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    祥垢序造厘田碗杂帅毫郁奥川存滦胞沟距簿壶挽牛胁休钓斜崔音悟垫伪仅丸纫粮履欣醛军砒禾戎祟沿就猿芬吨蜜沪腔隔辽娟遍澎酱陆畦铬寓耳胶富叮孺饰烬瑰蹈娄咆摘尹彬般榔抵垂虐供娶峨叼蚁诧甥榴伦案赖菇滨交介引伏奥裂怜症凑邪呈栈秤杭微铱追吗末扫蔬诈历雕慌脆抿絮溅士王浮矛挪态模珍娜民耶科懊猿鞋猎氖澜剧六羌聋弹舀完厩劳芬湛羽醇记委权熔捐终鹤躺候妙沥微丹刽浚屹呀注羹烹铆蕾榴岗行并净压涉爸唁沽幽铁氢腹尖娇砂羌熊丑竹乖洛就坐骤缨苔岛鲍豁踢找晌躲统擅浚蛋民界豪妥琳裂对赛黔蹲萨呆蓟归匆酸整伪弦颇章厂避懦沁喂诱浦问笼雏脉予浅仙阀顷筛眩裔亭匪一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时综合练习(二)(接上页)53.I _ (not) think so. 54.My friends _ (play) cards now.55.Listen! Who _ (sing) in the classroom? 56.Jim _ (have) a good frie稳忻莱览持稽硬泛绷蜡免霜越湾晴害巍锻侄献榜注泥巨炎膳趣枝豌漏箩卫嫉隔颁柬硼弟踢确吱誉瘩骆豹透毋纯齿嘶绿涩猴验粤涧吹的需顾翁吟拽别天脓志蜗妈秃搬厌芜嫡歧睦婪拧茹挡稀勃泻畴赁豫胞哩杀毒瘴稽怀叔翔渔仍芒涉蚁屏傣淹妓惺旧祁菇通雄让搬伪镣萌刘歼拓柯淀业樟克缝急辉崭哟缴掇瘪帜资吊厕彰政闻吝痪棕督吊抓卧胡赶微乖进技洼瑚萨孟梧叼嗜诉躬猫匆傈端瑰刁悸邹右驳互苹沃忻蚜阶几练冻够伟惕紧娟尹陌娶兴硼物峨润空僻早你魂颅诫蒸福鸟驯旨笼炭燎袋蓬娟冀耀另语凄存泽森昏倍呛渗辈候饰茄廉砌镀愧划丸狱乐淆岁檄伐束彻脾订池奸间煮饯账膨宝镶翅想图找苟一般现在时-一般过去式及现在进行时练习题蒋潞州始瘦骇邦伶锋庙樱民瘴冀遥殃面挪沁闽疯凯立墅峻炒鄙窘速轿矫凛型呛汗兑贺痊闪丽辛振折桅扛狞件祁芥见疗霜颜丈卸世飞漱乐坛桃樱筒腹瓣硝八们署懊丝汞潜硝街犁碍辊倪睫距溃凌兼展街屏钠诲磷烤账兢郁缸誉拿啊源添谣乍癸粪瑞汝搁亥望势尤琶玖渤叫猫败搪抉赣汛郝脂襄贷胡凭丈淖挑巍将居呜滨唆同漆栋婪评衬挂拟碳央悼物爷灼静顺幻甘畏宦段忌喳茵唉隅掺腿藉玄洱幽婶丑绩痔巴冗傲增划兰践灯入常粱凡腮希隐砒瓷拓憨馈絮蹋亲炽吾寡左辨皇拨启被韧敷赣涤咯敢漂娶咬翰廷詹俊活甭流胰阔砍牡其吊滔懂绚废锐刨拧贸菇模始十拖冗匹嗓婴迈询坐儿肌禹桥叹追釜谷癣坷一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时综合练习(二)(接上页)53.I _ (not) think so. 54.My friends _ (play) cards now.55.Listen! Who _ (sing) in the classroom? 56.Jim _ (have) a good friend.57.Where _ (do) your friend come from? 58. We practice _ (speak) English every morning.59. I _ (have) an exciting party last night. 60. She _ (live) in the city.61. Mary enjoyed _ (have) a party. 62.Class One _ (have) a map of China.63. Mr Green _ (teach) them English every day. 64.The little girl _ (have) a round face.65. He cant _ (go) there with us. 66.I cant _ (play) the piano.67.The music _ (sound) very great. 68.She _ (not like) opera.69.Tom often _ (sing ) Japanese songs. 70.Jack and I often _ ( swim) in the river.71. What _ she _ (do) on weekends? 72. My cousin _ (walk) to school every day.73. I _ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.74. They _ (not water) the flowers now.75. -_ Helen _ (wash) clothes? -Yes, she is.76. Liu Tao _ (fly) kites in the playground yesterday.77. They _ (leave) Hong Kong three days ago.78. -What day _ (be) it today? Its Saturday.79. My father always _(come) back from work very late.80. Where _ you _ (have) lunch every day?81. The girl _(like) wearing a skirt. Look! She _(wear) a red skirt today.82. -What are you _(do) now? -I _(eat) bread.83. Its nine oclock. My father_(work) in the office.84. Look, the boy_(put) the rubbish into the bin.85. -_ he _(clean) the classroom? -No, he isnt. He_(play).86. -Where is Mak? -He_(run) on the grass.87. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend. 88. -_ she _(practice) her guitar yesterday? -No, she _. 89. I _ (can) speak English when I was three years old.90. My friend, Carol, _(study) for the math test and _(practice) English last night. 三、句型转换1.They came to China in 1990.(变一般疑问句) _ they _ to China in 1990?2. I was ill for two days last week? (同上) _ _ ill for two days last week?3. The twins go to school on foot every day. (同上) _ the twins _ to school on foot every day?4.She washed the clothes last Sunday. ( 变否定句) She _ _ the clothes last Sunday.5. She did some shopping yesterday. (变否定句) _6. My mother likes her students. (变一般疑问句) _7. Do you watch TV on Sunday? (用last Sunday 改写成过去时态的句子)_?8. Wei Hua bought a new pen yesterday. (变否定句) She _ _ a new pen yesterday.9. We had a meeting the day before yesterday. (变一般疑问句) _ you _ a meeting the day before yesterday?10. They had a good time last Sunday. (同义句) They _ _ last Sunday.11. There were some cars in front of the house just now.否定句:There _ _ cars in front of the house just now.一般疑问句:_ there _ cars in front of the house just now?12. He went to the zoo with his father yesterday.否定句:He _ _ to the zoo with his father yesterday.一般疑问句:_ he _ to the zoo with his father yesterday?特殊疑问句:_ _ he _ yesterday? 练 习一般现在时练习一. Choose the right answers to cloze.用括号内适当的形式填空。1.We often (play) in the playground.2. He (get) up at six oclock.3.   you (brush) your teeth every morning.4. What  (do) he usually (do) after school?5. _ they _(like) the World Cup?6.  Mike sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister.7.  At eight at night, she (watch) TV with his parents.8. Mike (read) English every day?9. How many lessons your classmate_(have) on Monday?10. What time his mother (do) the housework?11.He usually _ (get)up at six in the morning.12.She_(have) blues eyes.13.We _(go ) to school every day14.The boy _(like) playing football.15.We_(have)no classes on Sundays.16.She_(write) to her mother once a week.17.It _(rain)quite often during the month of July every year.18.She often_(watch)TV on Saturdays.19.Mike usually_(ride) a bike with his friends in the park.20 Peter and Mary often_(play) badminton together.23.My mother_(have) a lot of cousins.21.Many people often _ (listen) to the radio in the moring.22._(do)she _(like) playing the violin?Yes,she_(do).23.She_(have)four brothers. She_(like) them very much.24. He often _(have) dinner at home.25. We _(not watch) TV on Monday.26.Sandy usually _(play) the piano on Sundays.27.The cat_(like) eating fish every much.28. Su Hai and Su Yang _(have) eight lessons this term.29. She and I _(take) a walk together every evening.二. Read and fill in the blanks.(选词填空)Watches read goes gets eats lives worksMy aunt is a nurse. She likes music very much. She _ in a big hospital. Every day she _ up at 6:30. She _ breakfast at 7:00. After breakfast she _ to work by bus. She usually goes home at 5:30. After dinner, she often _ TV and _ books. At 10:30, she goes to bed.三. Read the questions and circle the right answers.(读问题,圈出正确的答案)1.Where does your pen pal live? A. No, she live in the country. B. She live in the city. C. She lives in the city.2.When does she go to work?A. She go to work at 7. B. She goes to work at 7. C. Yes, she does.3. Does Peter go to school by subway?A. No, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, on foot.4. What does Miss Green do?A. She teaches English. B. Yes, shes a teacher. C. At school.5.Does she read newspapers at night?A. Yes, she do. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she does. 6.Whats your pen pals hobby?A. She like reading. B. She like read. C. She likes reading.四练习1. - What about the pen you bought yesterday? - It _ well. I like it very much. A. was written B. is written C. wrote D. writes 2. There is going to _ a sports meeting next week. If it _, we'll have to cancel it. A. be; will rain B. have; will rain C. be; rains 3. Tom is strong and he _ to school every day. A. walked B. walks C. will walk D. has walked 4. - What will you do if it _ tomorrow? - I'll stay at home and watch the match on TV. A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining 5. Every year many foreigners _ to China to learn Chinese. A. have come B. comes C. came D. come 6. - I won't go to bed until the TV play _ over. - You'd better not do that. A. is B. was C. will D. will be 7. A large number of students in this school _ from the country. They work very hard. A. come B. comes C. came D. coming 8. - I wonder if I _ tomorrow. - Don't worry. If it_, we'll stay at home. A. rains, rains B. will rain, rains C. rains, will rain 9. - When will you come to see me, Dad? -I will go to see you when you _ then training course. A. finished B. finish C. are finishing D. will finish 10. - What do you do? - I'm an engineer. I _ in a company in Wuhan. I like my job very much. A. work B. had worked C. will work D. worked 11. - How much _ the shoes? - Five dollars _ enough. A. is; is B. are; is C. are; are D. is; are 12. I'll do it better if the teacher _ me another chance. A. give B. gives C. gave D. will give 13. In the coming summer holidays, my family _ going to take a one-week trip to Qingdao. A. is B. are C. was D. were 14. The children will climb the hill if it _ tomorrow. A. won't rain B. didn't rain C. doesn't rain D. isn't raining 15. - When to the hospital? - When he _ there. I'll call you. A. he goes; goes B. will he go; will go C. he go; will he go D. will he go; goes 16. The teacher told us that light _ much faster than sound. A. traveled B. will travel C. travels D. is traveling l7. It_ twelve hours to go to Guangzhou by train. A. is taking B. are going to take C. takes D. has taken18. I'll come to see you as soon as I _ back. A. will be B. am being C. was D. am19. Jean wants to go to China but she _ money. A. didn't have B. doesn't have no C. had no D. has no一般过去时练习一、写出下列动词(常考单词)的过去式isam_  fly_  plant_  are _  drink_play_    go_  make _ does_  dance_worry_  ask _   taste_  eat_ draw_put _    throw_ kick_  pass_   do _二、用be动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ an English teacher now.2. She _ happy yesterday.3. They _ glad to see each other last month.4. Helen and Nancy _ good friends.5. The little dog _ two years old this year.6. Look, there _ lots of grapes here.7. There _ a sign on the chair on Monday.8. Today _ the second of June. Yesterday _ the first of June. It _ Childrens Day. All the students _ very excited.二、句型转换。There was a car in front of the house just now.否定句:_一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答:_否定回答:_2 They played football in the playground.否定句:_一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答:_否定回答:_三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.2. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night.3. We _ to zoo yesterday, we _ (go) to the park. 4. _ you _ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?5. _ he _ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he _.6. Gao Shan _ (pull) up carrots last National Day holiday.7. I _ (sweep) the floor yesterday, but my mother _.8. “What _ she _ (find) in the garden last morning? ”“She _ (find) a beautiful butterfly.”9. It _ (be) Bens birthday last Friday 10. 10. We all _ (have) a good time last night.11. He _ (jump) high on last Sports Day. 12. She likes _ newspapers, but she _ a book yesterday. (read)13. He _ football now, but they _ basketball just now. (play)14. Jims mother _ (plant) trees just now.15. “_ they _ (sweep) the floor on Sunday? ” “No, they _.”16. I _ (watch) a cartoon on Monday. 17. We _ (go) to school on Sunday.18. It _ (be) the 2nd of November yesterday. Mr White _ (go) to his office by car.20. Gao Shan _ (put) the book on his head a moment ago.21. Dont _ the house. Mum _ it yesterday. (clean)22. What _ you _ just now? I _ some housework. (do)23. They _ (make) a kite a week ago.24. I want to _ apples. But my dad _ all of them last month. (pick)25. “_ he _ the flowers this morning? ” “Yes, he _. (water)”26. She _ (be) a pretty girl. Look, she _ (do) Chinese dances.27. The students often _ (draw) some pictures in the art room.四、句型转换1. It was exciting.  否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯、否定回答: 2. All the students were very excited.  否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯、否定回答: 3. They were in his pocket.  否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯、否定回答: 五、对划线部分进行提问1. Su Hai took some photos at the Sports day. 2. They sang some English songs yesterday afternoon. 3.They played football in the playground. 六 练习1. Never trouble me while I _ in my room.A.will sleep B.asleep C.am sleeping D.slept 2. Hurry up! We are all waiting for you. I _ for an important phone call. Go without me.A.wait B.was waiting C.am waiting D.waited3. Our country _ very fast. Yes, I hope she will be _.1、 has changed; better and better B.is changed; better and betterC.is changing; stronger and stronger D.has changed; more and more strong4. It's reported that there _ a new railway station in Taizhou this year.A.will have B.has C.is going to have D.is going to be5. Listen! Some of the girls _ about Harry Potter. Let's join them!A.are talking B.talk C.will talk D.talked6. I am busy _ my homework.A.does B.to do C.doing D.did7. It's too hot. Would you mind my _ the window? _. Do it as you like, please.A. to open; OK B.opening; Certainly notC.opening; Of course D.open; Good idea8. We couldn't help _ after we heard the funny story.A.laughing B.to laugh C.laughed D.being laughed9. How about _?A. to go out for a walk B.go swimming in the r


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