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    What can we do about global warming?,Checking 1. _ gra:f n. 图表; 坐标图。 2. _ fi'nminn n. 现象 3. _ 'fjul n. 燃料 4. _ 'deit n. 资料; 数据 5. _ 'klaimit n. 气候 6. _ steit vt. 陈述; 说明 7. _ reind n. 种类; 范围 8. _ 'waid'spred adj. 分布广的, 普遍的 9. _ di'kri:s vi./vt. 减少; 使变小,graph,phenomenon,fuel,data,climate,state,range,widespread,decrease,10. _ 'stedi adj. 稳固的; 持续的。 11. _ i'zistns n.生存; 存在 12. _ 'aut adj. 外部的; 外面的。 13. _ p:'lju:n n. 污染; 弄脏 14. _ i'lektrikl adj. 电的; 与电有关的 15. _ 'mut n. 发动机,steady,existence,outer,pollution,electrical,motor,Role play,A: a journalist of Earth Care magazine,B: a climate specialist,Task:,Talk about the effects of global warming.,Talk about what the government should do .,Talk about what individuals should do.,Call on people to protect the earth and design a slogan(口号).,A is interviewing B about global warming.,What does it want to tell us?,What caused the Global Warming?,Who is the writer? 2. What is Ouyang Guangs problem about global warming? Why does he write this letter to Earth Care?,Read the first letter, and answer the questions:,Reading:,A student named Ouyang Guang., Sometimes he feels that individuals can have little effect on global warming but he still thinks people should advocate improvements in the way we use enery today. To get some suggestions for what he can do about global warming .,Read the second letter, and answer the questions: 1. Does Earth Care agree with Ouyang Guangs opinion that individuals can have no effect?,No, Earth Care does not agree.,2. What suggestions does Earth Care give him?,If you are not using electrical appliances, turn them off.,Save energy,If youre cold, put on more clothes instead of turning up the heat.,Save energy,Motor vehicles use a lot of energy, so walk or ride a bike if you can.,Save energy,Recycle cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers and buy things made from recycled materials.,Save energy,Get your parents or friends to buy products that are made to save energy.,Save energy,Plant more trees,Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air,Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what youve learned.,Together, individuals can make a difference.,Group Discussion,What should you do in your daily life to slow down global warming?,Answer the following questions:,1.Who are the writers of the letters?,A. He is doing a project on global warming. B. He feels individuals can affect huge environmental problems. C. He isnt sure where to start with his project. D. He wants to get some suggestions from Earth Care.,Ouyang Guang and Earth Care,2.Which is not the reason why Ouyang Guang writes the letter?,3. Which is not true according to the editors letter?,A. Together, individuals can make a difference to environmental problems. B. Individuals must put up with pollution. C. Many activities individuals do can produce carbon dioxide. D. Individuals can save energy to slow down global warming.,Debate,Your family should buy a car,Your family shouldnt buy a car,Group A(P),Group B(N),PK,Should our family buy a private car?,What suggestions does Earth Care give him?,Turn electrical appliances off when not using them.,Dont turn up the heat, put on more clothes.,Walk or ride a bike, dont drive.,Recycle.,Buy things made from recycled materials.,Buy products that use less energy.,Plant trees.,Talk with family and friends about global warming.,Help me, help you, help everyone. Return GREEN to the earth!,Help me, help you, help everyone. Return GREEN to the earth!,Assignment,Make a poster for your school that tells students various ways they can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.,Fighting global warming Cut down on energy. Cut down on carbon dioxide. If not using an electrical item, turn it off. If you suddenly feel cold, dont turn the heat up, put a jacket instead. Walk or ride a bike and save fossil fuels. Recycle paper, cardboard and newspapers. Buy products made from recycled materials. Buy energy-saving products like low energy light bulbs. Plant trees to absorb CO2. Tell your friends about global warming. Every effort counts!,Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.,What can we do about global warming? Turn a(n) _ off when youre not using it. Put on more clothes instead of turning up the _. Walk or _ instead of taking motor vehicles. _ cans, bottles, plastics and newspapers.,electrical appliance,heat,ride a bike,Recycle, Buy things made from _ _. Buy products that are made to save _. _ in your garden or your school yard. Talk with your family and friends about _.,materials,energy,Plant trees,global warming,recycled,


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