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    Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Warm-up: PartiesI. Group work: Help teachers invite some students to the Farewell party.II.Listen to the conversations (Section A 2a&2b)1. Can they go to Annas party? Circle Yes or No. Note down the reasons.NameAccept the invitationReasons for not goingJeffYesNoMaryYesNoMayYesNoMei LingYesNoPaulYesNo1.某患儿发热,呕吐、皮肤有出血点,出血点涂片检查见脑膜炎双球菌。治疗中出血点逐渐增多呈片状,血压由入院时的92/94mmHg(12,2/8.5kPa)降至60/40mmHg(8.0/5.3kPa)问:应进一步对该患儿作什么检查?题解 弥散性血管内凝血的基本特征是凝血功能异常,包括凝血因子和血小板的激活和消耗,凝血酶原的激活,纤溶系统的亢进。2. What did they say when they accept or refuse Annas invitation?Name【解析】:Jeffe.g. Im sorry, Im not free. I might have to meet my friends.Mary2004年12月31日账面价值=3600-3600/10*2-307.83=2572.17(万元)乙公司20×1年度财务报表折算为母公司记账本位币的外币报表折算差额=(1250-300)×9-(1250×8.8-300×8.85)=205(万元)。May题解 弥散性血管内凝血的基本特征是凝血功能异常,包括凝血因子和血小板的激活和消耗,凝血酶原的激活,纤溶系统的亢进。Mei Ling借:递延收益未实现售后租回损益 750Paul3. Answer the following questions² How many people refused Annas invitation? ²² D-675万元Do you think Anna will feel sad when she is refused by them? And why?²² A.系统分析B.系统调查C.系统设计D.系统实施Do you agree that Anna seems to be a nice person? Why do you think so?甲公司的会计处理不正确。甲公司于20×4年3月28日完成销售时,能够判定相关经济利益可以流入,符合收入确认条件,20×4年9月,因自然灾害造成生产设施重大毁损不影响收入的确认,对应收账款计提坏账即可。III. Listen to a conversation between Andy and Vince. Can Vince play tennis with Andy? Why? What can we learn from this?IV.Show time: Invite students in your group to go with you to this farewell party.V. Your plans of going to the farewell partyWhen do you plan to get there? _When do you plan to leave? _Will you buy them a gift? _What will you wear? _VI. Read a passage and find out 2 rules that seems important or interesting to your group.Party etiquette(礼节) When to arriveIts not polite to arrive at a dinner more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the guests to arrive before serving the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled, and so might the host or hostesss spirits. If you have to be late, call and tell them to start without you. Its even worse to be early! The host or hostess will probably not be ready. If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few times, or just sit in your car until the right time. PresentIts nice to bring an empty stomach, but its even nicer to bring a small present. The present should not cost a lot, or you might make the host or hostess uneasy. Flowers, wine, or a box of candy will be fine. LeavingDinner guests should stay at least one hour after dinner. Stay as long as you like, but look for the evidence that the host is tired, for example, when the host starts cleaning up.Party wearWhen in doubt, it is better to dress down(穿的低调些)than up. Or, better yet, do some checking. Ask your hosts, or another guest, to make sure the type of clothing and degree of formality (正式程度). Informal or casual(非正式) means: something informal and comfortable but neat, pressed (不昂贵的), and clean. Semiformal(半正式)l generally means that women wear dresses or suits. Men wear either suits and ties or sports shirts, a sports jacket, a tie, and slacks(便裤). Black tie or formal(正式) means men should wear tuxedos (无尾晚礼服) with a soft shirt and bow tie. Women either wear long dresses, or a short, cocktail-length dress, depending upon the occasion.Interesting / Important rulesReasonsIf you the host willVII. HomeworkRead Party etiquette again and search on the Internet for more information about party culture. Find out what we should and should not do in a party. You should include at least 5 “should” and 5 “shouldnt”. And try to explain the reasons.


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