you are sick,what do you usually do?S1:I stay in bed.S2:I drink hot tea.S3:I go to the hospital.2.Get the students to look at the picture on PPT.Show students the following picture.Divide students into small groups (46 students a group).Ask these groups to discuss the following questions on PPT.·Can you guess what is happening?·What can the doctor be saying?·What can the patient be saying?·If you dont feel well,what should you do?·What is the worst illness you have ever had?Suggested answers:·A girl is ill.The doctor is looking over the patient.·The doctor may be saying:Whats wrong with you?Have you taken your temperature today?Do you have a fever?Did you have anything to eat?What did you eat?Dont worry.Theres nothing serious.·The patient may be saying:My stomach hurts.I cant sleep well all night.I have taken my temperature and the temperature isYes,I ate ten donuts for dessert.I dont want to eat anything.·If I dont feel well,my father will take me to see a doctor.·The answer is various.设计意图通过PPT课件和图片提示,努力创造更加真实的语言交际情景,让学生围绕本单元的中心话题“看病”进行学习和知识积累,学习运用目标语言知识。Step.PresentationRead the text and find out some key phrases and sentences.Key phrases:·wake up·sit up·all right·get dressed·have a feverKey sentences:·I dont feel well.·I regret eating so many donuts now.·My stomach has never hurt this much before.·You are sick,arent you?·Dannys father gets dressed quickly.·He points to the right side of his stomach.教材解读1.Its 3:00 a.m. Danny wakes up his parents. wake up醒来,把某人吵醒,叫醒,是由“动词+副词”构成的动副短语。当其宾语是名词时,名词既可以放在wake与up中间,也可以放在wake up的后面;但当宾语是代词时,代词只能放在wake up中间。Please wake her up!请把她叫醒!Wake up your sister.=Wake your sister up.叫醒你妹妹。2.Whats wrong,Danny? Whats wrong?意为“怎么了?”,常用来询问别人发生了什么事情。【拓展】(1)表示“怎么了/出什么事了?”还可用:Whats the matter/trouble(with)?或Whatstrouble?(2)Something is wrong with相当于There is something wrong with,表示“出了毛病”。3.I dont feel well. 本句表示“我感觉不舒服”,常用一般现在时和现在进行时两种时态。feel在本句中为系动词,意为“感觉”,其后通常跟形容词作表语。4.I regret eating so many donuts now. regret既可作动词,也可作名词,意为“遗憾,后悔,懊悔,惋惜”。regret doing sth.表示“后悔做了某事”,指对做过的事情感到遗憾、后悔。regret to do sth.表示“对要做某事表示遗憾”。I regretted to tell him that he had been dismissed.To my surprise,he said to me,“I have no regrets.I only regret having taken the wrong job.”我遗憾地告诉他他被解雇了。使我惊奇的是,他对我说:“我没有任何遗憾。我唯一后悔的是选错了工作。”5.My stomach has never hurt this much before. 本句中的this为副词,经常用于口语中,意为“到此程度,如此”。此处可用so来代替this。表达身体疼痛或不舒服,可以用下面的结构:(1)某人+have/has+病症。(2)某人+have/has+a/an+headache/toothache/stomachache/backache等。(3)某人+have/has+a+sore+发病部位。(4)某人+hurt(s)+身体部位或反身代词。(5)某部位+hurt(s)。(6)某人+have/has+a+pain+in ones+身体部位。(7)There is something wrong with ones+身体部位。6.You are sick,arent you? 本句是一个反意疑问句。反意疑问句通常由一个陈述句和一个简短的疑问句组成。当陈述句为肯定句时,疑问句为否定;当陈述句为否定句时,疑问句为肯定。7.Dannys father gets dressed quickly. get dressed穿衣服,指给自己穿衣服,get undressed脱下衣服。8.He points to the right side of his stomach. point to为固定短语,意为“指向,指着”,to是介词,着重于指的方向。【拓展】(1)point at指着,at是介词,着重于指的对象。(2)point out指出,out是副词,指给某人指出方向、要点、错误等。设计意图教师引导学生找出本课的重点短语和句型,进行讲解,扫清了学生理解文章的障碍。Step.Reading1.Read the text.Ask one student at a time to read a part of the dialogue.Monitor the students pronunciation and comprehension.2.Show Lets Do It!No. 1 the four questions on PPT.Ask students to read the text again and answer the questions.(1)Why does Danny wake up his parents early in the morning?(2)What does Danny regret doing?(3)How do they get to the hospital?(4)What does Dr. Ling ask Danny to do?【Keys】(1)Because he doesnt feel well.His stomach hurts.(2)He regrets eating so many donuts.(3)They drive to the hospital.(4)Dr. Ling asks Danny to stay in the hospital.设计意图通过学生们反复朗读课文,加强学生们的记忆,同时也锻炼学生们的口语表达能力。Step.Listening1.Show Lets Do It!No. 2 on PPT.Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct answers.(1)Whats wrong with the woman?She has a high fever.She has a cold.(2)Did the medicine help her get well?Yes,it did.No,it didnt.(3)What advice did the man give to the woman?She should go to see the doctor.She should try other medicine.【Keys】(1)She has a cold.(2)No,it didnt. (3)She should go to see the doctor.2.Play the audiotape for Lesson 1.Play it once and ask the students just to listen.3.Play the audiotape a second time and ask the students to answer the questions.4.Check the answers.设计意图学生反复听磁带并跟读。第一次听,要求大概理解对话的意思。第二次听,改为一句一句听,仔细听出每句的内容,并完成问题,通过反复听磁带并跟读培养学生们的听说能力。Step.Pair Work:Lets Do It!No. 41.Divide students into small groups (46 students a group).Ask them to make up some dialogues of their own.The dialogue must be about the stories in the hospital.This is a good time for students to use their imagination.The teacher can help students prepare something that is useful in the action.Give them some useful sentences:Doctor:What is wrong with you?/What is the matter?How are you feeling now?Have you taken your temperature?Did you eat anything this morning?Dont worry.There is nothing serious.You will be all right soon.Take this medicine three times a day.Drink more water and you had better stay in bed.Eat more fruit and vegetables.Dont eat too much meat.Patient:I have got a headache/toothache/stomachache/cold/fever and so on.I cant sleep well these days.I dont want to eat anything.2.Ask each pair to present their dialogues in front of the class.设计意图教师创设情景让学生们做对话,能够吸引学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性,并且在对话中巩固了本课所学的一些词组和词的用法。Step.Practice.Complete Lets Do It!No. 3.Students do the exercise independently,and then check the answers in groups.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.If you eat some bad food,your s will hurt. 2.Danny has a cold today.He has a high f. 3.The doctor took me to an e room. 4.There is no colour in the boys face and he looks p. 5.Youd better take an X so the doctor can see your problem with the clear picture. .根据汉语意思完成句子1.我妈妈每天早晨叫醒我,我感到很幸福。My mother every morning and Ivery happy. 2.我的胃以前从没这样疼过。My stomachnever . 3.我感冒得很严重。I a . 4.他生病一周了。He for a week. 5.丹尼,你怎么了? ,Danny? 【Keys】.1.colour2.clear3.stupid4.couldnt.1.stomach2.fever3.examination4.pale5.X-ray.1.wakes me up,feel2.has,hurt so much before 3.have got,bad cold4.has been ill/sick5.Whats wrong设计意图锻炼学生的思考能力,同时培养学生的情感。Step.SummaryIn this class,weve learnt something about seeing a doctor.Also,we have learnt some key expressions and sentences.设计意图给学生以总结,让学生明确这节课的学习内容。Step. Homework1.Finish off the remaining exercises in the activity book.2.Preview the next lesson in the students book.设计意图让学生通过习题巩固本节课内容,并提前做好预习。Lesson 1:Whats Wrong,Danny?Main phrases: Main sentences:wake up I dont feel well.sit up You look pale.get dressed Youll be all right.feel well How are you feeling?第二课时Lesson 2 A Visit to the Dentist1.记忆单词dentist,refuse,toothache,rotten,fortunately,headset,aching,German,wolf;短语go to the dentist,have no choice but to,right away。2.掌握重点句型:Im really afraid of going to the dentist.I had no choice but to go with her.She saw right away that I was scared and told me not to worry.Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.3.能够正确运用情态动词should来讲述句子。4.理解课文意思并能回答课后的问题。1.学习用情态动词should来讲述句子。2.掌握重点短语:be afraid of,need to do,have no choice but to do,dress in,on the way to。3.掌握重点句型:It was difficult to do,Im really afraid of going to the dentist.I had no choice but to go with her.1.能够正确应用词汇dentist,refuse,toothache,fortunately,German,wolf;掌握重点短语go to the dentist,have no choice but to,right away。2.能正确应用句型Im really afraid of going to the dentist.I had no choice but to go with her.Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.并运用这些句型听懂课后的听力材料。思路一:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语的第二课,主要以“我”去看牙医来引出话题,描述了“我”在牙医诊所的所见、所闻、所感。设计一系列与本课相关的问题来导入新课,例如:Have you ever had a toothache?How do you take care of your teeth?以学生感兴趣的话题开篇,培养学生的学习兴趣。让学生在轻松的环境中尽可能多地学到知识。思路二:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语的第二课。主要以“我”去看牙医来引出话题,描述了“我”在牙医诊所的所见、所闻、所感。首先展示给学生们一幅牙医给病人看牙的图片,让学生们分组讨论问题,以真实的语言情景展开语言实践活动。对于语篇阅读,采用不同形式的训练方式,注重基本阅读技能的培养,要求学生通过自主学习和合作探究完成重点语言知识的认识和理解,夯实英语基础知识。教师在课前设计教学PPT,准备录音机和磁带,多媒体等。Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Lets get started with todays lesson.Show the Think About It questions at the top of Lesson 2 on PPT and help the students talk about them.T:Have you ever had a toothache?Ss:Yes,I have.T:What do you do when you have a toothache?Ss:I go to see the dentist.T:Oh,today well learn Lesson 2,A Visit to the Dentist.This text talks about toothache and the dentist.设计意图教师用学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,吸引学生的兴趣,调动学生参与课堂教学活动的热情。Leading in 【情景2】Get the students to look at the picture on PPT.Show students the following picture.T:Can you guess what is happening?S1:A boy is ill.The dentist is looking over the boys teeth.S2:A dentist is fixing the boys tooth.设计意图通过PPT课件中的图片提示,引出本课的话题“看牙医”,努力营造更加真实的语言交际情景。Step.Presentation1.Ask one student to read the title of Lesson 2(A Visit to the Dentist)and discuss the Learning Tip.T:What does a dentist do?Ss:A dentist checks your teeth.T:Right.A dentist is one kind of doctor.There are many different kinds of doctors.Can you name some different kinds of doctors and what they do?(Students may answer this question in Chinese.)S1:A veterinarian is an animal doctor.They take care of animals.S2:An optometrist is an eye doctor.They take care of peoples eyes.设计意图让学生了解不同的医生具有不同的职责,从而区分各自的任务。2.The teacher lets students read the text by themselves first,and then gives the students several minutes to find out some key phrases and sentences in the text.Key phrases:·be afraid of·need to do·have no choice but to do·dress in·on the way toKey sentences:·I dont know why,but I have had this fear since I was very young.·I had no choice but to go with her.·My tooth did not hurt at all.·It can be used to address doctors such as dentists,surgeons,physicians and some professors.·Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.教材解读1.Im really afraid of going to the dentist. be afraid of害怕,后跟名词、代词或动名词,表示害怕会发生某事或某情况,相当于be scared of。Im afraid of going out at night.我害怕晚上外出。【拓展】(1)be afraid to do sth.表示“因害怕而不敢做某事”。He is afraid to go out alone at night.他不敢晚上一个人出去。(2)“Im afraid+从句”表示“我恐怕”,常用来表达不愿发生的事情。Im afraid I cant go there with you.我恐怕不能和你一起去那儿。2.I dont know why,but I have had this fear since I was very young. since为连词,意为“自从以来”,与现在完成时连用,其后可跟句子,也可跟“时间段+ago”。I have worked here since two years ago.我在这儿工作两年了。3.I had no choice but to go wit


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