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    厦门一中九年级第二次模拟测试英语参考答案 I. 听力理解 15CCCAB610 AABAC1115 AABCB 16. London17. two / 218. buses19. used20. Make . 单项选择 2125 BCABC2630 BABAC3135 BACAB . 完形填空 3640 ACCBA4145 ABCAC . 阅读理解 4650 CABDA5155 DBCBC5660 DADBA 6165 DABBA6670 CEADB V.情景交际 71. whats your favorite subject / which subject do you like best 72. Whats the weather like / Hows the weather 73. How often do you exercise 74. Sure / Certainly / Yes, Id love to 75. Lets go swimming . 看图写话 76.There is a post office between the library and the supermarket./ The post office is between the library and the supermarket. 77. Its good for our health to eat fruit and vegetables. / Eating (more) fruit and vegetables is good for our health. 78. I like high-jumping because its fun / interesting. 79. Mary has been to Paris/ France twice. 80. The knife is used for cutting apples. . 短文填词 81. blowing82. threw83. visitors / tourists84. happiness85. Before 86. Thousands87. hear88. juice89. on90. usual 注意:81-90 单词填空题可能存在多种答案,尽量放宽对非关键性错误的扣分,如大小写错误等。 .书面表达: (15 分) 第一档(13-15 分): 能清楚地表述自己的观点和想法;语言准确、丰富、流畅,富有个性和说服力;基 本无语法错误; 第二档(9-12 分): 能清楚地表述自己的观点和想法;行文比较自然,但语言表达较平淡,个性化和说 服力较一般,且存在少量语法错误; 第三档(5-8 分): 观点表述不够鲜明,比较缺乏说服力;同时各种语言用法错误较多; 第四档(1-4 分): 内容比较空洞或不切题,词汇和句式用法错误很多。 英语二模听力文本 第一节听句子听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。 (每个句子读两遍) 1.Cycling can save energy and wont cause air pollution. 2.Documentaries make me sleepy. 3.The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. 4.I was sleeping when the earthquake happened. 5.I like reading some books at my free time. 第二节听对话听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。 (每段对话读两遍) 听第 1 段对话,回答第 6 题。 6.Boy: I have finished all my homework. Can I watch TV for a while? Mom: Sure, but lets set a time limit. Boy: How about twenty minutes? Mom: OK. 听第2段对话,回答第7题。 7.Mom: You have played computer games for hours on end. Boy: Playing Plants vs. Zombies is so exciting. I just cant stop it. Mom: You are turning into a mouse potato! 听第3段对话,回答第8题。 8.Boy: How do you feel about speaking in front of so many people? Girl: I used to be nervous about it. But thats useless. Then I tried to take a deep breath and smile. Smile is really great helpful. 听第4段对话,回答第9题。 9.M: Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can get some postcards? W: Sure. Take the lift to the second floor. Go past the bookstore. Theres a post office next to the supermarket. M: Thanks a lot. 听第5段对话,回答第10、11 题。 W: Hello. Jane Black. M: Hello. This is Alan. How about going to the concert this evening? The violinist is quite skilled. I like music that is quiet and slow. W: Great. I prefer songs that are not too loud. M: May I pick you up at the office after work? W: OK, but could I go home to take a shower first, please? M: Absolutely fine. I will drive over to your home at about 7oclock. W: Many thanks. See you then. 听第6段对话,回答第12、13 题。 W: Hello, how can I help you, please? M: Yes, Id like to make a reservation to Fuzhou on 30thof January. W: Let me check it for you. There are two flights on that day. One is flighting at 9oclock in the morning, another is flighting at 3oclock in the afternoon. Which one do you prefer? M: I think morning flight is better. W: Would you like to take first class, business class or economy class? M: Business class, please. Thanks. W: Youre welcome. 听第7段对话,回答第14、15 题。 W: You must be looking forward to visiting New Zealand with your parents next week. M: Yeah, but Im a little worried. W: Why? M: Well, for one thing, I dont know what we should take when we visit our friends house. W: Oh, I see. When you visit your friend, youre supposed to bring some wine. People there are used to having a glass of wine before meals. And they often chat while drinking. M: Good idea. W: By the way, being on time is important. As its impolite to keep others waiting. 第三节听短文根据所听到的短文内容完成表格,每空一词。 (短文读三遍) Recently a newspaper in London did a survey. It shows that people in London drink an average of 2cups of coffee a day. That is as much as 200,000tons of used coffee beans per year. What can we do with these used coffee beans? Now people use the coffee beans to give power for buses in London. A company Bio Bean collected used beans from coffee shops and factories. Then the company used beans to produce coffee oil. They put the oil and other fuels together and make a kind of biofuel. This is another kind of green resources and can give buses clean energy. It is great for the environment.


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