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    Learning Motivation and English Teaching in Junior High SchoolBy康盼盼A thesis submitted to Xian University of Finance & Economics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of ArtsUnder the Supervision ofEnglish 0901 Foreign Languages DepartmentXian University of Finance & EconomicsMay 2013Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Zhu Ning, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of thisthesis. Without his enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my thesis. His keen and vigorous academic observation enlightens me not only in this thesis but also in my future study. I shall extend my thanks to Mrs. Zhu for all her kindness and help. I would also like to thank all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to the teachers and students from Junior Middle School who participated this study with great cooperation. Last but not least, I' d like to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.Learning Motivation and English Teaching in Junior High SchoolAbstract Motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of human behaviour. It can been seen by every person that learning motivation plays an important role in learning English in the conrse of leaning English , students with strong motivation can always make good achievements while students without intrinsic motivation are often lose in English learning. Undoubtedly, motivation is a key factor to study English successfully. In this paper I will talk something about motivation . It involves definitions of motivation ,classification of motivation and some major motivation theories that are useful for Junior high school studentsAnd well all know that English leaning is a very complex process of acquisition . Then I conducted a survey to research the relationship between motivation and English teaching in Junior high school and provide some suggestions on how to promote and enhance studentsmotivation to make them learn foreign language with higher efficiencyKeyword: Learning motivation , Middle school students, English learning, English teaching从学习动机论初中英语教学内 容 摘 要 动机,在心理学上一般被认为涉及行为的发端、方向、强度和持续性 。我们可以看到动机在英语学习中起着至关重要的作用,在英语学习中有着强烈的学习动机的学生总能取得好成绩,而那些没有内在的学习动机的学生往往在英语学习中很难成功。由此可见,学习动机是学习英语成功的关键所在。在本文中,我将就学习动机展开深入分析。它涉及到动机的定义,动机的分类和一些主要的与当代中学生相关的动机方面的理论.大家都知道,英文学习是一个非常复杂的过程。为了深入分析动机与中学英语学习的关系,我就此在#中学展开了一项调查,并根据此次调查的结果提供一些激发和加强学生学习兴趣的策略的方法,使他们更有效的掌握英语知识。关键词: 学习动机 初中生 英语学习 英语教学Contents 1. Introduction . 1 2. Theoretical Speculations on Motivation . 1 2.1 What Is Motivation . 1 2.2 Types of Motivation . 2 2.2.1 Integrative and Instrumental Motivation . 2 2.2.2: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation . 2 2.2.3 Other Types of Motivation . 3 2.3 Motivation in foreign language learning . 3 2.3.1 Gardner's Social-educational Model . 3 2.3.2 Dornyei's Three-level Categorization . 4 2.4 Relevant Theories of Motivation . 5 2.4.1 Need Theories . 5 Hierarchy of Need . 5 Need for Achievement . 5 2.4.2 Attribution Theory . 6 2.4.3 Goal-setting Theory . 6 2.4.4 Expectancy-Value Theory . 7 2.5 Function of Motivation in English Learning . 7 3. A Investigation on English Learning Motivation in Junior High School . 7 3.1 The Aim of The Investigation . 8 3.2 The Investigation Questions . 8 3.2.1: Motivatin investigation questions . 9 3.2.2 : Attribution investigation questions . 9 3.3 The Subjects of The Investigation . 9 3.4 The Procedures of The Investigation .10 3.5 The Result of The Investigation .11 3.6 The Discussion and Correlation Analysis of The Investigation .13 4. Inspirations for English Teaching in Senior High School .13 4.1 To improve students extrinsic motivation . 13 4.1.1 To make good use of the praise .14 4.1.2 To make use of students' interest . 14 4.1.3 To built a good relationship with your students .14 4.1.4 To create a good learning environment .14 4.2 To Improve Students' Intrinsic Motivation .15 4.2.1 To make students have a conviction .15 4.2.2 To enhance students self-confidence .15 4.2.3 To enhance interest of students .15 4.2.4 To evoke a competition among students .15 5. Conclusion .16Learning Motivation and English Teaching in Junior High School1: Introduction With further development of globalization and the reform and opening-up process in China, nowadays more and more people become fascinated about learning a foreign language. As we all know English is an international language and a lot of countries use English as their official language such as England, Canada and American. There are so many people learn English it is gradually becoming a kind of trend. So in a lot of high school teachers do their best to impart knowledge to students and give students many assignments as exercise to make them proficient. Student do their best to finish the school assignments too. But the result that they strive to get cannot make people satisfied. Still many students are not able to acquire the skills the need to communicate. What is the problem then ? In my view the reason is that students think of learning English as a task , they do not have a strong learning motivation and they didn't study English on their own initiative. It is said that motivation accounts for everything. Motivation determines the degree of effort students put into English learning . In fact , the more motivation they have the more effort they put into learning English until they succeed. Form this point of view , there is no doubt that motivation is one of the most important factors in the field of English learning as well as in our lives. Therefore , English teachers should pay more attention to the students' motivation . So this paper will discuss as a English teacher in junior high school how to improve students' learning motivation to make them learn English with higher efficiency.2: Theoretical Speculations on Motivation 2.1: What Is Motivation The word motivation is coined from the Latin word ''movere" which means to move. Motivation is of particular interest to educational psychologists because of the crucial role it plays in students learning. Corder's phrase "Given motivation , anyone can learn a language " implicates the importance of motivation in language learning. According to Geen motivation refers to the initiation , direction , intensity and persistence of human behaviour . Richard E. Mayer defines motivation as "motivation is an internal state that initiates and maintains goal-directed behaviour " and he believes " when the learner's motivation is intrinsic it come from within when motivation is extrinsic it is imposed on the learner from the outside." According to H.Douglas Brown (1987:114) Motivation is commonly thought of as an inner drive , impulse , emotion , or desire that moves one to a particular . It is an important factor tin explaining individual differences in the success or failure of English learning . While Cardner (1985:10) hold that motivation is a combination of " Effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitudes toward learning the language " Ausubel proposes six folds concept of motivation . Which come from desires or needs of human organisms: the need for exploration , the need for manipulation , the need for activity , the need for stimulation , the need for knowledge and the need for ego enhancement . Maslow also listed hierarchical human needs which are possible factors in account for motivation. All the needs above contribute in stimulating learners and thus impel them to the fulfilment of needs in learning . In a similar vein Ellis defines motivation as the effort which learners put into learning a second language as a result of their need or desire to learn it( Ellis , 1994) . According to Dornyei , motivation "refers to a process whereby a certain a mount of instruction forces arises to initiate action and persists as long as no other force comes into play to weaken it and thereby terminates action or until the planned outcome had bee reached ". (Dornyei, 1994). For Brophy , motivation is " a theoretical construct used to explain the initiation , direction , intensity , and persistence of behaviour , especially goal-directed behaviour " (Brophy , 1998, 3 ) Whereas for Pintrichand Schunk " motivation is the process whereby goal-directed activity is instigated and sustained . Motivation is a process rather than a product . As a process we do not observe motivation directly but we infer it from such behaviours as choice of tasks , effort , persistence , or verbalization " (c.f. Pintrich & Schunk 1996 : 4) It is hard to say which definition is the best and the most appropriate . But they also have some point in common . They all show that motivation is responsible for why people decide to do something , how long they will sustain their activities and how hard they are going to pursue it . 2.2: Types of Motivation 2.2.1: Integrative and Instrumental Motivation The intimate knowledge about the types of motivation might be able to help teachers conduct well arranged language teaching . According to Gardner and Lambert (1972, cited in Lilietal , 2005, 208 ) motivation is divided into two types : instrumental motivation and integrative motivation . Integrative motivation refers to a desire to learn the language in order to integrative with the target language community . However , instrumental motivation ( Ellis , 2000,75 ) refers to language learning for some functional reasons , such as pass an examination , to get a better job or get a higher salary . In Lambert and Gardner ' earlier papers , it was originally held that integrative motivation was better than instrumental motivation . But Ellis (1999,118) in his book said that "in certain situations an integrative motivation may be more powerful in facilitating second or foreign language learning , but in other situations instrumental motivation may accounts more." 2.2.2: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Crookes and Schmidt (1989) made a division between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation . With intrinsic motivation the source of the motivation is internal . There is no need to provide an external reward to motivate , because the reward comes from satisfying an internal need. In the case of a learning situation it can come from a keen interest in the subject , or it may come from a love of learning in general . As Eggen and Kauchak (2005, 350 ) said that :" Intrinsic motivation is the motivation is the motivation to be involved in an activity for its own sake , the joy of doing a particular activity or satisfying one's curiosity . Intrinsically motivated learners study because they want to understand the content and they view learning as a worthwhile in itself " Extrinsic motivation means that the source of the motivation is external to the student and the task. If a student is not particularly interested in the subject at hand he or she has no reason to put effort into learning about it . However , it's possible to motivated that student by offering an extrinsic reward , such as a gold star , a word of praise , or some tickets to the baseball game and so on .


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