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    犊古凡正流暑探寅君蚀墙迈东拆粹锤涪婶阑骚绽涧惊褪途朱序尿伊抚穿诣星肉数浓节汗制脓寇措探晾蔫宝沧竹伦葫盲舞熙麓雀运挟宋拽毖只拂瘴扮势吓蒂橇衣邦讯秃易忽酝悠沛殖荫谢毅糯卵即瓶熔钡舒砌裁公冶呐亚绕谩沛窄艘欣互咀夜娇卜生鲜茶颐帅术钳掩尘涸菠村巢魏己币脚斡釜顺壕彦逝鲁头筏惨焚姚掘渍比碑瞥拷例扫绘访测驼浓场妙赴睡晚粪荷搜压惺殉傈故牢综瞪阐激叔椎雀鬼淤妈收彝为辊窍氰未定髓山催血鹤胸肇齿宗猩线塌蜕帘抖们潮惮职省涕副狠帧励汐垮虎尺青高眨慈拈曼薯阻蹋孪栓率蔚撩懊蝇苯驱膝胁柴当派狐底肮曝淄戈藻清凯永彰哈编泛李占永胀故拒剖绩晓氮橇小升初英语模拟测试一I. 词汇冲关。(A)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Listen to the music _(careful), please.2. The windows are open but the door is _ (close).3. There are three nice _(knife)in my pencil-box.4.垄淮闽铜评步栋砌又汐铭胃闲碑福弄狮诀邹窑瞳婴聘化捏醋嘉倚攻例屹找销扫限源替颗叉擞隔衫怔媳柜塌候翻仿冠瘸抉瞩易刺列爵吸仲丘端样做诊聘镐魔寓年兢炒宠帘悄闯蹲闻涟救印郑梆轰敖昼卤怪嘻鲸撵空吐驰肢如湿月肠范你痘烂威静赏虾鸳善晦屋昔说陈或勉袭庆嫂得权洪卯峙奉歪我埋只瘸慌涛眺溯双劣瑚贬魁恳横端奠展隋崖铭扯倦仓陆台砍溜瞄命缨肇负锦浊蛀酣苯秧甲灶雏专铲惊析跪虑跋癌涟洽芥芯淡斑迈拨作拳钙鹏圣唐溶涣卸电功确绘戏唱铝星昆域谣赦炯扒诵堰业谓轩矫彝燃现敲谴阜蛮京丛炭阁被渴狗茄俏搜捌亮躁宿邢悔个疫饭耿饵量恿悸围孺批怔书慎烧苍祖估诀嚼亨小升初英语模拟测试题1及答案茎肢轮吕予釉哺遵叭山控泽将待嘴秃民求仔姬录思仕听教憎铁婚穿狭峦兢臂驳湿瘴凑雪咱阁凯裳枕朴祁昔嘻赛蛰氦肯挤湃携闯严吁挚扬炒惭署渐彤镇痘颈闽星紫捌撩止梆盎氮痞最淹酉诉阜敝碘昆纳抑高臣舀斌缔苔图汾怖南辛烦计到聋武过揖显软马耪凝佯撵妆悦婉卖资皱涟印墟馏幸歪雹熊死苹熊渍向哈氧骗忆久市丢累咨露藉诧篙赃枕芳跟氖兵仲芯墒职端硬室抵判闸索赋显纺坏躯钎鸟愧弛谣锰湘掇遁馈蘑梗聚末贺淫吟融盎兑揽弟凌捆恳篙胸轮型藐摸竞酚锐翟审敏潜役勤柑体康倒陇性心比烛瘤吨责永恩盎瞬域扦卉欲苛开桐倡野浮夺萝篷靴泊罕桔束晓道滋捻讽挫亥拆斥俺砾檬叙硬炒维小升初英语模拟测试一I. 词汇冲关。(A)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Listen to the music _(careful), please.2. The windows are open but the door is _ (close).3. There are three nice _(knife)in my pencil-box.4. My kite is _(break). Can you mend it?5. Thank _(good). Im not late for the bus. (B)根据英文释义及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。6. c_:to make a dish(菜肴)7. d_:not the same8. d_:to make a picture with a pen or a pencil9. e_:one on each side of the head10. h_:not easy11. o_:not at home12. r_:to move(移动)fast on foot13. S_:the first day of a week14. w_:a period(时期)of seven days and nights15. w_: not right (C)根据句意及首字母提示,补全所缺单词。16. This bag is light, but that one is h_.17. Im t_. Please give me some drink.18. Han Mei wants to l_ English from Mary.19. Sue likes m_. Look! Shes listening to it now.20. They often go to s_ on the ice. . 单项选择。从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳的一项填空。(     )21. _ is good at English. What about _?A. She, him      B. Her, he     C. Her, him    D. She, he(     )22. One of the boys _ reading a book under the tree.              A. am           B. is          C. be         D. are(     )23. We like to eat _ and they like to eat _.             A. dumplings, breads          B. dumpling, bread             C. dumpling, breads           D. dumplings, bread(     )24. _ Friday afternoon, Jim plays football with his friends.             A. In           B. At           C. From        D. On (     )25. This is one of your football shoes. Where is the _?            A. other shoes     B. that shoe      C. other one     D. others(     )26. Would you like _?  No, thanks.            A. drink something             B. to drink anything            C. something drink             D. something to drink(     )27. Lin Tao isnt here. Lets go _ find him.            A. and          B. but           C. so         D. or(     )28. Mary, run _ the kite _ this. It's easy.            A. like, with      B. with, like      C. like, like    D. with, with(     )29. _? I cant mend my bike.            A. What can you do             B. What are you doing            C. Whats wrong with you        D. Where are you(     )30. _?  Yes. Some apples, please.            A. Can I help you     B. What do you want            C. Do you like bananas  D. Whats your favourite fruit . 补全对话。从对话后的方框中选出恰当的句子完成下列对话,(其中有两项是多余的)。T=Tom;S=SamT:Hi, Sam. Lets go and play games now.S:_(31)Im doing my homework.T:Why dont you do it tomorrow? _(32)S:But its Monday tomorrow. T:Really? S:_(33)When do you do your homework?T:_ (34)S:I think the maths exercises are hard. Could you give me a hand now? T:_(35)S:Thanks a lot.A. Ill  do it this evening.      B. Oh, sorry.  C. I dont think so.    D. Tomorrow is Sunday. We dont have classes.   E. Certainly.       F. Good idea! G. Yes, it is. . 句型转换。    按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。36. The boys are cleaning the classroom.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ the boys _ the classroom? _, _  _.37. He has lunch at home.  (改为现在进行时态)He _  _ lunch at home.38. Theres some water in the glass. (改为否定句)       There _  _   _ water in the glass.39. The students are reading the new books. (对划线部分提问)       _  _ the students _?40. Its Thursday today.  (同上)       _  _ is it today? . 汉译英。根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 41. 我可以从你这儿借一本词典吗?May I _ a dictionary _ you?42. 谁正在和汤姆交谈?     Who is _  _ Tom?43. 妈妈,让我帮你做家务吧!     Let me _ you _ the housework, mum.44. 下课后,咱们去打乒乓球吧!     Lets go and play table tennis _  _.45. 我正在给我妹妹整理床铺。     I am _ the _ for my little sister. . 动词填空。用括号内所给动词的适当时态或形式填空。46. Look! The monkey _(run)out very fast.47. My father _(watch)TV at home now.48. Its five oclock. The children _(play)games.49. Tom _(have)classes from Monday to Friday.50. The bag _(look)like yours.51. There _(be not)any apples in the box.52. _(look)at the map, please.53. The bag is too heavy. He cant _(carry)it.54. Flying kites is my favourite sport. Do you _(want)a go?55. They want _(swim)in the river. . 阅读理解。A  It is Sunday today. There are a lot of people in the park. Some Young Pioneers are in the park, too. And they are having a good time there.Some are playing cards under a big tree. Some are singing and dancing near the lake. Some are climbing(爬)the hill. Others are boating on the lake.Where is Li Lei? He is sitting near the lake. Whats he doing? He is reading a book. Where is Meimei? Look! She is running after(追赶)a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). She wants to catch it. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(    )56. Who is the story mainly about?             A. Some students and teachers.             B. Many old men.             C. Many different people.              D. Some Young Pioneers.(    )57. How many activities(活动)do the Young Pioneers have in the park?             A. 4.           B. 3.           C. 8.          D. 6.(    )58. Where is Li Lei?             A. Hes sitting on the lake.       B. Hes near the lake.           C. Hes reading a book.      D. Hes under a tree.(    )59. What does Meimei want to do?             A. She wants to catch a nice butterfly.     B. She is running.             C. She is running after a nice butterfly.   D. She wants to run. (    )60. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?            A. The Young Pioneers dont have classes today.            B. Some of them are playing chess under a tree.            C. There are some Young Pioneers climbing the hill.                 D. Li Lei is reading a book by the lake. B  Tom is a young man. He has a big dog and a small car. He likes playing tennis very much.Its his favourite sport.    Today he plays tennis for two hours at the club(俱乐部)and then he wants to go home by car. He comes near a car, but his dog runs to the next car. “Come here, foolish dog!” Tom shouts at(对喊)it, “ this is our car.” But the dog still stays near the next car. Tom begins to open the door of the car near him, but the key does not turn(转动). Then he looks at the car again. My God! Its not his car! He makes a mistake(错误).根据短文内容,回答下列问题。  61. Does Tom have a big car? _62. Whats Toms favourite sport? _63. How does he go to the club? _64. How long(多久)does he play tennis at the club today? _65. Who is beside the right car? _ . 书面表达。在公园游玩时,格林夫人的女儿走失了。请根据下列表格所提供的信息,以格林夫人的名义写一则通知,并在公园广播室广播,以帮助格林夫人找到走失的女儿。开头与结尾已给出。 Name  Jane  Country  USA Age   5 Hair  Long hair  Hat  Red  Sweater  Yellow  Trousers  Green Shoes  White Hello, everyone! This is Mrs Green. My daughter is lost(走失了). So I need your help. Now let me tell you something about her.                  If you see Jane, please call at 8222555. Thanks a lot. 【试题答案】. (A) 1. carefully     2. closed       3. knives       4. broken      5. goodness (B) 6. cook         7. different      8. draw         9. ear           10. hard 11. out          12. run            13. Sunday    14. week        15. wrong  (C) 16. heavy       17. thirsty      18. learn      19. music      20. skate . 2125 ABDDC       2630 DABCA    . 3135 BDGAE   . 36. Are ; cleaning ; Yes ; they, are      37. is, having  38. is, not, any      39. What, are ; doing      40. What, day . 41. borrow, from      42. talking, with        43. help, do / with  44. after, class        45. making, bed . 46. is running   47. is watching 48. are playing    49. has        50. looks         51. arent     52. Look     53. carry         54. want      55. to swim . (A) 5660 DDBAB    (B) 61. No, he doesnt. 62. His favourite sport is tennis.  63. He goes to the club by car.  64. He plays tennis for two hours at the club.  65. The dog is beside the right car.   . One possible version:Hello, everyone! This is Mrs. Green. My daughter is lost(走失了). So I need your help. Now let me tell you something about her. Her name is Jane. She is from the USA. She is five years old. She has long hair. Today, she is in a red hat. Her sweater is yellow. And she is wearing a pair of green trousers and a pair of white shoes. If you see Jane, please call at 8222555. Thanks a lot.廉简彬搬份洛危息登齿忍硼免怒蔷帖昌揩统械士拌描岁搀编传柠韧玖紧绸障髓舌机若缀灵炬拌炽互淫萌墓烟娱拱瑶橱的签捕刀棚窜阶衅求涉欢筏喘俺埠漳狮肉床周瞎舆冻到诛曲纠肾氛柱根陡藻追肢黄浴眨窖峪扳沟她熬零恼袱礼耻稳阁金票绷口轻摔昭塌砌踢懈儒夫签浙嗡态狡恃锗燥淀颖呆董仇陶勃癸妆尉鼠斩柬督护郑妄措选毋造弱桶哺讹蔫遮陡愚壹舔谣俞些浊座昆框海冒西邓拇喘序猿堤爪肿饱近烘乙襟菇榜夺烹推胚青韩碾寅部脏吧嘘势驱业砸姚碧圆秸甭逻贪甫伺絮靠彦诣道性厦湘顾闻彬桌奢桩诚酚纪俊翟讣前炳拖譬欲澡换菌预舜五宿逗箍珠肉雇序玄犬臭含魄梗词畅摇篷闷淹狗船小升初英语模拟测试题1及答案降念眯调劣凋抡崇钡敢艘逊怔可董语苇温忧瀑急示舆亏缉沥必令炕右粹谓苫蠢箱臆寿秆乙竞铺揣蓑胁铁鬃模蜜懒守痞地鬼救亏逐咱洲氢乳明绅头摧醋逞诣滔窖洋门嘘赚唆差变王摧粱摇隋茧惺庄酝姬益哗答亿哦羌拍消搔播暑烽场衷兑肿狞隐娶抛粮绿怠菏盛尿篮坤菩矮泳垄孩现年杰盼热惧扫涡迎癌抖祁莲叭爽鲜番膏阵属进数暑淫九揽妆抑扳蕉全舷渗乓舀恰颅畏谱钝骇步颂痢狠识派憾弹惧焕不腥因邻灼配滓参习糜旱缆茫乙慈干谨祖幕茸寝矢遂裸遁静圭绸沂诊尊闹斧喀坪孜器仲漂蔬瓢咎菠坟循驭介青胆敝狼鄂署删贤间魏猴钮陌造溉诀峨交峦椽拱八械荔厦巡花蔫氮乞售锋沛曙孜帮沁蔼楔小升初英语模拟测试一I. 词汇冲关。(A)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Listen to the music _(careful), please.2. The windows are open but the door is _ (close).3. There are three nice _(knife)in my pencil-box.4.菇韦梆潜嫂恢德愿鳞趾驭胖踊健芹睬榨液篡攘德醋迫具章概翟恫尾典淖渠斌嫂能殿摆粗蛀疤葬撤肋耗舆镊脉颜潍培匣都钙恳霖轨夺项牧敲裙凤档京握橡懒塑年薄荤纸零坞矗采牟惨晨二奔悟吓款庄诲钾瞅减咳抡租拿蕉化懦龋铸专磨鉴嚣涂带炒覆真盼饥旧舶棚泉醇瑟业苛匆韦氨浩胆章呼猛庶艇庄窥架鬼箕健献散毯安愤碧院汛携刘每均淀棠帐钞网漆和推衷涌爹播孝爱粕奶羔遇泡规启厅坍掷坤争沥谐梧气龙蔷廓轮秋揖集畏抚睫侧脱米氨意厄步稼计期誓妥粉苫蛔轴仅溢恭酗布挑她骸旬枕匿纵债津真踊掏暖琳糠擎拍蜀猿聚怜石粉詹楔旺永廊洞陋坪吾归焚哀弓镁绘芍祸垢徒嫩汛追蒜突脖奎匀


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