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    2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Period 3 (Section B 1a1d)【教学目标】 知识目标 1. Master the new words and useful expressions. 2. Master the target language. 能力目标 1. Be able to master the target language. 2. Develop students listening and speaking skills. 情感目标 Try to educate students to express their feelings properly.【教学重难点】 重点 1. Master the new words and useful expressions. Words: interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing, watch, TV Phrases: watch TV 2. Master the target language: 3. Improve students listening and speaking skills. 难点 1. Improve students listening and speaking skills. 2. The usage of target language. 【教学准备】 A tape recorder, some pictures and handouts.【教学方法】 任务型教学法、情景交际法、自主学习与合作学习相结合【课时安排】 One period【教学过程】 Step 1: Greetings and revision 1. Greeting the Ss. Check the homework. 2. Review what weve learned in Section A. (1) Put up some pictures of balls such as football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, ping-pong ball, tennis on the blackboard. Ask students to have a conversation after the model. S1: Lets play soccer. S2: I dont have a soccer ball. S1: Well, lets play volleyball. S2: That sounds good. (2) After three minutes, ask a few pairs to act out the conversations using the pictures on the blackboard. Step 2: Lead-in (1) Teach the new words, show the students the pictures of Charles Chaplin and ask students, “Who is that? Do you like him? Are the pictures interesting?” Then write the word interesting on the blackboard. (2) Ask students to repeat. (3) Ask two students to act out out relaxing, fun, boring . Step 3: Presentation Teach activity 1a (1) Point to the five words and ask students to repeat each one. (2) Then point to the five pictures and ask students to match each picture with one of the words. (3) Have them write the letter of the picture on the line next to each word. (4)Then correct the answer. Step 4: Practice 1. Teach activity 1b (1) Draw a picture T: Look at the pictures in 1a for one minute and try to draw your own pictures to describe the words in the box in 1a. (2) Show and guess T: Some of you have finished drawing. Could you please show your pictures to your partner and let him/her have a guess what the picture means? (3) Listen and check T: Lets move to activity 1b now. It is a listening exercise. For the first time, I would like you to listen only. For the second time, please listen to the recording again and check the words you hear in 1a. (4) Check the answers T: I think most of you have finished. Lets check the answers together. Answers: checked items: interesting, boring, fun, difficult 2. Teach activities 1c (1) Listen T: Listen to the recording again. (2) Listen and write T: Listen to the recording again and write a word from 1a that Paul uses to talk about each activity. And then listen to the recording one more time and check the answers by yourselves. (3) Check the answers T: Lets check the answers together. Who would like to tell us what you wrote? Answers: 1interesting 2difficult 3boring 4fun Step 5: Consolidation Teach activity 1d (1) First, read through the sample conversations so that they can know how to do this activity. (2) Talk about the activities in 1c in pairs. (3) Leave students several minutes to do this activity. (4) As they work, move around the room, offering help if necessary. (5) Invite some pairs to act out their conversations for the whole class.【课堂小结】 In this period, weve mainly leaned some descriptive words and known how to express our feelings about things. And weve also improved our listening and speaking skills through the practice.【课后作业】 1. Practice the target language. 2. Copy the mains words and try to recite them. 3. Preview the next period.


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