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    Unit 6 Im going to study computer science第四课时 Section B 1a-1e一、单项选择( )1I would like to to be a(n) _ because I like playing computer games.A. actor B. teacher C. programmer D.pilot( )2. Jack is only three . He is _ young _ go to school.A. so that B.too to C. to too D.very to( )3.-You look a little heavy. -Yes, and I _ more fruit and less meat to lose weight(减肥)。A. am going to have B. have C. had to D. am having ( )4.He is always talking _ in class. Please tell him to stop. A. little B. a little C. a lot D. lots of ( )5.Remember _ some books to me. A. to bring B. take C. to take D. bring二、 完成句子。1.Our school is going to _( 组建足球队) next month. 2.Jack is going to work hard and _(取得好成绩) this term.3.-What do I have to do to be in good health? -You should _( 吃更健康的食品).4.-When are you going to _(上吉他课)? -Im not sure yet. Maybe next Sunday.5.Though my uncle can speak two languages, he is going to_( 再学一门外语).第五课时 Section B (2a2b)一、根据句意及首字母完成单词。1. Please come to my office tomorrow morning to d_ our new plan.2. Can you tell me some ways to help me i_ my English? 3. Running every morning is good for our p_ health.4. You should finish your s_ by yourself.5. Whats the m_ of the word?6. Tom often makes p_ to his parents.二、单项选择。7. This term, our English teacher gives us _ tests on Friday afternoonA. week B. weeks C. weekly D. weekends8. -Whats your _?- I like listening to music. A. job B. age C. hobby D. fun9. I guess Peter and his sister enjoyed _ at the dancing party. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. themselves 10. Let me _ your phone number and Ill call you when Im free. A. cut down B. turn down C. write down D. look down三、根据汉语提示完成句子。11. 现在他能够说两种外国语言。He _ _ _ speak two foreign languages now.12. 在下个月月初,我将去北京。 _ _ _ _ next month, Im going to Beijing.13.这些书跟他的工作没有关系。These books _ nothing _ _ _ his work.第六课时(2c-2e)一、 单项选择。1.- I think drinking milk is good _ our health.- Yes, I agree _ you.A. to, to B. with, to C. at, with D. for, with2.I dont think the best resolution is _ no resolutions.A. have B. having C. to have D. to has3. It rained heavily, so we _ stay at home watching TV or going online all day.A. could B. are able to C. had to D. must4.My father often _ a resolution to stop _.A.make, drinking B.makes, drink C.make,drink D. makes, drinking5.-Where are you going to work when you grow up? -_.A.Thats a good idea. B. Me, too.C. Im not sure yet. D. I want to be a teacher.二、根据课文内容完成下面的短文。 A resolution is a kind of p_. The start of the year is often a time for m_ resolutions. Some people w_ down them and plan for the coming year. There are different k of resolutions. Some are about p_ health. Some are about t_ up a hobby like painting or dancing. But one thing is in common. People hardly ever k_ resolutions. Sometimes because theyre too d_ to keep. Or people just f_ about them. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to h_ no resolutions第七课时(3a-3c)一、补全对话。A: New year is coming, do you have some plans?B: _1_, so Im going to eat healthier food, eat less junk food.A: Do you like playing sports?B: Of course. _2_.A: Are you going to take up a new hobby?B: Oh, yes. _3_. And I decide to take the piano lessons four times a week.A: That sounds good. _4_?B: Im going to work harder at schoolwork to get better grades.A: How are you going to do?B: _5_. I think it can improve my grades a lot.u A: I exercise at least one hour every day.u B: I plan to read more books in my free time.u C: I want to be healthier.u D: I would like to learn to play the piano.u E: How about your schoolwork?二、根据上面补全对话的内容,补全下面的短文。Here are Toms New Years resolutions. First, he wants to be healthier, so _1_, eat less junk food and _2_. Then he plans to make a football team. And he is going to take up a new hobby. He _3_. He decides to _4_. Finally, he is going to work harder at schoolwork to get better grades. He _5_. He thinks _6_.三、书面表达。 假如你是Mark,你打算向某英文杂志投稿,谈谈你决心要做的事情。要求:写清楚决心或计划是什么?为什么?以及怎样实现?文体通畅,字数不少于70词。 _第八课时 Self-check一、按要求完成下列句子。1. Selina is going to be a pianist.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Selina going to _?2. How are you doing that?(改为同义句)How are you _ _ _ that?3. The boys are going to play basketball this Sunday.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ the boys _ to play basketball this Sunday?No, _ _.4. He is going to visit the new teaching building.(改为否定句)He _ _ to visit the new teaching building.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。5. Linda studies English _(real) hard. She wants to be an English teacher.6. You can have your own _(person) idea about this question.7. John is going to be a doctor when he _(grow) up.8. He wants a room of _(he) own.三、根据汉语提示完成句子。9. Many resolutions _(和自我提高有关)10. The government built many roads to (提高人们的生活水平)11. Tom is this Sunday.(打算练习弹吉他)


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