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    1 Unit 1 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词拼写: 1. With the of r , people can do much dangerous reserch. 2. Edison was a famous S . 3. The earth is our home, we should stop from P . 4. She works at a computer c . 5. Armstrong was a famous a . He was the first man to walk on the moon. 6. My a has many rooms, so yon can live with me together 7. The p is a lovely pet and it can talk 8. It is a very important party . please dont dress too c . 9. Sometimes p the future is a kind of interesting 10. I forgot my English book . I l it at home. 二、补全对话: A: Hello! 3769088. B: Hello! Kate . Id like to borrow your Chinese dictionary .I lost mine this afternoon. A: Sorry ! _1_. Could you speak a little clearly and slowly B: Yes . Could you lend me your Chinese dictionary ? Mine is lost. A: Sure ! when do you want it ? B: _2_ A: But it is Sunday tomorrow. I wont go to school. B: _3_ A: But Ill go to uiss Wangs home . could you come in the afternoon? B: Certainly . _4_ A: _5_ . I ll wait for you . B: Thank you . Bye ! 三、单项选择: ( )1. Im new here , so I have _ friends here. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )2. There _ two English films next week . A. is going to be B. are going to have C. will have D. are going to be ( )3. We re going to have _ hiking. A. many B. much C. a lot of D. lot of ( )4. Will you please _ some water? A. carry B. take C. have D. get ( )5. Its cold outside . We must keep some windows _. A. close B. closes C. closed D. closing ( )6. I _ he _ tomorrow. A. don t think , will come B. think , wont come C. not think , will come D. think , dont come A. Ill go and get it at your home. B. Its a very bad line C. That would be fine D. I ll arrive between two and three. E. Tomorrow morning if possible 2 ( )7. _ will she get to shanghai ? In three hours. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far ( )8. This piece of music is worth _. A. listen B. listening C. listen to D. listening to ( )9. You dont need _your homework now. A. to hand in B. hand in C. handing in D. hands in ( )10. Mother didn t want to _ so much money on the coat, for other things had _ her a lot. A. pay , spent B. spend , taken C. pay , taken D. spend, cost 四、完型填空: There is something about New Years Eve . In Scotland the last day of the year is the 1 important holidays of the winter , more important than 2 .On New Years Eve friends and neighbors go about from house to house drinking to each other and wishing good luck . 3 New Years Day all shops and factories are closed and no 4 is done. Families meet 5 for a big meal and a family party . In England New Years Day is 6 holiday and people go to work as 7 . But on New Years Eve m ost people sit up till 8 . “To see the New Year in ” or they 9 to parties and dances . Most of the big London hotels 10 a New Years Eve dance. 1. A. more B. most C. much D. such 2. A. Thankgiving Day B. National Day C. the Spring Festival D. Christmas Day 3. A. In B. To C. On D. For 4. A. study B. exam C. work D. reading 5. A. gathering (集合) B. together C. get-together D. with 6. A. a B. an C. the D. not a 7. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. usual 8. A. midnight B. afternoon C. noon D. morning 9. A. run B. jump C. go D. rush 10. A. take B. bring C. have D. receive 五、阅读理解: A rich man lives a luxurious (奢侈的 ) life . But he isnt happy at all . He is always afraid of losing his money . He is often sleepless (失眠的 ) . Every night,. He hears a craftsman (工匠) singing happily. The rich man says to the craftsman , “You must be very happy , because you sing every day .” “Yes , I am a happy poor man .” The rich man takes out a lot of money and says, “You are honest (诚实的 ) . The money is yours now . ” The craftsman becomes rich . But he loses his happiness . He is worried about his money . He becomes sleepless. At last , he gives the money back to the rich man . He lives a happy life again. Choose the correct answers according to the passage (根据短文内容,选择正 确答案 ): 1. A rich man lives a _ life. A. happy B. hard C. luxurious D. free 2. The rich man _. 3 A. isn t happy at all B. is afraid of the poor C. is never sleepless D. often sing happily 3. The craftsman _. A. is a rich man , too B. is a happy poor man C. doesn t like singing D. loses his money 4. The rich man gives a lot of money to the craftsman because the craftsman_. A. is not an honest man B. is the rich mans friend C. needs money D. is very happy and honest 5. The craftsman gives the money back to the rich man because_. A. he becomes rich B. he loses his happiness C. the rich man asks his money back D. he doesnt like the rich man 六、小趣味:经典口语你会吗? 1. I hope so 2. How lucky you are ! 3. I m glad to hear that 4. soso 5. I know better 七、小作文:你的家乡正在建设,请你简单画一张家乡建设设计图,并用简单英语进行描 述。 -_ _ 4 Unit 2 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. Would you like _ (have) another cake. 2. You d better _( not bother ) him . He is busy. 3. Why did you tell her _( not invite ) me ? 4. There are some birds _( sing ) in the tree. 5. I ll call you up as soon as he _ (come) back. 6. He doesn t know which one _ ( choose ). 7. John _ (buy ) his father a gift yes terday . 8. Lucy has _ (little ) money than Lily does . 9. _ you _ (write ) a letter when your brother came in ? 10. You must stop them from _ ( pollute ) the river . 二、翻译下列词组: 1 爱上 _ 2. come true _ 3. 例如_ 4. the same as _ 5. 一张球赛票 _ 6. 不时髦的 _ 7. 对感到惊奇 _ 8. on the other hand _ 9. Complain about _ 10. Compare with _ 三、单项选择: ()1. You can take _ of the two dictionaries. A. any B. either C. all D. every ( )2. I dont know if it _ tomorrow . If it _ tomorrow, I will stay at home. A. rain , rain B. rains , rains C. will rain, rains D. rains, will rain ( )3. I have never met _ a rich man . He has _ much money . A. so , so B. such , such C. so , such D. such , so ( )4. Shanghai is _ the east of China . It s _the west of Japan. A. in , in B. in , to C. to , in D. to , in ( )5. Wed better first find a hotel _. A. to live in B. to live C. living in D. living ( )6. Work hard , _ you will _ behind others . A. and , fall B. on ,.fall C. and , not fall D. or , fall ( )7. He feels _ because he lives _ in the countryside. A. lonely , alone B. alone , lonely C. lonely , lonely D. alone , alone ( )8. What made you _ your mother ? A. argue with B. to argue with C. arguing with D. argued with ( )9. This baby cant speak . He is only _. A. 6-months old B. 6-month old C. 6 month old D. 6 months old ( )10. We went to the swimming pool _ Tom and Jack . we played wonderfully together . A. beside B. besides C. except D. but 四、完型填空: An important question about eating out is who pays for the meal . If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him , you may say 1 like this , “I m afraid it ll have to be someplace 2 , as I have very little money ” The other person may say , “OK, I ll meet youat McDonald s . ” This means that the two 5 agree to go Dutch , that is , each person pays for himself . He may 3 say . “Oh ,no . I want to 4 you to lunch at Smiths , ” or “I want you to try the Chinese dumplings there . Theyre great .” This means the person wants to pay for both of you . If you feel 5 towards this person , you can go with him and you 6 pay for the meal . You may just say , “ 7 . That would be very nice . ” American customs (习俗) about who pays of dates (约会) are much the same as in the other parts of the world . In the old days , American women wanted men to pay for all the meals . But , today , a university girl or a woman in 8 will usually pay her way during the day . If a man asks her for a dance outside the working hours , it 9 “come as my guest ”. So as you can see , it is a polite thing to make the question 10 at the very beginning. ( )1. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ( )2. A. expensive B. cheap C. quiet D. wonderful ( )3. A. also B. neither C. too D. either ( )4. A. get B. take C. meet D. bring ( )5. A. friendly B. kind C. happy D. lucky ( )6. A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. dont ( )7. A. I m sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. Pardon ( )8. A. school B. China C. America D. business ( )9. A. goes B. says C. means D. tells ( )10. A. easy B. clear C. clean D. careful 五、 阅读理解: Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth . But when you use the phone , you dont see the person you are talking with . That may change in the near future . Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone . With it , two people who are talking can see each other. Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show the person youre calling . They may have other uses in the future . One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to see a book . Then youll be able to read the book right over your picture phone . Or you may be able to go shopping through your picture phone . If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy , you ll go to your phone and call the shop . People at the shop will show you the thing youre interested in right over the phone . You ll be able to go shop all over town and never even leave your room! ( )1. Today people can use the phone to talk with others_. A. in all the towns B. in some places in the world C. only in big cities D. almost anywhere on the earth ( )2. The word “it ” in the text means _. A. the picture phone B. any phone C. the use D. the change ( )3. We can _ through the picture phone according to ( 根据)the text . A. write a book B. do shopping C. play games D. have classes 6 ( )4. Picture phones are very _ . A. useful B. impossible C. bad D. badly ( )5. Which is not true according to the passage? A. Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture or vision phone. B. With the picture phone, two people cant see each other. C. The phone is very useful . D. Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost everywhere on the earth . 六、 小作文:你对未来有什么设想,以 What are you going to be when you grow up 为题,写几句话的小作文。 七、西方风情,不同的圣诞 法国( France)中部的色日尔斯地方,每年圣诞节前后几天必降大雪, 白雪皑皑,在西方人眼里,白色圣诞是一种吉祥。在法国,马槽是最富有特 色的圣诞标志,因为相传耶稣是诞生在马槽旁的。人们大唱颂赞耶稣的圣诞 歌之后,必开怀畅饮,香槟和白兰地是法国传统的圣诞美酒。 芬兰( Finland )在 12 月圣诞节前后,漫山遍野都是怒放的紫罗兰,掩映 在白色的大地上,望去一片紫红色,紫色圣诞使人心旷神怡。 瑞士( Switzerland )人在圣诞节前 4 天星期,就将 4 支巨型的蜡烛点燃, 放在由树技装饰成的一个环里,每周点1 支,。当点燃第 4 支后,圣诞节就 到了。 澳大利亚( Australia)是南半球的国家之一。十二月底,正当西欧各国 在寒风呼啸中欢度圣诞节时,因此在澳大利亚正是热不可耐的仲复时节。因 此在澳大利亚过圣诞节,到处可以看见光着上身汗水涔涔的小伙子和穿超短 裙的姑娘,与商店橱窗里精心布置的冬日雪景、挂满雪花的圣诞树和穿红棉 袄的圣诞老人,构成澳大利亚特有的节日图景。这种酷署和严冬景象的强烈 对比,恐怕在世界上是独一无二的。父母给子女最好的圣诞礼物,莫过于一 副滑水板。圣诞节弄潮是澳大利亚的一大特征。节日晚上,带着饮料到森林 里举行“巴别居”野餐。人们在用石头垒的露天灶中用枯树技生火、上面架 一块铁板,把香肠、牛肉、鲜鱼等放上去煎。吃饱喝足后,就跳起“迪斯科” 或“袋鼠舞“,一直闹到深夜才结束。喝醉了的,便往草地上一躺,在如雷 的鼾声中迎接圣诞节老人的莅临。 在波兰( Poland). 晚间吃饭时桌布下边要放一些草,以示耶稣的降生。 晚饭很丰富,但不能吃肉。夜间十二点以后,全家去教堂礼拜。圣诞节期间, 一般不到别人家中做客,但主人盛情邀请者例外。 7 Unit 3 一、 用的给单词的正确形式填空,完成句子。 1. I was _ down the street when I saw the accident .( walk ) 2. Pap was _when I called her . ( shop ) 3. It is very _to meet an alien in the street . (stranger) 4. I was very _ when she turned back . (surprise) 5. Three people were _ in the car accident. (kill) 二、 从 B栏中选出可以解释A栏中单词的一项。 (A) (B) 1. unusual A. a place where you can cook meals 2. take off B. foreigner 3. kitchen C. leave 4. barber D. a person who cut hair for people 5. alien E. go to see 6. store F. frightened 7. UFO G. not often 8. scared H. before 9. visit I. Shop 10. in front of J. Unidentified Flying Object 三、单项选择。选出能完成句子的最佳一项。 ( )1. We can see a big tree in _ front of the classroom , A. its B. that C. the D./ ( )2. School closed _the day because of the earthquake . A. on B. in C. for D. with ( )3. _English is not easy , Ill try to learn it well . A. Although B. If C. But D. So ( )4. We sat on the river bank face to face _ silence . A. in B. with C. on D. of ( )5. They remember _ they were doing at that time . A. that B. where C. what D. who ( )6. This story talks about a king _ is called Arthur . A. who B. which C. he d. his name ( )7. We _ the event when we were driving home. A. heard about B. heard from C. heard on D. heard ( )8. I told him what happened _ the telephone . A. on B. by C. in D. through ( )9. _ it was to see an alien in the street ! A. How strange B. What strange C. What a strange D. How strange things ( )10. When the apples _ the tree are red , you can always see many boys _ the tree . A. in ; on B. in ; in C. on ; on D. on ;in 四、补全对话:根据对话内容补全短文,每空一词。 Smith:Hi , I m Erin Smith of WKBY News . What were you (1) when the UFO (2) , Mr Black ? Black: I was (3) down Center Street . Smith: Can you tell me (4) you saw ? Black: (5) I was standing in front of the theater , I saw an (6) get out of the UGO. He went (7) a restaurant and came 8 out (8) a large pizza . Smith : And then ? Black : I (9) him to see where he was going next and found he (10) into the Museum of Flight . 五、完形填空: Football is , I think ,the most popular sport in the world today . One can go to any of the important 1 , shouting (喊叫) for one side or the 2 . One of the most 3 things about football is that 4 a small boy can tell you the names of the 5 in most of the important teams . He has pictures of them and knows the result (结果) of lots of matches . 6 many years ago , each country had different rules for 7 own football game . In 1863 a group of people met in England to 8 this . These rules are the 9 today . Now teams from all over the world take part in the famous World Cup . It is 10 every four years to see which is the best . ( ) 1. A.


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