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    Unit Unit 3 3 How do you get to schoolHow do you get to school Part Part 1 1 Section ASection A(课前) 自主预习,扫清障碍 一、Section Section A A 单词预习。 1到达 get to 8七十 seventy 14新的 new 2火车 train 15每个 every 3公共汽车 bus 9八十 eighty 16乘(交通工具) by 10九十 ninety 17开车 drive 4地铁 subway 18轿车 car 5骑 ride 11 一 百 hundred 19居住 live 6自行车 bike 7六十 sixty 12远的 far 13千米 kilometer 二、Section Section A A 重点短语及目标句型预习。 1 1get to schoolget to school 到达学校 到达:get to = reach = arrive at(+小地方)/arrive in(+大地方) (1)到达北京:(三种表达方式) get to Beijing arrive in Beijing reach Beijing (2)到达学校:(三种表达方式) get to school arrive at school reach school (3)到家的固定表达:get home/arrive home 2 2交通工具的相关短语: take the train = by train 乘坐火车 take the bus = by bus 乘坐公共汽车 (1)乘坐地铁 take the subway = by subway (2)乘坐出租车 take the taxi = by taxi (3)乘坐飞机 take the plane = by plane (4)乘坐轮船 take the ship = by ship (5)骑自行车 ride a bike = by bike (6)开汽车 drive a car = by car 3 3数字 (1“)十位和个位之间要用连字符号 -” 你知道整十的拼写吗? 二十 三十 四十 五十 六十 七十 八十 九十 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 注意:四十是 forty,而不是 four+ty。 84 eighty-four 99 ninety-nine 72 seventy-two 61 sixty-one (2)百位与十位之间要加 and 1 105: one hundred and five 237: two hundred and thirty-seven 注意:hundred 与具体数字连用,不+s 478 four hundred and seventy-eight 943 nine hundred and forty-three 356 three hundred and fifty-six 4 4It takes sb. +some time+to do sth.It takes sb. +some time+to do sth. 某事花费某人一些时间做某事 注意:take 是动词,所以 sb. 是人称代词时,要使用宾格。 如:It takes me half an hour to do my homework. 我花了半个小时做作业。 It takes him ten minutes to get to school. 他花了十分钟到达学校。 (1)昨晚我妈妈花了一个小时做这个蛋糕。 It took my mother an hour to make this cake last night . (2)每天要花费她 20分钟走路去学校。 It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day. 三、Section Section A A 语法学习。 ( D )1My mother will _ our school soon. I will meet her at the school gate. Aget Bleave Carrive Dreach ( A )2Tom went to school _ this morning. He bought(买)the bike yesterday. Aby bike Bby plane Cby train Don foot ( D )3How far is it from your home to school? Only _ meters. Anine hundreds ninety five Bnine hundred ninety five Cnine hundreds and ninety-five Dnine hundred and ninety-five ( B )4I want to go to Shenzhen _. Can you tell me the way to the bus station? Aby car Bby bus Cby bike Dby train ( B )5Lily lives quite near the park. It takes her 25 minutes to go there _ or 10 minutes _. Aby bus; on foot Bon foot; by bus 2 Cby foot; by bus Don foot; on bus 四、短文填空。 When you tour in Tokyo, Japan, Its very interesting to 1 the city on a bike. Of course, first you should 2 the traffic rules. You must know the traffic lights. Green means “ 3 ”; red means “stop”; yellow means that the lights will change(改变)to 4 . On small streets, keep to the side. When a 5 comes, let the car pass first. Stop at turning corners(拐角)and 6 around. Its very important 7 there are many cars in Japan. In Japan, two people cant 8 one bike. 9 are a lot of cars on the roads, so Its dangerous to ride behind or 10 to cars. 1 see 2 know 3 go 4 red 5 car 6 look 7 because 8 ride 9 There 10 next 五、完形填空。 For many students, they can get to school easily. But for me, it is very 1 . My name is Zhao Kai. I live in a small village 2 my grandparents because my parents 3 to the city to work. My school is 4 from my home and my grandparents are old, 5 they cant take me to school. And the road(道路)is not good. I cant 6 my bike. I must walk to school. I need to 7 at 5:30 every morning, and I have no 8 for breakfast at home. I always have breakfast on my way to school. It usually 9 me one hour to walk to school, but I am 10 late for school. Im good with my teachers and classmates and I study hard at school. ( A )1Adifficult Beasy Cboring Dinteresting ( B )2Aof Bwith Cat Din ( C )3Arun Bleave Cgo Dsell ( C )4Along Bshort Cfar Dbig ( B )5Aand Bso Cor Dbut ( D )6Amake Btake Cdrive Dride ( B )7Athink of Bget up Clook at Dgo to bed ( A )8Atime Bmorning Chour Dday ( C )9Aplays Bhelps Ctakes Dstops ( D )10Ausually Balways Csometimes 3 Dnever 4


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