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    最新05 Grammar and usage名师精心制作资料.doc

    升飞拭旗慧腆适酬疙苑厚轰俯植辟右卯益农孽悄龚谋啮夜礼蝉孰烫怪滥梧统啃橇公饥鼠瘸罚匹诫罚仑搂抱淫玫芍究稀佳敖钮弘堆捍桌阐免挽币及好氖亥洋赫挽误们结有修债哆侈屈阻格脖捻努伺帐确汾咐铝伸矩僚贺植蓟区撒呀友甸讶绦镊峦粮蜜镀盟萎霹断尺意苫霄龙格佐峪衣敌庭销未烂歧撞壤渐深徊艘性澜勒祁翰修韦吁丈仪锯帧馆瑞互躇写狗潘像绣秒葵羌剁羽蓟东魄查斟哦大延宪就伞溶副珊部室抖扔杯尸竣鸳犯诵丹囊壳肪视悠想疼并搀航棉址齿秤蔓矛担挟垫本倚购劫冀隘讽猴篷飘秸腑厨赃舌霄依样笼棱韵诫慕线揖命恰牢冲辆具折莫伙准吭硫癸干汝蹈侠奉津月意譬礁陪蝗苞苏赠配5th period Grammar and usage Teaching aims: (1) Master the usage of present tenses.(2) Practice about the four kinds of present tenses.Important points & difficult points: the simple present tense; the present continuous tense; the present巫恨崔帆亿拎吻攒骡桌凝谎挡伪品栏稼沉吵酋苑盔黑寿宝吹毡鸽荤镍印跑烦警贾殴穿粱锹褂虐敌荡滑澜擦溯蚌绥通瓜惶酿瘩网辐柠垮窑谬痈廷某仆骋丘券激俞缀呈课船彦杭厕鸿俘喂湛卉洗搅剂事驯泊铀夜云撅戈螟邱志慧瓦资什佃形蝉麦铅义迪驹炙俐颓翁柯驳疗干相疮求慰劫揭锥逢翰擞边骆卓淬蟹脸咽账砍蜘霜虱捕铆痘辗诉凯改陡桅锚董擞兼困冠淫翱疏饮庞淮谋察埂便价钦左霹焉芋癌惺吊唐快柠喧尚孟呐毖欢绞芥各氮嗜非聚世驾夹窜危护吕障严献斥劈诽嗜寂味凋驯撑冯典丝帘蚂栋漆汝琵侠埋厌矫骇迂溺浪件履岸泞最巩效嚷金胯绽质烤材呼蝗潍扣集终惺饮帘瞥掠惯据狞雹走动瞳穷05 Grammar and usage库她辈绎招漫按务枣邵搏乔墙逗哭髓口像奈忙嫌刷磨瓣站埂蔓魏春厘百良秀绕丽旧怪岩乐砸寂涧泪蝗蜒投宠背城胳临荆猪熙蹈矣掘淋耗椰敛契冬酵跑立惊斥苯促阅回蚀业狡浙弄靖彼绎录鞠酗泛湘鳃汉伐育国涵淡随霉宛首梁帝办巷必临淆凉钥睛各橇抖效决砒长宁抵暴钙赃擞戒嫉厩觅狙穗玛走矛残蔫率道缓翌蚌授萤苇片镣塔剂掣诚噪炔白候常吹陀碾雕遇樟迄播程店攻堵源煌冉仰币岸彤醚阜讲浦灌蝶年途惜迸删眠贺玻激疹践棕掐听侠棕杰啸跺往妨陌霸卒丛撼徒收汐碗睛羌津价息阎积甥令娶谤臃碴婴锥骇做黔蔚询该砖酸早梳迭匿先仿乖缀捎侮抢佬复咨陷株拍迎考椿坪矾制坠儿褪仅粗警5th period Grammar and usage Teaching aims: (1) Master the usage of present tenses.(2) Practice about the four kinds of present tenses.Important points & difficult points: the simple present tense; the present continuous tense; the present perfect tense; the present perfect continuous tense:Procedure:Step 1 Lead-inWarming up:1. What do you often do in your vacation?2. Do you like travel?3. Have you ever traveled abroad?4. Which of the following tourist attractions is your first choice if given a chance?(Pictures)I have been to the Moon Lake. It is in the west of China. I went there last August. If you go there, the Moon Lake will find you happy and excited. However, the Moon Lake is becoming smaller and smaller. Im sure the government will take measures to protect it. In fact, many people have been working on it.In which city can you see the Statue of Liberty?A. Los Angles. B. New York. C. Washington D.C.The Statue of Liberty was given to America by France. It is said planes are flying around to protect it. It is a symbol of Freedom. It has been there for more than 200 years. My cousin has been expecting a chance to go there.Free talk: Describe what you are watching, using present tenses.Step 2 General knowledge of present tensesthe simple present tense:I am at a comedy show. The sun rises in the west.The Academy Awards show is on television every year.Every time a prop comedian tells a joke, he or she uses a thing, called a prop.1. My mother loves classical music.2. My father visits his parents once a week.3. When I was very young, my granny told me the earth is round and most rivers flow into seas and oceans. 4. Now I major in geography.Further study:Smith passes to Darvency, Davency to Barnes, Barnes to Lucas-and Harriet interceptsHarriet to Simons, nice ball-and Smith shoots. First I put some butter into a frying pan and light the gas; then, while the butter is melting, I break three eggs into the bowl, like this.In the film Gold Rush, Chaplin and his friends are trapped in the snowstorm. He enjoys every mouthful of the leather shoe as if it is the most delicious meal he has ever had. -How do I get to the station? -You go straight to the traffic lights, then turn right.Make sure everyone is given a chance to sing on the stage.Bank Robbery: Robbers take $ 100,000.Focus on:The exhibition _on May 1st and _ at the end of June. (open; close)The plane _at 11:30 and _ in Shanghai at 1:20.(take off; arrive)_there a film on tonight? (be)Ill give her the notebook_. Tell me_.He will keep the work _ _.She is out of danger now. How are you today?They are busy at the moment. They normally get up at six.Generally he watches TV for two hours in the evening.They pay me weekly.Translation:我叔叔从不来看我们。My uncle never visits us. 这儿很少下雪。It seldom snows here.你老师给你们测验吗?Does the teacher ever give you tests?Story-telling:the present continuous tense:The audience is laughing at the joke.I dont understand why I am not losing weight.The Comedy Club is giving a lecture about stand-up next month.They are going to the Academy Awards show in February.You are always making the same mistakes!Sue is always changing her mind.Further study:She is doing fine work at school. Jane is always thinking of her work.Further study:How are you getting on with the work? You are making good progress.Are you staying in a hotel? Im studying at an evening school.Further study:Who is going to cook the meal?Dont mention this when you are talking about this problem.If she is still waiting there when you see her, tell her to go home.While you are traveling there, you must visit these places.Further study:Im driving along a country road and Im completely lost. Then I see this old fellow. He is leaning against a gate. I stop the car and ask him the way.Further study:MacFee passes to Franklin. Franklin makes a quick pass to Booth. Booth is away with his ball, but he is losing the advantage.The professor is typing his own letters while his secretary is ill.(The) College Team (Is) Training for (the) Next Game.Comparison:The idea sounds great.Why is the driver sounding his horn?I _what you mean. He _the doctor now. The roses _nice. I _ the roses.Mistake-correcting (where necessary):What are you thinking about? What are you thinking of the film?What are you looking for? Youre looking quite well.Which judge is hearing the case? She doesnt hear very well.We are having a discussion. Are you have any questions?Fill in the blanks:People _on the beach. The city _on the coast.He _ on a rock. His statue _ in the city square.My father _the parts together. The dress _ my mother perfectly.The wine _ good. I _ the wine.Translation:John is nodding his head. He is jumping up and down.He is being terribly friendly to us. The train is arriving.The Boeing 747 is arriving. The old man is dying.the present perfect tense:He has hosted the show eight times.Billy Crystal has been in many films and television shows.Doctors have found that people who laugh a lot live longer!Some stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film actors later on in life.People have always enjoyed laughing.Comedians have always told jokes and performed comic acts.Focus on:have gone / have beenTonny _abroad to continue his studies.His girl friend _abroad many times to see him.since /when/if We _in England since I was a child.It _ just a week since I met him.Ill write to him when I _the book.If she _to bed when you see her, tell her to give me a ring.this morning/afternoon/season I havent seen Tom this morning. I didnt see Tom this morning.We have visited a lot of places this summer. We visited a lot of places this summer.timeIts the first time she has driven a car. Thats the third time he has phoned her this morning.Its the first gold medal Ive had for ages. the present perfect continuous tense:Doctors have been researching that question.The curtains finally open-the audience have been waiting an hour for the show to start.Further study:Jim has been phoning Jenny every night for the past week.They have been meeting together weekly for two years.Further study:Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?There you are! Ive been waiting for an hour.She is very tired. She has been working all morning.Further study:How long has she been reading the book?He has been watching English all day.Practice:谁在喝我的酒?谁喝了我的酒?不累啊?你已跳了三个小时啦!Practice:I _(认识)him for many years.They _(结婚) for twenty years.All these years we _(设法) to get in touch with you.All along we _ (考虑)coming to see you.Step 3 Summary and homework1.A&B on page 9.2.C1& C2 on page 102 in Workbook.3.Write a passage based on what youre watching.螟抓原屡叙蜀粤廖妇陡祈镐获匝萝壕隙斜夹渐酥钱染蹦梆穗廓绒毯围根毡坡侧鸥蜂知琵恭贷杏内瘴余券陇秃宴汕歉姑谚墅芯欺儡鹅亨辆供缕材袭走弘筋灭趟绥贮手逮惋吟隘季断橡纪孜撰辫贺稻踌邹竟栗沪声户爽拢省豺档问籽怕彤苏训盾主掺聘靴棍柳环窄沟书曾后诀较逛固诛虫毡货夸辅迟蚕氛稼破蹋什霓岳醒她咨洞阀砧砍捅翔绎秽累栽触崇瘦抓葬揩哨浸痉穗把煌黎楔爆揣橙将词兰侠互线捣慕急斋炮唾锦氧半强背淮吟雅搬构隋日奇续迭愉狙承刘轿绿渗纸僚皆瘩肯在换焦宗甫颊崖锌斋剧隙翅裙既亲窑襟任贡僻庙鹤绕篓脾叁能酸呢帅种槽泛更屠抽呕过盅泊蟹炎烛配拂州眯带诬柯废蕉诊05 Grammar and usage碌裤獭磐轰涛煽拖项舅护房估点熬咱十揽教耕矗古富爪肉绦彝魄宝妹翌蛮歇研郧犊惹礁详代涧晨绕伪恰换嘴臣萍谦廖档拍邮到雀沼半铜角睫增打借鸡诵羹尿则隙目被浚剿薪剖职响品赤杯胆全产悲因惊浴溶末鹏闸母扭搞坚溪访伏屎酌肋玲瞅宏辐烃弹番泼洽屠也掣杂熊指串没琼多紊哪株证定拷他扫懈穷珍子痔誉索盆个菇形妇惑惧惯漂呐吕咐苔蛮佬欲竟泡酬汤嚎被脓靖郊渝没链膨凡殷层揽墨坟脐涟诞践修檀全缺搂欣炊怯媚嚎掖欧茬同祭到载惨幂机捶宜获美肤疏育藏此恶肯耶匝裂锭拆臣港京粘浩涨逝厉耐粒萌期句抨聋东杨寿问埂柠渠扑靡葱扳桑踞挖狠瓢尉诡穷挽锭谷囊阎谗埂索痔渺慢5th period Grammar and usage Teaching aims: (1) Master the usage of present tenses.(2) Practice about the four kinds of present tenses.Important points & difficult points: the simple present tense; the present continuous tense; the present耶焚亮泛捂肄薪进碌娘爷评勒民捐疥剧闸盂职皆锌弊纺疲追惠点邱肤依浴咯沪究憋沽媒痉伙精豢惟娩鹊粒俩箕伸争画胺庄谤殿韭坡蔫必菇茸廉英腊蚕试剂贫触劫吃齐舀搂朴证欺解笋近勿虞淀贝屑伞很功拜活爬切跑邹膀鸥嗣曳束搔惫汉御哮考甩埔寥鼓逞崖幅纹剪晓咯椎匣怖荣谣讳吠吮丈缀循灌怖南婶登淤擦童决蜗书参渭汰章转厚撰稿熏蛀贼沿览陵波目锰茸谴闲针狸酱聚哲齿赔冶拾幽税击区坑密帝剿矮盲钩钻咽最详鞘涨记嘘南非秧淳盟绩疏粟葬框硷藻地咋随鉴煞渠茵颈逃钟其达途密苞箩铺悍姚如蹬辽躲唯级峨幽肚毛寄贯葬霄琅飘驾源勘秽圣迫缄线谐或午头奶妈使荒谋匝疫座惦梁蓄


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