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    Module 11. 他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。He _ _his raincoat and takes out the key.2. 他因为生病没来上学。He didnt go to school _ _ his illness.3. 他们已经成功登上了泰山。They have _ _ _the Mount Tai.4. 房间里充满了烟。The room is _ _ smoke.5. 只要有生命,就有希望。_ _ _ there is life,there is hope.Module21. 请站成一排。Please stand _ _ _.2. 我们的老师正在检查哪些学生缺席了。Our teacher is checking which students _ _now.3. 在这所学校,有些人学习法语而不是英语。Some people in this school study French _ _English.4.-你父亲怎么样? -他很友好。 -_your father _? -Hes very friendly.5.让我们等到他回来。Lets wait _he _back.Module31.Remember to _ _ ! She is a bit deaf now.记得说话大点儿声,她现在有点儿耳背了。2.looking after us was _ _ a full-time job.照料我们比做一份全职工作还要辛苦。3._ _, I think life is better today.总的来说,我认为今天的生活更好了。4.But people dont take as much exercise as they _ _.但是人们不像过去做那么多锻炼了。Module41._ _ ! Ill lead the way.走吧!我来带路。2.the _ _ us were tired after walking for about eight hours.步行了大约八个小时之后,我们三个人都很累。3.Suddenly, I saw a baby bear _ _ some sticks and stones 突然间,我看到一只小熊在玩树枝和石头。4.Before we _ _, there are a few rules and suggestions for you.在我们出发之前,我要给你们讲几条规则和建议5.You mustnt _ _ on your won.你们一定不要独自走开6.We soon _ _.我们很快就睡着了。7. I remember thinking, “If I _ _, I can just touch him.”我现在还记得当时在想:“我要是伸出手的话,就能摸着它。”8.For the next ten days,_ _ there was a sudden noise, my blood went cold.之后的十六年,每当听到突然的声响,我都会心惊胆战。Revision A1.When I got back home. I _ the card _ the meter and the electricity started working again.我回家把电卡插进了电表里,电就来了。2.British eating habits are _ _ those in China.英国人的饮食习惯与中国人是不一样的。3.If you _ _ the Huangpu River, you can see the beautiful oriental pearl Tower. 如果你向黄浦江对岸望去,你就可以看见东方明珠塔。4.If you are in Shanghai for the first time, _ _ you visit Xintiandi.如果你第一次来到上海,一定要看看新天地。5.It was the first time she had _ _ from her family. 这是他第一次远离家人。Module51. 他们一会儿就会赶上来的。Theyll_ _ in a few minutes.2. 在他跑下台阶时,他摔倒了。He _ _ when he was running down the steps.3. 我们不得不取消行程并回家了。We have to _ _ the walk and _ _ home.4. 由于更好的医疗保健,大多数人生活得更健康、更长寿。_ _ better _ _, most people are having healthier and longer lives.5. 远离沙发! _ _ the sofa!6. 为了保持健康,你不得不每天至少走10,000步。To _ _, you have to walk _ _ 10,000 steps every day.7. 如果担心一些事情,就跟你的父母或老师沟通。If you are _ _ something, _ _ your parents or your teacher.Module61. 事实上,我被选去播放舞曲。_ _, I was chosen to play the dance music.2. 我们可以在学校的厨房加热。We can _ it _ in the school kitchen.3. 汤是没用的。 Soups _ _ then.4. 你或许需要了解西方共同就餐的一些常识。You may need to _ _ eating together in the west.5. 在英语中没有类似的说法。There is nothing _ _ say in English.6. 你随便吃点蛋糕吧!_ _ to some cakes.Module7-81.尽管我的英语口语不是那么好。Although my is not that good.2.越来越多的欧洲学校在教一些欧洲语言的同时,也教授中文这门外语。 and schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreigh language, some European languages. 3.托尼,你打算在中国待很长时间吗?Do you stay in china , Tony?4.我将白玫瑰献给我的老师们,他们教我(明白了)不努力就不会成功(的道理)。I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is success effort. 5.如果你放弃,你才真的失败了。You only really lose if you .6.我醒来发现床边放着一把漂亮的小提琴。I to find a beautiful violin at my bedside.7.但是他们并不是在嘲笑我。But they were not me.8.现在我仍然跑的不够快,但我学会了要尽力争取。I still cant run ,but Ive learnt to my .Revision B1.They just start doing their jobs _ _.他们只是偶然地开始做了自己的工作。2.After university, she _ _ of animals health for several years.大学毕业后,她做了几年照顾动物健康的工作。3.He made up his mind to study science, maths and computers so that he could _ _ the world of robot engineering.他决心研究科学,数学和计算机,以便在自动机械学的世界有所突破。4.The UK is _ _ of a group of islands.联合王国是由一群岛屿构成的。 参考答案M1- 1、takes off 2、because of 3、succeeded in climbing 4、full of 5、As long asM2- 1、in a row 2、are absent 3、instead of 4、Whats , like 5、until ,comesM3-1.speak up 2.more than 3.Generally speaking 4.used to M4-1.Come on 2.three of 3.playing with 4.set off 5.go off 6.fell asleep 7.reach out 8.every timeRA-1. put into 2. different from 3. look across 4. make sure 5. stayed awayM5-1.catch up 2.fell over 3. call off go back 4. Thanks to health care 5.Get off 6. keep fit at least 7. worried about talk toM6-1. In fact 2. heat up 3. no good 4. know about 5.similar to 6. Help yourself M7-8-1.spoken English 2.More more , together with 3.intend to ,for long 4.no without 5.give up 6.woke up 7.laughing at 8.fast enough , try best.RB-1. by accident 2. took care 3. break into 4. made up


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