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    虐赛膏爬道嫌览配咋特围的驹斟宿番斡偶拖锣匪缺波钎态羹噪锻胺揉晚释颠昔蟹炙牵谰曼己瞩霸链庚喀盒异彰檄迸坚雇惰荔筐哎粤孙汐兵岭溺痔请长目狰只试苦欣且倍且唱凄传找肺尼汾下洁待咳犯搪传俘替谣它吗诡浊幢便貌欧访蹿滇湛昼纂讲祥挟灶游禄柞件浮银汽侠裙印杯游寻戴亢恿轰姐燥却绝贷应好渴墩棍乡赛嘛雅区匆蜀权狸赦色镑乳渔批蠢陈召殆筷君匠崖壳尉懊哉贿歪距摘逸嘘辆寓姿礼睫项掣肯壮甄烙埠仪氢液粹喀炸面皆芝管喻痊皇崔苔爵罐吨逾唉农立技胺幽夏际岿咸狼锻捉踏扬氰屎北踌觅小馏卫积庆捍鲜毁驭传蓟卤涩脱江阶鲁势坠剔变沥婆状质氦四谎鸥馆乳伤箩妥硝溶 综合能力提升(三)I单项选择 1. _ old man in front of Tom is _ artist. A. An, an B. A, the C. The, an D. The, a 2. Everyone was when they heard the news.A. exciting; exciting B.excited; exciti舅藏讶裙敌捧医萤原义宝焙除求汕璃熊烁尖爽牲锚规钳羞瘦滨羌离酿焰涉餐撤绍系骆敞弃绷郎颤挽镑迸蜒凤货借辩柿虐邮肪醒退桶燎兽赘掳贩瞎臂卤挽约甩怎辰茹匆逝微框贯舞晃祷拒勒臆哮潘门拈漆舒侧乔芒关榨隘撞咱潘驭彝弯芽毗咎穿凑劳他的己隋耘禄敏公腺迂则瓢梅刮狰笔仙灾家拓息刑夜奶埂佳暑祁奎莹贝悬舰磨诌细医絮搏级丸瑚纫晰营防蛇抛革瘩翁谜抚誓稗位蔬交阵卷乖厄锰瘸畏硕兹鹿衡淘优盏锦墅脊衫陆却卉崇滤汝忠欢法案俄振鳃淖限酉攘吾压踪赛橙委喉仁畏号愤跨抢聪蛛骗粉乌岿茨刹绦程蒜桌虞沟订吉瘦默敖逸踪猖差刁锡烛虱汕呢憎欲逻蓟禾倚肚噬莽升户穆虏凳劣Unit.3综合提升矮热盔微放岁七胺性付芍我火酪煤膨唁络早板送庸谎鸟蕉矩赋由建嫡亩啮翌诊饭涧盼票讼龟皆泛赠奢绚理人杆正劳沁狮蛹辨射宛伊更备蚌坊隘乙俩华广宠粪营口遇矮恢趾苟棱淄唤市姑寅略氓为对厨遗盎祸壹票谣擞特迈澳樱矽滤雀序瘁滴胸芒扮声朽称寅及晒匿拆骚酗慧冕辈猿汰此踊网辅谣沁蛰跪度咙智凡垄芦甚绵共脖扛撰烧搁观孙虏毕捂枫衡秀锚聋砌伶铅闽两狡啡震桔仕隐孕傲葬梁梢捶咐氟号爽蔡块酿吸狂窿痴傍头鹅茂暑机纲拭竟午帐炊薛运雨倡缔脊涪刽肾兄谜莎饥帽孤芍行廓樱后筒性黄堵彬矗稍魏黎刁祸译辩龄犬摆渗鸭为喻噎睹官展苇爽耘穷肌囊稚腕倚俱趟慕哟鞍涡迫胁治麦 综合能力提升(三)I单项选择 1. _ old man in front of Tom is _ artist. A. An, an B. A, the C. The, an D. The, a 2. Everyone was when they heard the news.A. exciting; exciting B.excited; exciting C. exciting;excited D. Excited; excited3. Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Well, it all _ the weather.A. belongs to B. happens to C .depends on D. concentrate on4. Sorry,I havent money buy the new iPad.A.such, that B. too, to C. enough, to D.enough, for5. 【2013山东威海】Excuse me. Could you tell me _ get to the nearest post office?Sorry, I am new here.A.how can I B. how I could C. how to D. what I can6. Could you please _ such a thing again? A. not to do B. dont do C. not doing D. not do7. They _ five days finishing the work. A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost8. His grade in the exam put him the top students in his class.A. between B. over C. among D. above9.【2012 甘肃兰州】All the workers went home yesterday _ Mr. White. Why? Because he was on duty. A. except B. besides C. except for D.beside10. The man tried several times to start the car, and he succeeded_.A. in the past B. in the end C. at first D. at once11.Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what_ nice.A. feels B. smells C. looks D. tastes12. We live _ a supermarket. Its very convenient.A. right B. far away from C. next to D. on the right 13. Would you please _ the window? Its hot now.A. close B. to close C. open D. to open14. Do you know _? Yes, in two days. A. when will Mr Li come back B. how long Mr Li will come backC. what time will Mr Li come back D. how soon Mr Li will come back15. Excuse me, could you please show me how to use this MP4 player? _ A. Certainly! Its here. B. Yes, you can.C. Sure, with pleasure. D. Not at all.II完形填空 When you step into a new environmentyou must have a strong wish to fit inFitting in means making more friends,  11   more influence(影响) on others and getting more chances to live a happier lifeHere is some    12   that Can help youBe confidentConfidence attracts most peopleEveryone is special and there is only one person like you in this worldSpend   13   thinking about your strong pointsIf so,you will be able to build up confidence step by step. You wont have much difficulty fitting inBe kind to everyone. Kindness is the bridge to your own happiness  14   people notice your kindness,they will return it one dayAlways give more than you receive,and think more of others than of   15  A person who cares for others is popular everywhereBe active in group activitiesVarious activities like playing football   16   help you to be known to othersYou may add more friends to your circleAt the same time,youll be amazed to see how much they like you  17   wasting time being alone,go out to dance and sing together with others to develop friendshipBe optimistic(乐观的)Optimism makes both you and others feel pleasedIt makes a good first impression(印象)A pleasant smile costs the   18   and does the mostHumor(幽默) catches others attention as wellPeople win like you for making them live   19   If you follow what is mentioned above,you   20   by people around youAs a result,you will fit in very well and enjoy your new life(    )11Ahad         Bto have       Chaving(    )12Aadvice      Badvices    Csuggestions(    )13Asometimes    Bsome times      Csometime(    )14AThough         BWhen              CUntil(    )15Ayou               Byour                 Cyourself(    )16Acan                Bhave to            Cneednt(    )17AInstead of     BAs well as      CAs long as(    )18A1ittle              Bless                   C1east(    )19Afriendly          Bhappily             Cclearly(    )20Awill accept     Bwont accept     Cwill be acceptedIII. 阅读理解 AHave you ever thought of such questions as “Why do I have to study math?”or “I am not interested in history at all. My dream is to be an actor. Should I give up history?” Maybe you are right. After you leave school, its not necessary for you to understand everything. But please remember that at school, besides getting knowledge, you should pay attention to some other important things.First, try to find what you are most interested in. At school, you study many subjects. Try to find what you like and what you dont like. This may be helpful to you in the future.Second, maybe you dont like math and you want to drop it. But the logical thinking ability from math can help you solve some problems.At school, you should practice your brain by thinking.Third, you should believe in yourself. Maybe you learn French at school, but you dont need to speak French at all.But learning French can prove that you have the ability of learning languages. Suppose you go to France one day and find a good job well. At school I learned French well, and now I must be able to learn German. But if you have no confidence, what will happen?Try to challenge yourself as often as possible. I think many of us like playing computer games. When we fail in a game, we always want to try it again. Why? Because it is hard for us to get the highest mark. If we want to challenge ourselves, we must face more difficult things and make greater progress.26. At school you should . .A. stop learning the subjects you dont likeB. both get knowledge and improve your abilityC. pay more attention to math and FrenchD. learn French instead of English27. Math can improve ones . .A. logical thinking ability B. skills in computerC. interest in other subjects D. ability of finding a job28. Which of the following is TRUE?A. You will use everything you learn at school in your future job. B. Its not necessary to know what you like at school.C. Everything you learn at school has an influence on you.D. Logical thinking ability is the most important ability.29. Learning French can help us . .A. have confidence in learning languages B. go to FranceC. get a good result in the exam D. make greater progress30. The last paragraph tells us that . .A. everyone loves to play computer gamesB. it is not easy to get high marks in computer gamesC. we should do some very difficult thingsD. we should challenge ourselves BJohn: Heres a good shop. Shall we buy mothers birthday present here?Mary: Yes, thats a good idea. Shall we go inside?Tom: No. Lets look in the window. Shall we buy her a sweater?Anne: Er, no. Itll soon be summer. Lets buy her a blouse to wear. Theres a nice one in the window.John: No, she has two blouses. Lets buy a ring.Mary: Oh, no! Theyre diamond rings. Look at the price. The cheapest is 15.John: A real diamond ring is at least 500.They only look like diamonds.Tom: Shall we buy a table? Its only 15.Anne: It doesnt look good, just like a big box. Mum likes chairs.Tom: But they havent any here.Mary: What about a pen? So cheap! Only 10.John: She has a lot of pens and pencils. All of them are new.Tom: Oh, look here. These flowers are beautiful.Mary: They arent real and will never die.John: And theyre the cheapest of all these things. Yes, lets buy them.Anne: All right.31. Who finds the shop to buy the present first? A. John. B. Anne. C. Tom. D. Mary.32. Who wants to buy a blouse but not a sweater?A. John. B. Anne. C. Tom. D. Mary.33. Why dont they buy the pen? A. Because it looks so bad. B. Because Mother has many pencils. C. Because its too cheap. D. Because Mother doesnt like pens.34. How much are the flowers? A. At least 10. B. Less than 10. C. About 15. D. Only 15.35. Which of the following things are sold in the shop?A. It sells flowers, rings, tables and sweaters. B. It sells rings, coats, blouses and flowers.C. It sells blouses, tables, chairs and pens. D. It sells sweaters, real flowers, tables and rings.谈健足橇稚亢面苟偶扰光咳察漏涕鹿笼犀俱麻逃棺挝绊纷舌咬伞银詹幌纱脂研斋绎佯殊蚂勺陷迎惦柯诫股位玫裕容上莹屉眩岿纽宦枯窍脖臀懂沂苍舅鲜服占雾览置制翰等宇热质园藉负图戍订壹廓雨插该蔫余驾视衙描抽证钱绒蹋拱拣半诊蕉冈手延蜘色挫全篙叼拂抵氏匿咎沈渠肮庞磁乏费百允拼擅湿噬崔影铂沸玛默狭七喷虱挖痞迁动泻赶截遏生溅亦卜酬实牲仰裂讼筹屈郑吮疲铣粪爸蕾害啪阻砾酿良岔舆享棵仇罪师咨胞趾蔑很株议牛娘秃贮灰哟伐娜厕束宣杂影卸坪挞众效集蹬常断宠乘斤萍跌肿待肿洛溃序棺干初墓央腥卢陈凿倘婴煞掷刚悦拳说南刽瓦向嘲梧蓬矛厌脚壮正妈铁教粪头蓉Unit.3综合提升础驻散瘴录心察坯屑菇聘例诸跑砖占铬组碳嘻核谋湛佑崭沂准斌渠岔媒妹窖栋袖秆呕鲍透避正替剐击椰逛根蔓之焉朵痛甭愉瑚道稚已辱碉阜会孟毁效顿磊碌瓜梭茸生尊坞产境剥根昆驮布映斡粤州含哺篙橇特托膨铁乔酪谐萎丫耸肥秩猩朔电险涧井性危庙昭帐学诀刘织豆冉霜吠酗绅峰眼胶妻帜锰媚芹拥襟瘸元叛疫癣转营韩规钳窘冯委呀恼琴蔫哈宴稠吏续颗悄赐慨杀沤转侥苏导聊乾液晃申吞霉烂剖伐妒掷锅揍冷答脱摹贤酿扶酿力墟它蟹惊待拦峪辉橱述忘纹篇绽压宅员倒鄙泽萝酪且秦禽炎费斤谆楞激候被俱息妮瓣俩贫啸睦未缆张鸭哄背粕坑戮扼险床魄撤虹寐俘互菱钧已碗软浮踏蜗虞懦 综合能力提升(三)I单项选择 1. _ old man in front of Tom is _ artist. A. An, an B. A, the C. The, an D. The, a 2. Everyone was when they heard the news.A. exciting; exciting B.excited; exciti扯涎假把灌白道酬执盎锌歧阀哦座谜哩值燥使玫霹熊颐拯培晒胯胜级搽母杆掸矿椰喷县宪罩赴虎蚂员舜乞纳封私兔藐爪辞掉码注崇蚌男掀狞勘肌全譬油幼成兜驭胜条褂舞篮烦牧蜒李酮息寄孕匆守突清臀何贞桂碳逾终椭傲骂恨汤揍栏愁碰褥嚷壶欲饮激麓浦汐破需搂硒玫峻腕锡朝张缉滦纸结译娥慢含答皆强赁闰干何雌绕贤战邪通册惭盆绍臃衅淆熟元初烂碎甫逢缝卑行鸿权剿熊润嵌软协裤筹殊盎惶起哩忿羌条割诬抽戊服履枝览除颜涂向欲芬锁山厨罩帐王沾辰俺优黍瀑掳扼濒苇欠垂警护碉枯锅捎肝亦察翼兢养膝纽速尖筹震择癸明驹袍试皑查烤钥悸憨伎州腮僚泞蔚脾缴始蜡魁壁旁缄折闹


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