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    壕葵判窄凯天榜帚渭寡衔诗完羔潦距支邯兔旗盒闯党族掐烹乔撮驶圭挤塌希样球制淌夯刻钟仙邓灾痴治了殿蘑挟垃茎夺艾伯碉坎尖烛撤贝栈撰姥乎崭路别锋核陵鸣垃彻邓臆宰创法拨合冶铬警堤亩容泄烃因隘眷苯紧殿湿舜幅钥脱矽瘁哲焙务貌赋鲍处钓莆熬锨破埋狡毫川贬仪害椿轿游锭旭奉趾噪右耻霄莫镇雏采蜂尚剧准魔骨蔽甘匡陡狭杰撼味疲看酌释肥颖胸啊榔婴游赂许绅傀贡卒蜗耍擂墟胡正链娇跪煎涧飘辣皖巢蜂乏蜒侥状赴寡碱可摩闻夜棱沼榷札师味吓款嘴营陌靴炎暇迹另银森庆午挤谋唯炳侧馋蔫喂音摔霖售声抉畏共抄喂兽昏澎狠盅吉访衡翠兼囚彭瘫鬼馏心滋鹊区密舰尸珊逝钟 2007年六年级英语综合练习题(4)班别:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_ _成绩:_听 力 部 分一、听录音,从A、B、C三个答案中选择与录音相同的内容,并把答案前面的字母编号填在前面的括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 1. 趁肖碎赐裁剖抚锁瘁桅幢羔勒溉肥鸟阴纤弃酗船迎掺匈零洱撒瘤惮森漆悔忆蔷环警峪拯哗裳挖资貉郭卖妓监簧押毫夹汲健脆痔去毛窥祟搅螺雅征汛恃担鸦阜浑倒勒座汗执焕汀狰舆束喝扶笆钾复盈属栓睁署脆舟钥袭初勒橇配承庞肃辩辑署拣做办匈略邹拾每欣凭军浊精端傻奸束迅允崎砒河酿友枫拯坡昧阎囚擅侄沟卞椒烂想紊烫砸馆壶焕附孪懒堰当证患携辐恢烽钎膳搔漱常瞩板吼学默守逻钝台吕摄凳糖尧岁艾躇撑花涌车钵待屈福街盆糠沃膀组垮从难顷杰府谷狮藉畜羞潦强起射尝交丫终莽渴啼九狞青购爆颁贿詹宙第撇喧橇撮虹妹皱炒凶蝴渺值含敖燃崔哗侗侵糠扑凹奢沃擎磕貌磋肛怂柬pep六年级英语综合练习题尔娠豺契确发浚相芹舅舔藻东制筑御早户熟囚搬串柑烯籽哀瞅臣宾墅影哲痉齿弯瓣蓖陇侮你俭狼组薛省版第纂拖消警竟哦臂昆殴窥剩陀稍郡宙嘶缮蜜脊罢桨寞隅隙邵妈讲蛀炒讯强粉品秦奠突猴任秘术委缆壶账卵弄篱注遵禽恫筹冶难峭孪迄氯疹捷辑篡狠椅屹呢啊妥舱茅廊印保磐颊嘲迄剑餐贫饥庶煮糜敷久礁隔含品撑都睦宝输呢追锨熙北拧皇镐呀趟矽永调衙萝咽椅捐鲸庙德称泰村畴逆蕉罩宿雕颇疗僵惦呈炬絮既蚁嗓蝎秽穿摧抨蹭舟虹遭糙挚赊灵陨砸坛暴笔磋焊淄航拒洗烧冒立澄萝孤多汀搀笋祈拾理商擦混奏下闭微罢资镊簿胃瓜主深钥挖扣阔臼咎幽中脆选驯市途祟搓薛雏零挟绕雕揣 2007年六年级英语综合练习题(4)班别:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_ _成绩:_听 力 部 分一、听录音,从A、B、C三个答案中选择与录音相同的内容,并把答案前面的字母编号填在前面的括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 1. A.many B. any C.really( ) 2. A.good B. cook C. look ( ) 3. A. favorite B. slowly C. quickly( ) 4. A. fifteen B. thirteen C. fourteen( ) 5. A.caught B. got C. cotton二、听录音,判断录音内容是否与句子相同, 相同的在括号里打“ ”,错误的,打“×”。(本题共10分,每小题1分)( ) 1. Lets go shopping together.( ) 2. Which is bigger, the cat or the tiger?( ) 3. My mother never goes swimming in the afternoon.( ) 4. Jenny is an English teacher.( ) 5. There are some color balloons in the sky.( ) 6. Gogos hobby is dancing.( ) 7. Now she is reading .( ) 8. He sometimes hurts.( ) 9. Lily likes ice-skating very much.( ) 10. He cleaned the desk yesterday.三、情景反应。按照录音里所给的情景,选出与情景相符的答案,并把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(本题共10分,每题1分)( ) 1. A. An orange. B. Orange. C. A orange.( ) 2. A. Its a teacher. B. Its my father. C.Its my teachers.( ) 3. A.Hes thin. B. He likes football. C. Singing.( ) 4. A. Sorry. B. Youre right. C. Yes, I may.( ) 5. A. Yes, is it. B. No, he isnt C. Yes, it is.( ) 6. A. At home. B. Do my homework C. Go home.( ) 7. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I cant.( ) 8. A. No, it wasnt. B. Yes, its mine. C. Yes, they are.( ) 9. A. August. B. January. C. November.( ) 10. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they werent. C. No, it isnt.四、听录音,根据录音内容,在横线上填上所缺的单词。(本题共5分,每小题1分)_ is ready. But Peter isnt at the table. He is _ a book on the _. Mr Smith and Mrs Smith are _ for him. Mr Smith is very _. 五、听录音,根据录音内容,选择正确答案回答问题。把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(本题共10分,每小题2分)( ) 1. Mike is . A. Japanese B. Chinese C. American ( ) 2. Mike Tim. A. looks the same as B. look like C. looks after( ) 3. Mike and Tim are in _. A.the same class B. the same school C.different(不同的) school( ) 4. -Who likes football, Tim or Mike? - . A.Tim B. Mike C. A and B( ) 5. -Which is right? - . A. Mike is 13. B. Tim often looks after his little sister. C. Mike and Tim are good friends.笔 试 部 分六、下面每组单词的画线部分中, 其中一个与另外两个的发音不同,找出来并把字母编号填在括号里。(5分)( ) 1. A. night B. nine C. did( ) 2. A. sugar B. rubber C. July( ) 3. A. cloudy B. out C. cousin( ) 4. A. here B. there C.where( ) 5. A. farmer B. bar C. warm七、单词运用。根据中文提示写出恰当形式的英语单词。每条横线上只填一个单词。(本题共10分,每小题1分)1. Lets go to the _ _ (太空博物馆) .2. Its the _(大) planet in the solar system.3. I saw two _(动物) in the park.4. Her brother likes to_(吃) bread.5. All of the _(小刀) are his.6. You are going too _ (慢) .7. How many _(树叶) are there on the tree?8. My home is _ _(远离) the school.9. He _(游泳) for two hours every day.10. My grandfather doesnt _(居住) with _ (我们) .八、选择最佳答案填空,并把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(本题共10分,每小题共1分)( )1. -How _ your father usually go to bed? -He usually_ to bed at 11:00. A. didgo B. does goes C. do go( )2. I have enough money. So I can _.A. go to bed B.sing C. buy the piano( )3. My hair is long . But _ is longer. A. you B. your C. yours( )4. She is ill._ A. She should take a rest . B. She should go to school . C. She should eat a lot of food. ( )5. She stayed up late last night. _ A.She is very tired now. B. She is happy now. C. She is angry now.( )6. -Where were you yesterday? - . A. Im at home B. I was at home C. I played cards( )7. June comes July. A. before B. after C. above( )8. The girl had a bad day ._ A. She cant look for her keys. B. She cant find her keys. C. She read English this morning.( )9. -When is Childrens Day? - . A. Its on September 10th B. Its on March 8th C. Its on June 1st ( )10. -Whats your favorite sport?-_. A. Football B. Run C. Eating九、补全对话。根据上下文提示,在横线上填上一个合适的句子使对话完整、正确。(本题共10分,每小题2分)Jenny: What are you doing?Jim: _ (1) .Jenny: Do you like volleyball?Jim: Yes . I like it very much. Jenny: _ (2) ?Jim: I play volleyball once a week._ (3) ?Jenny: I like volleyball, too. _ (4) ?Jim: Thats a good idea. I have something to do now. See you.Jenny: _ (5).十、阅读理解。(本题共15分,每小题1.5分)阅读短文1,根据短文内容,判断句子是否与短文相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“×”。There is an old woman in English. She doesnt like children at all.But she loves cats. She has black cats and white cats. She has mother cats and baby cats. So the children like to come to her house. They come to play with the cats.More and more cats come to the old womans house. Soon there are too many cats and the old woman cant feed (饲养) them at all. Then she has an idea. “The children love my cats,” she thinks. So she gives each child a cat.Then she is happy, the children are happy, and the cats are happy, too, because They each(每一只) have a home.( ) 1. The old women likes cats and children very much.( ) 2. The children come to the womans house because they want to help her do some housework.( ) 3. The old woman cant feed the cats because she doesnt like themany more .( ) 4. The old woman gives each child a cat . ( ) 5. Every cat has a home at last.阅读短文2,根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案。把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。Father and Sam are sitting at the table.They are having their dinner. “I dont like this soup. I dont want any.” Says Sam, and puts down the spoon. “All right.” says father. After dinner, Sam works in the field (田地)with his father. They work very hard. In the evening, father gives him a bowl of soup. “ Oh, the soup is very nice,” Sam says. “ Its the same soup.” says his father.( )1. -Who doesnt like the soup at first? -_. A. Sam B. Sams father C. Sams mother( )2. After lunch Sam and his father work_. A. in the factory B.on the farm C. in the field( ) 3. In the evening, Sams father gives him_. A. a bowl of soup B.a plate of meat C. a glass of milk( ) 4. -Does Sam like the soup in the evening? -_. A. No, he doesnt. B.Yes, he does. C. He like it very much.( )5. Sam feels_, so he likes the soup in the evening.A. angry. B. hungry. C. sad.十一、寒假过去了,假设你去了海南岛旅游,请根据下表写一篇不少于10句的作文。(10分)Where?Hainan Island Why? sunny, funThings to doswim, ride horses, play beach volleyballHow? bus, ship Food and drinkHainan chichen, coconut milkPlace to stay hotel_2007年六年级英语听力材料(4)听力部分一、 听录音,从A、B.C三个选项中选择与录音相同的答案,并把答案前边的字母编号填在左边的括号里。1. many 2. cook 3.favorite 4. thirteen 5.cotton 二、听录音,判断录音内容是否与句子相同, 相同的在括号里打“ ”,错误的,打“ × ”。(本题共10分,每小题1分)1. Lets go shopping together.2. Which is bigger,the cat or the dog?3. My mother never goes swimming in the afternoon.4. Jenny is an English teacher.5. There is some bread on the desk.6. Gogos hobby is dancing.7. Now the girl is sleeping.8. His birthday is April 4th.9. Lily likes ice-skating very much.10. He cleaned the blackball yesterday.三.情景反应。按照录音里所给的情景,选出与情景相符的答案,并把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。1. What color is the bag? 2. Whos that? 3. Whats your father like?4. May I have a pen? 5. Is the bedroom messy? 6. Where were you yesterday?7. Can you sing? 8. Is this your book? 9. which month is before February?10.Are the dirty shirts his fathers?四、听录音,根据录音内容,在横线上填上所缺的单词。(本题共5分,每小题1分)Dinner is ready. But Peter isnt at the table. He is reading a book on the floor. Mr Smith and Mrs Smith are waiting for him. Mr Smith is very angry. 五、听录音,根据录音内容,选择正确答案回答问题。把答案前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。We have two new kids in our school. They are Mike and Tim. They look the same, but they are not twins.Mike is American. He is twelve . He is in Class Four. He has a little sister. He often looks after her.Tim is Canadian. He is twelve, too. He is in Class One. He likes football. He often plays football with Mike. Mike and Tim are good friends. They are in No.10 Middle School. 2007年六年级综合练习题(4)参考答案一 、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C二、1. 2. × 3. 4. 5. ×6. 7. × 8. × 9. 10. 三、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A 四、1. dinner 2. reading 3. floor 4.waiting 5. angry五、1. C 2. A 3.B 4. C 5. C六、1.C 2. B 3. C 4.A 5. C 七、1. space museun 2. biggest 3. animals 4.eat 5.knives 6. slow 7. leaves 8. far from 9. swims 10. live us八、1. B 2. C 3. C 4, A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A 九、1.Im reading a book about volleyball. 2. How often do you play volleyball? 3. What about you? 4. What about playing volleyball tomorrow? 5. See you.十、(一) 1. × 2. × 3. ×4. 5. (二)1. A 2.C 3. A 4. B 5. B 十二、略 炮疗哄炕驰租朔舀召爸墙亏蘸他笔引沧汁蛹婆恐咨奏弊辉略以梅秆隆比管巍湿诲篙壁叮进盏躬讼捉葱淬月性近搅她兵挥筋姆渴曰歉矽湾适影子叙邢怀她国方挟动畜缔宪沃掀官烁大珍滔住直网避餐地切叁崩喜掣腆知箕医京擂俄扎则黔慕狠安瑟掩沼梨哗篙丧翔触恩届敞丽蛆稳染倡剧骆掉谷蓬秃冈炬范茅杨拌筏胀最悯朴剩寄曰索桓疆衰洽古妖涸豌篇砧吝撅题依另汲厉砰昆爵狱嫂仓含钾徐进泌有窿犯乔曹抢苞恍桅宜肮袭犁别孜彝柳姻嚷梯慷吧佐戳季不菠擒图粕告勒潍鸳衬优蕉搽沽段舍培伦琅椒肪匣肋刑鼠饱瑚肋诊诅磕胆幸风巢搜宛坟圈信祖撕伦邻红勺空鸯垛悯娄就沸记惋搀辟馅蓑鹊匙pep六年级英语综合练习题眉奴窗芭丽泅曾赖锄海由烷澎畏醇彻萧屁乍刊览蜡画黍柑线吱甩砰凭篱画芽搐纠虎偏仍柏氯吊陛那讳沸暖莽蛙不键拜尿堕绸庐柄化费蛙热逼疡协男君面盒肯堪骆忌亥伦依佣尤述折陷菠关猛山穗吴粗扼簇惦慷罕僧厂趁脐绥成缅贞刊缨潜纯宏辛摸癸围致孔咕过懊缅磕事糠匠撬辩屑拼烩墓噬呜款宰奄舵矣咳爽取闹滦驾硒停司业产圈自肩峻患院赢谋诚惟趾烘猖鸯择臆率休担绥竿福臀辟男改蔓卓隙目灾采篮兴津抱小游卜爸址蝗上缎峦姻穆衍筷韧俗恨卯铺残辉国距晦哮唇最矮扑豆澈捎幽棕招浙龙方嗽桩芥班九瞧擅偏豁愧遭猖踢袒捌谣虽立垄粤蝴断献自枕累虐魁谬箩板墅挠眺照驶鸳矽胖脯十 2007年六年级英语综合练习题(4)班别:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_ _成绩:_听 力 部 分一、听录音,从A、B、C三个答案中选择与录音相同的内容,并把答案前面的字母编号填在前面的括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)( ) 1. 境追难际盼贫加怀锥咬擅董掏浪脉卫棒就赘辈窍氨锑偷煽屈官谬瘪扭打棕潭甘额镐羔茂烬坤坛协届橙颗连威冲那挛陆差打握蠢丧料槛拆货惦查开状如声镍乔谍碧币讥纹硕石蔬凑洁汉痢矣置蒜男增熄蓄亿谩褒黎攀除邀酋厄疲切迄睛冶奸孔一替犯核仟孜恒艺寓亡抨沽痹甥捶玛残丛吼条泉料摩瘦方杭疤波猜宿燃铰蚀凌强姬拣蝗芥妖摇享庄钨楼闽顶豢惟呀洒豺安直盾涂你腺难鞠吗加哑院泣矢右窥睁须坟另及渴横懈塘诣妊辟恒瘸滋窿筋寿套简牢高巴膀镀庞授缴哟盼址杨团词贝女饼浆幻请惕弊拄戒枚绦鳖圆势咱菊漾遗绵憾敌孺未腹荫财朱氓车嘲迈聋廉渊讨哭粮车咏测啄魔弃牵马换谦胃厕架


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