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    山西师范大学继续教育学院毕业论文论文题目: Talk about to improve students English reading ability函 授 站: 吕梁函授站 专 业: 英语 级 别: 2012级 姓 名: 李峰利 学 号: 联系地址: 离石区交口街道办 联系电话: 18735852439 电子邮箱: 530874838qq.com 指导教师:   山西师范大学继续教育学院毕业论文答辩推荐表姓 名李峰利学 号专业英语题 目Talk about to improve students English reading ability字数5500指导教师评语及其是否推荐参加答辩意见指导教师(签名):2014年 月 日函授站意见函授站长(签名): 2014年 月 日 继教院意见教学院长(签名): 2014年 月 日Talk about to improve students English reading ability      A Graduation Thesis Submitted by Li fengli Outline 浅谈提高小学生英语阅读能力 Talk about to improve students English reading ability内容摘要:在小学英语教学中,阅读是学习英语的重要途径和手段。加强阅读训练,有助于培养学生良好的英语阅读习惯、阅读理解能力和获取信息的能力。随着小学英语教学改革的不断深入,对学生综合运用英语能力的要求越来越高。根据英语课程标准的要求,英语阅读教学的根本任务不仅要完成传统阅读教学中传授语言知识、发展学生语言能力的任务,而且要适度深化课文的内涵和拓展课文的外延。因此,在小学阶段培养学生的英语阅读能力具有重要的现实意义。结合自己平时的教学实践,我谈谈提高小学高年级学生英语阅读能力的途径和方法:In the teaching of English in primary schools, reading is the important way to study English and method. Strengthen the training of reading to cultivate the students' reading habits, good English reading ability and the ability to obtain information. As the primary school English teaching reform, students' comprehensive ability to use English demand is higher and higher. According to the requirements of the English curriculum standards of English reading teaching, the fundamental task to complete the traditional reading teaching teach language knowledge, developing students' language ability task, and the connotation of moderation in deepening the text and expanding the text's extension. Therefore, in the primary stage to cultivate students' English reading ability has the important practical significance.With his usual teaching practice, I talk about improving English reading ability elementary students the way and method of:关键词:小学 英语 阅读 整合 训练 Elementary school English read integration trainingA, use textbook resources, to improve students' reading abilityThe Oxford's current primary school English "teaching material, arranged for a variety of reading materials, and illustrated,Lively and interesting language, is the best of the students reading resources. For five or six grade teaching materials, carefully pays special attention to the classroom teaching, improve the quality of classroom teaching, elaborate design A part of each Unit, help students better understand the text, is leading the students to the right way to finish A reading comprehension, we can from the following several aspects:1. Skim the text and coarse read, decorate a simple task, students' fast reading the full text, sort out the article context, to understand the effect, and answer simple questions.2. Reading of the text, students discuss each other language knowledge, the teacher points out that the key and difficult, and help students to understand the text. For example: according to the 5 b Unit 3 "Hobbies" readings, I designed a few questions: (1) so What 's Ben' s hobby? (2) What 's Mike' s hobby? (3) the Do Helen and Yang Ling have any hobbies? What are they? (4) What kind of m do you like? The teacher's question is not without foundation, such questioning can arouse the students' attention, students are encouraged to actively participate in; Can also detect students' cognitive depth, and guide students in creative thinking.3. The summary of the text, the text information, analyzed and summarized, strengthen the information absorption and consolidated. To this end, the commonly used method is adapted to the text, let the students fill in appropriate words and phrases. For example: after reading 5 b Unit8 "At the weekends", can let students complete the following word: At the weekends, Wang Bing often_. Sometimes he goes swimming, Sometimes he plays also, because (as) he and Mike like. very much. Helen likes _, she and Yang Ling, do housework At home. Su Yang and Su Hai, watch_. Sometimes they_butterflies in the park. Through this link, not only to understand the students' understanding of the text meaning, and tested the students grasp of the language points.2, guide students reading methods, strengthen students' memoryTeachers should teach students reading skills, and cultivate the student's reading interest, to guide the students to master reading methods, reading as the main body of students, improve the students' reading ability. In the primary school English reading, there are three kinds of commonly used reading: skimming, read and read. In the teaching, emphatically cultivate the students' reading ability. Find reading with a clear purpose, targeted to find the answer to the question. Before students read request, capture important information, this will not only enhance students' understanding of the article, but also can improve the efficiency of reading.As is known to all, must be a good vocabulary related to learn English well. For some learners of English vocabulary is the biggest obstacle to learning English. Quite a few students is due to the limited time in the classroom teaching to grasp the key words in the textbooks and left behind, which affect the development of reading ability, caused great difficulty for their English learning. Therefore, teachers should pay much attention to students' guide word memory method, enhance their ability to memorize words. Elementary school, in general, memorizing words there are pronunciation memory, associative memory and word formation.According to the pronunciation of the word is pronounced memory to memorize words, this is a effective method of training students' ability to remember. Pronunciation memory method is the premise of the students' pronunciation must be accurate, and master the pronunciation of a certain rule.Associative memory method is to try to relate sound, form and meaning of the word. Such as spelling, lenovo is the spelling of similar words together memories, such as peach&beach & called, book&look & cook, boy&toy, etc. Using word-formation memory, is also a good way to guess the word. Many of the words in English are derived by a root, a word derived from root to add prefix or suffix, and front and suffix has certain significance. Such as: adjectives - ly is converted to an adverb, careful&carefully, beautiful&beautifully; - er verbs into nouns, work&worker teach&teacher.Third, expand channels of English reading, and promote the extracurricular readingElementary school reading skills improve although relies mainly on the in-class reading, but not just satisfied with this. In-class readingReading is a foundation, extra-curricular activities are added. Practice research prove that extracurricular reading not only can promote the improvement of students' English reading comprehension, also can effectively promote the development of students' comprehensive skills. Teachers should provide English extracurricular reading for students, create a conducive to the students' English reading environment, improve the interest of learning English.1, the use of multiple channels, select the reading materialThe students of grade five and six has accumulated a certain language knowledge, has a certain ability of reading. teachDivision can be scientific, era from some strong reading on choosing suitable for students' reading level and the content of the life experience, let the students to read, to enrich the students' field of vision. In the teaching, I introduced the English weekly, "era of English newspaper," reading "and other newspapers and books, let the students experience, direct experience of English.2, "drifting" activities, widen reading field of vision"Book crossing" is a very good exchange activities, extracurricular reading can be at the beginning of every semester, forDetermine the grade reading books and magazines in the class and grade to "drift", students read after feeling, such activities, provides students with more reading platform, opened up a broad reading the heavens and the earth.In addition, can also encourage students do a good job in English class blackboard newspaper, English copies out the newspaper, publicity columns, published stories, English proverbs and poetry, etc., causes the student to improve the level of English reading in osmosis; Use weekly "small loudspeaker broadcast", play some students like English songs and other English programs, let the students in the process of listening to feel reading materials, training of listening skills.Fourth, adopt various training methods, strengthen students reading testReading and training is indivisible. Optimum combination ways of training, often can effectively guide the multilayerTime and reading, live reading materials to read, gradually cultivate the students' reading strategies.1. The listening and reading trainingTeachers can use text, slides, and multimedia courseware presents the conversation, so that the students of language background image, intuitive, perceptual knowledge; Let the students look at the picture, listen to the tape with a problem, level and ability for the development of listening comprehension, and you have a whole grasp, after reading the passage, such as sorting, selection, judgment, attachment measurement methods to help students sort out the article context. Reading and listening to this, the way the various senses can help improve students' comprehensive ability of using language. The Oxford primary school English "supporting practice reading and listening to the training, provides us with rich in listening and reading material that is to cultivate students' ability to read the best choice.2. Copy writing and reading trainingSenior reading classes, not only to cultivate the students' reading ability, also can't ignore the students' language output: like reading and writing training, because of the previous reading input, and a paradigm can copy writing, the students "having substance in speech". For example, after reading 5 b Unit 9 Part E "once My classmate, Jim", let the students according to the model of copy writing essay "My classmate" or "My friend", according to certain rules of language for creating again, combine reading and writing, improve students' writing level. Read and write, read presses to write, by copy write, rewrite, written, abbreviations, expanding to write a variety of ways, such as to realize the transition from language input to language output.3. The combination of competition and reading trainingDevelop the students' ability of speed reading is an indispensable content in reading teaching. The so-called speed reading, is refers to the fast reading "fast reading". Although speed reading skills for students at primary school did not make a request, but as a kind of skills, skills training is necessary. On the basis of fully understanding the text, use the game to let the students on time or reading the text according to quantity, can not only deepen the contents of the memory, the text can also be used for later reading loudly, the competitions cater to elementary student's psychological, to make them for a limited time, read out from the competition essence, reading fun.Beijing normal university, professor wang qiang said: "reading teaching three main aim is to: read for fun, read for information, read for language." she pointed out that should let the pupils feel pleasure in reading, and access to information and learn language knowledge at the same time. Therefore, the teacher should from the various aspects to optimize reading teaching, pay attention to arousing students' interest in reading, reading guidance to them patiently, I believe, as long as we persevere, elementary student's English reading potential will be fully digging, their reading ability will be greatly improved.5. Create relaxed classroom atmosphere, guide students to independent reading and understand English words1. Let the students read in appreciation, in reading comprehensionNew schedule can require students to use images to read simple stories and essays, considering that pupils have a curious, love thinking characteristics, in the process of reading teaching, can use all kinds of teaching means, through the sound, color, painting and other sensory stimulation, lets the student in the picture at the same time, to appreciate beauty feeling beautiful image, stimulate students' desire to read.I've heard a grade 6 < a monkey and gloves > reading class, whether it is the production of multimedia courseware, or teachers, seize the psychological change of the monkey. From monkey see people wear gloves when shown curious (curious), oneself buy the euphoria of gloves (excited), show companion is not accepted very angry (angry), in the end the monkey grief due to wear gloves to climb trees and broke his leg (sad). A ring by ring, firmly grasp the the hearts of the children. The students with the development of the story, and sometimes excited, sometimes anger, and sometimes sad, make a commitment to the story, not only read the story, also understand a profound philosophy of life, namely, the fittest is the best (suits own is the best).Students feel the knowledge of a language in appreciation, also further deepen the understanding of the language, and of the influence of the emotion.2, let students reading in the activity, interaction in the readingOxford primary school English each unit provides students with reading materials, the material is illustrated, have a plenty of humorous stories, have a plenty of interesting conversations, have a plenty of the passage of knowledge, teachers can guide students in the activities of perception, experience, lessons and performance.Six, create a good reading environment, promote the unified teaching inside and outside classClassroom teaching is the main position, but teachers must make full use of campus facilities for students with the chance to English extracurricular reading, carefully to create the conditions to develop students reading, make students improve the interest of learning English in the middle of the unconscious, rich knowledge of English.1, set up in the campus English signs or sign, for a variety of classroom with logos in both Chinese and English,2, do a good job in English blackboard newspaper, corridor and so on propaganda columns. Published stories, English poetry, cultural background, etc.3, the use of the campus radio or television broadcast re


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