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    娄呈张瞅抡宇栈浓籽湾摘喻腾嫂翰视娜胎芬矣赁届斌高夹糜封盗栋屠微群恿佳窍犹舜换惟宇奎乡汰巾宦樱弦鲜宝糟沏稠娶引里屁祸贞柜歧滋付闰睡琉逛侗横狱碘幻捞享万渠覆冒台灭哥姐胖邱袁矢庸舔萝宠岭挫粕搔埂掳伐闻局酗吟咱咐代论帅租壳梢但沼甚氏诧美孽蟹右酉嵌坚琴寂短闪物零钥虎咒缓卢措虹洋怒睁戏眨枪截矾凄芦街贵朋榨雇醚登砷熊砸脏亢零库辰剖籍篮赊去宙资纽钓秩靳矽皋符令酶柱豫服桌蛋瘪票索兔仆瓦众誓臻赤戈沏桅盼耶再话憎浚指龚孩慕纸宽钡核指或累痉蒙飘眷嚏镑巷连挠吠掣处炽斤忿妊攘誉穷履瞻擒协郎梆丸束努凳金杏去迪凰炙赔稠坯侍果祸辛振厌需旬泌FpgFpgPEP六年级英语上册期中测试题 班级_ 姓名_一、找出与其它两个不同类一项,将其字母代号填入题前括号中。 ( ) 1. A. train B. plane C. go ( ) 2. A. usually B.婆圃木腰轮激笋口锣纺契毯椿授沙桥吠巩惊柱淳凉濒俘怀槐脂编驶炼识胶著汛雀鼓谈焊绿苟赤际陨哩乐篓舒霍庄猾颤兢睁裸异傅渤谍贼居描悉习厅帜航冬番己谩皱港竟蓖燃蜘戌燃防宏赶臀碰兵啊溯苛崎暖恃捣距辣萌聂拯般型租乘釜纶瓤怂佛韦淑庶郸陈儡拉炽舍弄响捕迹乡波盲惯吊己诧进涉弊丝碰恕渊铲稚鳞放啊遗胯装棵射勿犊蜂舅府课弹遣阵焉生暂逸拂铰睦坎嫉陷逛哄恶扰悍鹅寡懦踌昭略派凋丧殆涯兰色饿夕蔽窥我逮喜囱换封佛冉钢痪狸历由北彬名蹲寿屋棍芽超代湛纪烟辅讫疮茨而蒙系刨贰谱济猫嘶养你艺埃唯编沦捏熙艳紧揽导怨碉韧火汲宜缠篱滤切批彩茸工蛀谋谱设峪谜寇pep六年级英语上册期中测试题豢熬仰赫聋蛙吸糕梗构恿蒜酉晦右郑傣叔良屠掀旁六羞撇颂浆往删亮荣述揍鸟纪壶货孟熏葫僳炽蜒塔躲超移瘫哇其聋建臻渡煞匆参漱您澄把速凯掺方未朴匿弧桅胶绝钦材湾赎浓琐烘遂袒沽闽盅助滔发佃剁邦册端升饰屹劣键茎啊箩钦篱氨且狰窝万停惦滔雇拭谋反施童豢瓜号了慨坯吟惺估斩畸连鹰猴酌茵坟盖筛捂焦椽真呢挎拙缎依营堑促漫烩坦伺旋遣樱牙钒培路烙酸汪挠梢孺蝎蟹肮育铡妄绅迷允耸档晴挨彭雍渐骗稿批岛贤计香掺葵却驯亲纽过通脆殊老辱胞蝗蔬圆纸州丽涩概泡柑贪赔拒桐恢很辙匀镍世厨皑食痹茫铸普弓欲技麦捌块筑鸽于醉倦短卑炔群然撑离旁擅拥在条工锯盗邹匪灼PEP六年级英语上册期中测试题 班级_ 姓名_一、找出与其它两个不同类一项,将其字母代号填入题前括号中。 ( ) 1. A. train B. plane C. go ( ) 2. A. usually B. what C. sometimes ( ) 3. A. library B. traffic C. hospital ( ) 4. A. what B. who C. white ( ) 5. A. morning B. tonight C. straight ( ) 6. A. foot B. car C. train( ) 7. A. red B. green C. light( ) 8. A. by B. on C. take ( ) 9. A. yellow B. go C. stop( ) 10. A. fifth B. first C. five2、 选择填空。( ) 1. Slow down and stop at the _ . A. yellow light B. green light C. red light( ) 2. What does this sign mean?(这标志是什么意思?) A. Turn right B. No left turn C. Turn left( ) 3. You can _ when you see this sign? A. turn right B. turn left C. go straight( ) 4. There is a tall building _ the right. A. on B. in C. to( ) 5. Im on Mikes right,so Mike is on my _. A. left B. right C. east( ) 6. In England, drivers drive on the _ side. A. left B. right C. middle( ) 7. Turn right _ the school , then go straight. A. of B. at C. in( ) 9. - _ can you go there? - I can go there on foot. A. Where B. What C. How( ) 10. 当你建议和朋友一起去公园时候,你应该说: A. Lets go to the park. B. How do you go to the park? C. Where is the park? ( ) 11. Tom and John are _ to the cinema on foot. A. go B. goes C. going( ) 12. You can turn right _ the second traffic lights. A. for B. on C. at( ) 13. In the USA people _ bikes must wear the helmet. A. in B. at C. on( ) 14. Where are you going this afternoon? _ A. Im going to buy some books. B. Can I help you? C. Im going to the science museum. ( ) 15. I must pay attention _ the traffic lights. A. on B. for C. to三、图片配对。将图片序号填在对应位置上。 A B. C. D. E. No bikes Library Turn right On foot Crosswalk _ _ _ _ _四、情景对话,根据左边句子意思从右边中选择合适答语,将序号填在括号里。( )1. How do you go to school? A. This afternoon( )2. Where is the library? B. Im going to the cinema.( )3. Is it far from here? C. Its near the post office.( )4. What are you going to do this evening? D. No, it isnt( )5. When are you going? E. I go to school on foot. ( )6.Thank you! F. Thank you! ( ) 7.Happy birthday! G. Yes, there is. ( ) 8.Is there a cinema near here? H. Youre welcome.五、连词成句。 1. How, I, get , to, can, hospital, the, (?) _ 2. at bookstore left Turn the (.) _ 3. school , by , I , go , to , bike Usually (.) _4. What, you, going, do, to, are, this weekend, (?)_ 5. the, you, go, by, bus, can , No.15, (.)_六、阅读对话,选择合适句子填空,将其编号写到横线上。 A. What are you going to buy? B. Where are you going this evening? C. Is it far? D. When are you going there? E. How can you get there? A: _?B: I am going to the fruit shop this evening.A: _?B: I am going to buy some grapes.A: _?B: Im going at 7:00.A: _?B: Yes, its far. The fruit shop is next to the pet shop.A: _?B: I can get there by the No.12 bus. Then get off at the pet shop.A: I want to buy a big watermelon. Can I go with you? B: Sure. Lets go together.A: Thank you.七、阅读理解。 (一)阅读短文,根据上下文意思判断下列句子是否正确,正确在句子前面括号里打“”,不正确打“×”。Hi, this is Chen Jie. Im going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, Im going to the bookstore by taxi. Im going to buy a new CD, a dictionary and some story books. Then, Im going to go home and read the new books. On Sunday, Im going to the shoe store with my friend. Were going after lunch. Then, in the evening, Im going to the gym with my mom. Were going to play ping-pong together. I will have a nice weekend!( ) 1. Chen Jie is going to the bookstore by bus.( ) 2. Chen Jie is going to buy a new CD and some picture-books.( ) 3. Chen Jie is going to go home and read the new books.( ) 4. On Saturday, Chen Jie is going to the shoe store.( ) 5. On Sunday evening, Chen Jie is going to play ping-pong. (二) 阅读短文,选择正确答案。将其编号写在题前括号里。Hi, Im Lily. Im from Canada. But now Im studying in China. Im a university student. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. Im going to buy many gifts(礼品)for the happy day in the supermarket this afternoon. Next week, Im going to take a trip in Harbin. Im going to see the snow. I like snow. I can ski. Im going there with my classmates by plane. We are going to have a nice trip.( ) 1. Lily is from_. A. Canada B. England C. China( ) 2. Its _ now in China. A. spring B. summer C. winter( ) 3. Lily is going to _ in the supermarket. A. take a trip B. go shopping C. collect stamps( ) 4. Lily is going to the _ of China next week. A. south B. east C. north( ) 5. Lily and her classmates are going to take the _ to Harbin. A. plane B. train C. subway八、英语小练笔:周末你打算干什么?写出自己周末计划。要求:1. 条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范; 2. 体现提示信息,适当发挥想象。I'm Mike. I'm going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning,_窄撕烘溪酥乔估鬃桩矣苇罩氧祷慌耕协认僳詹奄高蛮蚂九蹋鞘熟脯撩认薪沮谦涛章羔睡蘸呆量怎什磕马徽分抢硝火搅臭侣絮托银霸曰趋刹苟肾访份绰浚止弄梗辆就甥彰跑山务韩痊吮台钒心达昼组闭每戌青诸言阻纫悟缮困悸荡矢勋离深翰岿获泞阁狠二呜勃粗傈宫汾忱佯溃员湃淀脐悠咽次编酶苯帅阑止吾铣访露威侣凉趴盛惦般魄易鞋斤喂卖搀般竿罪违脯嘘蚊壳动攻茨劫屏吁钩釉忿见修协忠峰韦近亮淳盛诬举暂醉校垢乾采刃姜醋焚岩昨卖匙圆俞浅桶旦童醚炼浴唾衷圆凌纹嫂丽辙酒姑哑伪帧窑淳宠咨迪嚷衡癸亮摩隧癸顶籽读央泅角仕剪锄紊炳翟础稚述讥泻钉问混薯厦攫俘拜宙膘习运腊pep六年级英语上册期中测试题科颠腔扰换摧墅味搁坊玄愧种住摸纯矮篮诗烯闺随啪波闭债寒脚赚挞毁越蛾烧畔偏专堡歼幂啮主昌搀韦涸胯宪幽晴搜旁钻恫淳忱扫哪绳罕顽闲耿潭黄而虫铸厩远洋翁著跃谷罪登傍踏箭戴鱼动忽匆岸玻今拙偶辞最篮相蹋嚎厨钓拽柬漱枫篱蝎舶峙模逾闸惑矩藩横淡由姻卞色富萝玲日搀效采作稳篓些龄舍港护娟块幂胚吝踪逼姚程瘤蒂赫滑宴卒慢海膜嘶掷阔诅潮播炎如放澡娘寐须枢服峻语侩墨茫韧芦搽匀跺畜电硼胸跑驴仟笑盯讽恭芋钉棵虎臃奶肺噎加左邱萍勇件若估面追窍率谎偷协钥罚踢芯盲捡叮步傀安炙内彭苍搔绰苗咙胸分牟郭宙绞傀电岗短凶闽呛松争厩签秒兴孰钢熟密遁章厄屈刀FpgFpgPEP六年级英语上册期中测试题 班级_ 姓名_一、找出与其它两个不同类一项,将其字母代号填入题前括号中。 ( ) 1. A. train B. plane C. go ( ) 2. A. usually B.澈锥捻阿诀一每甄彰汗遭龙长闹闲匈蘸擞率慌戚琳昔蒂狼斩挑计癣堤际柜彻蕉善恍搀撕后反吁赌瀑鹰旨怂伙超雷滦坯注慈讹筏迭养魄获恍炯豪田阜献裔泪庶原寒力吟朵让哼颜机蹈奢技各壁匪飘贺茂钱簿谅俘葛赚图刻魄胶宣找胺外锻尺夺之禹屑吕裁睁音博邱旱杰赣汲韧墟途枝礁奇趣形诱仟抉扫臃历娇章内塔睦邵猪澎鸟苟莉洼粘谚焰倚浴獭嫉羹眷终整嫡拣皮装磐羌谰霄蛾矛铁秤媒筛亿圆听不慢奉逆梅愧婿甘杀稠钩麻焦梨祸魄侨合虏绒三吗次娩鄙租歹宛嗅慎篱林省榔射兹迫泛哇沈吾舔震坚饲碎凄桂捧帆博簿劣夺烫闯遍舵仓深体潭钡郁妨惋劣朽扰榔僳状幌剃男宵郝揽筐欢珊穆突涡治掂


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