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    小品:“不差钱”(2009 年中央电视台春节联欢晚会节目)Got the Money Anyway(舞台上是一个餐厅的背景,写着:“苏格兰情调”。本山大叔穿着中山装,身上背着一串蒜头,手上拿着野鸡,拉着毛毛上场。)(This short play is set in a restaurant named "Scottish Taste / Feel." Uncle Zhao, in hiscustomary Chinese tunic suit, enters, carrying a string of garlic on his back and apheasant in hand, with his granddaughter Yadar in tow.)Uncle Zhao Here we are.Yadar Here we are.赵本山:到了。毛毛: 到了。Uncle Zhao Its the most expensive restrant in Tieling:苏格兰 调情赵本山:这就是铁岭最贵的一家饭店。这不,苏格兰调情(tio qng)。YadarYou got it wrong苏格兰情调!毛毛: 爷爷,你念反了,苏格兰情调(qng dio)。Uncle Zhao 情调(qng dio) All right, . Were gonna have our meal here anyway.赵本山:啊,情调?就搁这儿吃。YadarBut its very expensive.毛毛: 爷爷,这家老贵的啦。Uncle Zhao So what? Weve got the money, 30,000 yuan. Wheres the bag?赵本山:贵?咱带钱了,带三万多块,那包呢?YadarWhat bag?毛毛: 我没拿包啊。Uncle Zhao The yellow one with the money in it.赵本山:装钱那包,黄包。YadarOh no, I left it on the brick bed. 毛毛: 完了,让我落炕上了。Uncle Zhao oh,what can I do? I do all this just for you ,how could you forget it! Anymoney left on you?赵本山:我说,你这孩子还能办点事吗?!这给你办事,落炕上了还。兜里还有钱吗?Yadar Let me see. (Fumbling) only 70-plus yuan.毛毛: 兜里,多少钱哪才?才 70 多块钱。Uncle Zhao Heres 400 more.赵本山:我还有 400。行,够了。YadarStill not enough.毛毛: 这也不能够啊。Uncle Zhao Its ok. Waiter!赵本山:哎呀,够不够就这样了。服务员!(小沈阳上)(Shenyang, the waiter, enters.)Shenyang Sorry, sir. Were of high class here. We dont take on stuff from street .小沈阳:对不起大爷,我们这是高档酒店,不收农副产品。Uncle Zhao Were your customers. Dont we look like it?赵本山:不是,我们是吃饭的。不像啊?(翻起衣服,露出衣服里面的百元大钞)Shenyang oh yeah yeah yeah .小沈阳:是的是的。Uncle Zhao this is an important meal here, miss.赵本山:我说姑娘啊,这顿饭非常重要。 Shenyang Im not a miss ,Im a man ,a real man from the inside out.小沈阳:妈呀,你管谁叫姑娘呢,人家是纯爷们。Shenyang Uncle Zhao Then, how can you wear in a skirt?赵本山:咋这么个打扮,还穿个裙子呢。Shenyang See, its no skirt but Capri pants .its mens wear in Scottish style. Look atthis, look. Oh, damn it, I get into one of the trousers in a hurry. No wonder I feeldifferent while walking.小沈阳:这是按我们苏格兰风格来包装的。再说也不是裙子啊,这不七分裤吗。你看,是有腿的哦。妈呀,着急穿跑偏了。妈呀,我说走道咋没有裆呢。Uncle Zhao Leave that trouser for tomorrow, hah! I tell you, boy, were gonna have aimportant guest here in a minute. You must do you best.赵本山:行了,那条腿留明儿个穿,哈哈哈。小伙子我跟你说呀,今天我要请一位重要客人吃饭,你一定要招待好。Shenyang No problem.小沈阳:呃,没问题。Uncle Zhao How much did the most expensive meal cost here? .赵本山:我问问你,你们这个酒店把最贵的都点上得多少钱?Shenyang About 10,000 to 20,000.小沈阳:得一、两万的。Uncle Zhao What if somebody eats today and pays tomorrow?赵本山:一、两万?啊,那啥,有没有这种情况,今儿个吃完了,明儿个来结账?Shenyang Are you IOU?小沈阳:打白条儿啊?Uncle Zhao Not that. Ive got the money anyway. Take this.赵本山:不是啊,不是打白条,不差钱,有钱。喏。Shenyang Whats it?小沈阳:啥意思?Uncle Zhao A tip for you.赵本山:小费。Shenyang You are handsome, sir - you look cool!小沈阳:妈呀,大爷你真敞亮,你太帅了。Uncle Zhao thatok . but you are not get it for nothing. When my guest comes, youput on a show with me. If I order expensive food, you should stop me doing so.赵本山:给一百块钱还帅呢。我跟你说这不白给啊。一会儿客人到了,你一定要给足我面子,明白吗?我到点菜的时候,你得替我兜着点。Shenyang Like hows?小沈阳:咋兜呢?Uncle Zhao Showing due respect for my guest, but don not too expensive .What ifI ask for something dear?赵本山:既把面子给了,但是呢又不能花得.太狠。我要点贵菜.Shenyang Ill say "sorry, this we dont have."小沈阳:我就说没有呗。Uncle Zhao Youre smart. Come on boy ,赵本山:哎呀妈呀,你太厉害了。来来来,拿点.(从衣服里又拿出钱) Shenyang Thank you小沈阳:谢谢。Yadar Grandpa, Im hungry.毛毛: 爷爷,我有点饿了。Uncle Zhao How muchs a bowl of noodles?赵本山:饿了?来碗面条。Shenyang 78 yuan.小沈阳:呃,78 一碗。Uncle Zhao What noodles can be so expensive?赵本山:啥面?这么贵。Shenyang Scottish sauced noodles.小沈阳:苏格兰打卤面。Uncle Zhao Does the sauce cost much?赵本山:是不是卤子贵?Shenyang Its free.小沈阳:卤不要钱。Uncle Zhao Get us a bowl of sauce, so we can see whether the taste is right. Tack itquack!赵本山:那就来碗卤子,先尝尝咸淡。快去,快去。Shenyang It is no one to called before, sir.小沈阳:妈呀,没这么上过呀。Uncle Zhao You think so only because I didnt show up here before. Now its time tomake change.赵本山:那是我没来,我要来,你早就这么上了。去吧去吧。Shenyang (to himself) If I say noodle free, ask for noodle have.小沈阳:这老爷子,我要说面条不要钱,要面条了你还。Uncle Zhao (to Yadar) Listen here, Yadar. When Mr. Bi from CCTVs 星光大道comes, you must show your best, OK?赵本山:来,站起来。跟你说,一会儿星光大道的毕老师来了,你一定要给我争个脸,好不?Yadar:ok.毛毛: 好吧。Uncle zhao : Its the best opportunity for you own future. Grandpas been preparinyou over the past 40-plus years.赵本山:这是个绝好的机会,爷爷我已经培养你 40 年了。Yadar Grandpa,see how old I now.毛毛:看我才多大呀?、Uncle Zhao I prepared you daddy for 30 extra years. Though he is not good enough,So you really should outdo him. Can you make it ?赵本山:我还培养你爸三十多年呢。这不,你爸那是个半成品,我都给培养成文化站站长了。你一定要超过他,有决心吗?Yadar I can.毛毛:我能! Uncle Zhao That is my girl, good for you .(小沈阳再次上场.)Shenyang Heres the sauce for you.小沈阳:给你的汤Uncle Zhao (to Yadar) Eat this, so you wont be too hungry.YadarUncle Zhao (to Shenyang) Fetch her some water to drink.Shenyang free water?Grandpa, its a bit salty.Uncle Zhao of carouse.Shenyang: ok, wait a minute.(毕福剑上)(小沈阳扔掉手中的东西)非常滑稽Shenyang oh a oh a . You are that one ?you are.you are.you are Zhujun! Ohsorry.you are.you are you are Bai Yansong? Oh no. you areyou are Mr Bi ! Are youMr. Bi?小沈阳: 哟,你不是那谁吗,你是那个.蒙住了。朱军?!不是朱军。白岩松?!不是。老毕.你是毕老师吗?!CCTV Man Im Bi Fujian.毕福剑:我姓毕。henyang Come here everyone, its Mr. Bi here.小沈阳 毕老师来了,快来人啊,毕老师来了。Uncle Zhao Hi Hi Hi!Watch ever !赵本山:干啥,吵吵巴火的?Shenyang Hes Mr. Bi.小沈阳:毕老师.Uncle Zhao I know, hes my guest.赵本山:我知道,这就是我要请的客人。Shenyang Mr. Bi,can I take a picture with you?小沈阳:毕老师,你给我照个相呗!赵本山: 你先等一会儿。刚到是吧?Uncle Zhao (to Shenyang) Wait, wait. (To CCTV Man) Welcome, Mr. Bi.CCTV Man Nice to meet you.毕福剑:你好Uncle Zhao Ive been wait you for a long time.赵本山:我在这儿等半天了。CCTV Man Thanks a lot really. You are?毕福剑:你好你好。请问您是.?Uncle Zhao Are you looking for?赵本山:你找谁?CCTV Man Im looking for Zhao Tiezhu.毕福剑:我找莲花乡文化站站长赵铁柱。 Uncle Zhao ohYou got it. Heres his daddy .赵本山:找对了,这就是赵铁柱的爹,我是.Yadar Zhao Tiezhu is my daddy.毛毛: 赵铁柱是我爹。Uncle Zhao Ho, Im Tiezhus daddy. Arent you looking for a dad?赵本山:我是赵铁柱的爹。你不是找爹吗?CCTV Man yes, daddy. oh no ! Im looking for your son,Where is your son?毕福剑:爹.不是,我找您儿子。Uncle Zhao Hes at the township waiting for you. thery welcome you very warmly!theyve prepared a great hall, a big room, with a large photo of you hung in the middle.Flowers all around.赵本山:他在乡里等你呢。啊呀,乡里布置得老隆重啊,乡长、书记都在那儿排队等你呢。布一个大厅,完事弄一个大房间,给你弄一个大照片挂中间,周围全是花呀。CCTV Man Whatre the colors ?毕福剑:老哥,这花都什么颜色?Uncle Zhao Theyre all in white and yellow. Soo beautiful!赵本山:白的、黄的都有啊。很漂亮。CCTV Man What?/Why?毕福剑:为什么?Uncle Zhao Theyre so excited.赵本山:这不激动吗,你去了。CCTV Man Lets go there, then.毕福剑:咱去乡里吧。Uncle Zhao Oh no! you know here is the best restaurant in 铁岭, How abut that?赵本山:别介,乡里布置我,说先搁铁岭吃一顿,完事上那儿。你看吧。CCTV Man ohno on on on on on on ! Ive had my meal on the plane.毕福剑:别别,大爷,不,老哥,我在飞机上吃了。Uncle Zhao Youre my guest, so please follow me.赵本山:那客随主便,好不好?给你怎么安排你就听话,来来。Shenyang Mir Bi ,take a photo with you ?小沈阳:毕老师,你不给照个相吗?毕老师。CCTV Man (to Shenyang) Youre. a male waiter?毕福剑:你是男服务员?Shenyang Yup小沈阳:嗯哪。CCTV Man hei hei heiYou looks so sweet, boy.毕福剑:长得挺委婉的。Uncle Zhao I agree with you. haha.we are must be townee.赵本山:来这边,我们一定是老乡。CCTV Man Really?毕福剑:真的?Uncle Zhao Arent you from Dalian?赵本山:你不是大连人吗? CCTV Man yes !.毕福剑 是的Uncle Zhao oh !yeth ,now! look! he smiles like the last picture of your deadgrandpa.Yadar, Say hello to your new grandpa.赵本山 .哎呀,这一笑,你看看,多像你姥爷临走那张照片。鸭蛋快认姥爷。Yadar (kneeling down / with a kowtow) How do you do, grandpa.毛毛: 姥爷好。CCTV Man Dont, please. Its Spring Festvial now, and I should have given yousome gift money.毕福剑:别别别,起起.。大过年的,你要来这个,我得给你压岁钱了。Uncle Zhao no no no no no !Dont do that !lets have meal first.赵本山:不用,不用。我们先吃饭吧。Uncle Zhao (清喉咙后) waiter ,give me the menu.赵本山:服务员Shenyang yeth小沈阳:你好(递菜单)Uncle Zhao Australian abalones, four.赵本山:澳洲鲍鱼四只。Shenyang Sorry, no.小沈阳:对不起,没有。CCTV Man Too expensive anyway. Lets move on down.毕福剑:算了,别点那么贵的。你往下来。Uncle Zhao Lobsters of 2 kilos each.赵本山:四斤的龙虾。小沈阳:对不起,没那么大的Shenyang Sorry, I tno big enough.Uncle Zhao What kind do you have?赵本山:有多大的?Shenyang Half a kilo each.小沈阳:有一斤多的。Uncle Zhao really have ?赵本山:.有吗?Shenyang Yes we do. or no?小沈阳:有.还是没有啊?Uncle Zhao Come on, boy, its you take care of things here. Dont you know whatyouve got and what not? (摸着口袋)Enough money!.赵本山:这个.我跟你说,有没有,这是你开的店呢,你还不明白?这不差钱。Shenyang OH it no.小沈阳:哦.那没有。Uncle Zhao Here is nothing to serve. Im angry . Wheres you boss? Get him here.赵本山: 你这酒店怎么要啥啥没有呢?干什么玩意儿吃的?这毕老师容易来一趟?把你老板找来Shenyang Sorry no! 小沈阳:没有。Uncle Zhao You just get two words,yes !on! you boss !赵本山:你就记住一个没有了,是不?老板。Shenyang OH. the boss is out.小沈阳:啊,老板哪?老板出去了。Uncle Zhao Wheres he?赵本山:上哪儿去了?Shenyang I dont know!(语速快一点)小沈阳:不知道。Uncle Zhao What shall we eat, then?赵本山:啥玩意儿呀你?你说吃啥呀?CCTV Man Hi, Ittoo expensve.Just something homely,ok?毕福剑:来点儿家常便饭。民间的。ncle Zhao All right, A lovely little chicken boiled with mushrooms.赵本山:民间的是吧?来民间的吧,孩子,来个小野鸡炖蘑菇。UShenyang sorry, no!小沈阳:没有。Uncle Zhao Thats one you can have.赵本山:这个可以有。ShenyangThats onewe really dont have. 小沈阳:这个.真没有。Uncle Zhao All right, you get it, Yadar. take it here. Lucky we didnt come withempty hands.赵本山:我给你带来了啊,咱有。来,丫蛋,把这拿来。哎呀,多亏带来了。CCTV Man No, buddy. Why bother yourself with every thing when coming to arestaurant?毕福剑:老哥. 你怎么下一趟饭店,材料都自己备?Uncle Zhao oh moey!(捡钱) er the truth is that thery have nothing,throughwith a lot of money.赵本山:关键是这东西他们花钱都找不来。CCTV Man oh I know!Uncle Zhao Now,we are wonder how about yours?赵本山:给你们点机会。毕老师来一回,你们饭店表示不?Shenyang We should show one for free?小沈阳: 赠送一个呗。Uncle Zhao 嗯哼Shenyang Hi Sr? you are too tip .How can you do this !Uncle Zhao I did my order, boy. But what did you have?赵本山:我说小伙子,咱们不是一个没点。我点完之后,鲍鱼、龙虾你都没有。Shenyang You understand we have no?小沈阳:有没有,你心里还没数吗?Uncle Zhao Do I understand?赵本山: 这差钱还是咋的?小沈阳:我知道大爷不差钱。我的意思,毕老师好容易来一回,咱吃喝不能在乎钱,大爷。你看我今年岁数小,但是我总结了,人这一生其实可短暂了,有时候 一想,跟睡觉是一样一样的。眼睛一闭,一睁,一天过去了;眼睛一闭,不睁,这辈子就过去了。Shenyang yes ,Sir,I known you have a lot of money. but with Mr. Bi here, cant youstop being so stingy?Every body see I am still young, but I see life can be veryshort, it sometimes is much like take a sleep. Eyes closed, eyes opened, and a wholeday is over. Eyes closed but never opened - then your whole life is over.SCCTV Man Thats wit!毕福剑:小伙子,精辟。Uncle Zhao not wit! To me he just like a shit!赵本山:精辟啥,他是屁精。Shenyang Do you know what is the most painful thing in the world?小沈阳:大爷, 你知道世界上最痛苦的事是什么吗?Uncle Zhao what?赵本山:嗯?Shenyang sir, is to die leaving your money unused小沈阳:人死了,钱没花了。Uncle Zhao Do you know the most most most painful thing in the land?赵本山:人这一生最最痛苦的事,你知道是什么吗?小沈阳:Iswhat?Uncle Zhao . is to be left living with your money gone. Dont worry, boy. If youplay your part well, Ill pay you well. So , Please be quack!赵本山:是人活着呢,钱没了。不差钱,放心吧,啊。把菜好好做上。Shenyang soo cheep !。小沈阳:.这也太抠了。Uncle Zhao Deer-in-low ! my granddaughter is good at singsing .赵本山:他姥爷,我孙女擅长唱歌。SCCTV Man:en?毕福剑:是吗?Uncle Zhao: En! Yardar, show something for your new grandpap.赵本山:当然,鸭蛋,给你新姥爷唱两句。Uncle Zhao Sing "The Qingzang Plateau" by Li Gu yi.赵本山:唱李谷一的青藏高原。YadarIts by Li Na.毛毛: 那歌是李娜的。赵本山:爱谁谁的,你唱Uncle Zhao Whover it is. Begin.(现场配音青藏高原。)毛毛: "是谁带来远古的呼唤?是谁留下千年的期盼."Uncle Zhao No no no .not this part. Like this.ho赵本山:中间的不用唱了,最后那个。哦哟啦,那个。毛毛: ".那就是青藏高原。"SCCTV Man:En! Soo youg! Her voice is soo cool !毕福剑:真好听,跟真的一样。Uncle Zhao Ofcourse!赵本山:那当然。(小沈阳忍俊不禁)Shenyang:Thats good ? If she can go there, so can I.小沈阳:这就不错啊?这样能上的话,我也能上。 Uncle Zhao Where to?赵本山:往哪上啊你!快上菜去。Shenyang:Mr Bi here ,please give a chance to sing!小沈阳:毕老师在这,给我个机会吧。Uncle Zhao:you just a waiter!赵本山:你只是个小二。Shenyang If you dont let me sing, I wont serve you the meal.小沈阳:不让我唱,我就不给你上菜。Uncle Zhao If you dont serve me the meal, Ill get you boss here.赵本山:你不给我上菜,我找你老板去。Shenyang If you get my boss here, Ill put you out just now.小沈阳:你找我老板,我把你交代我的事说出来。Uncle Zhao If you speak. speak speakI know you speak better than you sing.赵本山:你要说.他指定比唱的好。CCTV Man (to Shenyang) Well,young man, what can you do ?Shenyang I can sing 刘欢song.CCTV Man :which song ?Shenyang : You and me .小沈阳:。嗯哼哼哼 "我和你,心连心,同住地球."。我把唱词给忘了好像。Shenyang : I say a wrong.Uncle Zhao Youve lost you tune. Say, Its more like a monkey show. Look at thatempty trouser.赵本山:拉倒吧,你唱跑偏了,你这裤子就穿跑偏了,你就是个跑偏的人。Shenyang Can I try it again ,Mr bi? Can I try it again?小沈阳:我再重唱一个吧。毕老师,我再重唱一个行吗?CCTV Man Any other song at your beck ?Shenyang The song by Maike jiek xun。毕福剑:哪首歌你还比较拿手?小沈阳:迈克杰克逊的歌。(开唱,如果会,就真人版,如果不会就配音your not alone)CCTV Man : what eles song can you sing?Shenyang: I also can sing 山路十八弯CCTV Man:Soo good, come on , please!毕福剑:你还会唱什么?大山的子孙呦。(开唱,如果会,就真人版,如果不会就配音山路十八弯)Shenyang: I start so high !(唉不上去了的时候)小沈阳:调起高了。CCTV Man:Be quancer please!(小沈阳接着唱)CCTV Man Good! So whats your name? 毕福剑:你叫什么名字?Shenyang My Chinese stage names Xiao Shenyang,小沈阳:我的中文名字叫小沈阳。CCTV Man Also got a foreign name? 毕福剑:还有外国名字?小沈阳: My English name is Xiao Shenyang。CCTV Man: what?Uncle Zhao See? His English names 小损样.赵本山:没听明白吗?英文名字叫"小损样"。毕福剑:叫什么?CCTV Man (to Uncle Zhao) Hes the one your son recomand me毕福剑: 老哥,你儿子让我找的小沈阳,就是他。 赵本山、:(v)嗯?Shenyang Is that me?小沈阳:是我吗?CCTV Man :Yes! Please go to Beijing with me tomorrow ,ok?毕福剑:你明天跟我一起去趟北京,好吗?Shenyang Can I?CCTV Man :OH yes!小沈阳:我能去吗?Shenyang :啊!Im so excited!Uncle Zhao :How about you granddaughter? All the things are still being cookedthere for you . Its OK if you think nothing of me, but do please show somethingmercy on the girls poor dead grandpa. How about ask him to talk to you face to face.赵本山:他姥爷,这孩子你看你.这都实在亲戚。另外,这些东西我都给你炖了。你不给我面子,也得给她姥爷面子。再不行让他姥爷亲自跟你说说?CCTV Man Oh, no. Dont please. I would like to know whats her name.毕福剑:别别。我想知道她的.她有名儿吗?Uncle Zhao Oh! As a matter of fact, she is quite famous . The girl with the name"Yadar" is her.赵本山:不是有名儿没名儿。我不是推荐她,她挺有名气的。CCTV Man So shes the Yadar in sohu ?毕福剑:哦,搜狐网上说的丫蛋就是她?Uncle Zhao Sure.赵本山:就是她嘛。CCTV Man :Its so good. (To Shenyang) Serve the meal quick. Ill pay the bill. AndYadar, you go off to Beijing tomorrow along with Shenyang.毕福剑:太好了。你马上上菜,今天这顿饭我包了,我请客。丫蛋,你明天跟着大哥一起去北京,YadarCCTV Man Of course.Can I really go?毛毛: 我也能去了?毕福剑:可以啊。YadarThank you, grandpa.毛毛: 谢谢姥爷。小沈阳:谢谢姥爷。Shenyang Thank you, grandpa.Uncle Zhao Dear in-law, Thery are going to Beijing,how abo


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