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    单元过关检测 Unit10 Id like some noodles. (60分)I单项选择(10分)1.-what size shoes do you want? - _. A. big shoes B. Size 36 C. 36 size 2. The mapo tofu with rice _ only 1.5 yuan. A. is B. are C. for 3. You can ask the teacher _ you dont know the homework. A. but B. if C. so4. There are _girls on the playground. _ them is 200. A.a number of, A number of B.the number of , A number of C.a number of, The number of5. Would you like _ orange juice? A. any B. many C. some 6. Some chicken _ in the bowl. And some eggs _ on the table. A. is, is B. are, is C. is, are7. Id like some _ and _. A. salad, tomatoes B. potatos, bananas C. porridge, vegetable8. Julie would like _ TV. A. to watch B. watch C. watching9. Is there any chicken _ the noodles? A. with B. of C. in10. Would you like a cup of tea? - _. A. Yes, please. B. No, please. C. Yes, I wouldII.完形填空(10分) Theres a noodle house near our school. It sells many kinds of _1_. It isnt very large but pretty _2_. I often _3_ noodles there because the noodles are _4_ and cheap(便宜的). I sometimes eat beef noodles and _5_ eat tomato and egg noodles. These two are _6_ favorite. Today I go to _7_ noodle house with my cousin. Usually a medium bowl is enough(足够的) for me. But Im very _8_ today, so Id like a large bowl. I eat a _9_ bowl of beef noodles. It is _10_ 5RMB!1.A. dumplings B. noodles C. fruit D. vegetables2.A. clean B. dirty C. big D. great3.A. cook B. drink C. have D. sell4.A. bad B. nice C. hot D. cold5.A. always B. sometimes C. never D. often6.A. their B. our C. his D. my 7.A. / B. a C. an D. the8.A. popular B. friendly C. tired D. hungry9.A. large B. medium C. small D. short10.A. also B. around C. for D. justIII.句型转换(5分) 根据要求改写句子,一空一词。1. They like fish and onions.(改为否定句) They _ like fish _ onions.2. Id like beef noodles.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ noodles would you like?3. We must drink eight glasses of water every day.(对划线部分提问) _ _ water must we drink every day?4. There are some dumplings in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ dumplings in the fridge?5. My sister wants something to drink.(改为同义句) My sister _ _ something to drink.IV. 补全对话 一空一词(10分)A: Can I help you?B: _, please. Tomorrow is my fathers birthday. I want to _ a birthday cake _ him.A: What _ would you like?B: A large _, please.A: What would you like to write _ it? B: Please write “Happy Birthday _ Father.”A: OK. _ your phone number?B: _ 891-5568.A: _ your address?B: 16 Jie Fang Street.V. 根据汉语完成句子(5分)1.你穿多大码的鞋? _ _ shoes do you wear?2.你喝茶还是果汁? Would you like _ _ _?3.我中午吃了一大碗米饭。 I had a _ _ _ rice _ lunch.4.他不喜欢喝茶喝牛奶。 He _ like to drink tea _ coffee.5.我希望我的愿望能够实现。 I hope that my wish can _ _.VI. 根据句意及首字母提示填空完成短文。(10分) In many countries, people have birthday cakes w_ candies. The number of candles is the persons a_. The birthday person must make a w_ and blow out. If he or she blows out all the candles in one g_, the wish will come true. In the UK, people sometimes p_ a candy in a birthday cake. The child with the candy I l_. In China, it is getting p_ to have cake on your birthday. But many people still eat very long noodles for their birthday. They never cut u_ the noodles because the long noodles are a s_ of long life. In some places, Chinese people also eat eggs on their birthday. They are symbol of life and good l_.VII. 书面表达(10分)根据表格内容写一篇60词左右的短文来描述一下你一日三餐的饮食情况。NameWang Hui Breakfast an egg, a large bowl of noodlesLunch rice with vegetables, meatsometimes: dumplingsDinner not much, porridge and an appleFavorite foodnoodles_


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