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    座网费中.非计U机设帽很快构占诡大部分a遥些设葡市场底大,机部京牌电甘军*妨板皿货阳Il¥!Si£fcSource: FonosierE1可芒的In拒rnel设备工业4.0工业4.0 (Industrie 4.0)是德国政府高技术战略 2020确定的十大未来项目之一,并已上升为国家战略,旨在支持工业领域新一代革命性技术的研发与创新。工业4.0简介工业4.0 ”研究项目由 地!L联邦教研部与联邦经济技术部联手资助,在德国工程院、弗劳恩霍夫协会、西门子公司 等德国学术界和产业界的建议和推动下形成,并已上升为国家级战略。德国联邦政府投入达 2亿欧元。德国政府提出 工业4.0 ”战略,并在2013年4月的汉诺威工业博览会上正式推出,其目的是为了提高德国工业的竞争力,在新一轮工业革命中占领先机。该战略已经得到德国科研机构和产业界的广泛认同,弗劳恩霍夫协会将在其下属6 - 7个生产领域的研究所引入工业4.0概念,西门子公司已经开始将这一概念引入其工业软件开发和生产控制系统。12工业4.0内涵工业4.0概念包含了由集中式控制向分散式增强型控制的基本模式转变,目标是建立一个 高度灵活的个性化和数字化的产品与服务的生产模式。在这种模式中,传统的行业界限将消失,并会产生各种新的活动领域和合作形式。创造新价值的过程正在发生改变,产业链分工将被重组。德国学术界和产业界认为,工业4.0 '概念即是以智能制造为主导的第四次工业革命,或革命性的生产方法。该战略旨在通过充分利用信息通讯技术和网络空间虚拟系统一信息物理系统(Cyber-Physical System)2相结合的手段,将制造业向智能化转型。工业4.0项目主要分为两大主题,一是智能工厂”,重点研究智能化生产系统及过程,以及网络化分布式生产设施的实现;二是智能生产”,主要涉及整个企业的生产物流管理、人机互动以及3D技术在工业生产过程中的应用等。该计划将特别注重吸引中小企业参与,力 图使中小企业成为新一代智能化生产技术的使用者和受益者,同时也成为先进工业生产技术的创造者和供应者。3工业4.0月标德国制造业是世界上最具竞争力的制造业之一,在全球制造装备领域拥有领头羊的地位。这在很大程度上源于德国专注于创新工业科技产品的科研和开发,以及对复杂工业过程的管理。德国拥有强大的设备和车间制造工业,在世界信息技术 领域拥有很高的能力水平,在嵌入式系统和自动化工程方面也有很专业的技术,这些因素共同奠定了德国在制造工程工业上的领军地位。通过工业 4.0战略的实施,将使德国成为新一代工业生产技术(即信息物理系统) 的供应国和主导市场,会使德国在继续保持国内制造业发展的前提下再次提升它的全球竞争 力。3fraunhoferffi究所的Dr.-lng. Olaf细皖喂文指出;在当前工业界数字寸技术的应用推厂/然不修 深入,为了提高德国工业整年水平与产品竟争力,这一点必领加搔。打开未来I厂豹朝匙关健在于信 息技术.因为在什么是未来削减访断夬定因素的讨论中,/起吏高的牛产率和曹可邪的机器与厂 腭,更需婆的是制造商能旃提忸深废理醉客户需求的一报孑解决方雾( Ccrrprehensive-为此的应对之第就是基二ICT【信息通信技术)构津能为用户提供与舟品相关联的各种眼努“据中国斛学自动化联围秘书姓的易能立方总经理王建介算 .工业40其实就是全鞭洲将要推进 的第四枚工业革命.上一次(第三沁 坦k革命的椅志是以数控和暨为代衰由自动化应耳 而这 诙新的革命捋以CF3 (Cy妇Fhys匚司3四EE与信息物理桁斜 作为新的驱动力"工业时常具体 呈现出智慧生产1绿色生产、和城市化即腊的斯特点,传统的行业界限苗肖失,并会产生昏种新的浴 珀领域和合作形孟创造新价值的迫程正在度主改变,产业彼分工将被重血王建列frajnnofer研 究所对于实现_1_业4 0目标削具停爹毒指标俺述包拾1智能化设凿可完成高精密、拔高真童地制造务最 种、小批重产品:2.80%的创新将由ICT驱虱商智能制造、绿色制it、城市化制造;3一依覆CPS系 统、物联网和服务陶,对大敝据流的亲集和分析将促注资源节约型制造;,基于CPSZL业辅助系统用 于培训下一代智理工厂的工人;5一增强现实系,支持个人化工作矗和对新制始工艺的快速学习.对于工业4暖景的亮相德国工业界做出了积极地响应.比如,酉门子展示了自身推进工业4。 的具体行凯这包括以全集成自动化TIAV12JK本、斯一代控器Sinam 7-1500、It对电气皆动应用 的村全集成驱或系统* (IDS)毓念,以信息技术为基础的状态监控报务,以及通过虚拟生产规划降低 产线机器人能耗高达50%等展示等."西门子指出当前约了5或名软件工程师是其在ICNE动制造 业自劫优创新上的最大资本。Spimes, Cyber Physical Systems and Industrie 4.0 1收孩人:JMO7*O9十关注 2013-08-95147转:3|分享力|未沥 A 田The term spimes was introduced by Bruce Sterling in 2005.According to him, spimes are manufactured objects that start out in a different way from traditional objects and end up as data. From- their origin to their recycling, he states, spimes form 'material 、 instantiations of an immaterial system, 2The physical object is increasingly being created and integrated into the virtual environment of interconnected and communicating networks Throughoir its lifetime the behaviour of the spime in terms of time place and performance is able to be tracked and analysed within the virtual retworks in which it is linked.Industrie 4.0In Europe Germany s not only the lead ng country in the field of industrial production but also in tne production of industrial components. It also closely monitors the developments towards an Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems and has come up with its own answer in the form of Industrie 4 0 The German vision is based on the notion that after mechanisation, electnfication and IT-as a result of the integration of the Internet of Things and Services in the industrial environment 一 a fourth revolution is aboil to be set in motion. The basis tor this vision lies in the conviction that in the future. businesses will establish global networks that incorporate their machinery, warehousing systems and production facilities in the shape of Cyber Phys cal Systems'.h these g obal networks, three points of departure are keyhorizontal integration in value networksend-to-end digital integration of components within the networkvortical integration of production systems interconnected by means of networks.In the German vision the development of Industrie 4 0 forms an evolutionary process in which existing technologies and knowledge arc adapted to the now and specific demands of developing, producirg and maintaining products linked together via networks.Net-centric workingAs already stated the hybridisation of man and technology; organisation and technology, and society and technology has become an irreversible process 6. Whether v/e welcome it or not. our world is being digitised and interconnected in nerv/orks at enormous speed Slowly but surolv, within these networks, the traditional boundaries between man and machine are becoming blurred. Commun cation in these networks is done by exchanging and shanng information. And it is becoming increasingly accepted for this information to be used by man and machine to function, to take action, or to produce goods and services. The time has corne for more attention to be paid to the consequences and possibilities that this process of hybndisaton is bringing with it for us as individuals, for organisations, and for societ) as a who e. I believe that this process of hybridisaton cannot be reversed Stioiitngfor itro stop or to be regulated is like demanding that electricity or telephony be forbidden. We owe it to ourselves to pay more attention io the way in which we wish to develop and funaionin a net-centric world as individuals, organisatons and soaety. I am convinced that this will provide more than enough space for further qrov/th and development.1 Securing the future of German manufaauing industry. Recomn)endations foi implementirxj the strategic initiative INDUSTRIE 4.0. Apnl 2013 Fma report of the Industne 4.0 working group. Federal Ministry of education and research2 Sterling B., (2005)Shaping Things. The MIT press3 Evans P C. and Annunziata M. (2012)lndustral Internet Pushing the Bouncarieso( Minds and Machines4 van Lier B.t Industrial Internet Of Things


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