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    江苏省怀仁中学高一英语M4U1期末复习学生版一、单词拼写:1. The little boy helped to carry his mother s p from the supermarket.2. We hired an( 广告)company for help to sell our product.3. The city hall is planning to start a(运动)againstsmoking.4. The manager was very happy that the sales team had met their(目标)for the month.5. He left his hometown,( 决定)never to come back again.6. The doctor tried to p him to stop smoking, but failed.7. Some people wanted to give up, but the captain(敦促)them to marchon.8. This medicine can be( 有毒的)if it is taken large amounts. You must be sure to follow the directions of how to take it.9. The winner will go to Beijing(亲自)to collect the prize.10. ( 令人吃惊的 ),she finished university two years earlier than the common students.11. Af ter a heated( 讨价还价),they settled on a price for the car.12. Because the report title was not that e, it did not attract people s attention.13. Doctors r that the weight-loss drug should be banned from the market.14. It has been mentioned that the number of students in s high school isgoing down.15. After listing the cost of every book, I then f out the total cost.16. Can you provide any evidence that he was i ofthe crime?17. The speech ofthe president will be broadcast n, not throughout the world.18. The technology will be of great(好处)to people in the future.19. Tom likes sitting close to the TV, and his parents try to c him ofthisbad habit.20. We must p home-made products and support national commerce.21. It s about time that we u our software.22. These words are not m to hurt you, but to encourage you.23. Many children are interested in this film, in otherwords, this film ato many children.24. To do this( 分析),I c several experienced experts.25. Mr Li has just been p to headmaster for his great contributions.26. The hunter held his b when the tiger occurred and came in his direction.27. Thank you for your(评论)on what I did just now.二、动词填空:1. With all the problems(deal) with,the manager is i .n good mood now.2. She went abroad to study and(determine) to settle down there.3. I re commend that he(read) the novel.4. To her surprise, the book, (mean) to tell females how to protect their skin, , (not sell) well.5. (shock) by the news, she couldn t help laughing.6. His parents urge him(go) home after school is over.7. We are considering(design) a new package for our chocolate bar.8. I will go to the party even if(not invite).9. In America, lunch(provide) for students for free at school.10. The teacher said that the earth(go) around the sun.11. He said that she(arrive) the morning before.12. Have you ever regretted(not record) those important moments forever?13. "Can t you read ?” Mary said, angrily(point) to the police.14. This weekend I will have my teeth(examine).15. It is said that this book(translate) into several languages.16. From the (satisfy) look on the teacher s face, I know you have done a good job.17. The way of life they were used to(change) greatly in the past five years.18. These seats(intend) for old people or women with a baby.19. At the meeting they discussed three different approaches to (learn) mathematics.20. The sun cream can protect your skin from(burn) by bright sunshine.三、句型转换:1. You must not be cheated by this kind of trickYou must not this kind of trick.2. He didn t realize his mistake until he was punished.H e his mistake until he was punished.3. I m interested in current affairsI m current affairs.4. I m sure that she will do as she promised; I believe in her.It s that she will do as she promised; I have got in her.5. The President will come here in a few minutes and bring us some very importantnews.The President will come here in a few minutes and bring us some news6. I m quite satisfied that I have completed my article about advertisements.my, I have completed my article about advertisements.7. I managed to talk him into stopping smoking.I him to smoking.8. “Write the passage at once, “ the teacher said to the students.The teacher the students the passage at once.9. Some students in senior high schools are not interested in our traditional culture.Our traditional culture doesn t some students in senior highschools.10. The system mainly benefits people in the south.The system mainly people in the south.11. He recommended that we read the novel.He recommended the no vel.12. Every time we go back to our hometown, we buy railway tickets ahead of time.Every time we go back to our hometown, we buy railway tickets.13. However, all ads don t play tricks on us.ads play tricks on us.14. Before I consulted you, I had no idea that a company might try to fool people into buying a product or service.Before I consulted you, I that a company might try topeople buying a product or service.15. It ,s you who decide what we will do tomorrow.It s you what we will do tomo rrow.四、完成句子:1 .它允许你连续拍照片达6小时。It you take photographs without a break for_ 6hours.2 .我对这个讲过很多次的故事感到很厌烦。I the story has been told so many times.3 .我被他骗了很多钱。He me giving him much money.4 .联合国敦促他们尊重这项和平条约。The UNthe peace treaty.5 .评价他人外貌是不礼貌的。It s bad manners to other s appearance.6 .这位医生已经治愈了许多这样的病人.The doctor has many people such a disease.7 .这本书主要讲述非洲文化。This book mainly African cultures.8 .我以低价买了一件毛衣.I bought a sweater.9 .李阳向我们推荐了他学习英语的独特方法。Li Yang to us his to studying English.10 .没有人习惯于被别人嘲笑。No one is used to.11 .我们应当珍爱生命,远离毒品。We .should cherish our lives and -drugs.12 .这些书不是为小学生而编写的。These booksprimary school students.13 .这种软件旨在保护电脑防御病毒攻击。The software protect computers fromby viruses.14 .他建议我戒烟,但是失败了。He me to give up smoking, but he failed.15 .如果你坚持下来,从长远来看你会在锻炼中受益。If you keep on, you will physical exercises16 .这家公司产品的质量很高。The company s product is.17 .就我而言,你可以做你喜欢的事。, you can do what you like.18 .他极力主张他们去纽约。He that New York.19 .说到做饭,我是一窍不通。 cooking, I know nothing.20 .销售额在百分之五十到六十之间变化。The sales figures 50 60 percent.21 .最近我们对酒是否影响健康进行了些研究。Recently wewhether wine has a bad effect onhealth.用心爱心专心422 . 我们的主要目的是劝阻年轻人,要他们不要吸烟。Our main is toyoung people 用心 爱心 专心#


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