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    1,视译 Sight InterpretingUnit 1,Irena Wang,2,Course Structure,English-Chinese sight interpreting (8 weeks) Chinese-English sight interpreting (4 weeks),3,Evaluation,Final examination In-class performance Homework,4,什么是视译?,视译(sight interpreting 或 sight translation)即视稿翻译,就是一面听着发言人的发言,一面看着稿子,同时跟着发言人的速度,口头翻译出稿件的内容。视译和同传均属于会议口译(conference interpreting)。,5,视译VS同传,同:都是同步翻译,都有时间限制,在翻译速度和节奏上面是一样的,这意味着视译和同传的基本原理和技巧是一样的。 异:同传时译员完全依靠听力理解获取信息,视译时译员则有稿可依。同传是三步骤翻译,即听、译、说;视译是四步骤翻译,即听、看、译、说。,6,视译的应用范围,在国际会议上,发言人可能在即将发言的时候向译员提供发言稿,这就需要译员进行视译。 发言人使用投影仪或PPT演示发言内容要点,边讲边放,译员也需要视译。 商务谈判或法庭翻译中出示的书面材料往往需要现场视译。 除上述实际需要之外,视译是同传教学必不可少的一部分。,7,视译的基本要求和首要原则,基本要求:翻译的速度与发言者的速度保持同步 首要原则:译出语语序与译入语语序基本保持一致 * 在视译中为了尽量保持原文语序、确保翻译速度所作的一些调整,有时可能会对原文的意思有所影响,会出现意义重心略有偏移的情况,但是,这些调整在总体上不影响发言人的原意,在视译和同传的“忠实度”之内,因此,是可以接受的。,8,Practice, practice, practice Analyze and summarize,Key to success,9,基本技巧:依序翻译,即译入语和译出语在语序上尽量保持一致,例1:There will come a day when people the world over will live a happy life under the sun of socialism. 译文1:全世界人民在社会主义阳光下过幸福生活的一天是会到来的。 比较原文与译文语序:There will come a day/ when people the world 1over will live a happy life under the sun of socialism. 2英语原文语序是1+2 全世界人民在社会主义阳光下过幸福生活的一天/是会到 1 2来的。汉语译文语序是2+1,完全颠倒了英文的语序。,10,译文2:终究会有一天,/世界人民将在社会主义阳光下过 1 2着幸福的生活。,将例句1分为四个部分,然后分别译出,每一部分的顺序不变,译文干净利落*。这样处理,原句就成了一个非常便于视译的句型。,11,例2:On the average, male students score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and problem solving skills. 译文1:总的来说,男生在数学推理、机械技术和解决问题等方面的测试中成绩较高。 该例句可分解如下:On the average, / male students score higher on tests / that 1 2 measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and 3 4 problem solving skills. 5英文原文语序是:1+2+3+4+5,12,汉语译文分解如下总的来说,/ 男生/在数学推理、/ 机械技术/和解决问题 1 2A 3 4 5等方面/的测试中成绩较高。 2B汉语译文的语序:1+2A+3+4+5+2B 进一步分解英文句子,按尽量保持原文语序原则进行翻译:,13,例3:Eugene Rostow was director of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency until January 1983 when he was fired after repeated clashes with the White House over the conduct of strategic weapons talks with the Soviets in Geneva. 译文1:尤金罗斯托在1983年1月以前一直担任美国军控和裁军署署长,当时由于他多次就苏美日内瓦战略武器会谈的方式与白宫发生争执而被解职。,14,分析,比较例1、例2、例3的译文1和视译译文,就会发现以下几点:1)译文1打破了英语原句语序,而视译译文基本保持了原文语序;2)译文1结构紧凑,而视译译文结构较松散、较口语化;3)译文1与视译译文传达的内容信息基本相同。,15,Exercise 1 Sentences,Many Chinese people feel a little bit puzzled when they see a series of events that the US government seems to have taken a more confrontational approach toward China. And I think what I would like to say to the Chinese people is that we view China as a very important nation that is going through a period of transformation. President Bush very much believes in getting to meet other leaders and to talk to them face to face and convey the American attitude of friendship and the American attitude of “lets see if we can work together to solve any problems that exist between us, and lets always be doing what we can to improve the relationship between our two countries”.,16,The areas that we will have some difficulty with, and the President will be candid about this, have to do with human rights, and we do have some concerns about proliferation issues. Because the relationship between the United States and China is so complex and it has so many pieces to it that it doesnt do it justice to capture it with a single word. But it is a relationship that increasingly will be based on friendship, on trust, on working together, on working through problems, on being candid with each other when we have disagreements, and some people have called it a partnership in the past.,17,Exercise 2 Paragraph,Please read the paragraph within 3 minutes and then do sight interpreting, following the principles learnt today. Vocabularyscholarly treatise 学术论文bureaucracy 政府部门rational 合乎情理的courteous 有礼貌的Internal Revenue Service(美国)国内收入署,缩写为IRSwelfare department 福利部门bungle 弄糟,搞坏rev up 加速,18,Most ironic was the image of government that was born of these experiences. As any scholarly treatise on the subject will tell you, the great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer for a complex, modern society like ours is efficient, rational, uniform and courteous treatment for the citizens it deals with. Yet not only did these qualities not come through to the people I talked with, it was their very opposites that seemed more characteristic. People of all classes the rich man dealing with the Internal Revenue Service as well as the poor woman struggling with the welfare department felt that the treatment they had received had been bungled, not efficient; unpredictable, not rational; discriminatory, not uniform; all too often, insensitive, rather than courteous. It was as if they had bought a big new car that not only did not run when they wanted it to, but periodically revved itself up and drove all around their yards.,


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