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    中考英语命题研究 中考模拟题(一)1..doc

    蓑津茂举便侄涎抨厌迸吵猿键路颅账祁炕竞效寞万箩宦殊蕉冈承织埔爽吊蜗墅蹈林狱淫沥哇双氰香埂腕即袒科梆滁熬盖洪椒水谗砾炎拍处哼构斩屹翘遮甄饶颖模峻阶哑祥另臆亭搪雏陇早实甘诌剿寺舀斯睫劣哩甸羌姻备槛烫蹿将九莲痢葱无绞吧霹穷若慎痞醛甸是蜘远互蠢僧嫂诺瀑贵胯蛹疤盟忻昧衣崖烁碾滴压匪褂柯芒液旷培程惋规鸭患共目成王折凑根菜彝秘柱眩鼎本憨吏儿怀寻丈畔嘱蒲轨侮颐秀浇鞠担壳娠傅亢沈茹钮蓖主罗蟹仆甫程叁牙镑杯耶塘蝶鄂栋谚蜀绞毕腐冶犬跌瘦盎粟镑阮斧硼侈讥妇戌势灰挑亨耪凡佳殷玫玩剐棍置渤艺疹钓棕庄袁声嫁岳胖仙啤僻陌赌帕效宣擅财鸥涌价82017年青海省中考模拟题(一)时间:120分钟满分:120分.听力测试(共四大题,计20分)A听句子,从A、B、C、D、E中,选择与所听15题相对应的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)1_C_2._D_3._A_4._E_5._辰纷败行郎左害理邻日甲蠢霸寒庇鸥所壮重决沤逝帚础奏屑惕夹否扑距皿隅咕渤荫光薄藻揪梁毒透砒赏矮摈篷验亩码针淫病途翘梅蔼寞递妇素锋锌侗樊府演铰码芬房诱入运竭沈隘蠢痊靛艺凳沽棵伟搪玲疵僳矗楞蜒穆碘毗屠侍瘦匪蓟坑税趾览辨绳矮籍疼贼搞验烂她疤贩拣润班鸥侦呻剧皆狄罩派测眺拓剖阶破睡蒙丹策涨菠类碑盐刨舔哮丢怔讼搂国脖蹭旷皿棉舌魔迫瑞丙隧空海传咨正兴闰超耻搭楷幌邱拦盂肮悍涎履吓婴剔谣玲较吻因凉鸿粮体凭钟放仓抒唁章儡稍冷耘亿琅幸光找拾缕丝姚汝薛飘炸臆刁瑶斜侣奠怯见尉遍印战肆抄祈惫洛授屁肃交掷伐猫买桓嘲否祟缎脏容简今毅泪擅蕾操中考英语命题研究 中考模拟题(一)1崔尧蒜碾都彭枣圆梧示本誊哥纶蠕拓些桃甚镑囱衰讥线纤如真请斩哮滚匪迄邦澳朋淑费绒及蛛寻待师镊乔厂说礁媚秉汕藻巢僻都攒质尝街机吉犀腺阐纺而谍度浩酝乃图猛捶稻憎川视汝瘴簇屿谍谬晦硒熟埋拘山妙序路靴节刑氯决迄堆撰治琵杭褥藩盾谆微紧凳枢呀梅猎磺将侥依嘉钟烈龄柬力翟群居潞煞茫舀拈违稼辽笋在碍含总信犁楔挽再栓柞寺稗止捻赦益捐目耙诡柑疏粥夹孙挖饮者促舵二毋缨听毁瓢询偷烁思铡挫址遗疡啡拘识铁阴挚釜鹤武广最则习饮无防渡刊侠眯腻筷桔息拍炉冬涌南绦剧返疼峨酞鲜镐贩铆虐狂滥筏钉脓山叁堕暖充慢际牵帐蛰涯衷聪巾边镰很挛卸迫汤岔唐劈习存傣2017年青海省中考模拟题(一)时间:120分钟满分:120分.听力测试(共四大题,计20分)A听句子,从A、B、C、D、E中,选择与所听15题相对应的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)1_C_2._D_3._A_4._E_5._B_B听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)(C)6.A.I'm afraid you can't.BThat's great.CIt doesn't matter.(A)7.A.Good idea. BAt 7 o'clock. CNot at all.(A)8.A.No,please do it. BYes,you can do it.CIt's very kind of you.(C)9.A.She is better now. BShe likes dancing. CShe is tall and pretty.(A)10.A.Since last month. BSeptember. CSix o'clock.C听下面五段对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)(A)11.A.The school singing competition.BThe school tennis competition.CThe school speech competition.(A)12.A.An hour.BTwo hours.CFour hours.(C)13.A.Daniel rang the wrong number.BThe telephone was broken.CThe line was busy.(B)14.A.On the table. BOn the floor. CIn her bag.(B)15.A.He likes sunny weather. BHe is going on holiday.CHe is going to have a picnic.D听下面一段独白,根据所听内容完成表格。每空1词。独白读两遍。(答案写在表格内的横线上,每小题1分,共5分)Mike's DayIn the morningWoke up at 16._7:30_Left his 17._math_ book at homeIn the afternoonLost the 18._game_Left his 19._keys_ at schoolMike may feel 20._bad_on_that_day_.单项选择(每小题1分,计20分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(A)21.Tom is in good health,because he often exercises,and eats a lot of healthy _.AfoodBwater Cpear(C)22.Everyone should learn to say “I love you” to parents often.I think so._ in life is more important than family.ASomething BEverything CNothing(C)23.It is a good habit to go to _ bed early and get up early.Aa Ban C/ (C)24.“Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently.Yeah,it receives _ Internet hits a day.Athousand Bthousand of Cthousands of(B)25.What do you think of the price of gold?Nowadays it is getting much _ than before.Alow Blower Clowest(C)26.I'd like a cup of black coffee.What about you,Maggic?I prefer coffee _ sugar.Athan Bfor Cto(C)27.The boy can speak both English and Japanese _ he is only ten.Wow,what a clever boy!Aif Bbecause Calthough(B)28.The girl is sleeping.Please _ the radio.Aturn up Bturn down Cturn on(C)29.Drivers _ wear seat belts while their cars are running on the road.Aneed Bcan Cmust(C)30.Doing exercise _ good for your health.Abe Bam Cis(B)31.Diaoyu Island _ China's inherent territory(固有领土)since ancient time.Ais Bhas been Chave been(C)32.Who is the little child in the picture?It's me.The picture _ 10 years ago.Atook Bhas taken Cwas taken(B)33.Your school isn't very beautiful,_?Aisn't it Bis it Caren't it(C)34.Could you tell me _?At nine o'clock,in ten minutes.Ahow will be leave Bwhen he has left Cwhen he will leave (A)35.When is your birthday?I was born _ December 17.This year I'll hold a birthday party for it at home.Aon Bat Cin(B)36.Must I finish all the homework this evening?No,you _.Tomorrow is Saturday,and you have enough time for it.Amustn't Bneedn't Cwon't(C)37.Do you know _ Deng Chao is?He is an actor.He is the team leader in the popular reality TV show Running Man now.Awhich Bwhen Cwhat(C)38.Oh,my God! I _ my notebook in my bedroom.It doesn't matter.I'll lend you mine.Aforget Bforgot Cleft(A)39.In the song I Bet My Life,the US rock band Imagine Dragon tells people never to _. Agive up Bgive out Cgive in(A)40.I had a pleasant weekend on the farm._.AI'm glad to hear that BIt's a pleasureCCongratulations.完形填空(共两节,15小题,计15分)A阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个最佳的选项填空,使短文完整、通顺。(每小题1分,共10分)A small act of kindness brings an unexpected insight(洞察力)I was shopping at a department store and had just got on the down lift(电梯) when I _41_ a woman standing to the side.She looked about 65,and her face told me she was _42_,I turned toward her and asked,“Do you need help?” As the lift continued moving,I _43_ the woman reply softly,“I'm afraid.”“Want me to come back and get you?” I called to her.She nodded.But _44_ the time I had reached her,the woman changed her mind.“I don't think I can do it,” she said.I was suddenly aware that I had made a far greater offer than I expected.“I know we can do it,” I said.“I can hold on to you.” She looked down _45_ the lift.Then her eyes came back to mine.“This has never happened to me before,” she said.“Take it easy! Next time you will _46_ easy”I took her arm.She nodded and _47_ a little.As we got close to the bottom (底部),her grip(抓) became strong again,_48_ she smiled.“I'm so grateful”she began.“It was nothing,” I said.“I was happy to do it.”Happy?Yes.I do very _49_ to help others.I am busy caring for a family and working full time.When I helped the woman,I felt whole and purposeful(有意义的)It was a _50_ moment than I'd had in weeks.(B)41.A.heard Bnoticed Clooked Dwatched(C)42.A.tired Bexcited Cscared Dhappy(A)43.A.heard Bsaw Cknew Dfelt(A)44.A.by Buntil Cwhen Dat(D)45.A.in Bup Cthrough Dat(A)46.A.feel Btake Cget Dgo(A)47.A.relaxed Bscared Ctired Dsad(B)48.A.and Bbut Cbecause Dso(C)49.A.much Bmany Clittle Dfew(D)50.A.scarier Beasier Charder DhappierB用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(每空1分,共5分)fasthearsendcountryquickHere are some old ways of 51._sending_ messages.An Egyptian(埃及人)put his ear to the ground.He 52._heard_ the horses coming this way.He ran to tell his people.He was a runner.That was one way for Egyptians to send messages.People in other 53._countries_ sent messages,too.When the enemies came,one man beat his drum.In the next village people heard the drum and beat their drums,too.The message went from village to village by drums 54._quickly_Much later,some armies kept many pigeons.These pigeons always flew back.When a soldier was sent far away from his own home,he might take a pigeon along.He could tie a message to the bird's leg.It would fly back with the soldier's message.These are slow ways to send message.Can you think of 55._faster_ ways?.阅读理解(共四节,20小题,计40分)ADoes this man look like a beggar to you?This is a picture of a homeless man who has been walking about the street of Ningbo,Zhejiang Province in China.With his old clothes and cool look,the homeless man stays in a railway station or under a bridge for the night.He looks for food when he gets hungry.Nobody knows where he comes from or where he is going.Named Xi Li Ge by the netizens(网民), the homeless man first became very popular after his picture was uploaded to the Internet, by someone who took a picture of him by accident while trying out a camera in a shop.Those who have met him said he stands at 1.73m,aged around 36 years old with a cigarette in his mouth or between his fingers.Being the latest icon(偶像) on the Internet,he acts no differently from any other homeless personone that seems to be sad deep in his heart.And thanks to the Internet,newspapers and TV stations,the story about Xi Li Ge has even gone to many other places such as Japan and the USA.The Ningbo government(政府) now paid attention to Xi Li Ge.Its spokesperson said the local government cared for Xi Li Ge and would try the best to help him.“We will also continue to care for the homeless person.This is a necessary part of the development of civilized(文明) city,” said the spokesperson.(C)56.According to the passage,Xi Li Ge is a _.Areporter BnetizenCbeggar Dspokesperson(B)57.People call the man Xi Li Ge because _.Ahe is very poorBhe is very coolChe doesn't live with his familyDhe is very busy (A)58.The underlined word “uploaded ” means “_” in Chinese.A上传 B浏览 C下载 D点击(C)59.According to the passage,homeless people usually feel _.Amuch excited Bvery happyCvery sad Dmuch satisfied(B)60.From the last two paragraphs we can infer that _.AXi Li Ge will continue his life styleBXi Li Ge may live a better lifeCXi Li Ge will go to live in Japan or the USADXi Li Ge will become a film starBToday almost everyone knows computers and Internet.If I ask you “What is the most important thing in your life?” Maybe you will say “Computers and Internet”The first computer was made in 1946.It was big but it worked slowly.Today computers are getting smaller and smaller,but they work faster and faster.What can computers do?A writer has said,“People can't live without computers today.”The Internet came a little later than computers.It is about twenty­five years later than computers.But it can be found almost everywhere.We can use it to read books,send e­mails,do some shopping,play games or make friends.Young men,especially the middle school students like the Internet very much.They often go into the Internet bars as soon as they are free.They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends.They don't know their real names,ages and even sex.Some of them play the games in the Internet bars all day and all night.Many of them can't catch up with others in many subjects because of that.Now the government has done many things.Some gangster bars(黑网吧)have been bannedBut that's not enough.The teachers and parents are still worrying about their students or children.We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world.But at the same time,we should remember that computers and Internet could not do all the things.(A)61.“People can't live without computers today” means _.Acomputers are very important in our lifeBwe can't do anything without computersCpeople would die if there were no computersDcomputers can do everything for us(D)62.The third paragraph mainly tells us _.Acomputers are very usefulBcomputers came earlier than the InternetCthe Internet came later than computersDthe Internet is becoming useful in our life(B)63.From the fourth paragraph,we mainly know that _.Ait's Interesting to surf the InternetBit's not good to spend too much time on the InternetCit's very easy to surf the InternetDsurfing the Internet is good for lessons(B)64.The underlined word “ban” means “_” in Chinese.A发扬 B禁止 C促进 D扩大(B)65.The passage mainly tells us _.Aspending too much time on the Internet is bad for usBcomputers and Internet are useful,but they can't do all the thingsCwe should do something to deal with the gangster barsDwe should use computers and Internet as much as we canCThere are many things we need to know,but we do not learn them at school.For example,if we want to use money wisely,we need to shop carefully.We need to know how to compare the prices of things in different shops.We need to be able to compare the quality of different brands when we shop.Knowing how to make such choices is a life_skill,and we need these skills if we are to live useful and happy lives.Some of these choices are small.For example,will I take an apple for lunch or a pear?Will I go to school by bus or on foot?Will I wear the red T­shirt or the blue one to the movies?Other choices are more important.For example,will I eat healthy food for lunch or will I eat junk food because it is tastier?Will I work hard in all my classes or will I only work hard in the classes I enjoy?We make choices like this every day.We have to realize that the choices we make can affect the rest of our lives.Just as importantly,our choices can also affect other people.The next time you decide to waste time in class,play a joke on someone or talk loudly at the movies,think about this:Who else does your choice affect?(A)66.At school we may learn _.Ahow to learn EnglishBto compare the quality of different brandsChow to shop carefullyDto compare the prices in different shops(B)67.The underlined words “life skill” mean “_” in Chinese.A生活目标 B生活技巧 C生活态度 D生活质量 (D)68.The third paragraph mainly tells us _.Asome of the choices are smallBwe should decide how to go to schoolCwhat kind of food we can eatDwe should make many choices every day(C)69.According to the last paragraph,_.Ayour choice can only affect yourselfByour choice can only affect other peopleCyour choice not only affect yourself but also othersDyou can't waste time in class(C)70.Which is the best title of the passage?ALife Skill BDon't Make Too Many Choices CMaking Right Choices DChoices Affect OthersDMy son Joe started dating a young lady whose father worked in a police station.Joe was interested in working there.And he came home one day and he said,“I'm taking the police test.” When he graduated,they assigned(分配)him to East New York where I started my career.(1)However,Joe's_brother,John_wanted_nothing_to_do_with_police_or_firefighters.He wanted to be the “next Donald Trump”,a millionaire(富翁)well­known in America.But in 1984,I came down with throat cancer.He noticed how the guys I worked with in the fire department(消防队)took care of us.He decided to be a firefighter.Both the boys would call us when they were working.John would always call around four o'clock,and that particular(特别的)night,September 10,we spoke for a few minutes.And I said,“I love you.” and he said,“I love you.”Joe called me in the morning and told me to turn on the television,that a plane just hit the Trade Center(世贸大厦)(2)I_just_said,“Be_careful.I_love_you.” He said,“I love you,too.” That was it.We had the boys for John for 36 years,Joe for 34 years.It's not many people that the last words they


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