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    六年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠20195-16人教版(无) 一般说来,“教师”概念之形成经历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋(唐初学者,四门博士)春秋谷梁传疏曰:“师者教人以不及,故谓师为师资也”。这儿的“师资”,其实就是先秦而后历代对教师的别称之一。韩非子也有云:“今有不才之子师长教之弗为变”其“师长”当然也指教师。这儿的“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但仍说不上是名副其实的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识的对象和本身明确的职责。 听力部分 其实,任何一门学科都离不开死记硬背,关键是记忆有技巧,“死记”之后会“活用”。不记住那些基础知识,怎么会向高层次进军?尤其是语文学科涉猎的范围很广,要真正提高学生的写作水平,单靠分析文章的写作技巧是远远不够的,必须从基础知识抓起,每天挤一点时间让学生“死记”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及丰富的词语、新颖的材料等。这样,就会在有限的时间、空间里给学生的脑海里注入无限的内容。日积月累,积少成多,从而收到水滴石穿,绳锯木断的功效。 一、听辨单词。每小题读两遍。 教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。 ( )1. A. please B. plane C. post office( )2. A. left B. right C. crossing( )3. A. bus B. bike C. by( )4. A. stop B. ship C. subway( )5. A. how B. what C. where ( )6. A. get to B. next to C. go to school( )7. A. on foot B. by sled C. by ferry( )8. A. How can I get to the cinema? B. How can I get there? C. How can we get there?( )9. A. Its behind the museum. B. Its next to the museum. C. Its neat the museum.( )10. A. Slow down and stop ! B. Stop and wait! C. Lets go !二、 听音判断正()误(x)。每小题读三遍 ( )16. Lets to straight and turn left at the bookstore.( )17. Stop and wait at a red light. ( )18. How can she get there from the bookstore?( )19. How can Sarah and John get to the science museum?( )20. Amy usually comes to school by taxi.三、听问句选答语。每小题读三遍。 ( )21. A. There is a pet hospital. B. Its near the post office. ( )22. A. Go straight and turn right at the park. B. OK. Lets go.( )23. A. She can take No. 29 bus over there. B. He can take No. 29 bus over there.( )24. A. I often walk to school. B. Thats good exercise. ( )25. A. Go at a green light. B. He goes by ship.笔试部分 1、 Read and write.读单词,写出每组不同类的单词,注意书写格式。 1. plane train subway 2. turn stop museum 3. traffic left right 4. museum shop park zoo 5. sir Mrs GPS 二、Read and choose.读一读,选择恰当的选项。 ( )1. I usually come to school_ foot. A. by B. on C. in( )2. Its _ the cinema. A. near B. next C. at( )3. How can we_ the Italian restaurant?A. go B. get C. get to( )4. How can I _ there?A. get B. go to C. get to ( )5. Lets _ straight and _ right _ the bookstore.A. go, turn, in B. get, turn, at C. go, turn, at三、情景配对。10分( )1.Where is the post office? ( )2. How can she get to the hospital? ( )3. Where does the girl want to go?( )4. How do you come to school? ( )5. Can you help me?A. Sometimes I come by bus. B. Sure. C. She wants to the science museum. D. Its next to the bookstore.E. Turn left at the post office.四、连词成句和模仿秀。 连词成句: 1. you how come to school (?)2. to I can get office the how post (?)3. is museum where science the (.)仿写句子 例:he/ often/ come/ by car He often comes by car.4. she/ usually/ go/ by bike5. Mrs Smith/ sometimes/ take/ the No. 25bus五、阅读理解。判断正()误(x)。 Amy: Excuse me. Can you help me?Mike: Sure.Amy: How can I get to the post office? Mike: Go straight from here. Then turn right at the cinema. Its next to the pet shop.Amy: Thanks.Mike: Oh, wait a minute. The bus is coming. You can take the No. 37 bus.Amy: I want to go by bike.Mike: Thats good exercise.( )1. Amy and Mike want to go to the post office.( )2. Go straight and turn left at the cinema.( )3. Amy can take a bus.( )4. Amy goes to the post office by bike. ( )5. The post office is next to the pet shop.六、书面表达。 用一般过去时,以“My last weekend为题写一篇短文。要求:语言规范,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯,书写工整,不少于6句话。第 4 页


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