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    Module 8 Unit 11、 talk on this mobile phone 打电话2、 wait to cross the road 等着过马路 wait to do sth. 等着做 wait for sb. to do sth. 等候某人做某事 cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事,等不及做某事 cross the road 过马路 = go across the road3、 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeard round the corner. (1)appear vi. 出现;显露 disappear vi. 消失 appear link.v. 似乎,好像 It appears a true story. 这个故事似乎是真的。 He appears to have many friends. 他好像有很多朋友。(2)round the corner 在拐角处 round prep. 转到(某物的)另一边4、 in time 及时 on time 按时,准时5、 fall off 从掉下来 fall down 跌倒,掉下 fall over 被绊倒 fall into 落入,陷入 fall behind 落后 fall in love with 爱上 fall asleep 入睡6、 He hurt his knee. = His knee was hurt. 他膝盖受伤了。7、 pay attention 注意 pay attention to . 注意 Attention, please. 大家请注意。8、 stop at the red lights 在红灯处停下来 at traffice lights 在交通灯处9、 side by side 并排地,肩并肩地10、 on the corner of the road 在马路的拐角处Module 8 Unit 21、 a few days earlier 和 a few days ago a few days earlier 指以过去或将来某一个时间点为基准的几天前 a few days ago 指以说话时间为基准的几天前2、 somewhere 某地 anywhere 任何地方 everywhere 到处 = here and there nowhere 无处3、 pick up 捡起,拾起,拿起4、 throw it across the kitchen 把它扔向屋子的另一边5、 His hand hurt badly. 他的手疼的严重。 His hand was hurt badly. 他的手伤的严重。6、 in pain 痛苦,疼痛7、 本课中出现的从句 When Henry was working in a restaurant, a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hand. 从句 主句 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again. 此句中when 有“突然”之意 主句 从句 While the snake was lying on the table, Henry quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a photo with it. 从句 主句 When Henry was trying to find the snake, his hand began to hurt badly. 从句 主句 As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse. 从句 主句 But they could not help him because they did not know what kind of snake bit him. 原因状语从句 宾语从句 As he was lying there in great pain, Henry suddenly remembered the photo. 从句 主句 As soon as they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day. 从句 主句 并列句 So if a snake bites you, take out your mobile phone or camera. 从句 主句 As you know, the snake wont smile! 从句 主句Module 8 Unit 31、 pay attention to + 宾语2、 on his way home from school 在放学回家的路上3、 a bit tired 有点累了4、 break his leg 折断了腿5、 be in hospital for over a month 住院一个多月6、 as usual 向平常一样7、 kind-hearted adj. 热心肠的8、 climb out of 从爬出来9、 in a lot of pain 极度疼痛10、 at the hospital 在医院11、 promise to do 答应做某事,许诺做某事12、 take ones advice 采纳某人的建议13、 Flight 1594 1594航班14、 take off 起飞15、 be hit by 被撞了16、 a large number of + 可数名词复数 大量的17、 make a quick decision to do 迅速做出决定做某事18、 avoid a terrible disaster 避免了一场严重的灾难19、 the crew 机组人员20、 keep calm 保持冷静21、 make an emergency landing on 紧急着陆在22、 interview 采访,面试Grammar 过去进行时(2)过去进行时和时间状语从句连用,三个引导词 when, while和as的区别:一、when 从句 即可指点时间,也可指段时间;既可以是瞬间性动作,也可以是持续性动作。主句when从句含义1、一般过去时过去进行时当某人正在做的时候,发生另一件事2、过去进行时一般过去时某人正在做某事,突然1、 When Henry was working in a restaurant, a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hand. 当亨利正在饭店工作的时候,一条蛇突然出现,并咬了他一口。2、I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.我正要捡起它,突然它又咬了我一下。二、while 从句 只能是时间段,连接持续性动词主句while从句含义1、一般过去时过去进行时当某人正在做的时候,发生另一件事2、过去进行时过去进行时指两个持续性动作同时发生1、 While the snake was lying on the table, Henry quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a photo with it. 当蛇躺在桌子上时,亨利迅速拿起他的手机拍了一张照片。2、 While she was falling, she was thinking about her cat. 往下坠落时,她在想她的猫。 While the wife was cooking, the husband was watching TV.3、 as 从句等同于when和while的第一个用法主句as从句含义1、一般过去时过去进行时当某人正在做的时候,发生另一件事2、一般过去时一般过去时一边一边3一般将来时一般现在时随着而1、 As he was lying there in great pain, Henry suddenly remembered the photo. 当他极度疼痛的躺在那时,亨利突然记起了那张照片。2、 Alice sang happily as she walked along the river. 爱丽丝一边沿着河边走,一边开心地唱着歌。3、 You will grow wiser as you grow older. 随着年龄的增长,你会更加聪明。5


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