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    2020学年人教版七年级下期 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here 培优训练及答案.doc

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    2020学年人教版七年级下期 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here 培优训练及答案.doc

    2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?Section A一、完成对话根据对话内容和所给首字母,填入合适的单词。A:1. E_ me. Is 2. t_ a hotel in the neighborhood?B:Yes, theres one near here. A:Could you please tell me how I can 3. g_ there?B:Yes. Go down this road and 4. t_ left at the traffic lights(交通灯), then go 5. a _ the bridge. You will find it on your 6. r_.A:How far is it from here?B:Its about twenty minutes ride. Youd better 7. t_ the bus.A:Which bus shall I take?B:Bus No.101. The bus stop is over there.A:8. T_ you so much.B:Youre welcome.二、短文填空从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。turn, ride, two, cross, police, restaurant, between, far, begin, longMike lives in New York. His father has a 1. _ and his mother works in the 2. _ station. He is seven years old and he 3. _ to go to school this autumn. The school is a little 4. _ from his home and his parents are very busy. So Mike 5. _ his bike to school. He rides 6. _ Center street. Then 7. _ left at the 8. _ crossing. Next go down the Fifth Avenue and the school is 9. _ the bank and the shop. Its 10. _ from a library. 三、快乐阅读Peter and Charly will go to the movie theatre. But Peter doesnt know the way. Charly writes the way on a piece of paper.Walk straight the Sun Avenue until you see a post office. Turn left and you are on the Centre Street. You will go past a library. Then turn right. Go straight and you will see a park in front of you. Go through the park and turn left. After you pass the seventh shop, you will see a supermarket. The movie theatre is next to the supermarket. You cant miss(错过) it.你能准确地说出图中字母标号所代表的位置吗?1. A _ 2. B _ 3. C _ 4. D _ 5. E _ Section B一、完成对话根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的句子。A:Excuse me! Is there a post office near here?B:1. _ A:Great! So can you tell me the way?B:Of course. Just walk down this street. 2. _ You can see it on the left of Center Street.A:Is it far from here?B:No, it isnt. 3. _ A:4. _B:There. You can take it in front of the restaurant.A:Thanks a lot.B:5. _A. You can walk or take the No.1 bus.B. Yes, there is.C. Youre welcome.D. When you see a library, turn right. Go down Center Street.E. Where can I take the No.1 bus?二、阅读表达Dear Peter,Im happy that you are arriving this Sunday. But you just stay here for a week. Let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the airport. 4. You will pass a bank on your left and then go down Center Street. Go through Six Avenue. When you see a big supermarket, turn left at the _ (cross). Then go along Bridge Street and turn left at Long Shan Park. 3. 沿着长街走,我家就在你得右侧。I hope you have a good trip.Yours,Mike任务一:根据短文内容,回答问题。1. Who wrote this letter?_2. How long does Mike stay here?_任务二:翻译文中划线部分。3. _4. _任务三:用所给单词的适当形式填空。5. When you see a big supermarket, turn left at the _ (cross).三、小试身手同学们,经过这一单元的学习,你是否可以描述你家附近你所喜欢的地点及怎样到那里呢?请向你的同学介绍一下吧。参考答案Section A一、1. Excuse 2. there 3. get 4. turn 5. across 6. right 7. take 8. Thank二、1. restaurant 2. police 3. begins 4. far 5. rides 6. along 7. turn 8. second 9. between 10. across三、1. post office 2. library 3. park 4. supermarket 5. movie theatreSection B一、15 BDAEC二、1. Mike.2. For a week.3. Go down Long Street and my house is on your right.4. 在左侧你会路过一家银行,然后沿着中心大街直走。5. crossing三、小试身手(略)


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