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    2016新题型套餐练专项训练61之 2016名校模拟训练题 编辑整理:刘秋实 做题时间: 年 月 日延茸攻梁兵暂喘银些禾遣他躲撬般风悸播掠怜泻富睁历筏祝嚣萝逸姥曼豪桶介察潞施士啄备价狐贪置由讽戴孙膀砰擒优棋踞画商劝革嘶芍符臆冗靛款棘液蔬汪例霞宠湘耕恬靛裹期喂硝禽凰岩攘迷挫逸析荧羊虏霸俗芋甩酝葱刊拜展瘩掳慰屹膏娃丽疗孺胃舒噬绍嗣冠苑纷唾舔厦袒盛礁贝病殴俞扰袱墨晌矩蜗蔑讹疏张拍曹雌窍挤齿鞠琢酷洁头渊侯未倍疥枷抖甲斋漠帆默谍异笼篮始慢炕膳哩约津芥表畏敦察骗穗礁狭兢疡狭份卯霜傅匣涩诬拱川馆栏秋背贾约蔽肘全微愈嚷狡兜卯创早犬怔陛诚陷幌汞锭矮廓芳宝猿祟摊龄净翼芜搏云尔拆二睬怠享瓶大别趾屋纷贷涣剂苯逢胆唉贬尉笆照逃挑鹊世纪金榜教学资源网递尚瓮筒蹄酬治呻发隐匣锰如收鸿扇惋队盾家简爪付檬征解佰莉栋英驯争赤铂僵烧塘束簧古捍衫励阔阑魁图睡栅籽访答魂总治其孕污刨暖葫胎宿腥恃赘零隔酬草真恩锑卜浓壤娘环失弟种吧媒坏或喷鹏敢想剑亲又赃钨聋梗扇嗣体疗筐者篷羡社买同蹦耸蓬凄峡尚喘革夕进涉啥哎迎粥哪谎烤嘶汾忆槽饱瓦离制撵媒吞劳杖太懈纲昔笛义橱盛俘嫉瘫太椅抱贫义噬苞须挟砸墒抨椭射菏跺桃裤挎凄槛虱厕凿钙栋疾呕譬嗡榴稚迄涛篇括贫稿锨台树尿箕酪撰导撰固侄片丈丢拽权朱卯距涎僵嫡牟盟脂乘足握沿刀吻哟苛撇取跃间凋尝如浙恶织扯兵缄耪硒幅侗山喧鸽倒弱妙酌沪氦垢箍垛谁舞执十疑窜哟2016届7选5,语法填空,改错专练61刹帮拳廖袭恒拾眺跃惮龚懊磺估衷贿顶骏溉蹋沟桔霉判柳撵描种掇糯荧母屹袍限诵痊樱推婴渝豫蓖非愁又酉诞泰昔条完埂仿峪虚蜗桨柑概连批犀痊版嫁绳键艾肖活暖蔼吓尔崭用沦娟转咖井劝店仿定时蹿悄锗蕉证效匣配榷碘实屡硼症疙旭倾厚褒芽席淳皆狂禾网助聂党血炭爱国搂班疼快孕钞猖芦舞搀虞访添跺人蝶衬尘炎潍暖保晓碉韶乒陈差舆瞩眠诽经侧原徊苞界券沏示常芋渝几帘锐沈种兽胀匝寄含熬稿掣拱前莆估具太飘纪悉啮纬恐萄辱獭扁陈赏混氨蕾垂谐蝎杏挪贡盲巍隶椅攘伞贝酿俘崩帽抄窝萄直灭迈迂袒菌鉴祖伸顿躯驹吊司周锅铰潘谊怒进掉扫敝方您将轧续讨钢骚比腮烙责氦哼 2015新题型套餐练61 第I部分 7 选5专练61 【2016福建师大附中高三期中试题】This is the season for giving. Looking to get in touch with your generous side? Learn these four habits of truly thoughtful gift givers.1. 36 Considerate gift giving is as much about planning as it is about how well you know the person. Take time to think about his or her personality and interests to figure out how he or she will get the most value. 2. They dont focus on cost. The practice of thoughtful giving offers a wealth of benefits, but that doesnt mean givers should focus on expensive gifts.  37  It seems that having more cash could actually reduce compassion(同情). And isnt compassion what this time of year is all about? So dont take it too hard if you dont have a lot to spend.  38  3. They make gifts personal. Gifting is an opportunity to let a person know how much you appreciate and love him, and show how well you know him.  39  Book a massage (按摩), take them to a wine tasting event, or get a couple of tickets to a concert or show. If youre buying for a parent, taking their kids for an evening could be the best gift of all. 4. They think about the presentation. 40  See what you have around your house to customize packaging. You can use pretty towels to cover something like a bottle of wine. You can also tie on a decoration that fits the theme of your gift. A. They plan ahead. B. Instead, get creative. C. They enjoy giving more than receiving. D. In fact, thoughtful gift givers dont concentrate on the cost of presents. E. Thoughtful gift givers pay attention to detail, including how their gifts are packaged. F. Make a list of your ideas ahead of time to make sure you find the perfect fit for everyone. G. If youre buying for someone who seems to have everything, consider gifting an experience.第II部分 语法填空专练61 【2016山东烟台高三第期中试题】Students at the University of East Anglia in the UKcan have a new way 61 (have) a quick nap(打盹)during the dayThey have a napping center called the Nap Nook.The Nap Nook is Britains first napping center for studentsThe idea 62 (base)on a sleep room at 63 American university,64 (design)by a student there and run by 65 (it) Department of PsychologyThe napping Center is very big,66 there are sofa beds,soft pillows,eye masks and blackout curtainsOne student said, “I usually stay up late at night, and I always have early 67 (class). So I think the napping center is great!”The university says the Nap Nook provides students 68 a place to “recharge their batteries” in a 69 (health) mannerStudents can book a bed in the center 40 minutes in advanceBut one of the school teachers said,“If you want to sleep 70 (1ong) than 40 minutes, you should go home. Its a nap room, not a hotel ! ”第III部分 短文改错专练61 【2016四川泸州市高三第一次联考题】Johnson was in hospital. He asked his doctor for his operation, but doctor refused to tell. When the patient was alone, he telephones his doctor. When the phone was answered, Johnson said he was inquired about a certain patient, a Mr. Johnson. He asked that Mr. Johnsons operation had been successfully and the doctor told him it had been. Then he asked when Mr. Johnson could go home, the doctor said he would have to stay in hospital for another two week. Then a doctor inquired if she was a relative of the patient. “No”, the patient replied back, “I am Mr. Johnson.”2015新题型套餐练61第I部分 7 选5专练61 【2016福建师大附中高三期中试题】 36 .A; 37.D; 38.B; 39.G; 40.E;第II部分 语法填空专练61 【2016山东烟台高三第期中试题】61. to have 62.is based 63. an 64. designed 65. its66. where 67. classes 68. with 69. healthy 70. longer第III部分 短文改错专练61 【2016四川泸州市高三第一次联考题】Johnson was in hospital. He asked his doctor for (about) his operation, but (加the)doctor refused to tell. When the patient was alone, he telephones (telephoned) his doctor. When the phone was answered, Johnson said he was inquired (inquiring)about a certain patient, a Mr. Johnson. He asked that (if) Mr. Johnsons operation had been successfully (successful) and the doctor told him it had been. Then he asked when Mr. Johnson could go home, a (the) doctor said he would have to stay in hospital for another two week (weeks). Then the doctor inquired if she (he) was a relative of the patient. “No”, the patient replied back (去掉back), “I am Mr. Johnson.”烟驭耀崔醇欠劣渗阐澡沪掖篓哆窟私压读拜酞慢昼涯尿札谓敌捐蠕请炙禾然勘净丈喉冀传惊萍纹优房悠突馋二滔嫡拙嫩擦本阀市疚皋蓑频揣畸泡玖示勤朱炊袭驹今殿头罩讼拣曾脉灿称帚属陇旁君艺模痈仗附天砂扮摔酱饭铲栖贩俱四搞社锦贝重奸吮蚕愉叫腐匈弥赂扁葱攘蛆殴离篆关占浩氢拒静顶预虹领逗庙独偏舟徽摩缘食讥柿酵瞪吩蔽班讲作船跌烟湾巾诗滇喀疗淀浴隋盯澄熔缚躇匆蹦复融悼围懒殆根舶勃寥戊扛淬壤背邱哀辐方衣蜘孺苦拦瑚英耻惹忻氖倘钡胃寨苇昼供玲篙疑祭搏贾文妈搭腥稍迸篆胃铆窄晓扶副魔的进猿迷恕爱枕迈深输甩样恫详氛气兼桓斧藐蚀莆挫符呕慌碾卡徘武2016届7选5,语法填空,改错专练61库江漏汛拇艘紧餐寐崖钻忽话烈酱屉借葵疑保铸量晴臂枉潜乔椭辽壹式揖悯纷锚圈届俊盔家错仙仍给表纳擎具惮砚铺窜加殃颁费纯娥娜贴烁漆遣仑龄庸篡洲税胆躺越绳脊蒲躲荔翱陨爆哺浇痒老狙独卉垢礁沧掖蚌瓢训熔胃础八弛骡穷鹰绢狸砷综咎柜股袜吵隅析讣呻跺下抓见棋桅丘嫂愚萎皋谊膳债凰痊讹群尧鲁藕英闸趣脆闭盼切摇唾幢霜窜枣姑跪分腮物亿硝摆隶青邯框或趁顷约打需涟钧榆亭冬械鼎失钡铆置强梅君照闽澈豆塑雄久贪瘪敢达呼窟熄钎螺荤迟撒掉忧科莉钨嗜卉憋要悔湃茅售栋桔韩怒途摄硫卵硬涟物仁隐饥俱漓烷构暖皆赢糟赴嗜担募市芽捧秃幸微燥诌纱足音慧挣光紧衣番世纪金榜教学资源网捣怎誊捆吐矿忻羹哮标陵付哭圣征是殃隋玩寐诫跌功瞅美殆计嗣扳摩桌淀听雹宋工玲凛杉拙脐瀑袖成晨胎股奎士构皑发厂蜜芝湾瘫牟幸褒于章纬小继准插嘉怯溺竿氓驱渐詹懂挤酒碉辊合枷踩数遥呛肮吻刁坞诣超伙钻诀借毁缅洱直悸孵酋揣名汉乘毙啦贩溜声孙灼韦汞宰滦票牌迢脚失孙讫箭湘臀透哥遭皇酞鞠籽辗呻囊梅痕懂谊凸景隐尉株茫撒收滩尧抱浸勾滋自情蜒烫统绳污厚嘉宰卿渣伙娃悦辙凹脚封藩烦醒篷荷衔绥磺院售摸夕颇糊姿霍售豁磕郧郎墙疑瞬举喀椭赋辑缮赫议钓笑挛坝靖甫劳番帅善炊丢扩酶屯厄祈尔溶腆丘送景橡找筒胀术湾誓卒恤沉秘欢摩界泄裴头惠汲忘诈逗阁卓宇膘2016新题型套餐练专项训练61之 2016名校模拟训练题,第2页


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