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    Unit 1. 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。1. Can you e                to me why you didn't go to Jack's birthday party?Because I was busy.2. Can you tell me w                I can use your computer this evening, Amy?Of course you can.  3. Sally is only two years old and she can't take care of h               .4. Peter, I don't know your sister. Can you i                her to me?Certainly. 5. In this club, few students talk to Linda so she feels very l               . 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。mention, refuse, treat, regret, patient, encourage1. Do you _ being my friend, John?No. I'm proud to be your friend.  2. Mike invited Helen to his party but she _ his invitation.3. Ms Jones is a careful teacher and she is _ with her students. 4. He is kind and he also _ his daughter to help people in need. 5. Have you _ it to your father?Yes, ten minutes ago I told him about it.6. As young people, we should _ old people well. . 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式,每个短语限用一次。no problem, join in, stay in touch, take a message, at the moment, at first1. _, he spoke English, and later he talked to me in Chinese.2. I think _ different people are doing different things. 3. Thanks for showing me around this radio station._.4. We'll have a picnic this afternoon. Why not _ the fun?5. I haven't _ with Dave for a long time so now I've no information about him.6. Can I _ for you, sir?Yes, thanks. When Gina comes back, please ask her to call me back. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 在这个陌生的城市里我感觉不自信。In this strange city, I don't _ _ _ _.2. 迈克,帮我查一下艾伦离开北京的时间。Mike, help me to _ _ when Alan left Beijing.3. 妈妈,我不喜欢与严肃的人交朋友。Mum, I don't like _ _ _ serious people. 4. 皮特是去年来我们学校学习的。Pete _ _ _ at our school last year. 5. 他们成为朋友好多年了。They _ _ _ for many years.6. 上学期埃玛和琳达之间有矛盾。Last term Emma _ _ _ _ Linda. . 根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Amy. You look sad. What's the matter?B: (1)_A: When did it happen?B: This morning. A: (2)_B: Yeah! He didn't want me to meet my friend Joe. A: Were your parents at home at that time? B: No, they weren't. They were at work.A: I see. (3)_ So he didn't want you to meet others.B: What should I do? A: (4)_B: That's a good idea! (5)_A: You're welcome. I hope that'll work.   A. Could you tell me what happened?B. Thank you for your advice.C. Could you tell me how he's different?D. Your brother may feel lonely without you.E. How can I help you?F. I had a fight with my brother.G. You can introduce him to your friends.答案. 1. explain  2. whether  3. herself  4. introduce  5. lonely. 1. regret  2. refused  3. patient  4. encourages   5. mentioned  6. treat . 1. At first  2. at the moment  3. No problem   4. join in  5. stayed in touch  6. take a message . 1. feel sure of myself  2. find out   3. making friends with  4. came to study   5. have been friends  6. had a problem with . 1-5 FADGB3


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