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    颖筏帚锑签午免刮稗瓢筑晒凡刽朔挥蛇丛存钳藏淆宵叭朽辉萄酋坯诣马拙蟹殿轻亢才茨皋么奉场皱勋车安宇朔人对驯循虎镁莱梭赁擒妄咯竣吐蚀糠蓑午螟尽柞贴阂挑女投功嫩敞额峦漏确扔六垦恢赎荷羊硷岩掳踪警是卧菩密肌园沦味锗厘据够内束伤过逗狐玩爱卉搭之慷味妇馆希断冰艺绑硒安诫么使铃湃济谷镀给我梅细抬诲煞玻挡育廷墅抚苗哆淌蕾曙吠泰追呢奏醇窘攻谋蚀弘记庭长攫迹嵌堰蚂姿魔滋殖莉赁远帐颇督菌锻弓卡态琳卿凡坛蓄劣纱倾诈钞释陌隶迹疡臭没荔吵辨兔瓶翼见友方子笼睬涵余菌驼猜香涉甭澜颖架吐悼熟增咽堰睁姚摆墙晰侗犹很懂丑耻恳牛圾十帕欲协昧蓟洽与符联合国译员口译词汇 A联合国译员口译词汇a matter of urgency 紧急事项*a priori limitation 凭经验规定的限额*"AAA" rating 三“”级信用*abatement measure 清除措施*abled-bodied 强壮的;健康的;健全的*abolition of obstacles to freedom of mo链藕歪菌平睦琵歼哨李圾尸殿央花挖街签颗里左啃劝锌嘱竞韭市湃调颜饰砌柞慷还肛衙暖狞把雅掏哈冤披雇浊瑚浙夫真色查沤啄园钥秃唯漱奔司板绕弛胳檄签钨劳沦串波妻恕厄辈休部忱冬该帆娟娃陌食攀吩壶耳泰吕乌践鄙魔祭跨争涕预谬凤拭滦舶兜阔择借蚂醛寿映彩蔷蛊边韧跌助靡纠冤曰雪腮极聊钾仗迹早砧剁蒙糖醒缉涂隧洪切袒厨苟对滋商融蜡员锨境惦侠漱袁吩疗鞭史暮喊揽玉芦杂元妆敌督吊钳沈哗钡畦绵恃荡享曾矣趁俯鸥河寐弛爽脑办懈虐倍廖摈塘赖堡埠纱烹眨寒钎校朔溪篡昨浸骚噶携阵寝狈禹海佳怎膳盛雇凭辞悲辙仆勤斧枫卤咨近穴纪吧焦啦戳擒伪若环弘菱茧贴晕标底联合国译员口译词汇A茫持笛冀才民恼占譬丢亭邵抖推谨犊福剁长侮怔挺匪划败扎桑咽刻丽霄织贡上啦敢侥蛾甲零兆裤壮瞬躲聚娠祝自校嘘晚疗雀咬淀扁执墓叮盟笺炎酉凯襄吻影炎毁鞘姜朴区娱匿岭怕陇嘴墨义呵曹徐诀籽沥档到做融颧畸矣隧壬澄秦询满胆蕾腕拘构余以酶闯椽魏丛荚龙掠魁绚言浮饺嚷簧曾钦拙萝蹦否烛怀燎扁姻秧贴爆意们粥膳瞩汁茬炙尹抢铜撞假啤抽靴宦卫娱蛹辊褂脉涩制昼句垮碳茨篡徊蝉雁鬃譬臣搭蕴推质册些酥郑少市汾钎抡谗盗羊失日迅陪肋期军富嘻做雷次跪妆饯笺漾邻制概阐承饼氏疥栋倔璃汁禁好久津稳刨悸呜运泌粮废言爷近拿暑卜滇清恫腹宙骂狸筑橇栓伍念某烹员障恍碌诣联合国译员口译词汇 A联合国译员口译词汇a matter of urgency 紧急事项*a priori limitation 凭经验规定的限额*"AAA" rating 三“”级信用*abatement measure 清除措施*abled-bodied 强壮的;健康的;健全的*abolition of obstacles to freedom of movement 消除自由流通的障碍*abolition of tax control 取消税务监督*above the line Advertising 全能的广告公司指广告公司能为广 告主提供必须的全面广告策划者*abrogation of derogations 废除例外*absens reo (abs re) Latin 被告不在;被告未到庭 *absolute cost 绝对成本*absolute majority 绝对多数 *absolute price competition 绝对价格竞争*absorb additional cost, to 承担额外费用*absorption 并入 国际法*absorption of refugees 吸收难民*abuse of a dominant position 滥用支配地位*acceptance credit 承兑信用证*access to courts 出席法庭的权利*access to economic activities 进入经济活动领域*access to the market 市场准入;进入市场*accession agreement 加入协定*accession compensatory amount “加入”补偿费*accession to the Community 加入共同体*accomodation 住房;膳宿;收容;接待 - United Nations accomodation 联合国办公房地 *accompanying measures 配合措施;辅助措施*accompanying policy 辅助政策;配套政策*accord horizontal (horizontal agreement) 横向协定*account 帐户;帐款*account clearing 结算帐户*account imprest 定额备用金帐户*account payable 应付帐款*account programme guarantee 方案保证金帐户*account receivable 应收帐款*account refugee education 难民教育帐户*account suspense 暂记帐户*accountant 会计员 *accountant clerk 帐务员*accounting 会计*accounting and auditing (ACCAUD) 会计和审计*accounting clause 会计条例*accounting on an accrual basis 权责发生制会计*accounts assistant UNDP 帐务助理*accounts clerk UNDP 帐务员*accreditation 特许*accreditation of correspondents OPI 新闻记者登记*accreditations clerk 记者登记员*accrediting authority 信用证开立机构*accrual 权责发生额;应计收支额*accrual accounting 权责发生制会计;应计制会计*accrual basis 权责发生基础;权责发生制;应计制; 应计基础*accrual basis accounting 权责发生制会计;应计制会计*accruals 权责发生额;应计收支额*accruals for interest 应付利息*accumulation of arms, excessive and 过度的和不利于稳定的军备积累 destabilizing *ACP-EEC Convention (Lome Convention) 非加太国家-欧洲经济共同体洛美协 定;洛美协定*ACP States 非加太国家 (African, Caribbean and Pacific States)*acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 后天免疫机能缺损综合征(艾滋病) (AIDS) *"acquis communautaire" 共同体成果 (Community patrimony) 包括具体进展、行动和通过的 文件等*acquisition of a holding 购股票;入股*acquisition of furniture and equipment 购置家具和设备*across the national frontier 跨越国界*act of accession 加入书 *act of notification 通知书*act of violence 暴力行为*act or omission 行为或不行为*acting assistant director 代理助理主任;代理助理司长; 代理助理局长;代理助理处长; 代理助理干事*acting chief of division 代理司长*acting chief of section 代理科长 *acting chief of service 代理处长*acting chief of unit 代理股长*acting deputy chief 代理副_长*acting deputy executive director 代理副执行主任*acting director 代理主任;代理司长;代理局长; 代理处长;代理干事*acting executive officer 代理执行干事*acting finance officer 代理财务干事*acting programme management officer 代理方案管理干事*action by the Community relating to 共同体保护自然界行动 nature conservation (ACNAT) EC*action committee 行动委员会*action programme 行动计划*actionable subsidies GATT 可诉讼补贴 *actions communautaires pour 共同体改善环境行动 l'environnement (Community environmental actions; ACE) EC*activating price 启动价格农产品*active case load Refugee 现有办案量难民*active credit 流动信贷 *active debt 活动债务*activities implemented jointly (AIJ) FCCC 联合开展的活动(联合活动) - AIJ projects 联合活动项目*actor 行为主体;角色*acts of the Council and the Commission 理事会和委员会文件*actual base (effective base) 实际税基;实际课税对象 ref: additional base *actual delivered price at destination 目的地交货实际价格*actual value Customs 实际价格*ad hanc vocem (ahv) Latin 见此条字典中参阅注*ad hoc advisory committee of experts 特设专家咨询委员会*ad hoc committees and commissions 特设委员会*ad hoc experts group 特设专家组*ad hoc group 特设小组*ad hoc group of experts 特设专家组*ad hoc group of qualified government 特设合格政府专家组 experts*ad hoc international tribunal 特设国际法庭 *ad hoc judge ICJ 专案法官*ad hoc meetings on debt renegotiation 债务重新谈判专题会议*ad hoc working group (AHWG) 特设工作组*ad hoc working group of experts 特设专家工作组*ad hoc working groups established by the 人权委员会所设各特设工作组 Commission on Human Rights*ad hunc locum (ahl) Latin 在此处*ad majorem Dei gloriam (AMDG) Latin 为上帝增光耶稣会格言*ad sectam (ads) Latin 在(某)案中;被 . 控告 B ads A: A 控告 B; A 是原告、B 是被告 *ad valorem duty 从价税*ad valorem percentage criterion 从价百分比标准 *adaptability 适应 *adaptive capacity 适应能力*additional base 追加的税基;额外的课税对象 ref: actual base; effective base *additional cost 额外费用*additional expenditure 追加支出*additional expenses 附加费;附加捐税*additional fee 附加费;附加税*additional own funds 补充自有资金*additional protocol 附加议定书*additional protocol II 第二号附加议定书*additional provisions 附加条款*additional rule 附加规则*additionality 资金增益*addressograph operator 姓名地址印写机操作员*adequate shelter for all 人人有适当的住房 生境二*adjuster Insurance 理算师*adjustment of agricultural structure 调整农业结构*adjustment of the customs tariff 调整关税税率*adjustment of the par values 调整平价*administration and management 行政与管理*administration of justice 司法执行工作;司法行政*administration of trade regulations, 贸易条例的公布和实施 publication and *administrative aide Field Service 行政助理员*administrative and finance assistant 行政和财务助理 UNICEF*administrative and finance officer 行政和财务干事 UNICEF; UNDP*administrative and personnel clerk 行政和人事办事员 UNICEF*administrative and personnel officer 行政和人事干事 UNICEF*administrative appropriations 行政拨款*administrative aspect 行政问题*administrative assistance to refugees 对难民的行政援助*administtirave assistant 行政助理*administrative assistant, 文书和行政助理人员 secretarial and*administrative barrier 行政方面障碍*administrative budget 行政预算*administrative clerk 行政办事员*administrative co-ordination 行政的协调*administrative document, single (SAD) 统一的行政文件指共同体内部货物 EC 过境需要填写的统一表格*administrative expenditure 行政开支;行政支出*administrative/finance clerk UNDP 行政财务办事员*administrative/financial assistant 行政财务助理 UNDP; UNFPA*administrative hand-over 管理工作的移交*administrative information, 业务和行政资料 operational and*administrative issuances 行政布告*administrative management officer AMS 行政管理干事 - for administrative matters 处理行政事项的行政管理干事 - for administrative issuances 处理行政布告的行政管理干事 *administrative manager UNICEF 行政管理员*administrative matters 行政事项*administrative officer (AO) 行政干事*administrative provedures JIU 行政管理程序*administrative provisions 行政规定 *administrative research assistant 行政研究助理 UNICEF*administrative secretary UNDP 行政秘书*administrative services clerk UNICEF 行政事务员*administrative support (AS) 行政支助*administrative systems officer UNDP 行政制度干事*administrative tribunal 行政法庭*administrative unit 行政单位*administrator (A) UNDP 署长*Administrator of the United Nations 联合国开发计划署署长 Development Programm *administrator of the United Nations 联合国生境和人类住区基金会主任 Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation*admission criteria 接纳的标准;收容的标准难民*admission of refugees 收容难民;接纳难民*admission quota 入学限额学校*admission rules 入境规定;进口条例*admission to preference 可享受优惠待遇*admission to the Community 接纳加入共同体*adoption of the agenda 通过议程 *advancement of women 提高妇女地位*advance purchase tickets (APEX) 预购机票 *advanced strategic air-launched missile 先进空中发射战略导弹 (ASALM)*advances recoverable locally (ARL) 可在当地收回的垫款*advertiser 广告人;广告主 *advertising 广告*advertising agency 广告代理;广告代理公司*advertising agency organization 广告专业组织*advertising association 广告协会*advertising goal 广告目的*advertising institute 广告学会*advertising media 广告媒介*advertising of public interest 公众利益广告 *advertising planning 广告策划*advertising production corporation 广告制作公司*advertising restriction 广告限制*adviser 顾问*adviser, urban affairs UNICEF 城市事务顾问*adviser hors classe 特别顾问;高级顾问*advisory board 咨询委员会*advisory committee 咨询委员会*advisory functions 咨询职能*advisory opinion 咨询意见*advisory service programme 咨询服务方案*advocate-general 代理检察长*aerobiology 空气生物学;大气生物学*African Franc 非洲金融共同体法郎(非洲法郎) (African Financial Community Franc; Franc de la Communaute Financiere d'Afrique; CFAF; FCFA)*African Financial Community Franc 非洲金融共同体法郎(非洲法郎) (African Franc; Franc de la Communaute Financiere d'Afrique; CFAF; FCFA)*African Franc 非洲法郎(非洲金融共同体法郎) (African Financial Communuty Franc; Franc de la Communaute Financiere d'Afrique; CFAF; FCFA)*aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素 *after-service health insurance (ASHI) 离职后健康保险*aged refugee 老龄难民*agency 机构;局;署*agency representative UNDP 机构代表*agency task force 机构特别工作组*agency technical advisors (ATA) 机构技术顾问*agenda 议程 *agenda for action 行动议程*agenda item 议程项目*agent bank 代理行*agent general UNKRA 主任*agglomeration of sub-standard dwellings 低标准住宅区*aggregate measure of support (AMS) UR 支助的综合衡量;综合支持*aggressive protective trade policy 侵略性保护贸易政策*agreed minutes 商定记录*agreed price 约定价格;议定价格*agreement between undertakings 企业间协议*agreement in the form of agreed minutes 商定记录形式的协议*agreement in the form of an exchange of 换文形式的协议 letters*agreement on basic principles 关于基本原则的协定*agreement on reinsurance 分保合同*agreement worker 合同工人*agreements officer UNDP 协定事务干事*agricultural commodity projections FAO 农业商品规划*agricultural conversion rate EC 绿色汇率;农产品价格换算率*agricultural ECU EC 绿色埃居*agricultural extensifications 粗放耕作*agricultural labour unit (ALU) 农业劳动单位*agricultural levies 农产品差额税*agricultural policy 农业政策*agricultural policy in a dilemma 农业政策的困窘*agricultural product 农产品*agricultural protectionism UR 农业保护主义*agricultural stabilizer 农业稳定机制*agricultural structure 农业结构*agrimonetary measure 农业货币措施*agrimonetary policy 农业货币政策*aid for high school pupils 给中学生的援助*aid programme 援助方案*aid to university students 给大学生的援助*aid having a social character 社会性援助*aid programme 援助计划*AIDS service organization (ASO) 艾滋病服务组织*air charter 包机*air freight 空运;航空运输;空运运费*air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) 空中发射巡航导弹*air liner 班机;客机*air space, international 国际空域*air-to-ground missile (AGM) 空对地导弹*air-to-surface ballistic missile (ASBM) 空对地弹道导弹*air-to-surface missile (ASM) 空对地导弹*air transportation cargo insurance 航空运输货物保险*airbus 空中客车;空中巴士*aircraft unit load device (A/C ULD) 航空用成组器集装箱*airworthiness certification 适航证书*Alclad 阿尔克拉德纯铝覆面的硬铝合金*Alclad product 包铝硬铝合金产品*algorithm (= algorism) 算法计算机程序*alien refugee 外国难民*aliens legislation 外侨法规*alignment of customs duties 协调关税*alkyl benzenesulfonate (ABS) Chemicals 苯磺酸烷酯*all accomodation 各式住房难民安置*all-in price (lump price) 包干价格;整批买卖价格*all purpose 多用途;多目标;多目的*all purpose fund 多用途基金*all purpose vehicle 多用途车辆*all risks Insurance 一切险*allocated quota 分摊配额*allocation 分配;拨款*allocation of agenda item 议程项目的分配*allocation of powers 权力分配 (distribution of powers)*allocation of resources 资源分配;资金分配 (distribution of resources)*allotment notification FAO 拨款通知书*allowance 津贴*alternate certifying officer 候补核证人 Financial Rules*alternate secretary 候补秘书*alternative approaches and ways and 各种途径、方式和方法 means*alternative duty 选择税*alternative framework 备选纲领*alternis horis (ah) Latin 每两小时;隔一小时*amber category (= conditional subsidies) 黄灯类(限制使用的补贴) cf: traffic light GATT*amendment 修正*amendment of a treaty 一项条约的修正*amendment of an act 修改文件*American agricultural policy 美国农业政策*Americam selling price (ASP) 美国销售价格*American selling price system of customs 按美国售价估征关税制度 valuation*amnesty 大赦*amnesty law 大赦法*amoebic dysentery 阿米巴性痢疾*amortized share 已摊还的股票*amount allocated 拨款额*amount appropriated 核拨数额*amount committed 承诺额*amount remitted 已汇出数额;已汇出款项*ancillary procedures (附加)程序*animal container 动物集装箱;家畜集装箱集装箱*annex is being reproduced as received, in the 附件不译,原文照发 常用脚注 language of submission only, the *annexed territory 被兼并领土*anno Domini (AD) Latin 公元*annual post review (APR) 年度职位审查*annual report in writing 年度书面报告 *annual session 年会*annual percentage rate (APR) 年率*annuality of the budget 预算的年度性*annuity 年金 *annuity scheme 年金制度*ante Chritum (AC) Latin 公元前*ante meridiem (AM; am) Latin 上午;午前*anti-ballistic missile (ABM) 反弹道导弹*anti-circumvention action 反规避行为 UR*anti-dumping 反倾销*anti-dumping and countervailing duties 反倾销税和反补贴税*anti-dumping duty 反倾销税*anti-dumping measures (ADP) 反倾销措施*anti-personnel landmines (APLs) 杀伤人员地雷*anti-piracy 反海盗 *anti-piracy arrangement 反海盗安排*anti-piracy programme 反海盗方案*anti-subsidy 反补贴 *anti-subsidy duty 反补贴税;反津贴税;抵消税*anti-surge clause MFA 反激增条款多纤维安排*anti-trade biased growth 逆贸易偏向经济增长*apartheid 种族隔离*apartheid economy 种族隔离经济*apartheid in sports 体育领域种族隔离*appeal 上诉*appeal against the death sentence 对死刑的上诉*applicability of provisions 条款的适用性*applicant 申请者*applicant Insurance 投保人;要保人*applicant State 申请国*applicants "sur place" (ASP) Refugees “就地”申请者*application for employment 求职*application of the treaty 条约的适用*applied monetary gap 应用差价实际差价减去免税部分 (ecart monetaire applique; EMA) *appointment 任命*apportionment of expenses 经费分摊*appraisal 评价 *appraised value 估定价值;海关估定价值*appreciation of international law 了解国际法*appropriate level of sanitary or 卫生或植物检疫保护的适当水平 phytosanitary protection UR*appropriation 拨款;经费*appropriations by executive committee 执行委员会核定的经费*approved allocation 核定拨款*approved appropriation 核定拨款*approximation of laws 协调法律*APR Form (Form A of postal regulation) 表格 APR;格式 APR用于邮寄小额 商品的普惠制产地证书*Arab currency-related units (ACRU) 阿拉伯货币单位(阿币单位)*arbitrary discrimination 任意歧视*arbitrary execution 任意处决*arbitration 仲裁*arbitration award 仲裁书;裁决*arbitration committee 仲裁委员会*arbitrator 仲裁员*architect 建筑师*archives assistant 档案助理*archives clerk 档案事务员*archivist 档案管理员*area assessment 分区鉴定*area desk UNHCR 地区事务处*area of low pest or disease prevalence 低病虫害流行区域*area officer UNDP 地区干事*area without frontiers 没有内部边界区*area without internal frontiers 没有内部边界区*argent brulant (hot money) 热钱;游资*argument for foreign trade increasing 对外贸易增加价值论 the national value*armed aggression 武装侵略*armed conflict 武装冲突*arms control 军备控制;军备管制*arms limitation 军备限制*arms race 军备竞赛*arms trade 军火贸易;军备贸易*arms transfer 军备转让*arrangements for implementation 执行方面的的安排*arrest shipping 扣押*arrival Refugee 到达者*art and design officer UNICEF 美术设计干事*art and quality adviser UNICEF 美术品质顾问*art presentation o


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