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    牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Integrated skills and Study skills课时训练-文档资料.doc

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    牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Integrated skills and Study skills课时训练-文档资料.doc

    Unit 3 Integrated skills and Study skills课时训练观察内容的选择,我本着先静后动,由近及远的原则,有目的、有计划的先安排与幼儿生活接近的,能理解的观察内容。随机观察也是不可少的,是相当有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛虫等,孩子一边观察,一边提问,兴趣很浓。我提供的观察对象,注意形象逼真,色彩鲜明,大小适中,引导幼儿多角度多层面地进行观察,保证每个幼儿看得到,看得清。看得清才能说得正确。在观察过程中指导。我注意帮助幼儿学习正确的观察方法,即按顺序观察和抓住事物的不同特征重点观察,观察与说话相结合,在观察中积累词汇,理解词汇,如一次我抓住时机,引导幼儿观察雷雨,雷雨前天空急剧变化,乌云密布,我问幼儿乌云是什么样子的,有的孩子说:乌云像大海的波浪。有的孩子说“乌云跑得飞快。”我加以肯定说“这是乌云滚滚。”当幼儿看到闪电时,我告诉他“这叫电光闪闪。”接着幼儿听到雷声惊叫起来,我抓住时机说:“这就是雷声隆隆。”一会儿下起了大雨,我问:“雨下得怎样?”幼儿说大极了,我就舀一盆水往下一倒,作比较观察,让幼儿掌握“倾盆大雨”这个词。雨后,我又带幼儿观察晴朗的天空,朗诵自编的一首儿歌:“蓝天高,白云飘,鸟儿飞,树儿摇,太阳公公咪咪笑。”这样抓住特征见景生情,幼儿不仅印象深刻,对雷雨前后气象变化的词语学得快,记得牢,而且会应用。我还在观察的基础上,引导幼儿联想,让他们与以往学的词语、生活经验联系起来,在发展想象力中发展语言。如啄木鸟的嘴是长长的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像医生用的手术刀样,给大树开刀治病。通过联想,幼儿能够生动形象地描述观察对象。 完型填空死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生能力发展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为提高学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背”与提高学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是提高学生语文水平的重要前提和基础。 Dear Annie,宋以后,京师所设小学馆和武学堂中的教师称谓皆称之为“教谕”。至元明清之县学一律循之不变。明朝入选翰林院的进士之师称“教习”。到清末,学堂兴起,各科教师仍沿用“教习”一称。其实“教谕”在明清时还有学官一意,即主管县一级的教育生员。而相应府和州掌管教育生员者则谓“教授”和“学正”。“教授”“学正”和“教谕”的副手一律称“训导”。于民间,特别是汉代以后,对于在“校”或“学”中传授经学者也称为“经师”。在一些特定的讲学场合,比如书院、皇室,也称教师为“院长、西席、讲席”等。 Thank you for your letterI'm glad you like your schoolI go to school from Monday to FridayWe have four 1 in the morning and two in the afternoonWe have 2 to do after class 3 Monday and Thursday afternoon we 4 sportsOn Tuesday afternoon 5 of us have 6 singing classAnd on Thursday afternoon some have a 7 classOn Friday afternoon we practice 8 EnglishMy Chinese friends would like 9 with me in EnglishThey think I am like an English teacherIsn't it great?On Saturdays and Sundays I don't go to schoolVery often I go to the parks and have a good time 10 my family there( )1Aclasses Blesson Cclass Dgrade( )2Aanything Bany things Cmany thing Dmany things( )3ATo BIn COn DAt( )4Ahas Bhave Chaving Dto have( )5Aany Bone Csome Dthe other one( )6Aa Ban Cthe Dsome( )7Adraw Bdraws Cto draw Ddrawing( )8AspeakBspeaksCspeaking Dto speak( )9Atalk Btalks Cto talk Dtalking( )10Afor Bwith Cat Din阅读理解1.阅读短文,填写下面的表格:Dear Cindy,It's Thursday,October 12thI'm really busy today because I have classes all dayAt 8 o'clock I have EnglishI think English is interesting and I like it very muchThen at 900 I have scienceIt's difficult,but interestingNext at 1000,I have biologyIt's boring,but at 1100 I have musicThat's my favorite subject!I eat lunch at l200 and after that I have a rest(休息)!Classes begin at 200 in the afternoonI have Chinese and my Chinese teacher,Mr. Li,is really funWe all like himAll my classes finish(结束) at 300After class I with my friends practice English at our school English club for one hourYou know,now I am in the music club, tooThen I practice my guitar at 400 thereMy guitar teacher is very kind to meThat's my all day at schoolWhat a busy but interesting day! Love Rose _1_(day) _2_(date) TimeSubjects8:00_3_9:00_4_10:00_5_11:00_6_12:00_7_2:00_8_3:00_9_4:00_10_2.阅读理解A woman drives to work every day. She usually parks her car in the street outside her office. She got into her car and started driving home. Suddenly, she noticed a yellow van at her back. The driver was a man. When she turned left, the yellow van turned left. When she turned right, the yellow van turned right. When she stopped at the traffic lights, the yellow van stopped behind her. She was afraid so she drove quickly to our police station. She was very surprised when she saw the van stop behind her. At that time, I was standing outside the police station. The woman was very happy to see me. She knew that I was a policeman because I was wearing a police uniform. She jumped out of her car quickly and ran to me. She asked e to arrest the an inside the van so I walked towards the man. The man didnt try to escape when he saw me. He just smiled and said to the woman, “ I want to give this purse back to you, madam. I think you dropped it on the street.”( )1. Where was the woman driving when she saw the man? A. Her office B. Her home C. The airport D. The station( ) 2. What kind of car does the man drive? A. A truck B. A bus C. A van D. A taxi( ) 3. Where did the woman decide to go after stopping at the traffic lights? A. The police station B. The womans home C. The policemans home D. Her office( ) 4. What did the man do when the policeman walked towards him? A. He was surprised and left B. He drove quickly to the police station. C. He was afraid and escaped D. He talked to the woman( ) 5. What does “ arrest” mean in Chinese? A. 追赶 B 逮捕 C 逃跑 D盘问书面表达假如你是韩梅梅,请根据汉语提示给你的好朋友莉莉写一封信,谈谈你在学校里一天的生活。要求:书写规范,格式是正确,字数在七十词左右。中文提示:今天是11月12日,星期三。是一个非常繁忙的日子。你上了数学、英语、音乐和美术课。你喜欢音乐课。中午在学校吃午饭,饭后还进行了体育活动。今天过得很有意义。完型 1-5 ADCBC 6-10 ADCCB阅读1.Tuesday 2.October 12th 3. English 4. science 5.biology 6. music 7.7.lunch 8.Chinese 9. English 10.guitar1-5 BCADB书面表达. One possible version:Dear Lily,It is Wednesday, November 12 today. It is a busy day. I have math, English, music and art. I have math at eight oclock. I dont like math, but I like English. English is my favorite subject. I like my English teacherBecause he is very strict and fun. At 10:30,I have music. Music is very relaxing. I have lunch at 12:00 at school. After lunch I play games with my classmates. I go home at four oclock in the afternoon. I m very tired but I think it is an interesting day.Please write and tell me about your day. Love, Han Meimei第 3 页


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